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本文(廊坊市霸州市辛章办事处辛章小学三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、廊坊市霸州市辛章办事处辛章小学三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案2018-2019年廊坊市霸州市辛章办事处辛章小学三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案班级_ 座号_ 姓名_ 分数_一、我会选一选(选择题)1 Im Miss Fang. _ A.Im Miss Fang.B.Thank you.C.Hello, Miss Fang.2 _A.grapeB.toiletC.boy3 Look, what _they? Aare Bam Cis4 当张先生向你走来时,你会对他说:_AHello,Miss Zhang! BHello,Mr Zhang!5 _ up, Sam.A. Stand B. Please

2、 C. Whats6 她是你的妈妈吗?( )AIs she your grandmother? BIs she your mother?7 -_-Im Ms Zhang.A. Whats your name? B. Hi C. How are you8 选出正确选项。( ) 1. body A健美 B身体 C颈,脖子 D我的 ( ) 2. head A头 B成为 C高兴的 D班主任 ( ) 3. arm A头发 B胳膊 C手 D指针 ( ) 4. leg A勇敢的 B腿 C手指 D刷 ( ) 5. foot的复数形式 A . leg Blittle Cfell Dfeet9 Point to

3、the _(黑板) A. boy B. blackboard C. bird 10_A.penB.pencil boxC.pencil11当你递给别人东西时, 你应该说:_A. Wow! B. Here you are! C. Thank you.12This is my . A.bedB.chairC.desk13How many eggs?A.Im five. B.Four.14Lets make the body!_ALook! Eyes and ears.BGoodbye!CLook! Arms and legs.DGood idea!15课文中,Lingling 是一个_A.boyB

4、.girl3.读单词找出不同类的一项_A.goodbyeB.helloC.Hi二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16组合单词并翻译。1. s i _( )2. o m n h t _( )3. e a g t r _( )4. r O c b e o t _( )5. N o m b r e v e _( )17选择正确的答语填空。Autumn _ (is, its) my favourite(最喜爱的) season. 18根据图片选词填空。pens pencils rulers four three five19写出下列字母的相应大小形式。并按正确的书写格式写在四线三格上。(1)Bb_Dd (2

5、)Dd_Ff (3)Jj_Ll(4)Ll_Nn (5)Uu_Ww (6)Xx_Zz20读一读,选一选,选词填空。This That These Those_is a bike._are ducks._are planes._are dragon boats._is a car. 21选择题。 _ _ _ _ _A. sister B. old C. cake D. family E. China 22给下列对话排序( ) Youre welcome.( ) Here you are.( ) The green one.( ) Sure. Which crayon?( ) Thank you.(

6、 ) May I use your crayon? 23Look and write.请按字母表的顺序写出下面字母的大小写。24看图,将单词填写在相应的位置。25根据图意,写出相应的称谓,每线词。_三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26选出意思一致的选项。连线 look A. 蓝色的 red B. 黄色的 blue C. 它 it D. 看 yellow E. 红色的 27将下列图片与对应的数字连接起来。28将图片与所代表单词的首字母连起来。29词语搭配。连线Nice A. JennyShe is B. my friendHer name is C. to meet you.30看图并与句子连线。1

7、 AMy brother is a policeman.2 BMy sister is a student.3 CMy mother is a bus driver.4 DI love my family.5 EMy father is a worker.8把图片与对应的词连一连。 ice Cream hand fish girl juice eggs9连线。1one teacher A2two boys B3three chairs C4four desks D5five books E10根据图片选出正确的单词并连线。1 Aone two three four five book book

8、s2 Bone two three four five desk desks3 Cone two three four five girl girls4 Done two three four five teacher teachers5 Eone two three four five school schools四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31写出下列单词的小写形式, 并翻译。(1)BIG _ _(2)SAME _ _(3)BRIGHT _ _(4)RED _ _(5)HOUSE _ _(6)WELCOME _ _32读句子,并翻译(1)Good afternoon, Im Mr. Li._

9、(2)Good afternoon, Mr. Li._(3)Good morning, girls._(4)How are you,Amy?_(5)Good morning, boys and girls. Im Ms. Smart._33英汉互译。34写出所给英文对应的中文。(1)Hello _(2)Miss _(3)Mike _(4)Hi _ (5)class _(6)good _ (7)morning _(8)afternoon _ (9)Goo afternoon._(10)Good morning._35单词拼写1.猴子_2.面条_3.电话_4.号码_5.橘子_6.猪_五、我是小法官

10、(判断题)36判断句子描述与图片是否相符,相符画“”,不符画“”。1. My father is a teacher.( )2. My sister is short.( )3. This is Li Ming.( )37小写字母o在四线三格中占中格。 判断对错( ) 38判断下列单词是否属于同类,是的画上不是画上。39给下面图片配的单词正确吗?对打“”,不对打“”六、阅读理解40阅读理解 Wehavetwonewfriendsinourschool.TheyareMikeandTim.MikeisAmerican.Heistwelve.HeisinClassFour.Hehasalittle

11、sister.TimisCanadian.Heistwelvetoo.HeisinClassOne.Helikesfootball.HeoftenplaysfootballwithMike.MikeandTimaregoodfriends.Theyareboth(两者都)inNo.20MiddleSchool.1阅读短文,用“T”或“F”判断正误。(_) 1.Therearetwonewfriendsinourschool.(_) 2.MikeandTimlikeplayingfootball. (_) 3.MikeandTimaremiddleschoolstudents.(_) 4.Tim

12、 hasalittlesister.2根据上面的短文选择正确答案。 Mike is _. (_)AJapanese BCanadian CAmericanMike and Tim are in _. (_)Athe same class Bthe same school Cdifferent school Which is right? (_)AMike is 13. BThey are twins. CThey are good friends.41阅读短文,判断正误。Mike has (有) a yellow pen. John has a black pencil box. Chen Jie has a blue ruler. Wu Yifan has a white flower. Bai Ling has a red bag.(1)Mike has a yellow pen.(2) John has a green pencil box.(3)Chen Jie has a blue ruler.(4) Wu Yifan has a brown flower.(5)Bai Ling has a red bag.

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