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1、泛读单词讲解第18单元1. associate v/adj/n v 1.联想,联系 associate sb/sth with sh/sth 2.交往,尤指与某人混在一起associate with sb 3.表明支持,表示同意associate oneself with sth adj 非正式的,副的,联合的 n 同事,伙伴,合伙人association n社团,联盟,协会The Football Association 足球协会联合,合伙,交往联想,联系因果关系 a proven association between passive smoking and cancerAn associ

2、ation of 13 colonies formed the original United States.一个有着13个殖民地的联盟组成了最开始的美国。2. rely v 依赖,依靠 rely on/upon sb/sthreliable rilaibl adj可信赖的,可依靠的 ;真实可信的Our information comes from a reliable source.我们的消息来源可靠。reliability ri,laibilti nThe incident cast doubt on her motives and reliability.这件事使人怀疑她有任何动机,以及

3、她是否可靠。The reliability of these results has been questioned.reliably adv I am reliably informed (told by sb who knows the facts ) that the company is being rilains n 依赖,依靠,信任 reliance on/upon sb/sthI wouldnt place too much reliance on these figures.我不太会相信这些数据的。reliant rilaint adj relian

4、t on/upon sb/sth 依赖性的,依靠的The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity.Lisa questioned the reliability of her rode map; it was five years old.丽莎质疑她的地图的可信度,这幅地图已有五年之久。3. oppose v 反对,阻挠;(在竞赛中)与角逐 He intends to oppose the Prime Minister in the leadership election.在领导选举中,他欲与首相一决高下。opposed puzd adj (一般不用于名词

5、前) (人)强烈反对的;(意见、看法等)截然不同的as opposed to (表示对比)而,相对于 200 attended, as opposed to 300 the previous year.出席的有200人,而前一年是300人。opposing puzi adj (只用于名词前) 1:(队组、军队、力量等) 对立的,相竞争的, 对抗的 a player from the opposing side 对方的运动员 2(态度、观点等)相反的,极不相同的opposite adj/adv/n/prepadj: 对面的,另一边的,相反的adv: There is a newly marrie

6、d couple living opposite. See opposite for further details. 详情见对页。 ones opposite number (另一个单位内)与自己职位相等的人 the opposite sex 异性 n 对立的人或事物,对立面 I thought she would be small but she is the complete opposite. Exactly the opposite is true.事实恰恰相反。 opposites attract 相异相吸 prep 1 与相对,在对面 2 与合演 She starred oppo

7、site Tom Hanks.opposition 1 强烈的反对,反抗 opposition forces 反对势力 2 the opposition 对手 3 对立,对立的事物 in opposition to 强烈反对 对比 Leisure is often defined in opposition to work. 休闲常被定义为工作的反面。Most power companies, however , hold an opposite view. 然而,大部分的电力公司持相反观点。4 controversial kntrv:l adj 引起争议的,有争议的 a highly con

8、troversial topic 颇具争议的话题 controversy kntr,v:si n 争论,辩论,论战 controversy over/about/surrounding sb/sth to arouse/cause controversy 引起争议controvert kntr,v:t v 驳斥,反驳There is a great deal of controversy surrounding the use of solar power. 对太阳能的利用存在很对争议。4. dispose v1 布置,安排2 dispose sb to/towards sth 使易于,使有意

9、于 A drug that disposes the patients towards sleep dispose of sb/sth 1 去掉,清除,销毁 2应付,解决,处理 3 击败,杀死disposed adj 1 disposed to do sth 倾向于,有意于,乐意 I am not disposed to argue. 我无意争论。 2(用于副词后)disposed to/towards sb/sth 对有好感或恶感 She seems favourably disposed to the move.她似乎对这一行动持赞同态度。disposition n1. 性格,性情2. 倾

10、向,意向 to have/show a disposition towards violence 有暴力倾向3 排列,布置,安排4 (律)(财产、金钱的)处置、让与 disposal n 去掉,清除,处理,(企业财产等的)变卖,让与 at sbs disposal 任某人处理,由某人自行支配 Well, I am at your disposal. 好吧,我听候你的吩咐。disposable dispuzbl adj 一次性的,可自由支配的disposables n 一次性物品The disposal of hot water is a problem for nuclear plants.

11、热水的处理对于核工厂来说是一个问题。6 pollutant plu:tnt n 污染物 respiratory rspirtri adj 呼吸的Polluted air is particularly bad for people with respiratory problems.被污染的空气对那些有呼吸问题的人尤其有害。7 attractively trktivli adv 迷人地,有吸引力地,动人地The attractively decorated restaurant near the citys historical area specialized in serving a de

12、licious Sunday brunch(早午餐). 这个在老城区附近的装饰得很好的餐馆专门在星期天提供美味的早午餐。8 conform knf:m v 1 conform to sth 顺从(大多数人或社会)There is considerable pressure on teenagers to conform.年轻人被大力要求守规矩。 2 遵守,遵从,服从(规则、法律等) 3 conform to sth 相一致,相吻合 conformation knf:mein n 构造,结构,形态conformist knf:mist n 顺从者,随波逐流者conformity knf:mti

13、n conformity to/with sth (对社会规则的)遵从,遵守in conformity with sth 遵守(规则);与相一致(或符合)Conformity to laws of the church was required in many colonial villages.很多殖民村庄被要求遵守教堂的法律。9 retiree ri,tairi: n 退休人员 retiring adj 不爱与人交往的 Nevertheless, I dont look forward to retirement. 然而我并不渴望退休10 evasion ivein n 1 躲避,逃避,回

14、避 tax evasion逃税 2 借口,托词 evasive iveisiv adj 回避提问的,推诿的 evasive answers/comments/replies 含糊其辞的回答/意见/答复 take evasive action 采取回避行动 evasively adv evasiveness n Tell me exactly what happened. Dont be evasive.确切告诉我发生了什么,不要含糊其辞。11 The candidate made a moving speech to his workers.这个候选人给他的员工做了一次感人的讲话。12 Bus

15、 service is free in some cities.有些城市的公交是免费的。13 inferiority in,firirti n 低等,劣等,劣势 a sense of inferiority 自卑感inferiority complex 自卑情结inferior infiriinferior to sb/sth 较差的,次一等的He is so clever. He makes me feel inferior. 他这么聪明,让我感到自卑。14 in good faith 真诚,诚心诚意in bad faith 存心不良,背信弃义地 break/keep faith with

16、sb 不守信用/守信用 faithful adj 忠诚的,忠实的,忠贞的 faithfully adv 1准确地,如实地,仔细地2忠诚地,忠实地 faithless adj 不忠诚的,不可信任的 This dictionary has faithfully reflected changes in a living language.这本字典如实地反映了现存语言的变化。15 A good debate can quicken ones mind. 一场好的辩论可以加快一个人的思维速度。16 crafty adj 诡计多端的wind up with 以结束The crafty business

17、partner wound up with all the money.这个狡猾的生意伙伴最后拿走了所有的钱。17 awe : v/n v 使敬畏,使惊叹 n 敬畏,惊叹be/stand in awe of sb/sth 对敬畏 awesome :sm adj 令人惊叹的,令人惊惧的an awesome sight 惊人的奇观The eruption of a volcano is an awesome sight. 火山的爆发是一个惊人的奇观。18 a/the ripe old age of 的高龄He lived to the ripe old age of 91.Their acquai

18、ntance soon ripen into friendship.他们的关系很快由熟人发展为朋友。19 solitude slitju:d n 独居,独处She longed for peace and solitude.solitary slitri adj 独自的,孤单的,唯一的,仅有的n 隐士He was often alone but never solitary.他经常一个人但他不孤独。20 too good to be true好得令人难以相信 ones true colours 本性,本来面目 true to life (书、电影等)真实的,逼真的,惟妙惟肖的 I dont know how he truly felt. 我不知道他真实的感受。

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