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1、装修效果图整理或集成橱柜隔层篇:现浇流程装司选择篇:家装公司宇胜装修篇: 设计篇:效果图与平面图 瓦工篇:1)阁楼砌墙2)楼下粉顶 3)阁楼卫生间墙砖 4)主卫墙砖 5)厨房墙砖 6)客餐厅地砖 7)厨卫地砖 8)阳台地砖及踢脚线9)樵东瓷砖 木工篇:1)阁楼及餐厅过道吊顶2)鞋柜1鞋柜2 3)轻钢龙骨墙4)石膏线走边5)门窗套 油漆篇:1)批灰第一遍2)批灰第二遍3)门窗套喷漆,大变色 4)三遍灰,打磨结束,墙面漆开始橱卫篇:1)品格吊顶出效果图2)品格吊顶安装记录3)品格吊顶服务不满意4)圣格兰迪橱柜设计图4)圣格兰迪柜体登场 6)圣格兰迪石英石台面安装7)九牧水槽安装8)老板小白烟机灶具

2、安装 9)烟机与上柜整体效果图 10)主卫和次卫卫具安装门 篇:1)卫生间铝合金门安装 2)名品木门安装地板篇:1)源古地板2)源古实木地板安装3)阁楼强化地板安装1 阁楼地板结束效果家具篇:1)露水河E0板材,伊美嘉创意家具效果图 2)伊美嘉家具安装3)伊美嘉家具结束,实际效果和环保很好 4)伊美嘉家具细节照和整体照5)好派楼梯登场,照片更新阳台篇:1)封阳台1 2)隐形纱窗,防盗窗门灯具篇:插座灯具安装装修经验一:隔层故事篇二:隔层水电预埋注意事项三:砌墙注意事项四:防水涂料五:选择实木复合门每天记录6.9 品格吊顶签合同,出设计图了。鞋柜进行时。6.10宇胜阁楼吊顶,餐厅过道吊顶6.10

3、批灰第一遍结束,开始第二遍批灰6.11轻钢龙骨墙,批灰第二遍6.13鞋柜石膏线,门窗套两卫生间铝合金门安装6.16牵手源古地板,高性价比(有PP)6.16封阳台啦,大量PP6.21品格吊顶安装记录,吊片不错我喜欢6.21门窗套大变色,宇胜还是挺给力的6.21隐形纱窗,防盗窗门安装6.25圣格兰迪柜体清新登场6.26墙面漆开始啦,验货照6.26在合肥市场选择室内门的苦逼烦恼!6.30名品木门今天安装,赞一下6.30橱柜石英石台面安装6.30九牧水槽安装6.30老板小白烟机灶具安装7.1插座灯具安装7.5烟机与上柜整体效果图7.5主卫和次卫 卫具安装7.10品格吊顶服务不满意7.11源古实木地板安

4、装7.12阁楼强化地板安装7.14阁楼地板结束效果7.19伊美嘉家具安装7.19伊美嘉家具结束效果8.3伊美嘉家具细节照和整体照关于物种的二分法all species appear to have the innate capacity to increase their numbers from generation to generation。the task for ecologists is to untangle the environmental and biological factors that hold this intrinsic capacity for populat

5、ion growth in check over the long run. The great variety of dynamic behaviors exhibited by different population makes this task more difficult: some populations remain roughly constant from year to year; others exhibit regular cycles of abundance and scarcity; still others vary wildly, with outbreak

6、s and crashes that are in some cases plainly correlated with the weather, and in other cases not.很久以前,QW、D和其他观察者发现,所有物种表现出他们的先天能力一代代提升。生物学家的任务就是解开这些长期历来控制人类成长的环境和生理因素。不同的人群表现出不同能够的行为,只是这项任务变得更加的艰难。一些人群基本保持不变;另一些表现为丰富性与稀缺性的周期性变化;还有些变化很大,在某些情况下,爆发和崩溃与天气有关,而在其他情况并非如此。To impose some order on this kaleid

7、oscope of patterns, one school of thought proposes dividing populations into two groups. These ecologists, posit that the relatively steady populations have density-dependent growth parameters; that is, rates of birth, death, and migration which dependent growth parameters, with vital rates buffeted

8、 by environmental events; these rates fluctuate in a way that is wholly independent of population density.为了赋予这些千变万化的模式一种秩序,一个学派将人类分为两个组,这些生物学者认为相对稳定的种群具有密度依赖生长系数,也就是出生、死亡、迁移取决于生长系数,其生存率受环境影响。在某种程度上,生存率是完全独立的人口密度。This dichotomy has its uses, but it can cause problems if taken too literally. For one

9、thing, on population can be driven entirely by factors all the time. No matter how severely or unpredictably birth death, and migration rates may be fluctuating around their long-term averages, if there were no density-independent effects, the population would, in the long run, either increase or de

10、crease without bound (barring a miracle by which gains and losses canceled exactly). Put another way, it may be that on average 99 percent of all deaths in a population arise from density-independent causes and only one percent from factors varying with density, the factors making up the one percent

11、 may seem unimportant, and their cause may be correspondingly hard to determine. Yet, whether recognized or not, they will usually determine the long-term average population density.这种二分法有它的用途,但太死板也会出现问题。一方面,任何时候人口可以完全受控于各种因素。无论多么严重或不可预知的出生、死亡和迁移率都可能随长期平均水平而波动。如果没有密度独立影响,从长远来看,人口不是增加就是减少(除非有奇迹发生,得失一

12、致)。另一方面,也许,在所有死亡中99%的与平均密度无关,只有1% 的是由密度变化引起的,导致这1的因素也许看起来并不重要,而且它们的影响也相应地很难确定。然而,不管是否认识到,他们通常会决定长期平均人口密度。In order to understand the nature of the investigation, we may think of the density-independent effects on growth parameters as the signal ecologists are trying to isolate and interpret, one that

13、 tends to make the population increase from relatively low values or decrease from relatively high ones, while the density-independent effects act to produce noise in the population dynamics. For populations that remain relatively constant, or that oscillate around repeated cycles, the signal can be

14、 fairly easily characterized and in effects described, even though the causative biological mechanism may remain unknown. For irregularly fluctuating populations, we are likely to have too few observations to have any hope of extracting the signal from the overwhelming noise. But it now seems clear

15、that all populations are regulated by a mixture of density-independent and density-independent effects in varying proportions, 为了解释调查的性质,我们生态学家试图将对生长系数的独立密度效应作为分离和解释的信号。一种趋势使人口有相对较少增加或由相对较高的值减少,而密度独立效应在种群动态噪声中起到了作用。人口保持相对稳定或周期性变化,这种信号很容易被描述,即使生物机理的原因仍然是未知的。对那些变化不规则的种群,我们可能有过一些从巨大噪音中提取的任何一线希望的资料。但很明显,现在所有的人群都是由一个独立密度和以不同的比例密度混合来组成的。

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