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1、高二下学期英语期中考试20132014学年下学期期中学业水平测试高二英语试题命题人:新郑一中 王雪丽(本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟)第卷(三部分,共90分)第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. In a hospital. B. In a fri

2、ends house. C. In the mans house.2. What is the woman going to buy?A.A book on planes. B. Pictures of ships. C. A book on ships.3. What kind of music does the man like?A. Folk music. B. Pop music. C. Classical music.4.Why doesnt the woman buy the coat?AIt is expensive. B. There isnt her size. C. She

3、 doesnt like the color.5.What is the man doing?A. Finishing his homework. B. Doing physical exercise.C. Smoking on the upper floor.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Whats th

4、e matter with Hudsons mother?A. She was ill, but she felt much better. B. She was seriously ill.C. She went to see him.7. What kind of person is Mr.Hudson according to the dialogue?A. A very good worker. B.A person who often gets angry.C. A person who cares nothing.8.Which may be the reason why Mr.H

5、udson is so sad?A. His mothers illness. B. Maybe his son has brought him some trouble.C. His manager wants to fire him.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9.What are the two speakers generally talking about?A. People served in shops. B. Goods in various qualities.C. Shopping in different places.10.What is the man?A. A

6、salesman in a small shop. B. A manager of a supermarket.C. A staff of a department store.11. What might the woman think of supermarket staff?A. Theyre unfriendly. B. Theyre very nice.C. Theyre well paid.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12.Why is it difficult for the woman to lose weight?A. She enjoys delicious dish

7、es too much. B. She works too long.C. She has no time for exercise.13.Who is Michael?A. Johns manager. B. Julias husband. C. Kates friend.14. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Change her job. B. Stop working and spend more time with her family.C. Eat less and do more exercise.听第9段材料,回答第15至17

8、题。15. Where does Mike work?A. In a grocery. B. In a language school. C. In an art school.16. What does the woman want to do for a change?A. Learn to dance. B. Learn a new song. C. Learn to draw.17.What is most difficult for the woman about learning Arabic?A. Grammar. B. Pronunciation. C. Idioms.听第10

9、段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What kind of clothes does the speakers sister like?A.Cheap clothes. B. Ordinary clothes. C.Clothes of new design.19. What do the twin sisters have in common?A.They enjoy loud music. B. They enjoy friendship. C. They want to have their children.20.Why doesnt the speaker like living

10、in the same room with her twin sister? A. The speaker likes to keep things neat while her sister doesnt. B. Her twin sister often brings friends home and makes too much noise. C. They cant agree on the color of the room.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe M

11、an of Many Secrets Harry Houdini was one of the greatest American entertainers in the theater this century. He was a man famous for his escapes from prison cells, from wooden boxes floating in rivers, from locked tanks full of water. He appeared in theaters all over Europe and America. Crowds came t

12、o see the great Houdini and his “magic” tricks. Of course, his secret was not magic or supernatural powers. It was simply strength. He had the ability to move his toes as well as he moved his fingers. He could move his body into almost any position he wanted.Houdini started working in the entertainm

13、ent world when he was 17, in 1891. He and his brother Theo performed card tricks in club in New York. They called themselves the Houdini Brothers. When Harry married in 1894, he and his wife Bess worked together as magician and assistant. But for a long time they were not very successful. Then Harry

14、 performed his first prison escape, in Chicago in 1898. Harry persuaded a detective to let him try to escape from the prison, and he invited the local newspapermen to watch.It was the publicity that came from this that started Harry Houdinis success. Harry had fingers trained to escape from handcuff

15、s and toes trained to escape ankle chins. But his biggest secret was how he unlocked the prison doors. Every time he went into the prison cell, Bess gave him a kiss for good luck and a small skeleton key, which is a key that fits many locks, pass quickly from her mouth to his.Harry used these prison

16、 escapes to build his fame. He arranged to escape from the local prison of every town he visited. In the afternoon, the people of the town would read about it in their local newspapers, and in the evening every seat in the local theater would be full. What was the result? World-wide fame and a name

17、remembered today.21. According to the passage, Houdinis success in prison escapes depends on _.A. his special tricks and supernatural powersB. his magic tricks and unhuman powersC. his unusual ability and a skeleton keyD. his wisdom and magic tricks 22. In the fourth paragraph, the underlined word “

18、this” refers to _.A. his first prison escape B. the year 1898C. the publicity D. Harry Houdinis success23. From the passage we can infer that Houdini became famous _.A. in 1894 B. when he was about 24 C. at the age of 17 D. before he married24. Which of the following is the best title for the passag

19、e?A. Great Escape B. A Man of Many SecretsC. World-wide Fame D. A Skeleton Key BThe time of year a baby is born can shape what profession they will embark on in later life, a new study has suggested. Being born in a certain month appears to indicate the possibility of what job a person will end up w

20、ith, the study by the Office for National Statistics found. Researchers have uncovered that the month in which babies are born could also affect everything from intelligence to length of life. A child born in December is more likely to become a dentist while someone whose birthday falls in January w

21、ill tend to a debt collector, they found. A February birth appears to increase the chances of being an artist while March babies appear to go on to become pilots. Meanwhile, April and May are said to have a fairly even spread of professions, births in the summer months mean a much lower chance of be

22、coming a high-earning football player, doctor or dentist. The study was gained by researchers who analyzed the birth months of people in 19 separate occupations using information from the last census (人口普查), the Daily Mail reported. Although these trends may be difficult to explain, relations betwee

23、n birth months and specific health problems have a scientific basis.Spring babies are at greater risk of illnesses including schizophrenia, Alzheimers disease, asthma and autism. They may also be less clever than classmates born in other parts of the year. 25. What does the underlined phrase “embark

24、 on” refer to?A. land on B. keep in touch with C. break from D. be engaged in26. According to the researchers, a child born in March is likely to become_.A. a debt collector B. a dentist C. a pilot D. an artist27. We can learn from the text that_.A. the month babies are born could only affect his in

25、telligence and length of life B. People born in the summer months are more likely to get highly paidC. the choice of profession for April and May is very narrowD. Spring babies may have the bigger chance to get ill28. What can be included from the passage?A. There exist connections between birth dat

26、e and occupationsB. The fate has been already decided when people are born C. People born in Autumn would be more successful than those born in Spring.D. The time of year one is born decides which specific health problems one has C Kings College Summer SchoolKings College Summer School is an annual

27、training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of Kings College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. This years summer school will be from July 25 to August 15.More infor

28、mation is as follows:Application dateStudents in New York should send their applications before July 18, 2007.Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16, 2007.Foreign students should send their applications before July 10, 2007.CoursesEnglish Language Spoken English: 22 h

29、oursReading and Writing: 10 hoursAmerican History: 16 hoursAmerican Culture: 16 hoursSteps A letter of self-introduction A letter of recommendation The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information.CostDaily lessons: $200Sports and activities: $100Travels: $200Hotel service

30、: $400You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city.Please write to: Thompson, Sanders 1026 King s Street New York, NY 10016, USA E-mail: KC-Summer-School yahoo, com29. Which of the following is true about Kings College Summer School?_A. Only top students can take part in th

31、e program. B. Kings College Summer School is run every other year.C. Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program.D. Only the teachers of Kings College give courses.30. If you are to live with your relatives in New York, you will have to pay the school _A. $200 B. $400 C. $500 D. $90031. What information can you get from the text? _A. The program will last two months. B. You can write to Thompson only in English. C. As a Chinese student, you can send your application on July 14, 2007.D. You can get in touch wit

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