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1、雅思核心词汇分类雅思核心词汇分类社会1. urbanization 城市化2. centralization 集中化3. imbalance 不平衡4. in the long run 从长远角度而言5. infrastructure 基础设施6. booming 繁荣发展的7. tertiary industry 第三产业8. tranquility 宁静9. revenue 税收10. commercialization 商业化11. traffic congestion 交通拥挤12. water scarcity 水短缺13. the environmental pollution 环

2、境污染14. over-industrialization 过度工业化15. over-crowdedness 过度拥挤16. unemployment 失业17. wealth distribution 财富分配18. social instability 社会动荡19. urban construction 城市建设20. population explosion 人口激增21. a rising crime rate 犯罪率上升22. drain of energy and resources 能源和资源消耗23. offer more job opportunities 提供更多的就业

3、机会24. a rapid pace of life 快节奏生活25. stress-related illnesses 与压力有关的疾病26. high cost of living 高额生活费用27. pastoral life 田园生活28. class polarization 阶级两极分化29. social welfare 社会福利30. give special care to 给予特殊关照31. urban sprawl 城市扩张32. convenient transportation means 便捷的交通工具33. better medical services 更好的医

4、疗服务34. pressure of modern life in city 城市生活压力35. be vulnerable to 易于患上36. melting pot 熔炉37. on the brink of 处于边缘38. pollutant 污染性物质39. waste disposal 废物处理40. put the blame on 归咎于41. be attributable to 归因为42. ways of consumption 消费方式43. suffer heavy losses 遭受重大损失44. citizen 居民45. be confronted with 面

5、临着46. breed crimes 滋生犯罪47. vicious cycle 恶性循环48. a feasible measure 一种可行的措施49. give priority to 优先考虑50. city planners 城市规划者51. endanger social stability and safety 危害社会稳定和安全52. save resource 节省资源53. flourishing 繁荣昌盛的54. speed up 加速55. relieve the pressure of 缓解的压力56. advocate the management of resou

6、rces 倡导资源管理57. benefit from 从中受益58. put forward valuable suggestions 提出宝贵建议59. play a major role in easing traffic在缓解交通压力上扮演了重要角色60. participate in the reconstruction of the city 参与城市重建61. raise the environmental management level 提高环境管理水平62. create a pleasant ecological environment 创造出一种和谐的生态环境63. g

7、ive priority to 优先关注64. catch much attention 引起很大关注65. resource allocation 资源配置66. perfect the construction of urban infrastructure 完善城市基础设施建设67. reduce the number of vehicles 减少车辆68. implement strict vehicle emission standards 制定严格的汽车排放标准69. reduce waste 减少浪费70. eliminate poverty and backwardness 消

8、除贫穷与落后71. prevent and control pollution 预防和控制污染72. reinforce the conservation of water and soil 加强水土保护73. keep ecological balance维护生态平衡74. adopt environmental protection technique 采取环保技术75. create a healthy cultural environment 创造出一种更加健康的文化氛围76. strengthen the regulation and monitoring 加强监督和管理77. en

9、hance the governmental intrusion 加大政府干预性措施78. promote legislative regulations 促进立法管理79. establish and perfect the social security system 建立和完善社会的安全体系80. give special care to 给某人或某物特别的关照81. Map out (work out) a blueprint of 制定出的发展蓝图82. impose some restrictions on 对实施限制83. Increase the inputs in 加大对的投

10、入84. arouse peoples awareness of 唤醒人们的意识85. take some preventive (remedial) measures 采取一些预防(补救)措施86. enforce on-the-spot penalties 采取立即惩罚性措施87. play the role of media 充分的发挥媒体的作用88. take proper guidance and support 采取恰当的引导和支持89. impose heavier penalty on 对实施严格的惩罚90. set down effective laws 制定积极有效的法律9

11、1. urban planning 城市规划92. Result in shortage of energy and natural resources 导致了能源和自然资源的短缺93. Break the ecological balance 破坏了生态的平衡94. Be harmful to our physical and mental health 对我们的身心健康有害95. Contaminate the environment 污染环境96. promote the sustainable development of the city 促进城市的可持续性发展97. Greenho

12、use effect 温室效应98. strengthen pollution control 加强污染控制99. popularize environmental protection knowledge 普及环保知识100. Burning 迫在眉睫的雅思核心词汇分类文化1. cultural diversity 文化多元化2. cultural treasures 文化宝藏3. cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流4. cultural reconstruction 文化重建5. spiritual civilization 精神文明6. heritage

13、 遗产7. achievements of art 艺术成就8. tear down 拆除9. humane historical sites 人文历史遗址10. preserve the cultural relics 保护文化遗产11. blueprint 蓝图12. skyscraper 摩天大楼13. high-rise office buildings 高层写字楼14. city construction 城市建设15. well-structured 结构良好的16. crystallization 结晶17. visual enjoyment 视觉享受18. driving fo

14、rce 驱动力19. reconstruct 重建20. destruct 破坏21. architectural industry 建筑工业22. map out 制定出23. city designing 城市设计24. beautify our life 美化我们的生活25. human civilization 人类文明26. cradle of culture 文化摇篮27. mainstream culture 主流文化28. cultural traditions 文化传统29. national pride 民族自豪30. local customs and practices

15、 风土人情31. attract peoples eyes 吸引人们的眼球32. artistic taste 艺术品味33. cornerstone 基石34. be closely interrelated with 与有密切关系35. adhere to the tradition 坚持传统36. architectural vandalism 破坏建筑行为37. carry forward 弘扬38. cultural needs 文化需求39. reputation 声望40. maintain the world peace 维护世界和平41. artistic reflectio

16、n 艺术反映42. give publicity to 宣传43. burden 负担44. cause irreversible damage 造成不可逆转的损失45. national identity and value 民族特性和价值观46. remove prejudice and misunderstanding 消除偏见和误解47. symbol 象征48. artistic standards 艺术水准49. enjoy great popularity 广受欢迎50. cultural devolution 文化退化51. cultural insights 文化视角52.

17、learn about the world 了解世界53. a thrilling experience 一种令人激动的经历54. abstract 抽象的55. concrete 具体的56. move somebody to tears 使感动落泪57. get relaxed and entertained 得到放松和娱乐58. venue 场所59. has its value 有其自己价值60. inspiration 灵感61. scope of knowledge 知识面62. spread knowledge 传播知识63. lasting artistic works 永恒的

18、艺术作品64. abstruse 深奥的65. break with old customs 抛弃传统66. carry down from generation to generation 代代相传67. advocate the new lifestyle. 倡导新的生活方式68. entertainment 娱乐69. be different from 与不同70. direct experience 直接经验71. echo 共识72. satiate peoples psychological demands 满足心理需求73. attach more importance to

19、更重视74. spiritual enhancement 精神升华75. a mirror of 是的一面镜子76. determinant 决定性因素77. eclipse 使相形见绌78. contribute to 有助于79. a sense of cool and satisfaction 一种惬意的感觉80. pastimes 消遣方式81. nurture imagination 培养想象力82. meditation 沉思83. an essence of immortality 永恒的精髓84. instructive 有启发性的85. edification 熏陶86. a

20、rouse ones curiosity about something引发某人对某事的好奇心87. enrich ones knowledge 丰富某人知识88. value of knowledge 知识的价值89. cultural differences 文化差异性90. time is fleeting and art is long 时光飞逝,艺术永恒雅思核心词汇分类工作1. ambitious 雄心壮志的、野心勃勃的2. adaptability 适应性3. adapt oneself to 使自己适应4. prosperity 繁荣5. be disadvantageous t

21、o 对不利6. flow of personnel 人才流动7. mechanism of personnel flow 人才流动机制8. survival of the fittest 适者生存9. a sense of accomplishment 成就感10. potentiality 潜能11. learn to cooperate and compromise 学习合作和妥协12. be deeply impressed with 对印象很深13. company philosophy 企业文化14. flexibility 灵活性15. competitive 竞争激烈的16. a

22、rena 舞台17. team-work spirit 团队合作精神18. treasure opportunity 珍惜机会19. a fat salary 收入颇丰20. a harmonious interpersonal relationship 和谐的人际关系21. a sense of responsibility 责任感22. material gains 物质待遇23. promising future 光明的前途24. bright prospect 光明的前景25. a challenging job 一份具有挑战性的工作26. turning point 转折点27. b

23、e closely related to 与息息相关28. get advanced in the society 出人头地29. a decent job 一份体面的工作30. chance of promotion升迁机会31. stability and satisfaction 稳定感和满足感32. keep skills fresh and up-to-date 使技能可以不断更新33. expand ones horizon 开阔视野34. balance work and life 平衡工作和生活35. from-nine-to-five 朝九晚五一族36. shoulder/u

24、ndertake ones responsibility 承担起自己的责任37. upgrade oneself 提升自我38. a well-paid job 高收入工作39. creative work 创造性工作40. stand up to / meet the challenge 迎接挑战41. realize the value of life 实现人生价值42. enrich ones social experience 丰富一个人的社会阅历43. cultivate ones independence and toughness 培养自己的独立性和坚韧性44. seek for

25、 personal development 追求个人发展45. display ones talent 展示才能46. a sense of self-fulfillment 自我实现感47. promotion opportunity 提升机会48. meet ones personalized needs 满足某人个性化需求49. define ones role 确定自己的角色50. social recognition 社会认可51. accumulate experience 获取经验52. inspiring 鼓舞人心的53. motivation 动机54. workaholic

26、 工作狂55. working environment 工作环境56. work overtime 加班57. improve ones capabilities 提高某人能力58. develop ones talents 培养才智59. ideal workplace 理想工作场所60.master interpersonal skills 掌握人际交往技能雅思核心词汇分类环保1. vivisection 活体解剖2. perform. experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验3. test animals 用于实验的动物4. be subjected to expe

27、riments 被迫接受试验5. animal rights 动物权利6. clinical research 临床研究7. cruel 残忍的8. extremist 极端主义者9. medical research 医学研究10. origin of species 物种起源11. alternative method 替代的方法12. biological diversity 生物多样性13. natural balance 自然平衡14. equilibrium of ecosystem 生态平衡15. coexistence 共存16. endangered animals 濒危动物

28、17. diversity of species 物种多样性18. shameless 令人羞愧的19. barbaric 野蛮的20. live and let live 活着就是与万物共存21. meaningless 没有意义的22. dominant species 优势物种23. laboratory 实验室24. vaccine 疫苗25. infringement 践踏26. right to live 生存权27. torture 折磨28. anti-science 反科学的29. life-threatening diseases 危及生命的疾病30. scientific

29、 gains 科学成果31. an ever-lasting theme 一个永恒的主题32. evolution 进化33. computer simulation 电脑模拟34. groundless 没有理由的35. humane 人道的36. medical technology 医疗技术37. anatomy 解剖38. equal 公平的39. unreliable 不可信赖的40.valid 有效的、正当的41.usher in a brand-new lifestyle. 带来一种崭新的生活方式42.enrich peoples spiritual life 丰富了人们的精神生

30、活43. Lead to the extinction of some species 导致了一些物种的灭绝44. penetrate every corner of our life and be impressive 渗透到了生活的方方面面并且给我们留下了深刻的印象45. protection of wild animals 野生动物保护46. provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants给野生动植物提供栖息地47.1make an important step 迈出重要一步48. Endangered animals 濒危动物49. Diversity of species 物种多样性50. advocate civilized lifestyle. 倡导文明的生活方式 51. intensified competition 激烈的竞争52. Set (present) a bad example to 给某人树立了坏的榜样53. Be a root of all evil 是万恶之源54. maintain a natural balance 维护了自然平衡55. meet the demands of people迎合和满足了人们的需求56. Account for 解释或者占到

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