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1、湘少版五年级下册英语教案全册2018年五年级英语下册教学计划 一、指导思想 本学期我担任五年级的英语教学工作,为顺利完成教学工作,在教学中,认真学习教育教学理论,全面贯彻党的教育方针政策,认真学习新课改的精神,采用符合学生年龄、心理特征和语言规律的教学方法。二、学生情况 五年级的学生整体来说都比较活泼,男生36人,女生12人有一部分学生学习较积极,对学习英语具有比较浓厚的兴趣,但有个别同学的学习习惯较差,不愿意学习英语,听说读写的能力都有待提高。三、教材总体分析 五年级英语重在英语知识的整体输入与融会贯通,知识量大,课文中出现的话题涉及到生活的方方面面,很有时代感,贴近学生生活,增加了音标、英

2、文儿歌和少量的语法等,教学目标的达成较大,对学生有一定难度。因此要灵活运用教材,不断提高教学质量。四、教学目标 1、知识目标:(1)、掌握本册教材的重点词汇和句型结构。(2)、学生能够理解并能口头应答单词短语和句子。(3)、能演唱以学过的英语歌曲,朗诵已学过的歌谣。(4)、能运用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,并做到大胆开口,发音正确。(5)、能在图片手势,情景等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语与录音。 2、能力目标:(1)、培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力。(2)、培养学生的听、说、读、写能力 3、情感目标(1)、遵循英语教学规律,寓思想教育于语言教学之中,促进学生良好品德的

3、形成,努力为学生的终生发展奠定语言基础和思想基础。(2)、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们良好的学习英语学习习惯五、教学重点难点 1重点:(1).四会句型、单词。 (2).在任务型学习的过程中运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务。 (3).运用所学的日常交际用语进行简单的日常交流,并做到大胆开口,积极参与,发音清楚,语调正确。 2难点:养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。(1)以活动为课堂教学的主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学、学中用,从而保证学生英语学习的可持续性发展。(2).通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等形式,进行大量的语言操练和练习。(3).活用教材,根据

4、学生的学习状况,将每单元的知识点进行重组编排,以降低难度。(4).注重教学评价,调动学生学习兴趣,充分发挥非智力因素的作用。(5).设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写。 (6).及时、科学地进行教学反思,总结得失,使教学常新。(7).虚心向经验丰富的教学骨干教师求教。六、教学措施 1、认真备课,钻研教材,进行课堂的有效教学,提高课堂效率,做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、及时批改、讲评作业,并做好总结,对中差学生及时给予指导,使其赶上来。 3、课堂上,运用各种不同英语教学法来辅助教学,如:情景教学法、直接教学法并开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在轻松的氛围中学

5、习英语。 4、辅导学困生,让优等生帮助他们,采取合作学习的方式,让学生互相学习,互相帮助,使他们共同提高。5、鼓励学生大胆说英语,肯定他们的进步,树立学生的信心,培养学生朗读和书写的习惯。 七、教学进度安排周数教学内容教学课时第一周复习上册的知识3第二周Unit1 Were going to read stories3第三周Unit2 Were going to do some research3第四周Unit3 Lets make a kite3第五周Assessment 13第六周Unit4 Dont talk here3第七周Unit5 Whens your birthday?3第八周U

6、nit6 Ill make a beautiful card3第九周Assessment 23第十周期中考试第十一周Unit7 Theres a post office near my school3第十二周Unit8 Can you show me the way to the Xinhua Hotel3第十三周Unit9 Hes kind to children3第十四周Assessment 33第十五周Unit10 Where were you yesterday?3第十六周Unit11 Who was first?3第十七周Unit12 Where did you go?3第十八周As

7、sessment 43第十九周期末复习3第二十周期末考试五年级下册英语教案课题一、Unit1 Were going to read stories1、教材分析 (Teaching Material) 本单元主要学习使用 be going to do 句型来谈论将要发生或将要、 打算去做的事情。 课堂上可以安排各种情境如新学期来了同学们准备 如何管理学习、同学要来做客你准备做些什么等等。 二、教学目标 (Teaching Aims) 1、通过学习,能使用新句型来谈论将要发生或打算去做的事情; 2、在合作学习中,培养学生合作交流能力,鼓励学生多开口, 敢于发言; 3、通过学习,培养学生的口语发音与

8、交际。 3、教学重难点 (Important & Difficult Points) 1、理解并掌握新单词 story, listen to, interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, write about; 2、掌握并能运用句型 am/ is/ are going to; 4、四、课时安排 (Periods Arrangement) 三到四个课时 五、教具 (Teaching Aids) 录音机、图片、卡片、CD、课件等等。 Unit 1 Were going to read stories Period 1 1、教学目标 (Teachin

9、g Aims) 1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):1) 能看懂、 会读、 会说新单词 story, listen to, interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, write about; 学习、运用新句型:am/is/are going to, Are we going to ? 2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 能向他人询问、回答将来将要发生的事情; 2) 能理解课本 A 与 B 部分。 3、情感目标 (Emotion Aims) 学会小组合作,团结友爱。 二、教学重难点(Teaching Focus & Dif

10、ficulties) 1) 重点:理解并掌握生单词; 2) 难点:掌握并运用新句型。 1) 课前准备(Preparation for Class) 课件、图片、卡片、CAI 等等。 2) 教学过程 (Teaching Process) Step one: warming up 1. Greetings. T: Hi, boys and girls. Good morning. How are you? 2. Free talk. T: We just had our winter holiday. Tell me what did you do? S1: I visited my parent

11、s. S2: I went to Shenzhen. 2T: Wow, how wonderful! Now it is a new term. What are you going to do in this term? Step two: presentation Introduce new words and sentences 1) T: (showing pictures) Boys and girls, look! That is what Dino is going to do this evening. I am going to listen to music. (Intro

12、duce other new words like this) 2 ) T: OK. Now lets play a game. Do you remember what Dino is going to do this evening? Is he going to listen to music? Do you like music? So, are we going to listen to music tonight? Yes, we are. No we arent. (Write the sentences down on the blackboard) The dialogue

13、1) Listen to the tape of Part A. Listen and find who you can hear. Listen and repeat. Listen and read. Act it out. Step three: consolidation Give students some scenes to have conversation in groups. Such as “Have a plan for the weekend with your friends”. Step four: homework 1) Read after the record

14、 of Part A five times and try to recite it please.2) Copy the new words and sentences three times and try to tell your parents about your weekend plan.五、板书设计(Blackboard Design) Unit 1 Were going to read stories story listen to interesting talk about put on play great write aboutPeriod 2 一、教学目标(Teach

15、ing Aims) 1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims): 1) 能看懂、 会读、 会说新单词 story, listen to, interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, write about; 2) 学习、运用新句型:am/is/are going to, Are we going to ? 2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 熟练运用新单词、新句型; 2) 理解 D 部分小短文,并完成练习。 3、情感目标 (Emotion Aims) 1) 重视小组合作精神; 2) 敢于发言,勇于表达。 二、教学重难点(Teach

16、ing Focus& Difficulties) 1) 重点:掌握新单词,巩固上节课学习的单词; 2) 难点:正确、熟练运用本单元重点句型进行对话。 三、课前准备(Preparation for Class) 课件、图片、CAI 等等。 四、教学过程(Teaching Process) Step one: warming up and lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. Talk about what you are going to do tomorrow. Step two: presentation1. Play the chain game. S1:

17、 Are we going to watch TV tomorrow? S2: Yes, we are. Are we going to play games tomorrow? S3: No, we arent. Are we 2. The text. Read and find what it is about. Listen and read. Read and finish the exercises. Step three: practice Have a competition between girls and boys. They should speak out senten

18、ces with “We are going to” as many as possible. Step four: homework 1) Read the Section D three times. 2) Try to make your own graph please just like the one on page 3. You could choose anyone 五、板书设计(Blackboard Design) Unit 1 We are going to read stories Are we going to write? Yes, we are. No , we a

19、rent.Period 3 一、教学目标(Teaching Aims) 1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims): 1) 巩固并熟练运用本单元学习的新单词、新句型; 2) 能进一步熟练运用本单元重点句型 Are we going to ? 2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 能理解、掌握新单词; 2) 理解、掌握并运用以上新句型进行交流对话与写作。 3、情感目标 (Emotion Aims) 1) 重视与同学的分享与交流; 2) 发扬尊师爱友的精神。 二、教学重难点(Teaching Focus& Difficulties) 1) 重点:掌握新单词,巩固上节课学习的单词; 2

20、) 难点:正确、熟练运用本单元重点句型进行对话。 三、课前准备(Preparation for Class) 学生上节课的作业、课件、图片、CAI 等等。 四、教学过程(Teaching Process) Step one: warming up 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. Tell us what your friends, parents or others going to do this weekend. Step two: presentationIntroduce animals to students. Talk about their favorit

21、e animals. Lead students to say “I am going to play panda”. Have a competition about which group says more sentences. Read the book and write down what they discuss in group. Step three: practice Make word card on their own and make sentences in group. Create some scenes for students to have a conve

22、rsation. For example, meet your classmates on street, write a letter to your pen pal about your weekend plan. Step four: homework 1) Read the whole unit twice please and try to recite the new words in page 2. 2) Write a letter to your friends just like the two letters on page 3. You can talk about a

23、nyone you know. 五、板书设计 Unit1 We are going to read stories We are going to _. Are we going to _?教学反思: 课题:Unit2 Were going to do some research.主备人:邱志绵 审核人: 日期: 第 1 课时 教学目标1、理解并掌握四会新词:find, read, collect, study and think, write.2、掌握并能运用句型:isamare going to3、通过学习,培养学生的口语发音和交际。教学重点理解并掌握新单词教学难点通过学习,能使用新句型来

24、谈论将要发生或打算去做的事情。导 学 流 程(定向导学:教材 5-6 页)教学行为提示1、English Talent Show!Title: Are we going to ?2、目标导航1. Greetings.2. Lets have fun.(P4)3、自学自研 (self-study)1. Listen to the tape and circle the words if you dont know, and then guess the meaning.2. Listen to the tape again and try to answer the questions. Que

25、stion: Are we going to do some research?四交流展示(Discussion and show)Task1: I can read.find , read, collect, study and think, write.1. Read after T or LT.Words and spelling.2. Game: Trick game.Task2: I can show.Key structure: What are we going to? We are going to 1. Ask and answer.2. Lets parctise.五巩固提

26、升 Listen, point and read. 展示时,一定要大胆、大声。注意自己的举止,上下场要有秩序,倾听的同学要保持安静。游戏激趣。使用双色笔做好笔记。鼓励小老师组织同学进行操练,形式可多样。可根据情境的展开自由会话,力求脱稿,并活用日常用语。对照书本进行听力训练后对单词进行抽测。六. 教后反思 课题:Unit2 Were going to do some research.主备人: 审核人: 日期: 第 2 课时 教学目标1、进一步学习新词find, read, collect, study and think, write.2、能向他人询问、回答将来将要发生的事情。3、学会小组合

27、作,团结友爱。教学重点理解并掌握新词。教学难点掌握并运用句型。导 学 流 程(定向导学:教材 5-7页)教学行为提示一、English Talent Show! Title: Are we going to ?二、目标导航1. Greetings.2. Picture talking.三、自学自研 (self-study)1.Listen to the recording and try to read.2.Listen again and answer the question: Are we going to study and think?四、交流展示(Discussion and sh

28、ow)Task1: I can read.find, read, collect, study and think, write.1. Game: Sharp ears.2. Words and sentences.Task2: I can show.1. Listen and try to repeat it sentence by sentence.2. Role play.3. Lets check.5、巩固提升 Finish Part D.展示时,一定要大胆、大声。注意自己的举止,上下场要有秩序,倾听的同学要保持安静。温故而知新。使用双色笔做好笔记。鼓励小老师用多种形式操练单词。注意模

29、仿语音语调。鼓励学生创设情境进行展示。独立完成后再分享做题经验。六、教后反思课题:Unit2 Were going to do some research. 主备人: 审核人: 日期: 第 3 课时 教学目标1. 学生能够巩固复习之前所学动词和动词短语。2. 学生能在特定语境下正确熟练的使用句型:be going to 3. 培养学生与他人交流和小组合作的意识。教学重点掌握新词与句型 教学难点学生能熟练运用be going to 来商量和询问计划或打算。导 学 流 程(定向导学:教材 5-8 页)教学行为提示一、English Talent Show!Title: Are we going t

30、o ?二、目标导航1. Greetings .2. Letters and words.3、自学自研 (self-study)1. Listen to the tape, and then answer the question. What are we going to do today?2. Listen again and try to repeat.四、交流展示(Discussion and show)Task1: I can read.1. Read after LT.2. Train game.Task2: I can show.1. Lets practise.(P6)2. le

31、ts write. (P8)五、巩固提升 Write the new words and ready for dictation.展示时,一定要大胆、大声。注意自己的举止,上下场要有秩序,倾听的同学要保持安静。知识点的衔接与拓展。注意双色笔的使用。模仿语音语调。鼓励小老师用多种形式操练单词。讨论的声音要轻,要求参与度高,有创新。独立完成后分享解题过程。六、教后反思Unit 3 Lets make a kite. Period 1Teaching aims and demands:一、 知识目标1、能看懂、会读、会说新单词:cut draw paint glue tie a kite show paper bamboo2

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