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1、新视野读写教程大学英语4与新世纪视听说教程4英语高分汇总英语听力第一部分第一篇新闻1.What is the news report mainly about? 新闻报道的主要内容是什么?D) The riots on Christmas Island. 圣诞岛上的骚乱。解析:主旨題.音频开头提到,伴随着一名难民罹难,出现了一些关于澳洲圣诞岛上难民收容中心所发生暴乱的相关报道,接下来的报道就此展开2. How many refugees are held within all Australian offshore detention centers?D)More than 200. 200多




5、cialshavebeenlockedbythestudents?有多少所学校的官员办公室被学生锁上了?A)160.新闻中提到,从星期三以来,学生们已经关闭了160所学校的官员的办公室。2.Whatisthestudentsrequestaccordingtothenews?根据新闻,学生们有什么要求?A)Tostandardizethecurriculum.规范课程设置。新闻中提到,学生们要求减免所有非正常费用,并在全国范围内制定一个更加规范的课程标准,他们还希望寄宿学校能腾出25%的空间给那些来自偏远地区的或家境贫困的学生。第二篇新闻3.Howmanypeoplewerekilled in


7、rkersjointhestrike?铁路工人为什么参加罢工?C)Theyweredissatisfiedwithproposedriseinunemployment.他们对失业率上升表示不满。7. What caused the bus drivers strike? 巴士司机罢工的原因是什么?C) Pay decrease.减薪。 解析:新闻中提到,公共汽车司机抗双新的工作标准和減薪待遇。第三篇部分第一篇新闻1.WhatproblemdothePoliceDepartmentsacrosstheUnitedStatesface?美国警察部门面临的问题是什么?C)Aseriousmanpow

8、ershortage.严重的人力短缺。解析:新闻开头提到,美国很多地区的警察部门说它们面临严重的人员短缺,招募新成员不像过去那么容易了。2. What can we learn from the news? 我们能从新闻中学到什么?B) A police officer was a popular profession.警察在过去是一种很受欢迎的职业。解析:文中结尾处提到,迈阿密警察局发言人德瑞西.莫斯说: “在我小时候,人们想成为一名警官、宇航员或者美国总统。现在我再也听不到这三个(职业)在排行榜的顶端了。”这表明过去人们很想成为一名警察、宇航员或者美国总统。第二篇新闻3.Whatdoest



11、的统计,每周有多少农场关闭?C) About5. 解析:細节题。音频中出现多个数字,做题时要注意各个数字所代表的具体信息,适当做笔记,再根据问题选出正确答案。7.Whatwillhappentotheaverageincomeofdairyfarmersinthistaxyearaccordingtothegovernmentfiguresreleasedlastmonth?根据上个月公布的政府数据,今年奶农的平均收入会发生什么变化?A)Itwilldecrease.它会减少。短文与对话Track 4-1-2& 4-1-3Blake: What are you working on, Mary

12、? 布莱克:玛丽,你在忙什么?Mary: Im finishing my paper. Its due tomorrow, Blake.玛丽:我正在写完论文。明天就要交了布雷克。Blake: Whats the topic? 布莱克:主题是什么?Mary: Its about Greenland. 玛丽:是关于格陵兰岛的。Blake: Greenland. Hmmm . . . thats part of Canada, right? 嗯那是加拿大的一部分,对吧?Mary: I think you need to study your world geography, Blake.我觉得你需要

13、学习世界地理,布雷克。Blake: Well, isnt it near Canada?它不是在加拿大附近吗?Mary: Yes, its off the coast of northeast Canada, but its part of Denmark.是的,它在加拿大东北部的海岸,但它是丹麦的一部分。Blake: Oh, I didnt know that. Well, whats your paper about exactly?哦,我不知道。你的论文到底是关于什么的?Mary: In my paper, I answer the question Is Greenland reall

14、y green? In other words, is Greenland covered by a lot of plants and trees?Mary:在我的论文中,我回答了一个问题:“格陵兰真的是绿色的吗?”换句话说,格陵兰是否被许多植物和树木覆盖?Blake: Is it?是吗?Mary: What do you think?你认为如何?Blake: Lets see . . . Greenland is in the Arctic Circle-way up north. Its cold, . . . so Is Greenland really green? Id answe

15、r probably not.让我看看格陵兰岛在北极圈的北面。天气很冷,所以“格陵兰真的是绿色的吗?”我会回答“也许不会”Mary: Youd be correct. Its too cold there. In the north, a lot of the ground is frozen. The summers are short, so only the surface thaws.Mary: 你说得对。那里太冷了。在北方,许多土地被冻结了。夏天很短,所以只有表面解冻。Blake: That sounds tough.听起来很难。Mary: Its hard for the cons

16、truction industry. Its not easy to build in Greenland.建筑业很难。在格陵兰岛建房子可不容易。Blake: It sounds so harsh. Why would anyone want to go there.听起来很艰难。为什么会有人想去那里?Mary: There are big mountain ranges on the coasts. Theyre great for hiking and outdoor sports. And there are lots of animals there. You can sometime

17、s see whales swimming in the harbors.玛丽:海岸上有大山脉。它们很适合徒步旅行和户外运动。那里有很多动物。有时你可以看到鲸鱼在港口里游泳。 Blake: That sounds cool! OK,so if its not really a green place, why was it named Greenland?布莱克:听起来很酷!好吧,如果它不是一个真正的“绿色”地方,为什么它被命名为“格陵兰”呢?Mary: The first settlers wanted to attract other people. They gave it an att

18、ractive name.玛丽:第一批移民想吸引其他人。他们给了它一个吸引人的名字。题目:1.What is Marys paper mainly about?玛丽的论文主要是关于什么的?Mary is writing a report about Greenlands plants and trees.玛丽正在写一篇关于格陵兰植物和树木的报告2.What do we learn about Blacks knowledge of geography?Greenland is in the Arctic Circle-way up north. 格陵兰岛在北极圈的北面。3.How did Gr

19、eenland get its name? 格陵兰是怎么得名的?The first settlers wanted to attract other people. They gave it an attractive name.第一批移民想吸引其他人。他们给了它一个吸引人的名字。4-1-4&4-1-5Jay: Come in here, Elise. You should see this show!Jay: 进来,伊莉斯。你应该看看这个节目!Elise: What is it?Elise: 是什么?Jay: Its called The Titanic of the Sky. Its ab

20、out the Hindenburg, a great engineering feat.Jay:这叫“天空的泰坦尼克号”。这是关于兴登堡,一个伟大的工程壮举。Elise: The Hindenburg . . .Elise:兴登堡Jay: You know, that giant zeppelin that crashed in 1934.Thirty-five people died.Jay:你知道,1933年那个巨大的齐柏林飞船坠毁了,35人死了。Elise: Oh yeah, I remember now. It was flying from Germany to the Unite

21、d States. It crashed as it was landing.Elise: 噢,是的,我记得了。它从德国飞向美国。飞机在降落时坠毁了。Jay: Right. Its so funny looking, dont you think? It doesnt look anything like the airplanes we have today.Jay:对。看起来很滑稽,你不觉得吗?它看起来不像我们今天拥有的飞机。Elise: Thats true. Why would people ride in a zeppelin anyway? It seems so dangerou

22、s.Elise: 那是真的。为什么人们会乘坐齐柏林飞艇?看起来很危险。Jay: Well, some people called the Hindenburg mans greatest achievement in flight.They thought it was safe, I guess.Jay:嗯,有些人把兴登堡称为“人类飞行中最伟大的成就”。我想,他们认为这是安全的。Elise: Who rode in it anyway?Elise: 有哪些人乘坐?Jay: Mostly wealthy people. It accommodated between 30 and 40 pas

23、sengers and crew. One person said it was like a flying hotel.Jay:大多是富人。它容纳了30至40名乘客和机组人员。有人说,这就像一家“飞行旅馆”。Elise: It sounds pretty great.Elise:听起来不错。Jay: Yeah, and it was fast. Thats why people rode it. They wanted to get to their destination faster.Jay:是的,而且速度很快。所以人们才乘坐它。他们想更快地到达目的地。Elise: Why didnt

24、they just take a jet plane?Elise: 他们为什么不乘喷气式飞机?Jay: Elise! You know they didnt have jets back then. Look, in 1934 it took five days to travel from Germany to the U.S. by ship. The zeppelin could do it in half that time.It was speedy.Jay:伊莉斯!你知道当时他们没有喷气式飞机。你看,1934年,从德国乘船去美国需要五天的时间。齐柏林飞艇能在一半的时间内完成,速度很

25、快。Elise: Well, maybe Ill sit down and watch a little bit. Maybe Ill learn something . . .Elise:嗯,也许我可以坐下来看一会儿。也许我会学到一些东西。4-1-6&7&8Jack: I think we should buy a bigger car. Big cars are safer.Jack:我想我们应该买辆更大的车。大车更安全。Kayla: Yes, but on the other hand, they consume more oil.Kayla: 是的,但另一方面,他们消耗更多的油。Jac

26、k: They also look really cool.Jack: 它们看起来也很酷。Kayla: Thats true, but there are some SUVs which are not big but also very beautiful.Kayla:这是真的,但是有一些不是很大但也非常漂亮的SUV。Jack: And I think big cars are more fun to drive.Jack: 我觉得开大车更有趣。Kayla: But then again, its very expensive.Kayla: 但是再说一遍,它很贵。Jack: Well, le

27、ts get more information about several kinds of cars, okay?Jack:那么,让我们了解更多关于几种汽车的信息,好吗?1.Who most wants a bigger car ,Kayla or Jack?谁最想要一辆更大的车,凯拉还是杰克?Jack2.What does Jack suggest to help resolve the difference of opinion?杰克有什么建议来帮助解决意见分歧?Get more information about several kinds of cars.了解有关几种汽车的更多信息。

28、Track 4-1-9My country has two very famous buildings called the Petronas Towers. The buildings are made of glass, steel, and concrete. They were designed by an American architect, but he used a Malaysian style. They were finished in 1998, and they were the tallest buildings in the world at that time.

29、 Each tower has 88 floors, and is 452 meters high. I really like the Petronas Towers. They show both the modern and the traditional side of my country. 我国有两座非常有名的建筑物,叫做“双子座塔”。这些建筑物是由玻璃、钢和混凝土组成的。它们是由一位美国建筑师设计的,但他使用的是马来西亚风格。它们于1998年完工,是当时世界上最高的建筑。每座塔有88层,452米高。我真的很喜欢双子座塔。它们既显示了我国现代的一面,也显示了我国传统的一面。Trac

30、k 4-1-10&11Modern buildings: We love them, We hate them.The world-famous Louvre Museum in Paris is almost 500 years old, and it faced a very modern problem: There simply wasnt enough space for six million visitors each year. In 1989, American architect I.M. Pei designed a striking glass pyramid in t

31、he buildings center to be a visitor entrance and shopping arcade. But he also started an angry debate. Some people felt his glass building was a piece of art, like the ones inside the museum. Others said it was just an ugly, modern mistake.现代建筑:我们爱他们,我们恨他们巴黎世界著名的卢浮宫已经有近500年的历史了,它面临着一个非常现代的问题:每年都没有足够的空间容纳600

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