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1、英语学习阅读材料A4打印版英语学习阅读材料(A4打印版)双语美文:向你的敌人证明他们错了This is my familys story from a poor, broken background that Ive been meaning to share for a long while.这是我与家人的故事,我们曾穷困潦倒,不名一钱,长久以来,我一直想分享这个故事。Life can be really difficult for many of us and I feel like I have something to offer to those of you that feel l

2、ow, unmotivated, or stuck in a difficult situation.对许多人来说,生活是一件很艰难的事情。如果读到此文的人中有人感到情绪低落,生活没有目标或是深陷困境,我想要与你们分享我的故事。 Ever since I was 11 years old, I wished I was dead. 从我11岁的时候开始,我就希望自己死掉。It began immediately after my father who, one day, beat me ruthlessly for asking him why he was drunk.那天我问我爸爸,为什么

3、他醉醺醺的,他为此毫不留情的把我暴打了一顿,突然之间我就产生了想死的念头。He punched me, threw my tiny body across the room to the wall, and told me I was stupid for asking such questions, and that he regrets having such a dumb kid.他狠狠给了我几拳之后,把我瘦小的身体从屋子一边扔到了另一边,我撞在墙上。接着他告诉我,傻子才会问这样的问题,他真后悔生了我这么蠢的孩子。He slammed the door to my room as he

4、left and I remember picking myself up and stumbling to bed so that I could cry as quietly as possible. 他离开我的房间,狠狠摔上房门。我记得自己慢慢爬起来,跌跌撞撞的回到床上,努力尽可能压低自己哭泣的声音。Usually, my mother tries to stop him, but she was shopping for food at this particular time for our dinner.大多数时候,我母亲都会阻止他,可是那会儿她刚好去买做晚饭用的食材去了。 She

5、, as well as my brother and sister, were all victims of my fathers abuse. 她和我的哥哥、姐姐一样,我们都是父亲虐待的对象。When he was angry at us, she would often divert his attention to herself to free us of harm, which didnt always work.当他对我们发火的时候,她常常把他的注意转向她自己,让我们免受父亲伤害,但这个办法常常不奏效。Why didnt she leave Because she was stu

6、ck, like most mothers in abusive relationships are.为什么她不离开父亲?因为她被生活困住了,就和大多数遭受家庭暴力的母亲一1 / 8样。We were poor, and she was a housewife, with no job, and only wanted the best for her children.我们很穷,她只是个家庭妇女,她没有工作,一心希望给孩子们最好的生活。 She was my anchor. 她是我的主心骨。Right now, its XX. Im a doctor. Ive been grinding t

7、o bring my familys life up to a normal standard.如今,时间已经是XX年了。通过多年的艰辛努力,我总算让家人过上了正常的生活。We have enough money to eat, go on holidays, buy each other gifts, and truly appreciate each other. 我们有足够的钱,能吃饱,去度假,买礼物送给对方,并且真心实意的欣赏对方。 So, if youre someone who suffers from depression, or someone who feels lost,

8、hopeless, or any of the things my family and I may have felt above, know that there is a way to happier days.所以,如果你也是正被抑郁症折磨的人,如果你也茫然若失,悲伤绝望,如果你也感受着我和我的家人曾感受过的痛苦,请记住,总有一条路会通向幸福的日子。 It is not meant to be easy. Our weakness is often the perception we have of ourselves and what we assume others perceiv

9、e about us. 找到通向幸福的路绝非易事。我们对自我的认知,我们假想中别人对我们的看法,常常会成为我们的软肋。Depression is a malignant disease of that perception. See the suffering through the eyes of those around you and tap into your true potential.正是这种认知滋长了抑郁症这种险恶的疾病。你应该做的,就是己及人,从别人的视角重新审视这些苦难,并且挖掘出你真正的潜能。Prove your demons and your enemies wrong

10、 and youll know true freedom. 向你心中的恶魔和你的敌人证明,他们错了。你会获得真正的自 =双语美文:生活态度决定了生活质量Adopting the right attitude can change a negative stress into a positive one. 采取正确的态度能够把负面的压力转为积极的动力。I have a friend, Michelle, who is training two people to do a job.我有一个名叫Michelle的朋友,她正在对两个干同一份差事的职员进行培训。 Now, this can be a

11、 stressful situation for all concerned.对这件事的三个当事人来说,这都是一个容易引起焦虑的状况。2 / 8Its stressful for people trying to learn something new. 接受培训的人于必须学习新知识而焦虑。But its also stressful for the person answering questions over and over too. 而进行培训的人也会因为重复回答相同的问题而感到焦虑。 Michelle thought back to when she was being traine

12、d. Michelle回想起她自己接受培训的时候。The person training made the process more stressful by her negative attitude. 于培训人的消极态度而使得整件事情愈发让人难以忍受了。It was hard to learn and remember when she was under this negative stress. 在这种消极氛围之下,她很难学习和记忆新知识。 So now Michelle is being positive with her training.所以现在,作为培训人,Michelle要用

13、积极的态度进行她的培训。 Shes keeping a positive attitude as she trains these new employees. 在培训这些新职员的时候,她一直保持着积极的态度。Yes, there is still stress learning something new and training, but its positive. 没错,对于双方来说,他们在学习新知识和教授课程时仍会感到压力,但压力已经转化为了积极的动力。Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honorin

14、g each other. 以真心爱彼此,因尊重彼此而获得喜悦。When we love others and honor them we can adopt the right attitude and we can change a negative stress into a positive one.当我们关爱他人,尊重他人,我们就能端正自己的心态,把消极的压力转为积极的动力 =合适的才是最好的There are many major decisions to make in our life, such as deciding which job to take.人生中有很多重大决策

15、要做,比如选择一份工作。 Choosing a job is never easy. 选工作这件事,从来都不容易。Whether it is for students or for those who have already worked in the workplace , this is a major decision.不管是对学生来说,还是对已经奋战在职场的人来说,这都是个重大的决策。 Standing in front of a main crossroad of life, we may panic and bexxe confused.在这么重大的人生分歧点面前,我们总是容易慌

16、神,变得无所适从。3 / 8Maybe you should ask yourself this question first: 或许你应该先问问自己这个问题: Does this position meet my values 这个职位符合我的价值观吗?It is undeniable that each of us has our own values. 不可否认,我们每个人都有自己的价值观。Some people like to judge the merits and demerits of different values; but the fact is that most tim

17、es there are only differences among various values, not superiority or inferiority.有些人喜欢给不同的价值观评出优劣;但事实是,很多时候各种价值观之间只有不同,并无贵贱。Different values should adopt different paths. It is the adequate one which is the best.不同的价值观应该采取不同的发展路径,合适的才是最好的。If you like stability, then do not find a job that pays exa

18、ctly according to performance. It will only overwhelm you.如果你看中稳定性,那就不要找一个完全按业绩给工资的工作,那只会让你不堪重负。If you value the degree of autonomy, then do not go to a bureaucratic place because you will not be able to stand that place.如果你看重工作中的自度,那就不要为了稳定而去那种官僚气氛浓厚的地方,你会受不了的。Dont forget. It is the adequate one wh

19、ich is the best. 别忘了,合适的才是最好的。May you find the future that suits you best. 希望你能找到最适合自己的那种未来 =据说,早上起床后空腹喝水有7个好处7 surprising benefits of drinking water on empty stomach you probably didnt know许多人习惯在起床后喝一杯咖啡,但实际上起床后喝一杯水比喝咖啡更能让你清醒。除了补充水分外,晨起空腹喝水还有很多好处 1. Improves Your Metabolism 加快新陈代谢4 / 8Studies have

20、shown that drinking water on empty stomach can help increase metabolic rate up by 30%. This means that the rate at which calories are burned increases by nearly one third. You know what that means right Quicker weight loss!研究表明空腹喝水能够让新陈代谢率增加30%。这意味着你的卡路里燃烧率提高了近三分之一,你知道这意味着什么吧?也就说空腹喝水能让你更快减肥! If your

21、 metabolic rate is high, then you will be able to digest food faster and maintain a slim figure despite eating those extra calories. However, this doesnt warrant you to bite down on all that junk food. Furthermore, you will need to incorporate around four litres of water into your daily routine for

22、best results.如果新陈代谢率高,吃进的食物就能消化得更快,吃得多还能保持苗条身材。但是,这并不是说你就可以大吃特吃垃圾食品。另外,为了得到最好的效果,一天需要喝大约4升水。2. Helps in Clearing Your Bowels 帮助清理肠道Constipation is one of the most irritating conditions which also results in retention of toxins inside the body. But did you know that one of the other benefits of drink

23、ing water is that it helps to clear out your bowels The colon, which is in part responsible for bowel movements, require water to function properly. So just gulp down a glass of water and sit on your toilet for a clean colon.便秘是最令人难受的事,同时还会导致毒素在体内残留。你知道吗?喝水能够帮助清理肠道,负责肠胃蠕动的结肠需要水来使其正常工作。所以喝上一杯水然后去趟卫生间

24、吧。5 / 83. Helps to Balance Your Nervous System 平衡神经系统Yes, drinking water on empty stomach especially if its hot, can improve the health of your nervous system. Early morning, the stomach is most receptive. At this moment, if you indulge in coffee, which is a central nervous system stimulant, your ne

25、rvous system will be affected from the get-go. On the other hand, if you just have a glass of warm water, it can properly hydrate your nervous system, which will help it function properly.空腹喝水,尤其是温开水,能够使你的神经系统更加健康。人的胃在大清早的接受力是最强的。这个时候,如果喝咖啡,它会刺激你的中枢神经,让它一大早就开始紧张。但是,如果喝温开水,它将能给你的神经系统补水,帮助神经系统更好地运行。04

26、. Prevents Migraine Attacks 预防偏头痛Again, if you are prone to migraine attacks, then water can help fight it off. Your doctor might have already told you that migraines happen due to dehydration amongst other reasons. So just by increasing your water intake, you are basically preventing your chances f

27、rom suffering another migraine attack. This is especially so when you drinking water on empty stomach, as your body didnt get any fluids when you were asleep. 如果你患有偏头痛,喝水也会有帮助。医生也许已经告诉你偏头痛产生的原因之一是脱水,所以多喝水将能很好地预防偏头痛。早上空腹时喝一杯水更是如此,因为整个夜里你没有摄入任何水分。5. Improves Health of Urinary Tract6 / 8让泌尿系统更健康After a

28、 certain age, urinary tract infections bexxe xxmon. The thing that happens is that your bladder builds up with urine throughout the night. Prolonged periods of holding in urine inside the bladder can lead to the formation of harmful bacteria and toxins on the walls of the bladder. However, if you tr

29、eat yourself to a single glass of water after waking up, then it can help to properly empty your bladder as it has a diuretic effect.在某个年龄段后,尿路感染成为常见的病。这是因为夜里长时间的憋尿使得膀胱壁上滋生出有害的细菌或者毒素。而早上起来喝一杯水会有利尿的作用,帮助你彻底排空膀胱。6. Improves Your Appetite 增加食欲Early in the morning, with your stomach totally empty, it is

30、 natural you will feel hungry. So another benefit of drinking water is preparing you to have the most important meal of the day breakfast. Besides this, we all know that having a healthy appetite is good for overall health.早上起来肚子空空,感到饿是正常的事情。起床后喝一杯水能让你更好地享用一天中最为重要的一餐早餐。人们都知道一个好胃口对健康是有好处的。7. Prevents

31、 Premature Aging 预防早衰And now to finish off, lets see how drinking water on empty stomach can prove to be some sort of an elixir. Water can help release toxins such as bacteria and other harmful elements from your system. This, in turn, can help your body fight the effects of free radicals which can

32、cause7 / 8premature ageing. Furthermore, if your skin is properly hydratedinternally, it will feel rejuvenated, which can help it maintain an elastic and toned appearance.最后,我们再来说一下早上空腹喝水为什么会具有“长生不老”的效果。喝水能够帮助排出身体的细菌和毒素。这一点能够帮助身体对抗自基的影响,而自基会造成提前衰老。并且,体内有足够的水分,能够让皮肤更有活力和弹性,改善肤色。所以,每天早上起床时给自己准备一杯温开水吧

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