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1、作文范文之privateschool英语作文privateschool英语作文【篇一:九年级英语作文】 初中三年级英语作文相关文章推荐 ? ? ? ? ? ? 初三英语作文:my dream school_800字2014-10-20 初三英语作文:夏令营2014-08-28 初三英语作文:my family and my flat2014-08-28 初三英语作文:保持健康的方法2014-08-28 初三英语作文:serious floods2014-08-28 初三英语作文:假如我有时光机 if i had a time machine2014-08-28 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

2、? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 初三英语作文:养宠物的好2014-08-28 初三英语作文:chinese new year2014-08-28 初三英语作文:how ive changed2014-08-28 我想要快乐i want to be happy2014-08-28 初三英语作文:中国的教育chinese education2014-08-28 初三英语作文:英语请假条模板ask for leavedear ms ma2014-08-28 初三英语作文范文:做三明治的过程2014-08-28 初三英语作文:通电话2014-08-28 初三英语作文题目:上学路

3、上2014-08-28 初三英语作文:描写春雨 spring rainspring rain2014-08-28 初三英语作文:犀牛rhinoceroses2014-08-28 学习中文的困难 the difficulty of learning chinese2014-08-28 初三英语作文:开车旅行a trip by car2014-08-28 初三英语作文:感恩母亲2014-08-28 初三英语作文:do not give up 永不放弃2014-08-28 父亲节初三作文:my father2014-08-28 初三英语作文:private car2014-08-28 初三英语作文:

4、英语学习计划 plan for english learning2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我对汶川地震的看法2014-08-28 初三英语作文:fresh air2014-08-28 初三英语作文:拯救我们的生活 saving our life2014-08-28 初三英语作文:success belongs to the persevering2014-08-28 ? ? ? 初三英语作文:陪读2014-08-28 初三英语作文:to introduce myself2014-08-28 初三英语作文:my dream school2014-08-28? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

5、 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 初三英语作文:save time2014-08-28 初三英语作文:梅兰芳2014-08-28 初三英语作文:an unforgettable experience2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我高兴的一天2014-08-28 初三英语作文:幸福是什么2014-08-28 初三英语作文:有趣的校园活动2014-08-28 初三英语作文:my favourite writerlu xun2014-08-28 初三英语作文:information age 信息时代2014-08-28 初三英语作文:寄信2014-08-28 关于一个外国的英语老师 a

6、n foreign teacher2014-08-28 我为90后代言 90 generation2014-08-28 初三英语作文:无巧不成书2014-08-28 初三英语作文:visiting my friend2014-08-28 初三英语作文:save water2014-08-28 初三英语作文:a heavy rain2014-08-28 初三英语作文:elephants2014-08-28 初三英语作文:友情2014-08-28 初三英语作文:努力做到最好 初中三年级英语作文相关文章推荐 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 初三英语作文:a busy day2014-

7、08-28 初三英语作文:keep smiling2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我的理想2014-08-28 初三英语作文:早餐的重要性the importance of breakfast2014-08-28 初三英语作文:做一个守时的人2014-08-28 初三英语作文:电子邮件2014-08-28 初三英语作文:妈妈的爱2014-08-28 初三英语作文:运动会sports meeting2014-08-28 成人教育的发展 a boom in adult education2014-08-28 初三英语作文:保护环境2014-08-28 初三英语作文:怎样才能减少城市污染2014

8、-08-28 世界杯32强口号:巴西最霸气 意大利很浪漫2014-08-28? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 初三英语作文:请保护我们的地球吧2014-08-28 talking about having sports,范文2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我的家乡2014-08-28 小学三年级英语作文:what a good teacher2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我的父亲2014-08-28 初三英语作文:关于节约型社会conservation2014-08-28 初三英语作文:自然公园 nature park2014-08-28 初三英语作文:

9、我的姐姐2014-08-28 水的循环2014-08-28 初三英语作文:畅想我们的未来2014-08-28 my views on examinations我对考试的看法2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我爱我家 i love my family2014-08-28 beliefs信念2014-08-28 初三英语作文:关于某人发明什么2014-08-28 extracurricular activities 课外活动2014-08-28 should euthanasia be legalized?安乐死应不应该合法化2014-08-28 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

10、? ? ? 初三英语作文:关于保护地球2014-08-28 中考英语作文2014-08-28 初三英语作文:理想中的家园2014-08-28 初三英语作文:小小的快乐2014-08-28 初三英语作文:校园的景色2014-08-28 初三英语作文:坚持梦想2014-08-28 英语请假条的例子2014-08-28 初三英语作文:城市的变化the change of the city2014-08-28 初三英语作文:阅读 reading2014-08-28 中考英语作文面面观2014-08-28 中考英语作文十大常见错误分析2014-08-28 privacy of famous people

11、名人私事2014-08-28 初三英语作文:周末计划 plan for weekend2014-08-28 初三英语作文:private car2014-08-28 关于香港回归几周年的作文2014-08-28? ? ? ? ? 初三英语作文:我的未来my future2014-08-28 初三英语作文:清明节的起源2014-08-28 is stress a bad thing?压力一定是坏事吗2014-08-28 初三英语作文:读书的好处 the benefits of reading2014-08-28 编写一段题为“giving a gift”的对话 初中三年级英语作文相关文章推荐 ?

12、 should women return to the kitchen?女人该回归厨房吗?2014-08-28 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? love your life热爱生活2014-08-28 初三英语作文:什么是成功 what is success?2014-08-28 寒假去哈尔滨旅游2014-08-28 初三英语作文:体育锻炼 sports in china2014-08-28 初三英语作文:难忘的一天2014-08-28 一封道歉信2014-08-28 my chinese teacher我的语文老师2014-08-28 初三英语作文

13、:下雨天2014-08-28 初三英语作文:改变自己 change ourselves2014-08-28 出国学习 going abroad for studies2014-08-28 初三英语作文:分数并不等于知识 score is not equal to knowledge2014-08-28 初三英语作文:天气预报weather report2014-08-28 初三英语作文:邀请信 an invitation letter2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我的三餐2014-08-28 论个人卫生2014-08-28 中考英语作文 sunset2014-08-28 初三英语作文:愉

14、快的周末 a nice weekend2014-08-28 初三英语作文:爸爸去哪儿大电影 dad where to go2014-08-28 初三英语作文:考试前的焦虑 the anxiety before exam2014-08-28 ? ? asking the way问路2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我的奶奶 my grandmother2014-08-28 ? ? ? 我的奶奶2014-08-28 关于香港回归十周年的日记2014-08-28 my home town我的家乡2014-08-28? 初三英语作文:野餐前的准备 the preparation before pic

15、nic2014-08-28 ? ? ? ? 初三英语作文:我最喜欢的礼物2014-08-28 中考满分作文欣赏2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我最喜欢的运动(一)2014-08-28 大型企业和小型企业 large companies and small comp.2014-08-28 ? ? ? 中考英语作文范文 早起2014-08-28 我心目中的父亲2014-08-28 初三英语作文:水是很重要的 water is important2014-08-28 ? ? ? ? 保护动物2014-08-28 初三英语作文:关于我自己2014-08-28 中考英语作文 杭州2014-08-28

16、 初三英语作文:暑期安排summer holiday arrangement2014-08-28 ? ? ? ? 中考英语作文 通知2014-08-28 社会习俗与行为2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我的朋友(一)2014-08-28 the development of a private car私家车的发展2014-08-28 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 动物需要人类的保护2014-08-28 初三英语作文:母亲节 mothers day2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我喜欢学习 i like study2014-08-28 初三英语作文:周记2014-08-28 初三英语作文

17、:我崇拜的人the man i adore2014-08-28 初三英语作文:一张全家福a family picture2014-08-28 初三英语作文:家的味道 taste of home2014-08-28 初三英语作文:帮助别人 helping others 初中三年级英语作文相关文章推荐 ? ? ? ? ? ? 初三英语作文:看日食 seeing the eclipse2014-08-28 初三英语作文:水污染water pollution2014-08-28 初三英语作文:我喜欢体育课2014-08-28 初三英语作文:礼貌的重要性 the importance of manner

18、s2014-08-28 初三英语作文:五羊石像 the five goats statue2014-08-28 初三英语作文:黄金周golden week2014-08-28【篇二:高考英语必背范文18篇】 高考英语作文必背范文 一、不同写作文体范文背诵 1. 对比观点题型(1) recently, we have had a discussion about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. there are two opposite opinions about it. 60 percent of the stude

19、nts support the point that fee should be charged for parks, because they need money to pay gardeners and other workers. moreover, buying plants and young trees also need a lot of money. on the other hand, 40disagree. in their opinion, people need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. cha

20、rging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. besides, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of the city. personally, i think an entrance fee should be charged for parks. however, fees should be charged low. 2. 对比观点题型(2) in my opinion, thi

21、s reason can never be the point. for one thing, it breaks the rules of schools t0 cheat in the examination. for another thing, we students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in the examination. whats more, we should improve our learning methods and get

22、well prepared for the examinations. from all what i have said,i agree to the thought that students should be forbidden to cheat in the examination. 3. 阐述主题题型 it is said that we are what we eat. so its very important for us to form healthy eating habits. however, bad eating habits are still very comm

23、on among us students, which will surely do harm to our health. to keep fit, first of all, we should have healthy diets. for example, we can often eat proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit as well as main food. secondly, wed better have meals regularly. in my opinion, we should try to devel

24、op healthy eating habits to build up a strong body. in short, whatever you do, please remember the saying we are what we eat. if you understand it and apply it to your life, you11 surely benefit a lot from it. 4. 解决问题题型 in recent years, we have to face a problem that many students have poor eyesight

25、. the situation is becoming more and more serious. as we all know, it is important for everyone to keep good eyesight. we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the problem. for one thing, dont keep your eyes working for a long time. youd better have a rest after you have studied an

26、 hour or so. for another, take good care of our eyes. dont read in the sun or in a poor light. dont read in bed or on a moving bus. finally, do eye exercises every day. it will also help you keep good eyesight. personally, i believe only if you obey the rules above can you prevent your eyesight from

27、 becoming short-sighted. consequently, im confident that a bright future is awaiting us. 5. 说明利弊题型 nowadays many youngsters prefer to go online in their spare time. generally, its advantages can be seen as follows: first, through the internet, they can gain new knowledge and the latest news at home

28、and abroad. besides, network offers them a convenient way to communicate with each other. the internet makes their life outside class colorful. but every coin has two sides. the negative aspects are also apparent. one of the important disadvantages is that some students prefer to play computer games

29、 instead of studying their lessons. to make matters worse, there are some students who are often absent from school for days. through the above analysis, i think we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. only in this way, we can make full use of it. as for me,

30、i would like to go online in my spare time. 6. 社会(问题)现象式议论文题型 nowadays, there exists a common phenomenon- with the development of the internet, more and more people tend to send electronic cards instead of paper ones to their friends and relatives when an important holiday comes. there are a couple

31、of reasons behind this phenomenon. for one thing, compared with the traditional cards, electronic cards are more lively and interesting. they can give not only pictures but also sound and animation. for another, there are many websites online which offer varieties of cards for you to choose from. wh

32、at is more, with the popularity of the e-cards, less paper is used in making paper cards, which does good to our environment. based on the above discussions, i can easily forecast that sending greetings by using e-cards will be accepted by more and more people, not only the young ones. 7. 原因说明文题型 these days we

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