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1、牛津译林版九年级英语中考一模专题练习动词填空牛津译林版九年级英语中考一模专题练习动词填空学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、用所给单词的正确形式填空1Those against the laws _ (expect) to be punished sooner or later.2 What brought joy to John just now? _ (receive) a gift from his boss.3The recent terrorist attack (恐怖袭击) in London _(leave) four killed and at least 40 wounded

2、.4As soon as Jeff finishes the task, he _ (offer) a two-week holiday.5 Where is your father? He has drunk too much and _ (lie) in the sofa.6 Hi, Judy. You have returned from abroad?Yes. I_ (travel) a lot during my stay there.7The young man cant decide which girl _ (marry) because both of the girls l

3、ove him.8When John entered the office, the manager _just_ (leave), so they had little time to talk about the agreement.9When there was a knock on the door, he_ (write) an important letter.10The doctors _ (operate) on him successfully. At present, though he is breathing slowly, he is out of danger.11

4、The pen you bought me last year as my birthday present still _ (write) well.12We are sure that your spoken English_ (improve) if you practice as often as possible.13To protect those endangered animals, we have made another law against _ (kill) them.14Theyve discussed for a long time. They hope that

5、they _ (change) the situation soon.15Though he _ (laugh) at by his classmates, he appeared to be calm.16Many people dont know what ways they can think of_ (reduce) the pollution.17Who _ (give)us a talk on how to protect the environment next Monday?Mr Smith is18We are sure that he will win the game b

6、ecause he _ (practise) a lot for it19Whats wrong with you, Jane?Im a little sick and I _ (wait)for Dad to take me to the hospital20Tim is a manager now,but he once _ (serve) as an engineer for five years21Generally speaking, glass _(feel) much colder than wood in winter.22-Jack, dont play the music

7、so loudly. Your father is sleeping.-Sorry, I _(not realize) it. I will turn it down right now.23The boys played computer games happily, _(forget) all about their homework.24-Excuse me, when can we play badminton at the court?-Not until it _(repair) next Wednesday.25Someone broke into Lucys home yest

8、erday. Luckily, she _(walk) her dog nearby.26The cinema we used to go to _(turn) into a hotel by the government in two years.27Since he fell off the bike, John _(lie) in bed for nearly a week.28Do you know which shop he went to _(buy) paintings for his new house?29Mum will not let Simon go out next

9、time unless he _ (return)home before dark30I really regret telling you about Toms choice for I thought you _ (keep) it a secret.31The thief _ by the police when he was climbing into the house. (catch)32Not only the railway but also the highways _ the two cities. (connect)33All those who _the film ar

10、e quite touched by the film itself. (watch)34These years, more and more parents find it more difficult _ with their children.(talk)35A student _ into trouble when he is crazy about computer games. (get)36It is true that some people suggested _ old houses to buy new ones.(sell)37She _ down and though

11、t about how to do it. (calm)38The principal _ the introduction to an Australian college at that time. (review)39Many people dont know what ways they can think of_ (reduce) the pollution.40People cant drink the water in the river because its badly_ ( pollute).41That is the only way we can imagine _ (

12、reduce) the waste of water in the bathroom.42Jim _ (finish) reading three novels written by Wang Anyi these days.43In England, we should avoid _ (ask) people questions about their age.44When there was a knock on the door, he_ (write) an important letter.45More _ (do) to improve the water condition i

13、n Taihu Lake from now on.46Though he _ (laugh) at by his classmates, he appeared to be calm.47He didnt even mention the difficulty he had at that time _ (control) the moving train.48Our teacher once told us that the early bird _ (catch) the worm.49This morning the Blacks _ (clean) the house, but Im

14、not sure if they have completed it.50All food can make a person fat if too much _ (eat).参考答案1are expected2Receiving3has left4will be offered 5is lying6travel(l)ed7to marry8was leaving9was writing10have operated【解析】1句意:那些违反法律的人迟早会受到惩罚的。be expected to do sth (某人)被期望/预料/估计做某事。表示一种被动的关系,时态为一般现在时,主语为复数形式

15、,故答案为are expected。2句意:刚才什么给约翰带来了快乐?从老板那里收到礼物。答语是回答从老板那里收到礼物给约翰带来了快乐。是一个省略句,只保留了主语,动名词用作主语,故答案为Receiving。 3句意:最近伦敦发生的恐怖袭击事件造成四人死亡,至少40人受伤。句子表达的是截止到目前为止的伤亡情况,因此用现在完成时态来表达,答案为has left。 4句意:一旦杰夫完成了任务,他将被提供为期两周的假期。as soon as引导的时间状语从句,也遵循“主将从现”的原则,当从句是一般现在时态时,主句要用一般将来时,主语he与offer之间是被动的关系,属于一般将来时态的被动语态,故答案

16、为will be offered。 5句意:你爸爸在哪里?他喝得太多了,正躺在沙发上。问句是询问现在爸爸在哪里,如果是表达动作,需要用现在进行时态来完成,故答案为is lying。6句意:嗨,朱蒂。你从国外回来了吗?是的,我在那里逗留期间经常旅行。根据时间状语“during my stay there.”判断,句子的时态为一般过去时,答案为travel(l)ed。7句意:这个年轻人不能决定与哪个女孩结婚,因为两个女孩都爱他。此处是考查“疑问词+动词不定式”,作decide的宾语,故答案为to marry。8句意:当约翰走进办公室时,那位经理正要离开,所以他们几乎没有时间谈论那份协议。根据“ha

17、d little time”判断,经理还没有离开,而是正要离开,过去进行时表示将来,故答案为was leaving。9句意:当有人敲门时,他正在写一封重要的信。“write”这一动作发生在当有人敲门这一时刻,表示过去某一时刻动作正在进行,时态为过去进行时态,故答案为was writing。 10句意:医生们成功地给他做了手术。目前,虽然他呼吸缓慢,但他已脱离危险。根据语境理解可知,医生现在已经成功地给他做了手术,属于现在完成时态的范畴,故答案为have operated。11writes12will be improved13killing14will change15was laughed1

18、6to reduce17is going to give18has practised19am waiting20served【分析】11句意:去年你给我买的作为生日礼物的钢笔仍然写字很流畅。句子表达的是现在的情况,时态为一般现在时,主语是The pen,动词要用三单形式,故答案为writes。12句意:我们相信,如果你尽可能多地练习,你的英语口语会得到提高。if引导的条件状语从句是一般现在时,主句要用一般将来时,your spoken English与improve之间是被动的关系,故句子为一般将来时态的被动语态,答案为will be improved。 13句意:为了保护那些濒临灭绝的动物

19、,我们制定了另一条禁止捕杀它们的法律。against为介词,后跟动词-ing形式,故答案为killing。14句意:他们讨论了很长时间。他们希望能尽快改变局势。soon是表示将来的时间状语,故时态为一般将来时,答案为will change。 15句意:虽然他受到同学们的嘲笑,但他看上去很镇静。根据“he appeared to be calm.”判断,前面的句子时态为一般过去时,主语he与laugh之间是被动的关系,故答案为was laughed。16句意:许多人不知道他们能想出什么方法来减少污染。动词不定式用作定语修饰the ways,故答案为to reduce。 17句意:下星期一,谁来给

20、我们作如何保护环境的报告?史米斯先生。根据时间状语next Monday判断,句子的时态为一般将来时,根据答语,此处who作主语视作单数,故答案为is going to give。18句意:我们确信他会赢这场比赛,因为他为此做了很多练习。根据“为此已经做了大量的训练”判断,属于完成的动作,时态为现在完成时,故答案为has practised。 19句意:你怎么了,简?我有点不舒服,我在等爸爸送我去医院。结合语境理解可知,句子要用现在进行时态来表达,故答案为am waiting。 20句意:提姆现在是经理,但他曾经当过五年工程师。once从前,曾经,句子要用一般过去时态来表达,故答案为serve

21、d。21feels22didnt realize23forgetting24is repaired25was walking26will be turned27has lain28to buy29returns30would keep【解析】21句意:一般来说,冬天玻璃摸起来比木头冷得多。feel为系动词,无被动语态,客观事实或真理用一般现在时态来表达,glass为不可数名词,动词用三单形式,故答案为feels。22句意:杰克,别把音乐演奏地这么响亮,你爸爸正在睡觉。对不起,我没意识到。我现在就把它关掉。结合语境理解可知,说此话的时候,演奏已经开始了,是过去没有意识到爸爸在睡觉,故时态为一般过

22、去时,答案为didnt realize。 23句意:男孩子们愉快地玩电脑游戏,忘记了他们的家庭作业。分词短语作伴随状语,故答案为forgetting。24句意:对不起,我们什么时候可以在球场上打羽毛球?直到下星期三修好为止。until引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表示将来,it与repair之间是被动的关系,故答案为is repaired。25句意:昨天有人闯入露西家。幸运的是,她正在附近遛狗。结合语境可知,遛狗发生在有人闯入露西家的那一时刻,时态用过去进行时态来表达,故答案为was walking。 26句意:我们过去常去的那家电影院将在两年内由政府改建成旅馆。we used to go t

23、o是The cinema的定语,主语The cinema与动词turn之间是被动的关系,根据in two years判断,句子的时态为一般将来时,故答案为will be turned。27句意:自从他从自行车上摔下来,约翰躺在床上已经快一个星期了。“Since he fell off the bike”表示的是到目前为止的时间段,主句用现在完成时态来表达,故答案为has lain。 28句意:你知道他去了哪家商店为他的新房子买油画吗?动词不定式作目的状语,故答案为to buy。29句意:除非他天黑前回家,否则妈妈下次不会让西蒙出去的。unless引导的条件状语从句遵循“主将从现”的原则,从句用

24、一般现在时表示,故答案为returns。30句意:我真后悔告诉你汤姆的选择,因为我认为你会保守秘密“I thought you _ (keep) it a secret.”是宾语从句,结合句意“我原以为你会保守秘密的”,受主句一般过去时态的影响,可知从句的时态为过去将来时,答案为would keep。31was caught32connect33have watched34to talk35will get36selling37calmed38was reviewing39to reduce40polluted【解析】31句意:小偷在爬进房子时被警察抓住了。根据“when he was cli

25、mbing into the house.”判断,主句的时态为一般过去时,主语The thief与catch之间是被动的关系,故答案为was caught。 32句意:铁路和公路都连接这两个城市。陈述客观事实用一般现在时,not only but also连接两个主语时,有就近原则,谓语动词connect与主语the highways保持一致,故答案为connect。33句意:所有看过这部电影的人都被这部电影深深打动了。先行词those,who为定语从句的主语,视作复数使用,“看过这部电影”要用现在完成时态来表达,故答案为have watched。 34句意:近年来,越来越多的家长发现与孩子交

26、谈更加困难。it为形式宾语,动词不定式是真正的宾语,故答案为to talk。35句意:当一个学生痴迷于电脑游戏时,他会惹上麻烦。when引导的时间状语从句与if引导的条件状语从句一样,有时也遵循“主将从现”的原则,此句的从句是一般现在时,主句要用一般将来时,故答案为will get。36句意:确实有一些人建议卖掉旧房的子来买新房子。suggest doing sth.建议做某事,故答案为selling。37句意:她冷静下来,考虑该怎么做。并列连词and连接的前后两个句子的时态要保持一致,thought是think的过去式,故答案填calm的过去式calmed。38句意:校长当时正在复议有关澳大

27、利亚一所大学的介绍。at that time在那时,用于过去进行时态的句子中,故答案为was reviewing。 39句意:许多人不知道他们能想出什么方法来减少污染。动词不定式用作定语修饰the ways,故答案为to reduce。 40句意:人们不能喝河里的水,因为河水污染严重。根据句意以及句子结构判断,此句是一般现在时态的被动语态,缺少过去分词,故答案为polluted。41to reduce42has finished43asking44was writing45will be done46was laughed47controlling48catches49were cleanin

28、g50is eaten【解析】41句意:这是我们唯一能想到的减少浴室浪费水的方法。动词不定式用作定语修饰the only way,答案为to reduce。 42句意:这些天吉姆已经读完了王安忆写的三部小说。these days这些天,属于“现在”的时间,因此要与表示与现在有关的时态连用,结合语境理解可知,吉姆已经读完了三部小说,要用现在完成时态来表达,主语he是第三人称单数,故答案为has finished。43句意:在英国,我们应该避免询问人们关于他们年龄的问题。avoid doing sth.避免做某事,故答案为asking。44句意:有人敲门时,他正在写一封重要的信。“write”这一

29、动作发生在当有人敲门这一时刻,表示过去某一时刻动作正在进行,时态为过去进行时态,故答案为was writing。 45句意:从现在起,将进一步改善太湖的水环境。根据“from now on”判断,句子的时态为一般将来时,主语more与do之间是被动的关系,句子为一般将来时态的被动语态,故答案为will be done。46句意:虽然他受到同学们的嘲笑,但他看上去很镇静。根据“he appeared to be calm.”判断,前面的句子的时态为一般过去时,主语he与laugh之间是被动的关系,故答案为was laughed。47句意:他甚至没有提到当时他控制移动的火车的困难程度。have difficulty doing sth.做某事有困难,结合句意可知,答案为controlling。 48句意:我们的老师曾经告诉我们“笨鸟先飞”。“the early bird _ (catch) the worm.”属于谚语,放在从句中时态不受主句过去时态的影响,仍用一般现在时,故答案为catches。49句意:今天早上布莱克夫妇正在打扫房子,但我不确定他们是否已经完成了。过去进行时表示过去某一时间段正在发生或进行的动作或状

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