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届高考高考英语二轮点晴 专题练习 完形填空29.docx

1、届高考高考英语二轮点晴 专题练习 完形填空292015届高考高三英语二轮专题练习:完形填空(29)A (改编自四川省绵阳中学2014届高三上学期第一次月考) An acrobatic(杂技的)master performed a tightrope(钢丝)walk between two mountains, which attracted thousands of people. When the 1 started, he went to one end of the tightrope, 2 straight at the goal ahead, with open arms, walk

2、ing slowly step by step to the opposite side of the mountain. Immediately, the audience 3 loud applause.“If my hands are tied, do you also believe ! can 4 ?” he asked the audience. 5 , some people didnt believe, but in order to know the 6 , they said, “We believe you !”Then, he had his hands tied wi

3、th a rope and walked past 7 . He looked around and said, “If Im blindfolded(蒙着眼睛的)with my hands tied, do you 8 believe I can go past?” This time, the people said without 9 , “We believe you!” In this way, his eyes were 10 with a black cloth. He moved slowly to the tightrope andwalked along it inch b

4、y inch. This time, he went past once again. The audience burst into 11 .Then, he 12 a child and asked all the people, “If I put him on any shoulders 13 Im blindfolded with my hands tied as well, do you still believe I can make it?” All the people replied before 14 , “We believe you!” “I ask you agai

5、n, do you really believe me?” “Yes, we believe you completely !” Then, he said, “Well then, since you believe me, 15 my child with yours. Who will?” All of a sudden, the audience fell 16 . The silence lasted for nearly ten minutes. After ten minutes, the acrobatic master said nothing, just put the c

6、hild on his shoulders and walked past along the tightrope. Sure enough, this time he 17 once more.Faced with things far from their own 18 , people can often make judgments easily and quickly, but once involved in(牵涉)it, most of people “cannot 19 it clearly”. Only those who are really confident, like

7、 the master in the tightrope walk, can stay 20 at any time.1. A. talent B. play C. program D. show 2. A. stepping B. staring C. wandering D. pointing 4. A. get through B. walk down C. go across D. pass around6. A. result B. experience C. challenge D. trick 7. A. slightly B. luckily C. smoothly D. ne

8、rvously 【答案】C【解祈】句意:他手被一根绳子反绑着并且成功地通过了。smoothly平坦地,顺利地;slightly稍微地;luckily幸运地;nervously紧张地。8. A. even B. just C. always D. still 9. A. difficulty B. hesitation C. concern D. mercy 【答案】B【解祈】句意:这一次,下面的观众毫不犹豫地回答:“我们相信”。without hesitation固定短语“毫不犹豫”。10. A. blocked B. hidden C. covered D. equipped 【答案】C 【

9、解析】句意:他的眼睛被一块黑布蒙上了。be covered with 被覆盖;be equipped with 用武装;block 阻碍,堵死;hide隐藏.11. A. cheers B. joy C. tears D. laughter 【答案】A【解析】句意:这一次他又成功地通过了下面的观众爆发出欢呼声。burst into tears 突然大哭起来,burst into laughter 突然大笑起来,都不符合题意,应该是他通过后观众欢呼起来,所以应该用burst into cheers。12. A. chose B. supported C. pushed D. held 13. A

10、. till B. before C. while D. since 【答案】C【解祈】句意:我把孩子放到肩膀上并且眼睛被蒙上手被反绑着,你们仍然相信我能成功吗?while当的时候;till直到;before在之前;since既然,因为;自从。14. A. arguing B. thinking C. refusing D. amusing 15. A. exchange B. compare C. take D. treat 【答案】A【解析】句意:既然你们那么相信我,谁愿意用你们的孩子来换我的孩子?exchange A with B“用B交换A”;compare A with B“把A和B

11、相比较”;take带走;treat对待,款待。16. A. silent B. noisy C. doubtful D. anxious 【答案】A【解析】句意:突然,观众都沉默了。从下一句The silence lasted for nearly ten minutes.沉默持续了将近十分钟得知此空选择silent。17. A. won B. walked C. acted D. succeeded 【答案】D【解祈】句意:当然这一次他又成功了。win“嬴得”后面接比赛做宾语;walk走;act行为,表现。succeed 成功,是不及物动词。18. A. children B. fears

12、C. interests D. performances 19. A. guarantee B. see C. understand D. realize 20. A. awake B. encouraged C. patient D. focusedB (改编自2014高考新课标卷I)As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine(常规)basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this 1 at work in pe

13、ople of all 2 . For example, on Christmas morning, children are excited about 3 with their new toys. But their 4 soon wears off and by January those 5 toys can be found put away in the basement. The world is full of 6 stamp albums and unfinished models, each standing as a monument to someones 7 inte

14、rest. When parents bring home a pet, their child 8 bathes it and brushes its fur. Within a short time, however, the 9 of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents. Adolescents enter high school with great 10 but are soon looking forward to 11 . The same is true of the young adults going to

15、 college. And then, how many 12 , who now complain (抱怨) about the long drives to work, 13 drove for hours at a time when they first 14 their drivers license (执照)? Before people retire, they usually 15 to do a lot of 16 things, which they never had 17 to do while working. But 18 after retirement , th

16、e golfing, the fishing, the reading and all of the other pastimes become as boring as the jobs they 19 . And , like the child in January, they go searching for new 20 .语篇解读:在人的一生中会有很多的兴趣爱好,但是当这些兴趣爱好成为经常做的事情时,人们很快就会失去对它们的兴趣,转而寻找新的兴趣爱好了。作者在本文中通过不同年龄的孩子,年轻人,成年人以及即将退休的人的例子告诉我们这个定理。1. A. principle B. hab

17、it C. weaker D. motivation【答案】A 3. A. working B. living C. playing D. going【答案】C 【解析】work with与一起工作;live with与同居;忍受;paly with玩耍;go with与相配套;play with是指不按照规则的随便玩耍。孩子们对于玩新的玩具总是很兴奋。4. A. confidence B. interest C. anxiety D. sorrow6. A. well-organized B. colorfully-printed C. newly- collected D. half-fi

18、lled7. A. broad B. passing C. different D. unbearable 【答案】B 【解析】A宽阔的;B过去的;以前的;C不同的;D无法忍受的主要的;这些一半满的集邮本,写了一半的小说都是我们过去的兴趣纪念物。这些材料能够说明曾经很感兴趣的东西最后都会让人厌倦。8. A. silently B. impatiently C. gladly D. worriedly10. A. courage B. calmness C. confusion D. excitement11. A. graduation B. independence C. responsib

19、ility D. success【答案】A 【解析】A毕业;B独立;C责任;D成功;这个例子仍然告诉我们年轻人的兴趣也是很快就消失的。刚进入高中时很兴奋,但很快他们就厌倦了高中生活,期待着毕业了。12. A. children B. students C. adults D. retirees13. A. carefully B. eagerly C. nervously D. bravely【答案】B 【解析】A细心地;B急切地;C紧张地;D勇敢地;刚刚拿到驾照的成年人非常兴奋,急切地连续开车好几个小时,慢慢地他们厌倦了开车,开车上班都有了抱怨。14. A. required B. obta

20、ined C. noticed D. discovered【答案】B 【解析】A要求,请求;B获得;拿到;C注意到;D发现;本句是指成年人在刚刚得到驾照的时候无比急切地要去开车。15. A. need B. learn C. start D. plan17. A. time B. money C. skills D. knowledge【答案】A 【解析】A时间;B金钱;C技巧;D知识;本句的关键词是while working,人们在工作的时候是没有太多的事情做别的事情的。故A正确。18. A. only B. well C. even D. soon.19. A. lost B. chose

21、 C. left D. quit20. A. pets B. toys C. friends D. colleaguesC(改编自河北省邯郸市武安三中2014届高三9月第一次摸底考试)That morning, I stepped into the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with seventy-five students who would be my English Literature class. Having taught in 1 for seventeen years, I had no 2 a

22、bout my ability to hold their attention and to 3 on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue. I was shocked when the monitor shouted, 4 ! The entire class rose as I entered the room, and I was somewhat 5 about how to get them to sit down again, but once that awkwardness was over, I

23、quickly 6 my calmness and began what I thought was a fact-packed lecture, sure to gain their respectperhaps 7 their admiration. I went back to my office with the rosy glow which came from a sense of achievement. My students 8 diaries. However, as I read them, the rosy glow was gradually 9 by a stron

24、g sense of sadness. The first diary said, Our literature teacher didnt teach us anything today. 10 her next lecture will be better. Greatly surprised, I read diary after diary, each expressing a 11 theme. Didnt I teach them anything? I described the entire philosophical framework of Western thought

25、and laid the historical 12 for all the works well study in class, I complained. How 13 they say I didnt teach them anything? It was a long term, and it 14 became clear that my ideas about education were not the same as 15 of my students. I thought a teachers job was to raise 16 questions and provide

26、 enough background so that students could 17 their own conclusions. My students thought a teachers job was to provide 18 information as directly and clearly as possible. What a difference! 19 , I also learned a lot, and my experience with my Chinese students has made me a 20 American teacher, knowin

27、g how to teach in a different culture. 3. A. impress B. put C. leave D. congratulate 【答案】A【解祈】给某人留下印象的结构是impress on sb sth.此处指他确信能给学生留下深刻的映象!所以A正确。4. A. Attention B. Look out C. At ease D. Stand up 6. A. found B. returned C. regained D. governed【答案】C【解祈】全文的but once that awkwardness was over提醒读者他开始见到

28、那情景有点局促不安,到很快又重新获得平静calmness。Regain正确。7. A. more B. even C. yet D. still 【答案】B【解祈】admiration是在respect基础上的递进,所以用even符合这一空,B正确。8. A. passed B. retold C. read D. kept 9. A. replaced B. taken C. caught D. moved 【答案】A【解祈】读到学生的日记,原来萦绕在我心头的自我好感很快褪色了,取而代之的是悲伤。be replaced by.被取代,所以A正确。10. A. Naturally B.Perh

29、aps C. Fortunately D. Reasonably 14. A. immediately B. certainly C. simply D. gradually 【答案】D【解祈】问题的清晰是要时间的,后面的become clear表明了一个过程,gradually逐渐地,所以D正确。15. A. that B. what C. those D. ones 【答案】C【解祈】上文出现的my ideas在下文中用those去代替。所以C正确。16. A. difficult B. interesting C. ordinary D. unusual 【答案】B【解祈】在我看来,教师的工作就是提出有趣的问题并提供必要的背景知识,然后学生通过思考得出自己的结论。要启迪学生思考,问题应该要有吸引力,所以B正确。17. A. draw B. ensure C. search D. offer 【答案】A【解祈】draw a conclusion得出结论,为固定搭配。18. A. strange B. standard C. exact D. serious

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