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1、新编大学英语视听说教程第三册答案新编大学英语视听说教程第三 册答案Keys to the texts of book3Unit OnePart OneExercise 21. Mike C 2. Sam E 3. .Ted D 4Simon A 5. Lilly BExercise 31. avoid; power 2. social; outgoing 3. reputation; 4. despite;wittiest 5. make up for; protective6. describe 7. perfecti oni st; critical 8. matches 9. trait

2、s;improved 10. get rid of; characteristicsPart TwoListe ning IExercise 11 F 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. T 6. TExercise 21. outside world 2. at home 3.wave hello 4. bow5ook straight in the eye 6. ope nly7. look at my feet 8. shy and sile ntListe ning IIExercise nsitive; cari ng 2. good friend 3ife; people

3、 4eav ing ;being awareExercise 21. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. bPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. ice-skati ng 2. chemistry 3.outgo in g;bright; funny 4moody; self-ce ntered 5.wavy blond; medium size 6. runn er-up Exercise 21 T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. F 6. TPractice TwoExercise 11.4 2.collogues 3.teacher 4. Susa

4、n 5. BarbaraExercise 21. DEJ 2.BF 3CH 4. AGIPractice ThreeWhat kind of people are they?Exercise 11. Pedro energetic2. Mr. Miller patient3. Mr. Smith honest4. Jake stubborn5. Mrs.Duke creativeExercise 21. favourite way to relax2. how to divide3. bad unripe4. stiff sore5. fastening a basketball hoopPr

5、actice FourExercise11 F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. TExercise 25.E nglish1. flattering 2.critical 3.popular 4. reservedExercise 31. understand the Scots English2. the friendliest3. most hospitable4. much nicer5. English courtesy6. no views on the matter/ no commentsPart Four Test ing yourselfSecti on II.upset

6、2. sen sible 3. lecture 4. calm 5. stre ngth 6. la nded7. wavi ng8. perfectly 9. wildly 10. beeSection IIMy history teacher1. b 2.b 3. d 4. b 5. d 6. a 7. c 8. bSection IIIWhat do you think of yourself?1. secretary 2. hardworki ng 3. efficie nt 4. private 5. armyofficer 7. fond 8. i ndepe nde

7、nt 9. shy 10. fiftee nUnit TwoPart OneExercise 21. C2. E 3. D 4. B 5.AExercise your hand; used to belong 2. practicing with to each other; why not 4. ask for; find a way5. man age to; his own love 6. so foolishly jealous 7. all three of them 8.peadePart TwoListe ning I1 B 2.B 3.A 4. B 5

8、. CExercise 21 T 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. F 6. TListe ning IIExercise 11. a 2. a 3.b4. c 5. cExercise 21. T 2. F 3.T4. T 5. F 6.FListe ning IIIExercise 1I. stayed around 2. mouse catcher 3. rats and mice 4. got a paw 5. weak and thi n6. make a woode n paw 7. faste ned it 8. grow sleek and fat 9man aged10. p

9、eered out cautiouslyII. seized it with 12.eighteen micePart ThreePractice oneExercise 11 F 2. T 3.T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7.F 8. TPractice TwoExercise 11.C DJ 2.AEGH 3BFIExercise 21.a 2.b 3.d 4.c 5. b 6. dPractice ThreeExercise 11. b 2.d 3.c 4. d 5.aExercise 21 F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. F 6. TPractice FourExercis

10、e11. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. aExercise 21 F 2. F 3.T4. T 5. FPart Four Test ing yourselfSection I Little Red Riding HoodSecti on II Spider, Hare and moon1 T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T. 6. F 7. T 8. TSecti on HI The lege nd of the cowboyUnit ThreePart OneExercise 2Exercise 3Part TwoListe ning IExercise 1Ex

11、ercise 2 1 F 2. T 3.F 4. T 5. F 6. TListe ning IIExercise 21.30 2.male 3. 1.90 4ong ; wavy 5. heavily built 6.light red sweater 7. beardListe ning IIIExercise 11. b 2. C 3.d 4. aExercise 2(145.7). yesPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. natural riches 2. desert 3.extinction 4. specie:5.oxygen 6.econim

12、ic development 7. conservation 8. valuablein come 9. aware ness 10. slow dow nExercise 21 T 2. F 3.F 4.TPractice TwoExercise 1 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. TExercise 21.south America; pet food; eno ugh prote in; develop 2.much more;Asia; Africa 3.position; natural resources; gone down; steady4. continue to ris

13、e 5. getting richer and richerPractice ThreeExercise 11.the first few seconds thin 3.beings from another planet4. focused on 5. looked directly at6. All around 7. until now 8. despair grief and disgust 9. started crying 10. who was sleep ing peachfullyExercise 2(123.5.8) yesPractice FourExercis

14、el1 b 2.c 3.a 4.cExercise 21ove 2.together 3.mother 4. house 6. friends 7. father8.mouth 9.beach 10.callPart Four Test ing yourselfSecti on Ipla ined about 3. got out of 4.on the ground 5. shocked6. cold-blooded killi ng7. inv estigati on 8. drug deali ng 9. com mon 10. aga inst14. r

15、espectable 15 accused ofSection II1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. cSection III1. over-crowded cities 2. poverty disease 3. the drift 4. registrati on5. rese ntme nt 6. attractive7. educati on services 8. rural lifeKeys to the texts of book3Unit fourPart OneExercise puter programmer puter engin eeri ng 3. int

16、ern ship 4.lecture; competition puter programming skills 6. impatient7. con structive 8. medical research 9. man ageme nt 10. 3,600Exercise 3( yesPart TwoListe ning IExercise 1(2.345.7.) yesExercise 21. weaknesses 2. similar abilities and interests; interest us; importa nt and cha

17、lle nging3.educati on ;. promoti on; educated pers ons 4.pare nts ; teachers ;ben efit; give careful thought; useful suggesti on; pers onal qualities; 5. gett ing mon ey; our future happ in ess; comb in ati onListe ning IIExercise 11.choose their careers 2. avoid certain careers 3. different profess

18、ions 4. children impressions and prejudices 5. lawyers6. accountants 7. scientists 8. most popular 9. least popular 10. ignorance1.T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. TPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11 d 2.d 3.a4. bExercise 21.sales man ager 2. salary 3.sales commissi on 4. a car 5. travel around in 6. experie

19、 nces7. uni versity 8. on a teamPractice TwoExercise 11. b 2.b 3. a 4. c 5. cExercise 21. 65 words 2.90 to 100 words 3.with languages; translate letters,a nswer the phone; foreig n visitors ; a sec ond foreig n Ian guage Practice ThreeExercise 11. c 2.a 3. b 4. d 5. bExercise 21. ADF 2.BF 3. ACEPrac

20、tice FourExercise12. sensitive; extroverted 3.doing a good job 4. toleranee level5. patie ntExercise 21 T 2. F 3T 4. F 5. TPart Four Test ing yourselfSecti on I1.100 million 2. 35 to 40 3. 7 to 8 4. office workers and manyprofessio nals 5.8:00 ; to 4:006. eight-hour shifts 7.M on day; Thursda

21、y ; Saturdays ; Sun days8. choose their own work ing hours; freedom of choice; happy with Section II1.d 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. dSection III1. b 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. aKeys to the texts of book3Unit FivePart OneExercise 2 :1. B 2. A 3. C 4. E 5. D 6. FExercise 31. over long dista nces 2. look in to it 3. five

22、 times 4.i ndividual;group 5. sex-specific; males; females; stra ngers6. great apes 7. teach ; own kind 8. raised ; held; look bigger9. round ; tail-wagg ing10. feedi ng; every directi onPart TwoListe ning IExercise 11. plays; real people; real life; emotional problem; loyalty 2 public speech; make

23、themselves taller; political ; one-sided3. soft-soap; praise; kindExercise 21 F 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. T 6. TListe ning IIExercise 11. c 2. a 3. dExercise understood easily 2.necessary; desirable 3.splendid4. preve nts;from achiev ing 5. an xiety; effectPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. d 2. a 3. b

24、 4. a 5.bExercise 21 permission ;apply for 2. application form; web site 3.regular mail; fax 4.traveler checks; credit cardsPractice TwoExercise 1(235) yesExercise 21.T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5.T.6.TExercise 31. other native Ianguages 2. two 3. more 4. of their choice 5Spanish 6. Indian Spanish 7. English;8

25、. Germa n 9. FrenchPractice ThreeExercise 11. lear ner; teacher; curriculum 2. aptitude; expectati ons; goalsExercise 21.T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5.T.Practice FourExercise11 c 2. c 3.a 4. bExercise 21. eggs and toast 2. realistic; goals; far better than; forgetting 3determ in ed; pers on ality .culture 4. unu sual ; recite aloudPart Four Test ing yourselfSecti on I1. religions 2. exist 3. 40,0004. cave 5. moon 6. birth 7.records 8. agree 9. by 10. sense 11. ourselves 12.i nhabitSection II1. F 2. T 3. F . 4. T 5. F 6. T 7.T 8. TSection III1. a 2. d 3. c 4. d 5.b 6. a

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