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中考英语 完形填空第4集.docx

1、中考英语 完形填空第4集2013中考英语完形填空第4集该精品包括2010年、2011年、2012年各省市的模拟题、真题中的完形填空,至少90%有详细的答案解析。每一篇文章都标明了年、省市,方便会员选用。排版工整。【2012四川宜宾】 完形填空。 (共10个小题,每小题1分,计10分)认真阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其番号填入题前括号内。Marc sat next to me when we were in Hill Junior School. He had a serious 36 in communicating with pe

2、ople. One always had to guess what he was saying. 37 , most of my classmates did not like to be with him because his hands and shirts were always 38 . I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by 39 him several times a day to wash his hands. But he just could not understand.One day, our

3、teacher Miss West walked up to Marc. 40 saying anything, she took Marc to the washroom. Slowly, Miss West washed his 41 and told him that he should keep himself clean. She did that every day for one month. 42 , Marc understood.Miss Wests love has given me a good example to follow when I 43 my job. I

4、 always remember to teach my students by showing them the right 44 to do things. And most important of all, I always remember to give them 45 to learn and to grow up.( )36. A. question B. problem C. accident D. hobby( )37. A. Instead B. However C. Besides D. Except( )38. A. dirty B. clean C. new D.

5、old( )39. A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling( )40. A. With B. Without C. After D. Above( )41. A. face B. feet C. shirts D. hands( )42. A. At last B. At first C. Such as D. So far( )43. A. did B. am doing C. have done D. am going to do( )44. A. ways B. answers C. time D. food( )45. A. more a

6、dvice B. less advice C. more time D. less time【主旨大意】好的老师对学生的一生都有影响。36B有严重问题,用problem37Cinstead代替,however 然而 besides除。之外还有except 除。之外,根据题意,应选38,同学不喜欢和他在一起,因为他脏39D tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事40B without saying没说什么41D wash hands 洗手42A at last最后;at first 起初such as例如;so far到目前为止43 我正在做的44A正确的方法45Cmore time

7、 更多的时间*结束【2011湖北黄冈】阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。Ever since I was little, my favourite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate._46_ , winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. I would ask my grandmother _47_ it didn t snow on my birthday. Sh

8、e would laugh and tell me I asked too many questions. _48_ one day, she promised(许诺)that she would make it snow on my next birthday.That year, _49_my birthday, my grandmother died. I was sad but angry because she had promised to make it snow. The day of my sixth birthday, I woke up and ran to the wi

9、ndow, _50_ to see just one snowflake. But there was no snow. I felt mad at my grandmother. She had broken a promise.By my sixteenth birthday, I _51_all hope of getting my snow, even though I still wished for _52_ . During my party, I stayed with my friends and family and was truly happy. I _53_ the

10、best time ever! Then I saw the white snow _54_ down all around. I was so excited that I ran around screaming(尖叫) and laughing. My friends all laughed _55_ me, but I didnt care.When I _56_ home, my grandpa said he had a gift for me. I was _57_ because he had given me a gift. It was a small white box,

11、 which looked old. I opened it. There was a crystal snow-flake(冰晶雪花) with a card that _58_ , Happy Birthday. How could this be? My grandpa said it was my grandmothers final _59_ on my sweet sixteenth. I cried.I was _ 60 that my smiling grandmother angel was and had been watching over me.46. A. Certa

12、inly B. Unfortunately C. Importantly D. Luckily47. A. when B. how C. whether D. why48. A. But B. Or C. Then D. So49. A. on B. after C. before D. in50. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope51. A. was losing B. lost C. would lose D. had lost52. A. it B. her C. him D. me53. A. had B. was C. played D. f

13、eared54. A. fell B. to fall C. fallen D. falling 55. A. with C.from D. off56. A. arrived at B. remained C. got D. entered57. A. excited B. confused C. pleased D. frustrated58. A. wrote B.said C. explained D. appeared59. A. order B. mistake C. wish D. decision60. A. certain B. angry C. sad D. an

14、xious本文介绍了小作者从小就喜欢雪,希望在生日那天得到雪。她的祖母就许诺会给她的,不幸地是她的祖母在生日前去世了。她很生气。后来,结果证明了她的祖母临终的愿望也没有忘记给她礼物。46. B 根据句意“在我生日那天,冬天从来都没有给我一个特殊的礼物。”所以,应该是“不幸地”。故选B。47. C when意为“什么时候”;how意“如何”;whether意为“是否”;why意为“为什么”。句意为“我将问问我的奶奶为什么在我生日那天不下雪。”故选C。48. A根据上文中提到了“大笑”和下文的“许诺”,所以,应该表示转折。故选A。49. C 根据下文,作者还没有过生日,所以“在生日之前”。故选C。

15、50. B hoping在此表示现在分词做伴随状语。故选B。51. D 句意为“在我16岁生日的时候,我已经失去了得到雪的所以希望。”根据标志词by可以判断用过去进行时态。故选D。52. A 用it来指代“雪”,snow不可数,故选A。53. A have the best time“表示过得很快乐。”故选A。54. D 句意为“我看到白雪四处飘下。”see sth. doing意为“看到事情正在发生”。故选D。55. B l augh at sb.意为“嘲笑某人”。故选B。56. C 句意为“当我到家的时候”。arrive at 意为“到达”;remain意为“保持”;get to意为“到达

16、”;enter意为“进入”。因为home为副词,所以,不能加介词。故选C。57. B 因为作者已经收到了礼物,所以,当他爷爷说再给他礼物的时候,他感到很迷惑。故选B。58.B 句意为“有一个半隐半现的一片水晶雪花和一张写着生日快乐的贺卡。”表示写着用“said”故选B。59. C 句意为“它是我祖母的临终愿望”。故选C。60. A 句意为“我向我面带微笑的天使般的祖母默默祈祷,我肯定她正护佑着我。她一直护佑着我。”“certain”表示“确信的”。故选A。*结束【2011湖南怀化】第二节 完形填空 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(共10小题,

17、每小题1分)Which part is the most important?My mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body is. When I was 31 .1 thought music and talking were the most important things, so I said: “My 32 Mommy.”She said; No. many people are deaf and cant hear anything but they live normal lives. But y

18、ou 33 thinking about my questions and I will ask you again soon. Several years passed before she asked me again. This time I told her: “Mommy. 34 is very important to 35 , so it must be our eyes. She looked at me and told me: You are learning fast, but your 36 is not right because there are many peo

19、ple who are blind and who arc happy and healthy all the same.” Then, last year, my grandpa 37 .Everybody was crying. My mom asked me: “Do you know the most important bodypan now, my dear? The most important body part is your 38 .” “Is it because it holds up (支撑)my head?” I asked.No, it is because it

20、 can hold a head of a friend or a loved one when they 39 .she answered. “ Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life. I only hope that you have enough love and friends in your life. So, you will 40 have a shoulder to cry on when you need it.31. A. older B. younger C. cleverer32. A. ears B

21、. eyes C. mouth33. A. stop B. begin C. keep34. A. mind B. heart C. sight35. A. everybody B. somebody C. nobody36. A. question B. problem C. answer37. A. came B. died C. arrived38. A. shoulder B. foot C. hand39. A. laugh B. dance C. cry40. A. never B. always C. seldom 【主旨大意】本文讲述了一位母亲在不同的时候问她孩子同一个问题,通

22、过每一个答案,揭示一些人生哲理的故事。31. B 细节推理题。根据下文提到的“Several years passed”得出答案。32. A 细节推理题。根据妈妈的话“many people are deaf and cant hear anything”得出答案。33. C 细节推理题。根据妈妈的话,得出应该是继续思考。34. C 细节推理题。根据下文的句子“it must be our eyes”得出答案。35. A 细节理解题。此处考的是不定代词的用法,应该选A,比较合适。36. C 细节理解题。结合上下文的语境意思,得出答案。37. B 细节推理题。根据下文的句子“Everybody

23、was crying.”看出答案。38. A 细节理解题。根据这句话“Is it because it holds up (支撑)my head?”可知答案。39. C 细节理解题。根据下文“Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life.”可知答案。40. B 细节推理题。根据“I only hope that you have enough love and friends in your life.”得出答案。*结束【2012岳阳】 完形填空 通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。On a

24、Friday night, a young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance (通道口)of the subway station. The music was so wonderful 31 people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat.The next day, the violinist came to the entrance again. He 32 his hat as usual. Beside the hat there was a pie

25、ce of paper. It said,“George Sang has put an important thing 33 my hat by mistake. Welcome to claim(认领) it.” Soon the people went to see the words and they 34 guessed what it could be. After a while, a man came up and said,“I know you would certainly come here.” The violinist asked,“ Did you lose so

26、mething?”“A lottery ticket(彩票).” The violinist took out a lottery ticket with Georges name on it. George took it and danced 35 .George was 36 office worker. He bought the lottery and won a prize of $500,000. But when he gave $50 to the violinist for his wonderful music, the lottery ticket was thrown

27、 into his hat, too. The 37 was a poor college student. That morning, he was going to fly to Vienna for his education. However, when he 38 the lottery ticket, he didnt go as he had planned. Instead, he went to the entrance again to wait for the owner of the lottery ticket.Later someone asked the viol

28、inist 39 he didnt take the lottery ticket to pay for his high education. He said,“Although I dont have much money, I live happily. If I take the money, I will lose honesty, and I 40 be happy forever.”( ) 31. A. but B. that C. because ( ) 32. A. put down B. put up C. put on ( ) 33. A. above B. under

29、C. into ( ) 34. A. both B. all C. whole ( ) 35. A. slowly B. happily C. sadly ( ) 36. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 37. A. office worker B. crowd C. violinist( ) 38. A. looked B. looked for C. found ( ) 39. A. why B. how C. that ( ) 40. A. will B. wont C. would 【参考答案】3135:BACBB 3640:BCCAB*结束【2010重庆】根据短文内容,从

30、A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Wang Ling, a middle school girl, felt angry with her parents after getting a boys phone call. “A classmate called me to discuss homework. We talked 41 just a few minutes before my parents got mad,” said the girl. “They asked whether I liked the boy. I said I didnt, 42 they wouldnt believe me.”Wangs trouble is not strange at all because puppy love (早恋) becomes a big headache for 43 parents and schools. They worry that puppy love will be bad for 44 . Her school makes it a rule not to allow any talk or any phy

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