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1、典范英语6bL5教学参考典范英语(6b-L5)教学参考Storm Castle教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够听懂录音;能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能够理解并梳理故事情节;能够复述故事;能够用英语就开放性问题发表观点;能够进行戏剧化地表演; 能够运用语义场巩固对词汇的掌握;能够完成summary写作。2. 非语言能力目标:让学生体会到故事中的惊险和乐趣;能够意识到身处危险时,不仅要互帮互助,更要学会运用智慧寻求脱身之法;通过情节分析和复

2、述,培养学生的逻辑思维能力和表达能力;培养学生大胆表达自己想法的自信和勇气。 二、课时安排每周不少于两课时,1-2个课时完成一个故事。要求学生课前反复听录音跟读。三、教师要求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。3. 全英文授课。四、教学用具多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)。五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):讨论游戏,引入故事情节通过讨论与学生生活联系密切的游戏话题,进入故事情境。教师提问,请学生回答:Do you like playing computer games?What is your favou

3、rite game?Why do you like it?学生回答后,过渡到看图讲故事环节:Storm Castle is the name of a game. Who in the story was good at playing it? Lets start from the beginning of the story and find it out. 2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):了解历险背景 教师利用课件播放故事图片1-8,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,引导学生观察图片,了解历险前的故事情境。(Picture 1)Nadims

4、mum and dad had to go away, so Nadim came to stay at Biff and Chips house. Look! What did Nadim have? He had a bag with all his things, but he had a big box, too. What was in the big box?(Picture 2)The children went to Biffs room. Nadim had the big box and opened it. What did he take out?He took out

5、 his computer. “Ive got some new computer games,” said Nadim. “But we can play with them later. Ive got something else to play with.” What did Nadim get?(Picture 3)Nadim had some robots. Kipper liked robots. “These are great,” he said. “Im going to get one like this. Its my favourite.” Biff and Chip

6、 had a robot, too. They went to fetch it. They were going to have a great time.(Picture 4)Wilf came to play. He had one of his new toys. What was it?It was a space craft. Biff, Wilf and Kipper played with all the toys. Kipper said he wanted to be a robot when he grew up. Could he be a robot? No. “Pe

7、ople cant be robots,” said Biff. What did Chip and Nadim do?(Picture 5)Chip and Nadim played on the computer. Nadim showed Chip one of his new games called “Storm Castle”. “Its exciting, but its very hard,” said Nadim. “Ill show you how to play, then you can have a go,” (Picture 6)Everyone watched N

8、adim play Storm Castle. “You have to go through all the rooms,” he said. “But there is a danger in every room.” Look! In the first room, the floor opened. You could fall through, but did Nadim fall? No. He was good on computer. He got through all the rooms safely. (Picture 7)Suddenly, the magic key

9、began to glow. Were the children happy to have an adventure?No. They didnt want a magic adventure. What did they want then?They wanted to play on Nadims computer.(Picture 8)Where do you think the magic would take them to?Storm Castle. Wilf didnt think they would like the adventure. “Storm Castle was

10、 full of dangers,” said Wilf. “Its a good job Nadim is with us,” said Biff.What dangers were there in the adventure? Was Nadim with them? Lets read.(导入朗读环节)3. 朗读故事(Reading Dramatically):绘声绘色地朗读故事,朗读与理解相结合 承接讲故事环节,引导学生带着问题去朗读,帮助学生理解故事。朗读时,教师要提醒学生注意语音语调,注意读出戏剧化效果。(1)请学生集体朗读图片9-13,然后回答以下问题:What was the

11、 first danger?How did the children get away from the danger?(2)请学生接龙朗读图片14-19,然后回答以下问题: What kind of room were they in?What “danger” did they find in the room?How did the children react to the danger?(3)请学生分角色朗读图片20-23,然后回答以下问题:What danger was in the hall room?Why could the right square lift the chi

12、ldren up to the door in the wall? (4)请两三位学生一起朗读图片24-26,然后回答以下问题:What danger was in the new room?Why did Chip know Nadim was inside the robot?在朗读过程中,教师要对朗读有困难或问题的学生给予指导和示范。如果学生课前预习效果不好,教师需在课上适当安排听录音模仿环节。4. 情节分析(Plot Analysis):梳理故事内容,深入掌握故事情节围绕孩子们在风暴城堡历险中遭遇危险并逐一化解的故事情节,帮助学生梳理故事信息,包括危险发生地点、危险本身、化解方法和化解

13、关键人物,如下表。教师提出以下问题让学生思考,并将学生分成不同的小组,根据故事情节填写下表。教师可先示范。What is each danger?Where did each danger take place?How did the children get rid of the danger?Who played a most important role in getting out of the danger?During the AdventurePlacesDangersWays outHeroesIn the desertOutside Storm CastleGiant rob

14、ots tried to get them.Ran across a bridge to get to the castle.WilfIn the room of mirrorsA monster tried to frighten them.Kept calm and yelled back at the monster.KipperIn the hall roomThe wrong square would drop them through the floor.Took the only way the squares added up to six.BiffIn a new roomA

15、 nasty-looking robot came towards them.Not frightened and gave the robot a push.Chip5. 复述故事(Retelling):整体理解,自己组织语言概括故事大意引导学生按照“历险前历险中历险后”的思路复述故事,重点以上表信息为线索复述历险中的故事情节,培养学生的概括能力和语言表达能力。(1)师生共同复述复述前,教师提出以下问题,帮助学生回顾历险先后的故事内容:Who was brilliant at playing Storm Castle? Was he with the children to go throu

16、gh Storm Castle in the adventure? What was his role in the adventure?教师把历险前后的内容关键词写到黑板上,如下: 然后,师生共同整体复述故事,开头部分如下:Nadim came to stay. He took his new computer games. He showed the children how to play Storm Castle. He was good at it.(2)独立复述请1-2名学生独立整体复述故事。6. 表演(Role-play):在情境中体验故事,锻炼学生的表达能力通过表演让学生更深刻

17、地体验故事中的惊险和乐趣,并在深化故事理解的基础上进行输出。(1)准备表演教师将学生分为四个小组,每组负责表演一个危险场景(即图9-13、14-19、20-23、24-26)。鼓励学生在必要时添加故事角色和故事情节,保证小组全员参与表演。(2)表演展示学生稍加演练后,让四个小组按顺序分别上台表演。表演结束后,教师可引导学生从以下几方面进行评价:pronunciation and intonation, fluency, acting, teamwork。根据学生表现,选出最佳团队和最佳小演员。7. 讨论(Discussion):展开主题讨论,深化学生对故事的理解教师利用PPT分别展示以下问题,

18、让学生分组讨论,鼓励学生独立表达个人观点,引导学生认识到用智慧化险为夷的重要性。之后,请小组代表汇报讨论成果。问题可参考:Why could the children get out of the dangers? What is most important for them to get out of danger? If you could be one of the children in the adventure, whom would you like to be? Why?教师要鼓励学生畅所欲言,提醒学生讨论规则:(1)每个人都要有说话的机会;(2)别人讲话时认真倾听;(3)可

19、以补充他人的观点。8. 词汇学习(Vocabulary Development):通过语义场学习词汇 (1)找单词 教师让学生从故事中找出与建筑物有关的单词,如:bridge, castle, door, doorway, floor, gate, hall, house, keyhole, room, school, wall等。 让学生根据已学知识,说出其他有关的单词,如:chimney, palace, window等。 (2)编短文 让学生任意选取两个与建筑物相关的单词,用三五句话编出一个完整、合理的小情景。 请几名学生展示自编情节。9. 家庭作业(Homework)(1)将故事讲给爸

20、爸妈妈听。(2)简写故事。六、教师自我反思1. 教学理念是否体现了“以意义为核心”、“整进整出”的教学理念;是否将整体教学、启发式教学等方法贯穿于课堂教学之中。2. 教学目标是否实现了本课所提出的语言能力和非语言能力等目标,如:学生是否能读懂故事情节;是否能用标准的语音语调独立朗读故事;学生是否能够梳理故事主要情节,自己组织语言复述故事;是否能体验故事的惊险和乐趣;是否能认识到用智慧脱险的重要性。3. 课堂操作(1)提问教师设置的问题是否符合学生水平,能否引起学生的兴趣并启发学生思考;学生能否通过教师提问的引导观察图片理解相关故事情节。(2)听学生是否真正听懂了教师的问题和指令,并做出正确的反应;教师是否认真倾听了学生的反馈;是否发现了学生在朗读与表达过程中出现的问题。(3)说教师说得多还是学生说得多;教师是否给了学生表达的机会;教师是否在学生回答后给出了反馈;是否能就课上的开放问题自由发表观点。(4)思考课堂环节衔接是否流畅;教师语言是否易于理解;复述环节中给出的引导是否有效、提示是否充足;讨论环节的问题设置是否合理;师生之间、生生之间是否有良好、有效的互动;下一次课堂设计需要在哪些方面提高。

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