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1、近五年中考试题分析近几年中考试题分析听力部分(30分)(美式英语)I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 特点: 1题音相近的一个词,一般可通过语境判断,但11年纯变音。draw a house2-3题短语、字母、数字(点钟、年龄、日期、年、月份、星期、车牌、QQ号、网址、电话等) 4-5题同义句、信息加工(不是直接信息) 注意:呼语与句子主语的干扰。 录音:题间间隔5秒;男女角色间隔1.5秒。听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。特点:功能意念项目表、话题项目表为主。 注意:祈使句的回答。录音:题间间隔6秒, 角色间1.5秒 听对话和问题,选择适当的答案。特点:1. 内容以功能意念项目表、话题项目表为

2、主;2. 参照13年形式:长短5组对话,短对话最多两个话轮。长对话5-8话轮。 3. 一般直接获取信息但有干扰项(将有选项中与录音无关以降低难度);推测题也有如地点、态度;感受等。比例是2:3,长对话直接信息为主。问题不在卷面上。录音:题间间隔5秒,角色间隔1.5秒;先读两对话,再读两遍问题。IV.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。 特点:1. 内容比较宽泛;2. 参照13年形式:2-3篇短文。 3. 一般直接获取信息; 录音:题间间隔8秒,角色间隔1.5秒;先读两遍短文,再读两遍问题。问题在卷面上。VIII. 听短文或对话,填空特点:1. 语言简单, 贴近学生生活2. 故事性文章少3. 应用文,说

3、明文多4. 一般要求听到什么写什么,但可以用不同形式表达,对不会写的词,用自己会的表达。所写词汇均是4会词汇。5. 填空句子与原文有变化。录音:题间间隔10秒,角色间隔1.5秒; 笔试部分V. 单项选择特点:覆盖面全,不偏不怪。语境全,无纯语法题。 内容:1. 语法项目表(注意变化) 2. 根据语境,词的运用 3. 根据语境,短语的运用注:有减少趋势(减少选择,增加写) VI. 完形填空特点: 1. 首行不挖空。 2. 意义挖空法,非语法填空。10年关于“合成词”的说明文11年关于“明信片”发展史的说明文12年关于“成功”的议论文13年关于“介绍父亲乐观态度”人物说明文VII. 阅读理解特点:

4、1. 细节题多,宗旨、推断题少; 2. 说明文、议论文多,记叙文少。 3. 每年都有猜词、短语、句子意思的题,每年都有mainly tell us, the best title12年A. 日记应用文(记叙为主)全是细节题, B. 生态教育中心的说明文C. 关于“读书方法”的说明文 66,67,68,是细节题,69是是猜测词义,70宗旨题The best title for the passage _.13年A. 关于去国外度假的记叙文56-59 细节题, 60推断题 B. 旅游指南的图表题C. 关于“教育目的”的议论文 66,67,69,是细节题,68是是猜测词义,70宗旨题The pass

5、age mainly tells us_. 未来:1. 体裁、题材、文体多样化 2. 篇数和题目数量会有变化。IX. 任务型阅读特点:1. 体裁以议论、说明为主,纯记叙少; 2. 多数能从文中找到答案; 3. 问题多是特殊问句;未来:题型多样化,增加写,减少选。 正误;简答;找主题句;概括主题;填空(表);翻译;找同义句;写题目;提问等12年 关于“电视”的说明文,76T/F; 77填空,78-79回答问题, 80翻译句子77-79文中都能直接找到对应的句子13年关于“气泡屋”近似说明文76T/F; 77填空; 78回答问题, 79. 找主题句; 80翻译句子 X. 词语运用特点:1. 词语简

6、单、多有变化,4个单词一个短语 2. 主要语法知识:数词的序次、形容词/副词及级别、名词数格、动词数/时态/语态等12年 方框:four, pride, festival, encourage, go swimming完成句子 Fourth, proud, festivals, encouraged, goes swimming13年:方框:sun, foot, meet, one, fly a kite 完成句子 sunny, feet, met, first, fly kites 未来:题型多样化 1. 单句和段落2. 汉语、英语、首字母提示;从方框中选XI 基础写作A. 连词成句 特点:

7、 1. 简单,基本是5种基本句式和祈使句,there be 2. 肯定句;问句; 否定句, 祈使句, 感叹句等 3. 单句多,词语少,一般不超8个 注意:89-90题词形变化B) 书面表达特点:1. 内容上是整套试题中最贴近学生学习和生活实际的题2. 要求所用语言简单3. 基本是根据提示和要求作文4. 要点明确具有限定性,又有开放度注意:热门话题复习建议:1. 学习说明,把握方向;2. 循环复习,克服遗忘;3. 技能并进,不倡单闯;4. 找准切点,分类入行;4. 碰壁试误,多练少讲;5. 基础应试,提升双项。09-13年听力试题(作为研究材料)I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。I.109.

8、 Please go over the lesson after class.A. lesson B. list C. license 10. Her sister has a nice voice. A. ice B. rice C. voice11. Shelly is drawing a house on the blackboard.A. horse B. house C. mouth12. We had a big test yesterday.A. desk B. test C. text13. Good luck to you in your English examinatio

9、n! A. luck B. work C. laughI. 2.09. Mark will take a vacation pretty soon.A. go to the station B. ask a question C. take a vacation10. My license plate is B2CR7F. A. E2CR3F B. B2CR7F C. B2OR6F11. The train D4562 for Beijing is checking now. A. D4562 B. D2546 C. D5624 12. On Sundays, I get up at a qu

10、arter past eight.A. 08:15 B. 07:45 C. 08:4513. This is Morning News. Time now is a quarter past seven. A. 7:45 B. 7:15 C. 6:45I.3 09. My e-mail address is jks9654.A. jks9645B. jks9654C. jks954610. Jane is busy talking on the phone. A. talking on the phone B. waiting for a phone C. shouting at the ph

11、one11. You should pay for the books if you lose them.A. wait for B. pay for C. play for 12. I bought a nice bird for my brothers birthday. A. a tidy shirt B. a white skirt C. a nice bird13. Tony is putting up a picture on the wall.A. putting up B. looking up C. picking upI.4 09. Tom, Ill go to the a

12、irport to see you off tomorrow.A. Im leaving by air. B. Toms leaving by air. C. Theyre leaving together by air.10. Tony is not as old as Jim. A. Jim is younger. B. Tony is younger. C. They are the same age.11. Steven, Ill get a cup of tea for you. A. I will give Steven a cup B. Steven will make a te

13、a C. Steven will get a cup of tea12. Tim is fourteen and hes in high school.A. Tim is a student. B. Tim is 40 years old. C. Tim works in a school.13. Sam finished the cooking without any help.A. Sam helped with the cooking.B. Sam did the cooking with some help.C. Sam finished the cooking by himself.

14、I. 509. Hi, Lily. Its a long time since we met last.A. They will meet each other soon. B. They met somewhere not long ago. C. They havent seen each other for a long time.10. Always laugh when you can, because it is good medicine. A. Laugh is good medicine. B. Always take cheap medicine. C. Medicine

15、can make you laugh.11. Sorry, the phone youre calling is busy now.A. Youre buying a telephone B. Youre making a phone callC. Youre answering the phone12. Its possible for us to finish the work before ten oclock.A. We must finish the work at 10:00. B. We cant finish the work before 10:00.C. Well prob

16、ably finish the work before 10:00.13. Jenny, please offer your seat to the old man.A. Jenny takes the old mans seat.B. The old man doesnt want Jennys seat.C. Jenny should let the old man take her seat.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。09年6. Whats your favorite food?(饮食;喜好) A. Noodles. B. Coke. C. Roses. 7. How are you,

17、 Nancy? (问候)A. Im working. B. Im very well.C. Im busy now.8. Would you mind if I smoke here? (请求允许)A. Thats right. B. I dont know. C. Sorry, youd better not.9. Im sorry for losing your book.(道歉)A. Be careful! B. Never mind. C. Not at all.10. Why not go swimming on such a hot day?(建议)A. Good idea! B.

18、 Enjoy yourself. C. Thank you!10年6. Have a good day, Maggie!(祝贺与祝愿) A. Youre so kind. B. Thanks, you too! C. That would be fine.7. What do you often do in your spare time? (业余活动, 功能表没有) A. I play the piano. B. I go to work. C. Im a policeman.8. How long have you been at this school? 时间时段) A. Twenty-

19、eight yuan. B. Three hundred miles. C. Two and half years.9. Can I take a message for you? (请求允许) A. Yes, please. B. Sorry, I cant. C. Never mind.10. Oh, my God! Time really flies! (时间、情感、怪) A. But it is not true. B. I dont believe in God. C. Wow, its already 12 oclock.11年6. May I have your name, pl

20、ease? A. I dont know. B. I dont have it.C. Its Jim Green. 7. How often do you go to the movies?A. In two weeks. B. Twice a month. C. For two days.8. Always remember to say please and thank you, boy.A. No, thanks. B. Yes, please. C. Okay, I will.9. Lucy, Id like you to go for a picnic with us.A. Wond

21、erful. B. Well done. C. No hurry.10. Oh, really? I cant believe my eyes.A. But its true. B. Bad luck. C. Go to see a doctor.12年6. Dont worry about the match. Youll do a good job.A. Youre right. B. I hope so. C. Its not too hard.7. Dad, can I drive the car to the party?A. Well done. B. Never mind. C.

22、 No way.8. Im sorry, but shes out to dinner right now.A. Whos speaking? B. Ill call her later. C. The line is busy.9. What day of the week is Christmas this year?A. Its Tuesday. B. Its December 25th. C. Its a fine day.10. Doctor, Ive got a pain here.A. Be careful. B. I dont think so. C. Nothing seri

23、ous. 13年6. Shall we go to the park on Sunday?7. Have a good trip to Beijing! 8. Steven, work together with the boy next to you. 9. Where is the supermarket, please? 10. What would you like to eat? 6. A. Good idea! B. Well done! C. Youre welcome.7. A. Never mind. B. All right. C. Thank you.8. A. Come

24、 on! B. OK,Iwill. C. No, I dont care.9. A. I have no map. B. You cant miss it. C. Its over there.10. A. Help yourself. B.Its so delicious. C. Some chicken, please.听对话和问题,选择适当的答案。09年11. M: Hi, Lisa. Guess what? I got 95 on my math test! (祝贺)W: Wow, good job! Congratulations?Q: What are they talking a

25、bout? A. A job. B. A test. C. A text. 12. M: Would you like to go to a movie with me tonight?(邀请)W: Thanks for asking, but Id rather stay at home.Q: Where do you think the woman will be tonight? A. At a cinema. B. At a friends. C. At home. 13. M: What do you do before you go to school in the morning

26、?(起居习惯,时间)W: I wash my face, then eat breakfast.M: Do you cook breakfast yourself?W: No, my mom does.Q: What does the girl do before going to school? A. Wash her face and eat breakfast.B. Eat breakfast and help her mom.C. Wash her face and cook breakfast.14. M: Which season do you like best, Grandma

27、?(喜好)W: I like autumn best. But I think each season has something different that makes it special?M: Like what?W: Like spring flowers, autumn leaves and winter snow.Q: Which season does Grandma like best? 15. M: Oh, you cant walk, Ms. Whats the matter with you?W: Ive got a stomachache.M: Got a fever

28、?W: Not really.Q: Why does the woman go to see the doctor? (就医)10年11. M: Jessica, Im going to the library. I need a picture book. W: Can you help me return the cookbook and the storybook? M: Sure. Q: Which book will the boy borrow? A. A cookbook. B. A storybook C. A picture book.12. M: Do you want t

29、o eat anything? W: No, thanks, Dad. M: Anything wrong with your stomach? W: No, Im not hungry. Q: Why doesnt the girl want to eat? A. Shes angry. B. Shes not hungry. C. She has a stomachache.13. M: Hey Nancy, when is the English exam? W: On Thursday. M: What? This Thursday? Arent we having a math ex

30、am this Wednesday? Q: When is the English examination? A. On Monday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.14. M: Look, so many fresh vegetables here! W: Yeah, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, theyre really nice. M: What shall we get then? W: We still have carrots, tomatoes in the fridge. M: Potatoes are a good choice. You know, L

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