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1、重点高中面试题目重点高中面试题目 作者: 日期: 英语学科录音及ppt面试题目高中:准备内容:高中完型填空做题技巧 试讲时间:10-15分钟试讲要求:1、有清晰的教学思路2、有知识点和答题模式的讲解 3、课堂气氛活泼轻松 4、讲解方法新颖有趣,有创意5、有例题讲解6、有与学生的互动7、口语全英文自我介绍1-2分钟PPT内容:(1)自我介绍+简历作为PPT第一页(2)课程规划(3)课程讲解(4)课程总结试题:完形填空(以下每小题1分,共15分。每题只有一个正确选项。)Archaeologists are scientists who search for clues that help form

2、 a clearer picture of the lives people led in the pastArchaeology is a modern science, but it has been _11_ for centuriesMore than 2,400 years ago, the Greek historian Herodotus described the Egyptian pyramids and other monumentsHe may have been the first writer to consider that remains and _12_ cou

3、ld provide information for _13_ generationsFor more than a thousand years, however, such _14_ were observers rather than researchersIn the 1700s, scientists and adventurers from a variety of countries traveled _15_ to explore ancient sitesDigs that are still _16_ began in 1709 at Herculaneum, an Ita

4、lian city buried in ash during the explosion of Mount Vesuvius in AD79The Danish scholar Carsten Niebuhr visited the ruins of Persepolis in the Middle East in 1765 to study cuneiform writing (楔形文字)_17_, archaeology didnt become a widely recognized science and schools didnt recognize the subject as a

5、 scholarly pursuit until the 19th centuryThe term itself was _18_ in 1837It comes from a Latin word meaning “the study of antiquities (古物)” One of the first archaeologists to use a scientific approach to the discipline was Heinrich Schliemann of Germany, who in the late 1800s _19_ the ancient civili

6、zation of the city of TroyToday, archaeologists uncover the past in many different _20_, including deserts and jungles, at sites called digsAncient sources, folk tales, and landscape features can suggest where archaeologists should lookSurveys of the land help them choose sites _21_ to provide artif

7、acts, the objects that will unlock the story of a particular people their daily lives, their beliefs, and their ties to other culturesA site, however, does not have to be old to be interesting to an archaeologistSome prefer to study more _22_ settlementsOne scientist, for instance, studies coal mini

8、ng camps in California by examining the garbage that miners _23_Archaeologists may work for universities, museums or governments, and some of them are involved in educating the public about _24_ ancient sitesArtifact hunters who are _25_ history rob these places and sell what they find for a few dol

9、lars to immoral dealers in antiquities11Aadventuring Bchanging Cdigging Devolving12Abooks Bhistory Cruins Dscience13Alost Blater Colder Dseveral14Ainventors Bscholars Cvisitors Dwriters15Aextensively Bnationwide Cregularly Dtogether16Ain progress Bin good condition Con display Dout of control17ABesi

10、des BHowever CInstead DMeanwhile18Acoined Bconsidered Crecognized Dused19Acreated Bdeveloped Cestablished Dinvestigated20Acountries Bfields Clocations Dways21Acertain Blikely Cready Dnecessary22Ahonorable Bpeaceful Crural Drecent23Agave away Bgave off Cleft behind Dleft out24Achoosing Bexamining Cst

11、udying Dprotecting25Aaware of Bfed up with Cignorant of Dfamiliar with【答案】11-15DCBBA 16-20ABADC 21-25BDCDC【解析】11evolve:(使)逐步形成;(使)逐步演变;进化。根据语境,考古学是一门现代科学,但是它已经演化了好几个世纪。12根据“remains”可知and 连接的是并列的结构,remains and ruins: 遗骸和废墟,故答案选C。13“later generations:后世几代人”,故答案选B。14根据语境,这样的学者是观察者而不是研究者,故答案选B。15Aextens

12、ively:广泛地;大规模地;Bnationwide:在全国范围内;Cregularly:有规律地;定期地。来自于各个国家的科学家和冒险者大规模地旅游去探索古代遗址。16Ain progress:在进行中(在发展中) ;Bin good condition:状态良好;Con display:展览; 公开展出;Dout of control:失去控制。根据语境,现在仍在进行的挖掘开始于1709年。17根据上下文可知两句之间是转折关系,然而,考古学没有成为被广泛承认的科学,直到19世纪学校才将考古作为一门学科。18coin:铸造(钱币);创造(新词), 这个短语在1837年才被创造出来。19inv

13、estigate:调查,研究。Heinrich Schliemann在19世纪后期调查研究特洛伊的古代历史文明。20根据后一句中“deserts and jungles”可知是不同的地点。21根据语境,对土地的调查帮助我们选择一些地方,这些地方可能提供一些古代的器皿物品从而揭开一些特殊人物的故事。故答案选B。22根据后文中一个科学家研究现代的矿坑可知,一些科学的更喜欢研究近代的遗址。23give away: 赠送;送出;背叛;泄露;give off: 散发(光、气味等); leave behind:留下,遗留; leave out:省去,遗漏,不考虑。根据语境,通过研究采矿者剩下的残渣来研究煤

14、矿遗址。24根据上下文可知,在大学,博物馆,和政府工作的考古学家教育公众要保护古遗址。25根据语境,一些古代器皿的盗猎者忽视历史抢夺这些遗址学科试讲视频要求:1、录屏方式(参考):下载优酷客户端,点击录屏-安装桌面录屏,选取录制画面大小保存为mp4格式,上传到对应地址链接。2、试讲前按各学科要求制作PPT,试讲过程中对应PPT内容进行讲解。(建议戴耳麦)3、试讲时请在电脑前按一对一的授课方式模拟与学员进行互动(如:同学,听的见老师声音吗?节奏还可以吗?有不懂的及时提问等)。4、试讲中请注意语言表达、语音语调、讲解节奏、内容的规划和课程总结等请在试讲环节体现。录屏方式见下图: 安装后,点击右上角注册(手机号注册) 注册后点击左下角录屏 点击右边的打开 将输出格式选为mp4(黄圈),声音选同时录制电脑声音和麦克(绿圈),点击选取录制区域(红圈) 选中全屏幕。 点击图一黄圈开始录制,点击图二红圈结束录制。 (图一)(图二) 点击上传到对应地址链接。 上传成功后,点击打开上传视频。 打开上传视频,点击右上角。 打开分享屏幕,点击复制视频URL(即已经复制)。 到QQ聊天窗口点击粘贴。温馨提醒:如遇到上传视频审核或打开显示转码中请静等不要着急!

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