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1、大学英语三级模拟试题一 大学英语三级模拟试题(一)Part 1. Listening Comprehension.Part 2.Vocabulary and Structure16.If we continue to argue over the minor points we wont get _ near a solution. A) anywhere B) somewhere C) nowhere D) everywhere17.A holiday in China is unlikely to cost very much _ you stay in a top class luxur

2、y hotel. A) if B) where C) since D) unless18.He said she was used to going to bed late,_? A) did he B) didnt he C) wasnt she D) was she 19.You can see the _ of yourself in the lake. A) reflection B) scene C) sight D) shadow20.Although he stayed in English for two years, he speaks English _ you do. A

3、) as good as B) as well as C) no better than D) much better than 21.Being extremely _ to the cold, I do not like winter sports. A) sensible B) senseless C) sensitive D) insensitive22._the importance of doing morning exercises. A) They little did realize C) They did realize littleB) Little did they r

4、ealize D) Little they realized23.Would you please keep me _ of how things are going on with your studies . A) informed B) to inform C) informing D) to be informed24.Hot and humid summer is _ of this southern city. A) general B) common C) characteristic D) ordinary25.All flights _ because of the heav

5、y snow, we had to take the train. A. were canceled B. had been canceled C. have been canceled D) having been canceled26.It was _ to wear T-shirts at such a formal party. A) out of order B) out of question C) out of date D) out of place.27.The bank is reported in the local newspaper _ in broad daylig

6、ht yesterday. A) to have been robbed B) having been robbed C) robbed D) to be robbed28.A body at rest remains at rest unless _ upon by an external force. A) acting B) to act C) acted D) to be acted29.Jane felt quite relieved that the difficulty had been _. A) made up B) given up C) cleaned up D) cle

7、ared up 30._good health, I can finish the work this year. A) Giving B) Given C) Gives D) Give31.The lady was lucky enough to _ the earthquake and lived to the age of ninety. A) undergo B) survive C) experience D) suffer32.If only she _ the exam, she could have been qualified for the position.A) will

8、 take B) has failed C) hadnt failed D) would have taken33.The reason I cannot go with you is _ I am really busy. A) the fact B) since C) because D) that34.Her smile _ that she had forgiven the students. A) applied B) implied C) qualified D) justified35.By the end of 2005,I _in London for 20 years.A)

9、 shall have lived B) shall be living C) had lived D) have lived36._ after a long walk did they reach the railway station at midnight.A. Shortly B. When C. Only D. Just37.The old man invested al his money _ a chicken farm and got rich. A. on B.into D.at38.My transistor radio isnt working. It _.A

10、.need repairing B. needs repairing C.need to repair D.need to be repaired39.The new factory turn _several hundred cars a B. off C. out D.on40. A table made of steel costs more than _ made of wood.A. that B. which is C. it is D.one41.He gets along very well with his American friends,_.A. de

11、spite he does not speak English B. in spite of he does not speak EnglishC. although he does not speak English. D. for he does not speak English.42. I suggested that the students each _ a plan for the summer vacation.A. would make B. will make C. make D .made43.You can take off your raincoat now. The

12、 rain seams _.A. to stop B. to have been stopped C. to have stopped D. to have been stopping44.Every means _ tried but without much result.A. has been B. have been C. are D. is45. Nowadays when one buys a Tv set , he is usually gives one-year _. A. reservation B. security C. proof D. guarantee46. Th

13、e businessman was put into prison and received half-year sentence because he _.A. rejected B. opposed C. proof D. refused47.Scientists say that jogging is one of the best ways for the elderly to _ healthy. A. stay B. maintain C. preserve D.reserve48. After playing football, _.A. the book was ready b

14、y him B. the book made him want to read itC. he want to read the book D. the reading of the book interested him49.The French class has 20 students, most _ had had much better language training tha I.A. whom B. of whom C. of who D. of them50. It can be said that it _to invest more in education and sc

15、ientific research. A. pays B .costs C. spends D. takesPart 3: Reading Comprehension.Directions: There are four reading passage ih this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. After you read a passage you s

16、hould decide on the best choice for each question or unfinished statement and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage1.Gill Javis took over our village news agency at a time life when most of us only want to relax. He just thought he woul

17、d like something but not too much to do, and the news-agency was ready made. The business produced little enough for him, but Bill was a man who only wanted the simplicity and order and regularity of the job. He had been a long-serving sailor, and all his life had done everything by the clock.Every

18、day he opened his shop at six a.m. to catch the early trade; the papers arrived on his door-step before that. Many of Bills customers were city workers, and the shop was convenient for the station. Business was tailing off by 10 oclock, so at eleven sharp Bill closed for lunch. It was hard luck on a

19、nybody who wanted a paper or magazine in the afternoon , for most likely Bill would be done on the river bank ,fishing, and his nearest competitor was five kilometers away. Some time in the afternoon ,the evening paper landed on the doormat, and 4 oclock Bill opened. The evening rush lasted till sev

20、en, and it was worthwhile. He lived in a flat above the shop, alone. Except in the very bad weather ,you always knew where to find him in the afternoons, as I have said. Once, on a sunny afternoon, I walked home along the river bank from a shopping trip to the village .By my watch it was three minut

21、es past four, so I was astonished to see Bill sitting there on his little chair in the water. He had had no luck, I could see, but he was making no effort to move. “Whats wrong ,Bill? I called out from the path.For answer , he put a hand in his jacket and took out a big ,golden object. For a moment,

22、 I had no idea what it could be, and then it suddenly went off with a noise like a fire engine. Stopping the bell, Bill held the thing up and called back, Ten to four, you see , and this dead right. I had never know anyone carrying a brass alarm clock round with them before.51. Bill Javis became a n

23、ews-agent when _. A .he needed the money B .he decided to take things easyC. he was quite an old man D. he gave up clock-repairing52.Bill opened the shop so early in the day because_.A. he liked to do as much as possible before he want to workB. the shop had to be open when the morning papers came C

24、. he was never sure of the time D. it was then that he did a lot of business53.You might say“Hard luck” to someone who A. has just heard some very good newsB. is less fortunate than he or she ought to be C. puts great effort into whatever he or she tries D. fails through his or her own fault entirel

25、y54On that sunny afternoon ,the writer was surprised when he saw Bill because _.A he thought it was late for Bill to be still fishingB .he thought Bill was ill, since he was not moving at allC. Bill had not caught anything ,and that seemed strangeD .Bill stayed in his flat55,From the information giv

26、en in the passage, who or what do you think was wrong?A. The bell was ;it must have gone off at the wrong timeB. Bill was ;he had dropped off to sleep C. The writers watch was fast D. Bills clock was wrong ;it was very old Passage 2 (Questions 56 to 60 are based on this passage.) The camel is called

27、 “the ship of the desert“,and there is a good reason for it .Just as a ship is constructed to deal with all the problems that arise from being in the water, so camel is “constructed“to live and travel and survive in the desert. Where other animals would die form lack of food and water ,the camel get

28、s along very nicely .It carries its food and water with it! For days before it starts on a journey ,a camel dose nothing but eat and drink .It eats so much that a hump of fat ,maybe weighing as much as 100pounds, rises on its back, so the camels body will use up during the journey. The camel also ha

29、s little flask-shaped bags which line the walls of its stomach .This is where it stores water. With such provisions ,a camel is able to travel several days between water holes without drinking, and for an even longer time with no nourishment except what it draws from the fat of its hump. At the end

30、of a long journey ,the hump will have lost its firm shape and will folp to one side in flabby folds. The camel will then have to rest for a long time to recover its strength. Did you know that the camel is one of mans oldest servants and has been used by men in Egypt for more than 3,000years? 56.The

31、 camel is called” the ship of the desert“because a camel can in the desert. A survive without eating and drinkingB. live, travel and surviveC. use the food and water in the stomachD. travel for a long distance57.A camels hump is made up of_A .food B. water C. fat D. food and water 58.A camel _A. restores water in its stomachB. restores water in its humpC. dose not need water at allD. drinks from water holes in the desert59.A camel _in the desert.A .dose not eat at all B .dose not drink at all C .gets nourishment from the flask-shapedD .gets nourishment from the fat of

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