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1、最新高中英语外研版必修四Module1教学案优秀名师资料高中英语外研版必修四Module1教学案高二英语学案 姓名: 小组: 日期: 执笔者:潘新启 审核者:蒋艳玲 乔丹 时间:Sep 2, 2013 内容:必修4 Module 1的Module 1 Life in the Future中有关内容 Teaching aims: (1)能在阅读中识别新学词汇,获取主要信息并能摘录要点。 (2)学习掌握课文中的知识点。 Important language points: (1) Important words: prediction, certain, alternative, limit, a

2、ttach (2) Important phrases: for sure, care for,runout,relyon/upon,getridof,load.with,place orders, free of charge, carry out (3) Important sentence patterns: ? Whatdoeslooklike? ? Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matte r wherethey live. ?-with each city h

3、aving its own telesurgery outpatient clinic独立主格结构. The City of the Future 【课文理解】 1. Read the passage and say if these statements are true (T) or false (F). 1) Police will arrest criminals by guns. ( ) 2) Smoking will be allowed in the city. ( ) 3) People have to pay for recreation. ( ) 4) People wil

4、l keep their telephone number for life. ( ) 2. Summary Fill in the blanks: What will the city of the future _ _? No one knows _ _. In the future, _ _ the environment will become very important _ earthsnatural resources _ _. We will _ _ alternative energy. We will _ huge spaceships _ waste materials

5、and _ _ online. 1 高二英语学案 姓名: 小组: 日期: 执笔者:潘新启 审核者:蒋艳玲 乔丹 时间:Sep 3, 2013 内容:必修4 reading有关内容 (一) 【课文学习】 1. What will the city of the future look like? Whatdoeslooklike?用于询问某人外表看起来如何,侧重其外表 这人看起来什么样, What does the man _ _ ? 2. No one knows for sure, and making predictions is a risky business. 没有人确切地知道,而且

6、预测是一件冒险的事。 (1) for sure 肯定地 = for certain No one knows _ sure what will happen in the future. (2) prediction n. 预测 predict vt. 预言,预告,预报 make a prediction 预测,预料 predict _ _ 预报明天天气 3. But one thing is certain they are going to get bigger before they get smaller. (1)肯定的,确切的,用作表语 be certain that- 确信- 我确

7、信他看见我了。 I am certain that he saw me. be certain of- 确信- 他一定会来。He is certain _ _. (2)某个,某些,一定的,用作定语。 a certain Mr. Jones 某位琼斯先生 a certain distance 一定的距离 4. In the future , care for the environment will become very important as earthsnatural resources run out. (1) care for 爱护,关心 care在此处用作不可数名词 常用短语: t

8、ake care 小心;保重; take care of 照料;照顾;注意; care about 关注,在乎 (2) run out 用完,用光(是不及物动词词组,没有被动语态( run out of- 用完,用光( 主语必须是人( e.g. He _(花光了钱)that his mother gave yesterday. When water _(用光了), he stood there helpless. 2 高二英语学案 姓名: 小组: 日期: 执笔者:蒋艳玲 审核者: 乔丹 潘新启 时间:Sep 4, 2013 内容:必修4 reading有关内容 (二) Langueage po

9、ints: 5. We will also have to rely on alternative energy, such as solar and wind power. (1) rely on/upon 信任;依赖 rely on (sb.) doing 指望,依靠;相信(某人)会 (2) alternative adj. 替换的;其他的;供选择的 n. 选择;供选择的东西 _ energy 替代性能源 alternative lifestyle 另类生活方式 他知道他必须努力工作,别无选择。 He knew he had to work hard; there was no alter

10、native. 6. To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems. (1) to get rid of-是动词不定式短语做_语; preventing landfill and-是现在分词短语做_语。 (2) get rid of 摆脱,除去,去掉 Hehasnt_ _ _the bad habit of sm

11、oking. 装上 load a truck /a ship / a train with goods (3)load.with 把loadinto/onto 把物装上/进体中 Be careful loading the piano onto the truck. 7. No smoking will be allowed within a futurecityslimits. 在未来市区内将不准吸烟。 limit n. 界限;限制(常用复数形式) vt. 限制;限定; e. g. 我能为你做的事是有限度的。 There is a limit _ what I can do for you.

12、 那个国家做出决定限制进口外国车辆。 The country made a decision to _ imports of foreign cars. 8. In the future all shopping will be done online, and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders. place orders 订购 place an order for- with- 从-订购- 9. Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will nev

13、er change no matter where they live. no matter where they live 是_ 从句。 3 高二英语学案 姓名: 小组: 日期: 执笔者:乔丹 审核者:蒋艳玲 潘新启 时间:Sep 5, 2013 内容:必修4 reading有关练习的内容 一:练一练:完成下面的句子: The teacher entered the classroom with a group of students _(follow). He is used to sleeping with the windows _ (开着). He went out into the

14、 dark street with a stick _(手里拿着). I went home with all the work _ (完成). 12. Senior citizens and people - using high- tech cameras attached to their head. attach vt. 系;贴;连接;归结于 常用搭配:attach sth. to sth. e .g He attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it. 他在信封上贴上邮票然后寄出去。 那只船被用绳子拴在树上。 The boat was

15、attached _ the tree with a rope. be attached to 喜爱;依恋 e. g. He is deeply attached to the old computer.他非常爱惜那台旧电脑。 13. 在短文中找出下面的短语: )自然资源 _ (1)在将来_ (2(3)可回收材料_ (4)查明,找出_ (5)环境问题_ (6)代替,而不是_ (7)语音指令_ (8)电话号码_ 二 用下面短语的正确形式填空: rely on, get rid of, for sure, carry out, use up 1. No one knows _ what will

16、happen in the future. 2. The people in the area have to _ the river for their water. 3. He _ all his strength to push the line. 4. How to _ the waste materials is a big problem to most countries. 5. By the end of the last month, our factory had _ its production plan for this year. 4 高二英语学案 姓名: 小组: 日

17、期: 执笔者: 蒋艳玲 审核者: 乔丹 潘新启 时间:Sep6, 2013 内容:必修4 Grammar有关内容 Teaching aims: 复习动词的一般将来时和将来进行时并能根据语境正确使用。 Important points: 一般将来时和将来进行时的表达形式和用法。 一 一般将来时的用法 (1)由will/ shall + 动词原形构成。表示单纯的将来事实,表示将来存在的状态,将要发生的动作或将来的经常性习惯性动作,常与表示将来的时间状语tomorrow, next month, in the three days, after Sunday等连用. shall用于第一人称I和we,

18、will可用于各人称。而在美式英语中所有人称都用will。如: We shall have a lot of rain next month. 下个月将下很多雨。 I think she will pass the exam. 我想他考试会及格的。 (2)用begoing to+动词原形主要表示近期的打算和预测。如: We are not going to stay there long. 我们不准备在那里久待。(表打算) Imafraidtheyregoing to lose the game. 恐怕他们会赛输。(表预测) itsgoing to rain. 瞧,要下雨了。(表预见) Loo

19、k, (3)用beto+动词原形主要表示按计划或安排即将要发生的动作;有时也表示命令、禁止或可能性。如: He is to leave for Beijing tomorrow. 他决定明天去北京。 Tellhimhesnottobebacklate.告诉他不准迟回。 (4)用beabout to+动词原形主要表示即将要发生的事。【注】该结构通常不与具体的时间状语连用。 如: He is about to leave. 他即将要离开。 (5)用现在进行时(即be,现在分词)主要表示按计划或安排要发生的事。【注】该用法有时表示即将发生的动作。如: The students are leaving

20、 on Sunday. 学生们星期日出发。 (6)用一般现在时表示按规定或时间表预计要发生的事。如: The train leaves at 7:25 this evening. 火车今晚7:25分开。 Tomorrow is Wednesday. 二 将来进行时的用法 5 高二英语学案 姓名: 小组: 日期: (1). 表示在将来某一时间段内正在进行的动作。常与at 7 oclock tonight, next year, by this time tomorrow等时间状语连用。有时没有明确的时间状语。 e. g. I will be studying in America next ye

21、ar. 我明年将在美国学习。 By this time tomorrow, I will be lying on the beach. 明天这个时间,我会正躺在沙滩上。 (2) 表已经决定或安排好要发生的动作或事情。 e. g. We shall be meeting in Carrifour at 6 oclock this afternoon. 我们定于今天下午六点在家乐福见面。 (3) 预测将来会发生的事情,表将来的某种可能性。 e. g. If we keep working hard like this, we will be making a miracle. 如果我们继续这样努力

22、工作的话,我们会创造奇迹的。 (4) 将来进行时除表示未来以外,还可表示亲切或委婉的语气。 e. g. I shall be thinking of you. 我会想你的。 辨析:现在进行时/将来进行时 两者都可以用来表将来的动作。但现在进行时通常用于表示不远的将来的动作,而且有确定的时间,而将来进行时则可以和确定的时间状语连用,也可以不用,既可以表示不远的将来的动作,也可以表示较远的将来的动作。 【语法练习】 1. There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going

23、 to be D. will go to be 2. -_ you _ free tomorrow? - No. I _ free the day after tomorrow. A. Are; going to; will B. Are; going to be; will C. Are; going to; will be D. Are; going to be; will be 3. If they come, we _ a meeting. A. have B. will have C. had D. would have 4. At this time tomorrow _ over

24、 the Atlantic. A. weregoing to fly B. wellbeflying C. wellflyD.weretofly 6 高二英语学案 姓名: 小组: 日期: 执笔者:蒋艳玲 审核者: 乔丹 潘新启 时间:Sep9, 2013 内容:module1综合练习有关内容 一 单词拼写: 1. The earthquake has been p_ several months before. 2. I offered the a_ suggestions of spending the vacation in the mountain or by the sea. 3. N

25、owadays we r _ increasingly on computers for help. 4. Gardening is a form of r _ . 5. America is rich in natural r _. 二 写出下列短语: 1. 肯定的_ 2. (某物)用完 _ 3. 依靠_ 4. 除掉,处理掉 _ 5. 免费 _ 6. 用完(某物)_ 7. 小心,当心 _ 8. 首先 _ 三 单项选择:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. They call the officer because they are _ water and food

26、. A. run out B. run out of C. running out D. running out of 2. I know_ itsyourather than anyone else that are to blame for the mistake. A. for sure B. to be sure C. for the sure D. for a sure 3. Look, it is cloudynow.Imsure _ . A. it will rain B. itsgoing to rain C. it is to rain D. it shall rain 4.

27、 -Can you attend the meeting tonight? -No, the manager about something important. A. I will have seen B. Illbeseeing C. I should see D. I have seen 5. Since you have made a perfect plan, youdbetter _ in no time. A. carry it off B. carry it out C. carry it down D. carry it up 6. In the modern society

28、, computers are largely _ to help us organize daily life and work. A. relying B. relying on C. relied D. relied on 7 高二英语学案 姓名: 小组: 日期: 执笔者:潘新启 审核者:蒋艳玲 乔丹 时间:Sep13, 2013 内容:必修4 module2 Traffic jam有关内容 Learning goal(学习目标): 1)enjoy the pleasure of self-leaning and team-work 2)master more words and expressions related to traffic 3)learn how to give advice to visitors to your city 4)乐 Before Class: 1. Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam? Describe the situation to others. 2. How many means of transport(交通工具) have you ever heard? Write them down and share with others. In Class: Part 1: ac

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