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1、外研版初二上范文1书信类应用文的一般格式:1)称呼(Salutation)2)正文(Body)3)结束语(Complimentary Close)4)签名(Signature)Module 1 How to learn English写作任务就如何学好英语为他人提建议经典范文Dear Helen,I am writing to give you some advice about how to learn English well.First, You should always speak English in class because it can improve your listen

2、ing and speaking. How about listening to the English radio, watching English film or listen to real English songs ? Talking about the films or songs with your friend is also important. Why dont you look for a pen friend and write email messages to each other? At the weekends, you may take part in an

3、 English corner .At first, you may be shy when you speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile. Smile always helps.Next, You should read English every day because its good for your reading and translation , but try not to translate every word. Then its a good idea to check your

4、vocabularies and phrases notebook every day. Try to remember eight or nine words or phrases a day. Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom. Say the words and phrases when you see them , and change them every day.Finally you should write down the correct spelling and grammar next

5、 to the mistakes,and you should revise them carefully before a test.Best wishes, Language Doctor精品译文亲爱的海伦:我写信是要就如何学好英语向你提出几条建议。首先,你应该总是在课堂上讲英语,因为这能够提高你的听说水平。听英语广播、看英文电影或者听原声英文歌曲怎么样?跟你的朋友谈论电影或歌曲也是很重要的。你何不找一个笔友互相写电子邮件?在周末,你可以参加英语角。起初,你讲英语时可能很害羞,所以在你开始讲之前,来一次深呼吸并且带着微笑。微笑总是能起作用的。其次,你应该每天读英语,因为这对阅读和翻译有益,

6、但是尽量不要逐词翻译。然后,每天核查你的词汇词组本是个好办法。每天试图记住八九个个单词或词组。把它们记在几张纸上并且把它们放在你的卧室。看见它们就说,而且每天要改变它们。最后,你应该把正确的拼写和语法写在错误的旁边,而且应该在考试前认真复习。最好的祝愿,语言博士核心词组write email messages to each other互相写电子邮件at first起初(反义词:at last最后)take a deep breath做深呼吸be good for对有益check your vocabularies and phrases notebook核查你的词汇词组本eight or n

7、ine words八九个单词write down the correct spelling and grammar把正确的拼写和语法写下来next to the mistakes在错误的旁边难句分析1. I am writing to give you some advice about how to learn English well.此句是一个简单句。give you some advice about给你提一些关于的建议,how to learn English well是做介词about的宾语。2.表示建议的常用的句型有七种:(1)You should do sth.你应该做某事。

8、You should always speak English in class.你应该总是在课堂上讲英语。(2)How/What about doing sth.?做什么怎么样?。How about listening to the English radio?听英语广播怎么样?(3)Why dont you do sth.?你何不做某事?=Why not do sth.?何不做某事?Why dont you look for a pen friend?你何不找个笔友?= Why not you look for a pen friend?何不找个笔友?(4)祈使句:Try not to t

9、ranslate every word into Chinese.不要试图把每个词翻译成汉语。(5)Lets do sth.咱们做某事吧。Lets go to the park.咱们去公园吧。Thats a good idea.那是个好主意。(6)Would you like sth./to do sth.?你愿意?Would you like some tea?你愿意喝茶吗?Would you like to have some coffee?你愿意喝咖啡吗?肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thanks.(7)Shall we/I do sth.?我们/我做好吗?Sha

10、ll we go boating?我们划船好吗?3. At the weekend, you may take part in an English corner . 在周末,你可以参加英语角。本句是简单句。take part in参加,at the weekend=on weekends在周末,其反义词是:at the weekday在工作日。篇章分析本封信属于建议信,主题是“就如何学好英语向海伦提建议”。其正文共有五个自然段,14句。1.第一段:1句,介绍写作目的。2.第二段:7句,就听力和说话两个方面提出建议。3.第三段:1句,就阅读和翻译两个方面提出建议。4.第四段:4句,就词汇和短语

11、两个方面提出建议。5.第五段:1句,就拼写和语法两个方面提出建议。二一一年七月二十九日7时26分35秒Module 2 Experience写作任务 就人们的经历进行一次问卷调查。经典范文Dear David,Im having a wonderful time in China. Ive done so many things.Ive always wanted to go to Beijing, but I have never been here before. Last month, one of my pen friends, invited me to stay with him

12、for the summer holiday. So, I began my exciting tour. The plane I took took off from London airport on Monday morning and landed in Beijing Capital Airport on Monday evening. It took me 16 hours to get here.I have been intrerested in music, so I watched Beijing opera on Wedesday afternoon.I noticed

13、there are thousands of beautiful stone animals on both sides of the streets, so I taken lots of photos of them. Beijing has been famous for delicious roast duck, so I have eaten one happily. I knew from newspaper and magazines that Beijing is an old big city with a long history of 3000 years, so I w

14、as intereted in its history and culture and visited the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace.There is only one thing I havnt done yet: I havent climbed up the Great Wall.Bye for now,Rob亲爱的大卫:我们在中国过得很愉快。我已经做了许多事情。我一直想去北京,但是以前我从来没有到过这儿。上个月,其中我的一个笔友邀请我和他一起度暑假。于是,就开始了我的激动之旅。我乘坐的飞机在星期一的早晨从伦敦机场起飞,在星期一的下午降落

15、在北京首都机场。整个行程花费了16个小时。我一直对音乐感兴趣,所以我在星期三的下午观看了京剧。在街道的两旁我注意到有成千上万精美的石头动物,所以我拍了许多照片。北京以美味的烤鸭闻名,所以我很愉快地吃了一只。我从报刊和杂志了解到北京是一个拥有3000年悠久历史的古老城市,所以我对它的历史和文化非常感兴趣,而且参观了故宫博物院和颐和园。只有一件事我还没做:我没有登上长城。就此止笔,罗布 参考译文篇章结构核心词组精析难句真题操练Module 3 Journey to space 写作任务:写一份关于太空旅行的海报经典范文 I have just made a great model of the s

16、pace station for my space travel homework because Ms James wants it next week. I have just heard a latest news: some scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars.It has taken several months to get there。 To my sad, there arent any astronauts in the spacecraft and the spacecraft have not discovered life

17、 on Mars either。To my surprise, lots of astronuts have worked on the space station. They take the space shuttle and go there and back. To my joy, a spacecraft has recently reached the moon . From the rocks the spacecraft brought, scientists have found out that there are three different kinds of wate

18、r on the moon. I know a little about space travel, so I decide to study hard to learn further about the universe, galaxy, solar system, star , planet, Mars and so on.参考译文我刚刚做了一个伟大的太空站模型,作为我的太空旅行的家庭作业,因为詹姆士老师要求下周要交。我刚刚听到一个最新消息:一些科学家已经把一个宇宙飞船送往火星。它花费了数个星期才到达。令我难过的是:在这艘飞船上没有任何宇航员而且在火星上也没有发现生命。令我惊讶的是:许多

19、宇航员一直在太空站工作。他们乘坐航天飞机去那儿,然后返回。令我高兴的是:最近一艘宇宙飞船到达月球。从宇宙飞船带来的岩石里,科学家们已经发现在月球上有三种不同种类的水。我对太空旅行了解甚少,所以我决心努力学习已更进一步了解宇宙、星系、太阳系、星星、恒星、火星等等。篇章结构核心词组精析难句真题操练Module 4 Education写作任务:写一张为希望学校筹钱的传单。精品范文Today in class our teacher told us something about the Hope Project. We heard that many children in the countrys

20、ide had to drop out of school because of family poverty or family illness. Some needed to helped their parents to work on their farms which they depended on, others needed to look after their family who were ill. To our happy, in the last 15 years, Project Hope has raised money and paid for the educ

21、ation of 2.5 million poor students in the countryside. With the help of Project Hope, many students left old schools with no electricity and only a few books and went to new schools with big classrooms and lots of books. Because of Project Hope, thousands of children have better lives and brighter f

22、uture.After class, I thought that it was necessary for me to give money to help the country children who longed(渴望) to go to school.So I went to the post office to sent my pocket money to Project Hope to help those students who had stopped going to school.参考译文今天在课堂上,我们老师给我们讲了关于希望工程的事。我们得知许多农村的孩子们不得不

23、辍学,是因为家庭贫穷或家人有病。有的学生需要帮助父母在他们依靠的农场工作,还有的学生需要照顾生病的家人。令我高兴的是,在最近15年,希望工程已经筹钱支付了250万农村贫穷学生的学费。在希望工程的帮助下,许多学生离开了没有电,只有几本书的旧学校,走进了既有大教室又有许多书的新学校。因为有了希望工程,成千上万的孩子有了更加美好的生活和更加灿烂的未来。下课后,我认为我有必要捐款去资助那些渴望上学的农村孩子们。于是,我去邮局把我的零用钱捐给了希望工程以帮助那些邮局辍学的学生。篇章结构核心词组精析难句真题操练Module 1 Western music写作任务 谈论你最喜欢的音乐家及其音乐精品范文 Di

24、ferent people have different ideas about musicisians and their musics. For me, I like Johann Strauss the younger best. He was born in Vienna in 1825, the capital of Austria. Strauss the younger is one of the most important composers all over the world. He was even more successful and popular than hi

25、s father-Johann Strauss the elder. He wrote more than 400 waltzes in his life and his most famous one was The Blue Danube. He wrote it in 1876 at the age of 55.He not only wrote a lot of waltzes, but also played many waltzes. They are lively and good to dance to. He took his band around Europe and g

26、ave concerts in many cities. In addition, he was also famous for a violinist.He died in 1899 when he was 72.参考译文不同的人对音乐家及其他们的音乐作品有不同的看法。对我而言,我最喜欢约翰小施特劳斯。他于1825年出生在维也纳奥地利的首都。小施特劳斯是是全世界最重要的作曲家之一。他甚至比他的父亲大施特劳斯更成功,更受人喜欢。在一生中,他创作了400多首华尔兹舞曲,其中最有名的旧时蓝色多瑙河,于1867年在他55岁时写就。他不仅创作了许多支华尔兹舞曲,而且也演奏许多华尔兹舞曲。他们既轻快活泼

27、又易于随之跳舞。他率领他的乐队在欧洲许多城市进行巡演。此外,他还以小提琴家二闻名。他在1899年72岁时去世。篇章结构核心词组精析难句真题操练Module 6 A famous story写作任务 就某人过去的经历写一个短故事。精品范文Im reading a book about a girl called Alice. The name of the book is Alices Adventure in wonderland which every boy and girl in Britain has read.One day she was sitting with her sist

28、er by a river. Her sister was reading a book. Whilw she had nothing to do. Once or twice she looked into her sisters book without pictures or conversations in it. She was thinking of making a daisy chain when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran past her.It was running because it was late for

29、a tea party with the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and a mouse. And there also was a king, a queen and a Cheshire Cat. The queen was playing in the garden, the king was sitting on the grass and the Cheshire Cat was sitting in a tree and was smiling at everyone.She didnt think it was strange when she he

30、ard the rabbit say that it would be late. But when the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket and looked at it, she got up , ran across a field and went down a large rabbit hole under a hedge after it without thinking about how she was going to get out again.参考译文我正在读一本关于一个女孩的书,这个女孩的名字叫做爱丽丝。这本书的名字叫爱丽丝


32、dule 7 Feelings and impressions写作任务 描述某个人。精品范文 My best friend Lingling is 14 years old. She looks quite tall, slim, and pretty. She has short fair hair, and she wears a pair of golden glasses. She is often wearing lovely jeans and a T-shirt for a journey, but she is also carry his warm coat with her.She spends a lot of time with the school orchestra, but she also like d

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