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英语同步伴读 六年级上册.docx

1、英语同步伴读 六年级上册Unit 1 Exercise A选择填空。1. _ do you go to school? By bus. ( )A.How B.Where C.When 2.Lets go to the park _this afternoon. ( ) B. / C.on 3.We can go to_ home on foot. ( )A.hes B.his C.him4._is your classroom? On the second floor. ( )A.Where B.Whose C.What5.My home is in _ building. ( )A.

2、fifth B.the fifth C.the five根据括号里所给的中文,写出横线上所缺的单词,每空可填一词或多词。1. I often go to school _.2. Does your aunt go to Hong Kong _?3. _ is not near here.4. Lets go to Qingdao_.5. Zhang Peng _ by bus.在下面方框内选择合适的词填入句子中,把句子补充完整。Because , how , where , sometimes , lets1._do you go to school? I usually go to scho

3、ol on foot.2._go to the park this afternoon.3._is your home? Its near the post office.4.Usually I go to school by bus,_its fast.5._I go to school by bike.Exercise B选择填空。1._at a red light. ( )A.Stop B.Go C.Wait 2.My home is not far _here. ( )A.from B. / 3.In the US, drivers drive on the _of the

4、road. ( )A.left B.right C.middle 4.How can I get _there? ( ) B.for C. / 5.You can go to park _the No.5 bus. ( )A.take B.on C.by根据标点符号提示,连词成句。1.go to , can , the park , we , on foot_.2.can , go , you , by , the No.5 bus_.3.the traffic rules , know , must , you_.4.go to , do , how , you , Canada_?

5、5.drivers, drive , in , on , the , the , of , China , side , road , right_.Exercise C选择填空。1.I go to the park_. ( )A. by the bus B. by bus C. by a bus2.Drivers drive _the left side of the road _England. ( )A.on ; in ; in ;on3.How _you go to America? ( ) B.are C.about4.Can I _this bus to

6、 the No.10 Middle School? ( )A.take C.sit5.Lets _to the zoo together. ( )A.go B.goes C.going根据所给的中文,在横线上填上合适的单词,补全句子,每空一词。1.有时候我骑自行车去上学。_I go to school by _.2.你家在哪里?_ _ home?3.银行不远。The bank _ _.4.今天下午见。See you _ _.5.记住交通规则。Remember the _ _.单元测试题判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,如相同,请写“”,如不相同,请写“”。 then

7、 ( )2.fifth five ( )3.after apple ( )4.easy head ( )5.near bear ( )选择填空,把正确答案的编号填在括号里。1._elephants trunk is long. ( )A.One B. A C. An2._can I get to the zoo? You can go by subway. ( )A.Where B.How C.When3.Usually I go to school on foot,because my home is _. ( )A.far B.not near C.near4.Where is _ hom

8、e? ( )A.your friend friends C.your friends5.Can the monkey_? ( )A.jump B.jumps C.jumping6.See you _8 oclock _this evening. ( ) ; / ;in ;at7._light means “Go”. ( )A.Red B.Yellow C.Green8.Beijing is far from here.We can _a train to get there. ( )A.take B.sit C.by9.In the US ,driver

9、s drive on the _ side. ( )A.right B.left C.middle10.Shanghai is a long way _Guangzhou. ( )A.from C.about根据括号里所给的中文提示,完成横线上所缺的单词,每空一词。1._(有时) my parents go to work by bus.2.There are always three colours of _(灯)in every country.3.The little boy is _(等)for his mom.4.Do you often go to Beijing by

10、_(火车)?5.You must _(停)at a red light.根据所给的中文,在横线上填上合适的单词,补全句子,每空一词。1.你了解交通规则吗?Do you know the _ _?2.你可以坐公共汽车来我家。You can _ a bus _ my home.3.公共汽车站离这里不远。The bus stop _ _ from here.4.他家在哪里?_ _ home?5.我可以怎样到达中山公园?_?根据标点符号提示,连词成句。1.mean , “Wait” , yellow , light_.2.the park , this afternoon, go to , lets_

11、.3.near , my home , is , the post , the fifth floor, our classroom, on_.5.on foot , you , go to school , do , usually_?阅读下面的对话,根据上下文内容,从方框中选择适合的单词填在横线上,使对话内容完整、通顺。far meet how foot whichA: Sarah, would you like to go to the park this afternoon?B: Sure._ do we get there?A: We can get the

12、re by bus.B: _ bus can we take?A: The No.2 bus.B: Is the bus stop _from here?A: No, its not far. We can get there on _.B: OK.Lets _ at the bus stop at 2 oclock this afternoon.A: See you then!阅读理解,根据短文判断句子对错,对的写“”,错的写“”。Theres a policeman in the centre(中心) of the street.He is directing(指挥) the traffi

13、c.There is no traffic light at this corner(角落). Now, he is holding-up(举起) his hand.The traffic is stopping. When he wants the traffic to move, he blows his whistle(哨子). Then he signals(发信号) with his hand to the drivers of the buses and the cars to go on. Listen!He is blowing his whistle, and signali

14、ng to the drivers to go on.()1. We can see a policeman in the street.()2. The policeman is directing the traffic.()3. There arent any buses and cars in the street.()4. The policeman puts his hand up when he wants the buses and the cars to stop.()5. The policeman blows the whistle when he wants the t

15、raffic to move.Unit 2Exercise A选择填空1The supermarket is _ the right. ( )A.on C.at2Walk straight _ five minutes. ( )A.from B.about C.for3I want to buy _. ( )A.two pair of shoes B.two pairs of shoe C. two pairs of shoes4She wants _ a new skirt. ( ) buy C.buying5A:_ B: Its in front of the

16、 school. ( )A.When are you going to the library? B.Where is the library? C.What are you going to do?根据标点符号提示,连词成句。1.the library , the school , in front of , is_.2.where, please , the cinema , is_?3.I , can , the shoe store , get to ,how_?4.there , here , is , near , a hospital_?5.home, the post offi

17、ce , is , my , next to_.根据首字母提示,填写单词所缺的字母,把句子补充完整。1The cinema is on the r_.2I w_ to buy a pair of shoes.3H _ can I get to the post office?4Can I t_ the No.16 bus to the zoo?5I am going to the b_. I want to buy some books.Exercise B中英词组翻译。1.a pair of the east _3.after school_4.look for5.on

18、 the twelfth floor_6.右转弯_7.在电影院隔壁_8.告诉我_9.一直走_10.乘1路公共汽车_选择填空。1Gaungzhou is in the _ of China. ( )A.north B.south C.west2You can _ the No.7 bus to get there. ( ) B.take C.get to 3I cant _ my cat. ( )A.look for B.find C.look4_ do you go there , by bus or by car? ( )A.Where B.How C.Why5Can you tel

19、l _ friend about_? ( )A.his ; he B.him ; his C.his ; him根据提示把句子补充完整,每空可填一词或多词。1银行在邮件旁边。The bank is _ the post office.2在博物馆的前面有一个车站。 _ a bus stop in front of the museum.3我正在找我的新鞋。I am _ my new shoes.4往东走五分钟。_ for five minutes.5电影院离这儿远吗?_?Exercise C选择正确答案,把所选答案的字母编号写在括号里。1Please come to Toms _ birthda

20、y party. ( )A.twelfth B.tweleve C.the twelfth2The Food Shop is _ the left of the street. ( ) C.on3I want _. ( ) eggs eggs C.some eggs4I would like to buy three _ socks. ( ) pairs of B.pair of new C.pairs of new5Thank you for _ the children. ( )A.visit B.visits C.visiting根据所给的

21、中文提示,写出横线上所缺的单词,每空可填一词或多词。1.请问电影院在哪里?_ the _ , please?2.这附近有鞋店吗?Are there any near here?3.在科学博物馆下车。_ _ at the science museum.4.到书店后向左转。_ _ at the bookstore.5.在医院附近有邮局吗?_单元测试判断下列每组单词中划线部分的发音是否相同,如相同,请写“”,如不同请写“”。 get ( )2.want bank ( )3.east please ( ) bank ( ) office ( )选择填空,把正确答案

22、的编号填在括号里。1Get off _ the bookstore. ( ) C.from2Lokk for _ near the door. ( )A.his B.him C.he3_ a cinema near your home? ( )A.Is there B.Have C.Has4Today is _ birthday. ( )A.his brother B.him brothers C.his brothers5Is the park far _ here? ( ) C.from6I want _. ( ) juice B.drink j

23、uice C.some juice7A: _? B: On foot. ( )A.Where is your school? B.How do you go to school? C.Whendo you go to school? 8Thank you for _ us about that. ( )A.tell B.telling tell9A: Where is Marry? B: She _ the piano. ( )A.plays B.playing playing10Are you _ your sharpener? ( )A.look for B.find

24、C.looking for根据括号里所给的中文提示,写出横线上所缺的单词,每空一词。1He often gooes to Hong Kong by _(火车).2Please remember the traffic _(规则).3Can he _(乘坐) the No.1 bus to the school?4I want to _(买) some watermelons.5He is _(等) for his teacher.根据所给的中文,在横线上填上合适的单词,补全句子,每空一词。1请问银行在哪里?_ the bank ,_?2这附近有一个邮局。There s a _near here.3她想喝水。She _ drink water.4在超市那里上车。_ _

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