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1、航海英语补充题库154航海英语补充题库154(1)仅供参考1Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat? 答案:D A.Rocket parachute signals B.Buoyant smoke signals C.Hand flare signals D.Self-igniting signals2According to IMO regulations,_shall be posed outside lifeboat? 答案:AA.the retro-reflective tapes

2、e reflective tapes C.the flashing bands D.the anti-flashing bands 3Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts? 答案:D A.Anti-seasickness medicine B.Immersion suits C.axes D.lifebuoys4Have the safety belts for _been examined? 答案 enclosed lifeboatsB.totally enclosing lifeboat

3、sC.totally enclosed encloseing lifeboats5The fire-protected lifeboats are found_.答案 satisfactorily conditionB.satisfactorilyC.satisfactoryD.satisfactored6We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,_the abandon ship drill. 答案

4、mbining withB.combined withC.combining toD.combined to7Are your lifeboats fitted with_?答案:DA.cargo wiresB.topping liftC.guiding linesD.tripping line8Painting on _is prohibited because it will weaken its sensibilityA.ship shellB.exterior of winchesC.hydrostatic release unitD.hold ladders答案:C9Where sh

5、all the key to co2 room be kept?A.In masters cabinB.In third offices cabinC.In a break-glass-type enclosure conspicuously located adjacent to the roomD.In a locked locker conspicuously located adjacent to the room答案:C10The firemans outfit consists of_.A.Safety lamp,protective clothing,rigid helmet,b

6、reathing apparatusB.Emergency escape breathing device,fire damper,extinguishersC.Firefighting equipment, portable extinguishers,fire dampersD.Fire hoses,fire nozzles,fire hydrants,fire pumps答案:A11Which one of the following is incorrect about Mercator projection?A.It projects a sphere onto a cylinder

7、.B.Because the resulting distance between latitudes are constantly increasing,it is also called progressive projectionC.It can always give true distancesD.It advantage is that longitudes and latitudes are at right angles, which makes it easy to read true bearings答案:C12Why do distances always have to

8、 be measured from the nearest scale on a Mercator chart?A.Because it is thr most efficient wayB.Because it varies for each latitudeC.Because it varies with the change of longitudeD.Because it is the most straight line.答案:B13What is ships heading? ships heading is the direction_.A.the vessel is point

9、ing.B.the vessel is traveling relative to landC.the vessel is traveling relative to groundD.the vessel is drifting答案:A14How long would 15 minutes of longitude be at a latitude of 60 degrees North?A.30 nmB.60 nmC.15 nmD.7.5 nm答案:D15Which one of the followings is incorrect about magnetic compass?A.The

10、 magentic compass is compulsory on my vesselB.The magentic compass is prone to errorC.The magentic compass is always placed inside steel constructionsD.The magentic compass needs to be calibrated to compensate for local magnetic distortion答案:C16Which one of the followings is correct regarding the us

11、e of gyrocompass?A.Gyrocompass does not have to be started before sailing.B.Gyrocompass must be stopped when vessel alongside a berthC.Gyrocompass needs to be checked from time to timeD.Gyrocompass is not influenced by the latitude and ships motion答案:C17What may affect the accuracy of sounding with

12、echo sounder?A.Sea bottomB.Ships speedC.Speed of currentD.Water temperature and density答案:D18What often happens when using echo-sounder at river estuary where a layer of fresh water lies on the top of denser salt water?A.A scattering layer appears.B.Echo sounder stops working.C.shallow water appears

13、.D.Nothing abnormal happens.答案:A19Regarding the use of GPS, which one of the followings is incorrect?A.GPS is the most accurate global system today.B.Its use is still under the U.S. Department of Defences controlC.DGPS is more accurate than GPSD.GPS can provide a real-time position under any conditi

14、on答案:D20Without doubt the radar is a highly important navigation aid. But duty officer shall aware that_when using it.A.Its range reading is more accurate than its bearing readingB.A low-lying coastline with a long, flat beach will show up properly on the radarC.Radar is only aimed at collision avoi

15、dance.D.The use of radar is necessary only when visibility is restricted.答案:A21As for racon,which one is incorrect. in the following?A.Racon is a radar transponder.B.Racon is often installed on major waypoints.C.When activated by a radar signal, the Racon sends it back with an identifierD.Racon can

16、be used to take place of radar答案:D22What does a Racon help with?A.Measuring the distanceB.Measuring the relative speedC.Identifing a vesselD.Identifing a seamark答案:D23What does ECDIS stand for?A.Electrical Chart Display and Indication SystemB.Electronic Chart Display and Information SystemC.Electric

17、 Chart Display and Informing SystemD.Electronic Chart Display and Indicating System答案:B24The IALA buoyage system is divided into two categories:_.A.The buoy system and the lighthouse systemB.The central buoy system and the side buoy systemC.The lateral system and the cardinal systemD.The stripe syst

18、em and the band system答案:C25The lateral system is used in_.A.restricted water such as shoals, reefs or wrecksB.restricted water such as buoyed waters such as shonls,reefs or waters such as buoyed channels答案:B26In region A, The green buoys are kept to_and red to _when sail

19、ing from_to_.A.starboard,port,sea,landB.starboard,port,land,seaC.port,starboard,land,landD.port,starboard,sea,sea答案:A27Which one of the followings about Tiaffic Separation Scheme(TSS) is incorrect?A.TSS separates inbound and outbound traffic in well marked lanes.B.Regulations request all vessels to

20、join or leave lanes at the extremities.C.If a TSS has to be crossed, it has to be carried out as close as possible to a right angleD.Being in the TSS does change the general rule of the Road convention答案:D28How do you take a running fix?A.By measuring the angle between to fixed landmarks and finding

21、 the sine of the angles.B.By taking bearings from a landmark at time intervals and finding the sine of the angles.C.By taking bearings from a landmark at time intervals and measuring the distance covered in the intervals.D.By taking the relative bearings from 2 sets of landmarks and plotting the dif

22、ference.答案:C29Who has the right of way in a Tiaffic Separation Scheme?A.The inbound vesselB.The outbound vesselC.The vessel coming from the starboard sideD.The vessel coming from the port side答案:C30What would be the colour of an IALA starboard hand lateral buoy, as seen when sailling toward land, in

23、 Europe?A.GreenB.RedC.Red and green stripesD.Black and yellow stripes答案:A31As the tide makes the water_twice a day a resulting current, or tidal stream, is generated.a resulting current, or tidal stream, is generated.A.rising and fallingB.Rose and fellC.the rise and fallD.rise and fall答案:D32When rev

24、ersing, the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effect.This is called the_.A.RiseB.RangeC.SlackD.Spring答案:C33The average time between two high waters is 12 hours and 25 minutes because this is the time it takes for_.A.The sun to be at the opposite side of the moonB.The moon to be at th

25、e opposite side of the earthC.The moon to be at its apogeeD.The sun and the moon to be on the same side答案:B34What is the tidal height?A.Twice the tide amplitudeB.The range of the tideC.The water above the Lowest Astronomical TideD.The height above or under the mean level答案:C35What is the right way t

26、o use VHF CH16 and working channel?A.Ships can call other ships on Ch16 but should move to a working channel as soon as possible.B.Ship should use working channel to call other ships at any time.C.Ch16 is only used as the international distress and calling frequency.D.Ship can use Ch16 or working ch

27、annel as they like答案:A36How to report your ship callsign to a shore station?A.Use capital lettersB.Use phonetic alphabetC.Use letters and numbersD.Use flag signals答案:B37Which one of the followings is not a right way to call an unknown vessel of VHF?A.According to her characteristicsB.According to he

28、r cargoC.According to her movementsD.According to her crewmembers答案:D38If there were suddenly an immediate danger for both the vessel and its crew,would you send a MAYDAY on_?A.Ch06 with dual watchB.Ch06 with 25 watts ouputC.Ch16 with 1 watt ouputD.Ch16 with 25 watts ouput答案:D39In the unlikely event

29、 that a distress situation allows you to send only a very short message,after MAYDAY would you first say_?A.Your name and callsignB.Your positionC.The number of persons on boardD.the nature of the distress situation答案:A40The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_.A.3 hoursB.6 hoursC.12 hou

30、rsD.24 hours答案:C41GPS receiver errors depend on _.A.operationB.installationC.display typeD.construction答案:D42Error in the GPS positions has nothing to do with _.A.user clock biasB.satellite clock biasC.atmospheric interferenceD.ships position答案:D43What is the main purpose of DGPS?A.Improve positioning accuracyB.Decrease positioning accuracyC.Reduce operational costD.I dont know答案:A44The acccuracy of the DGPS main

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