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1、跨文化商务沟通课程教学大纲跨文化商务沟通课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码: 课程名称:跨文化商务沟通英文名称:Intercultural Business Communication课程类别:专业课学时:32学时学分: 2学分适用对象:国际商务专业本科生/国际经济与贸易本科生考核方式:考查先修课程:国际商务,国际贸易实务二、课程简介中文简介:跨文化商务沟通是一门商务沟通实践课程,将商务、文化与沟通三者融为一体,研究文化背景不同的各类经济主体如何处理文化与商务的关系,以更好地开展国际商务和跨国公司管理活动。其主要内容包括:文化的概念及其对商务的影响;国际商务交往中的文化价值观差异及其产生的原

2、因;跨文化中的语言表达及非语言交流;国际商务写作沟通;国际商务交际中的礼仪;跨文化谈判沟通技巧;跨文化商务伦理及社会责任;组织中的跨文化管理及激励;跨文化团队建设等。英文简介: “Intercultural Business Communication” is a practice curriculum of business communication which integrated three factors of business, culture and communication. It aims at doing research on how various economic

3、entities with different culture backgrounds deal with the relationship between culture and commercein order to helping companies and individuals better carrying out international business and multinational company management activities. The main contents of this course includes: the concept of cultu

4、re and its influence on business, different cultural value view in international business contacts and why these happens, language use and non-verbal communication under cross-culture situation,writing in international business, etiquettes in international business communication, cross-cultural nego

5、tiation skills, intercultural business ethics and social responsibility, cross-cultural management and motivation in organization, cross-culture team building and so on.三、课程性质与教学目的课程性质:跨文化商务沟通是国际商务类本科专业的专业课。在经济全球化和国际商务日益增多的现实下,培养学生在多元背景下的跨文化商务沟通技巧,使得学生能够运用国际商务知识和跨文化交际技巧在国际商务活动中进行得体、有效的沟通,展现中国文化自信显得尤

6、为重要。本课程主要面向国际商务专业,及国际经济与贸易专业学生。教学目的:(1)以跨文化交际学的基本理论为框架,让学生理解文化之间只有差异之分、而无优劣之分,认识到文化价值观差异对商务活动存在一定影响,对文化的内涵及产生根源有客观的认识;(2)能较好地掌握在不同文化背景下的语言、非语言沟通、商务文字表达及其他沟通手段;(3)在现实的国际商务活动中具备较好的国际礼仪,能适当运用跨文化谈判技巧,跨文化团队建设方法开展国际商务交流,能够向不同国家展示中国优秀的商务文化、职业作风,传递中国文化的包容性和开放性。四、教学内容及要求Chapter 1 The Nature of Intercultural

7、Business Communication (一)目的与要求目的:了解跨文化商务沟通相关基本概念。要求:理解文化的含义及跨文化相关概念;了解跨文化商务沟通的内涵;掌握跨文化沟通对沟通者的要求。(二)教学内容Section 1 Basics of Human Communication1. Definition of communication2. The scope and classification of communication3. The process of communication4. Characteristics of communicationSection 2 A r

8、eview of intercultural communication study 1.Intercultural communication study in foreign countries.2.Intercultural communication study in China. 此节融入课程思政相关内容:在分析中国与其他国家的跨文化交往历史时,重点突出我国与亚非拉发展中国家的文化、经济和政治交往历史,让学生认识到我国国际交往中的大国风范和基本准则,包括和平共处五项基本原则、对不发达地区的扶持、南南合作相关区域组织、孔子学院的文化传播等。Section 3 A review of i

9、ntercultural business communication1.The complexity in learning intercultural business communication2.The influence of failing intercultural business communication(三)思考与实践思考:1. What are the Basics of Human Communication?2. How to defy Intercultural business communication?3. What are the dimensions o

10、f interclutural communication?课程思政相关内容:引导学生思考和探讨秉持平等、互相尊重等基本原则对国家间跨文化交流的重要性。(四)教学方法与手段讲授,多媒体讲解Chapter 2: Intercultural Environment (一)目的与要求目的:理解影响文化的环境因素。要求:掌握文化环境的构成;了解不同文化下经济体系、政治体系、社会生活体系、法律体系、教育体系等的区别。(二)教学内容Section 1 Globalization and International Linkages 1. Globalization: Pros and Cons 2. Gl

11、obal and Regional Integration 3. Economic PerformanceSection 2 Political Environment 1. Forms of Ideologies 2. Political Systems此节融入课程思政相关内容:展示我国社会主义制度优越性,包括:播放2014TED年度最佳演讲“李世默:两种制度的传说”,如何打破西方刻板印象,认识中国制度;组织学生对2020年全球新冠肺炎疫情爆发中各国抗疫表现开展对比讨论,认识中国制度对抗疫胜利的重要性。Section 3 Legal Environment 1. Global Foundat

12、ions of Law 2. Basic Principles of International Law3. Legal and Regulatory IssuesSection4 Economic Environment 1. Global Foundations of Law 2. Basic Principles of International Law3. Legal and Regulatory IssuesSection 5Social Environment 1. Social hierarchy issues 2. Occupational division of labor(

13、三)思考与实践思考:1. How does Economic ISMs affects daily business behavior?2. How to understand different Legal Environment in different cultures?实践:Use data from the website of traditional foundation of the United States to check and compare EconomicFreedomIndex between different countries.课程思政相关内容:让学生结合我

14、国历年吸收对外直接投资的数据,搜集外资在华经营的案例,思考以下问题:我国政府如何大力提升营商环境,以何种实际行动增强外资投资中国、做多中国的信心与决心。为此,让学生理解中国融入国际体系、贡献中国智慧的事实。(四)教学方法与手段讲授,多媒体讲解Chapter 3:Culture: Values and influence on Business(一)目的与要求目的:理解价值观对商务形象的影响。要求:掌握文化的定义和内涵;掌握价值观的定义及其构成要素;了解霍夫斯泰德的文化六维度模型;掌握文化价值观对商务行为产生影响的不同表现方式。(二)教学内容Section 1 The Nature of Cul

15、ture1. Definition of Culture2. Ingredients of Culture3. Characteristics of Culture此节融入课程思政相关内容:强调不同国家或民族的文化只有差异之分,而无优劣之分。在与不同国家的企业和个人交往中,首先要秉持我国文化自信,同时也要尊重他国文化,做到不卑不亢、理解包容。Section 2 The Basics of Cultural Values1. Definition of Values2. Values Form the Core of Culture3. Priorities of Cultural Values

16、Section 3 Understanding Cultural Patterns1. Kluckhohn and Strodtbecks Value Orientation2. Hofstede-Bonds Value Dimensions3. Trompenaars Value Dimensions4. Schwartzs Value Inventory5. Halls High- and low-context Orientation此节融入课程思政相关内容:强调不同国家或民族的文化只有差异之分,而无优劣之分。在与不同国家的企业和个人交往中,首先要秉持我国文化自信,同时也要尊重他国文化,

17、做到不卑不亢、理解包容。Section 4 Values on Business1. Work Attitudes2. Attitudes Toward Women3.Corporate management4. Employment,Relationship,Time,Age此节融入课程思政相关内容:分析粤商文化对粤港澳大湾区经济发展的促进作用。(三)思考与实践思考:1.What are the reasons for cultural differences?2.To check Hofstedes Scores in his website to compare Chinese cult

18、ure with other countries in 6 dimensions.3. Tell the difference of corporate management between China, Europe and Japan.课程思政相关内容:结合霍夫斯坦特文化六维度模型,让学生思考中国与重要“一带一路”国家之间的文化异同,分析我国与这些国家的文化关联性,增强未来合作的信心。(四)教学方法与手段讲授,课题讨论,多媒体讲解Chapter 4: Culture Shock(一)目的与要求目的:了解和应对文化冲击。要求:掌握什么是文化冲击;了解文化冲击产生的原因;了解文化冲击的阶段表现

19、。(二)教学内容Section 1 Definitions of culture shock 1. The Definitions 2. Frustrations may includeSection 2 Symptoms of Culture shock1. Physical symptoms2. Psychological symptomsSection 3Stages of culture shock1. The first stage (the “honeymoon” stage)2. The second stage (the hostility stage) 3. The thir

20、d stage (the recovery stage)4. The fourth stage (the adjustment stage) 5. The fifth stage (the biculturality stage) Section 4 Keys to Survive Cultural Adjustment1. Participation is the key2. Establish new support systemsexpatriates, locals(三)思考与实践思考:1. What is the consequences of culture shock?2. De

21、scribe 5 Stages of culture shock.实践:Share a cultural shock experience of your own experience.(四)教学方法与手段讲授,讨论,多媒体讲解Chapter 5: Language Communication(一)目的与要求目的:掌握跨文化沟通环境下的语言使用技巧。要求:掌握语言的重要性;熟悉跨文化背景下语言多样性的体现方式;了解高语境和低语境的区别;了解商务英语沟通表达范式。(二)教学内容Section 1 The Relation Between Language and Culture 1. The I

22、nfluence of Culture on Language 2. The Influence of Language on CultureSection 2 Cultural Impact on Language at Various Levels 1. Meaning of Words 2. Analysis of Speech Acts 3. Discourse Patterns 4. Verbal Styles此节融入课程思政相关内容:提升学生在国际商务环境中英语表达的得体性,能够使用良好的英语措辞来展示中国形象,讲好中国故事。(三)思考与实践思考:1. Dose “Euphemis

23、m” contradicts with and “Low-Context”?2. What is the most import thing while communicate with people from different cultures in oral?实践:Share someexperience of your language expression skills in English communication.(四)教学方法与手段讲授,讨论,多媒体讲解Chapter 6: Nonverbal Communication(一)目的与要求目的:掌握影响非语言交流的因素。要求:掌

24、握什么是思维模式;空间距离;肢体语言的含义。(二)教学内容Section 1 The Basics of Nonverbal Communication 1. Defining Nonverbal Communication 2. The Importance of Nonverbal Communication 3. Functions of Nonverbal CommunicationSection 2 Cultural Impact on Nonverbal Communication 1. Body Movement 2. Eye Contact 3. Touch 4. Smile

25、5. Paralanguage 6. Spatial Language 7. Temporal Language(三)思考与实践思考:1. How is the importance of body langue?2. How to make good use of nonverbal communication?实践:Learning the common body language and gestures in different cultures.(四)教学方法与手段讲授,讨论,多媒体讲解Chapter 7: Intercultural Business Writing(一)目的与要求

26、目的:学习跨文化商务写作的注意事项。要求:理解文字沟通的必要性;熟悉国际商务写作中的文化注意事项;掌握国际商务文书的写法和格式。(二)教学内容Section 1 Cultural Consideration in Planning Business Messages 1. Defining Purpose 2. Analyzing Intercultural Audiences 3. Selecting a Channel and MediumSection 2 Cultural Consideration in Organizing Business Messages 1. Organizi

27、ng Routine, Good-news, and Goodwill Messages 2. Organizing Bad-news Messages 3. Organizing Persuasive Messages 4. Organizing Reports 5. Organizing Employment Messages(三)思考与实践思考:1. What are the basic requirements for business writing communication?2. How to make a decent business expression?实践:Amend

28、a business letter in English and point out the shortcomings of its writing.(四)教学方法与手段讲授,课堂作业,多媒体讲解Chapter 8 : Intercultural Business Etiquette and Protocol(一)目的与要求目的:学习国际商务中的常用礼仪。要求:掌握国际商务礼仪中的会面礼仪;理解中西方餐饮礼仪的差异,了解西方餐饮礼仪;国际商务接待礼仪;根据文化的不同选择恰当的礼品进行馈赠。(二)教学内容Section 1 Defining Business Etiquette and Prot

29、ocolSection 2 Cultural Differences in Business Etiquette and Protocol 1. Initial Business Relationships 2. Social Entertainment3. Table Manners4. Gift-giving Etiquette5. Business Dress6. Business Scheduling7. The Use of Humor(三)思考与实践思考:1. What are the common etiquette in business communication?2. An

30、alysis different meanings of Japanese style bowing.3. Table Manners under different culture.实践:Simulating an international business reception with your classmates.(四)教学方法与手段讲授,讨论,多媒体讲解Chapter 9: Intercultural Business Ethics(一)目的与要求目的:了解不同文化背景下的商务道德评判差异和道德协调方式。要求:了解道德评价思想来源;不同国家道德体现在商务沟通中的体现;掌握全球商业道

31、德标准的含义;如何进行商业道德规范和教育;不同文化下商务道德规范的协调和妥协。(二)教学内容Section 1 Ethics of Intercultural Business Communication 1. The Nature of Ethics of International Business 2. Ethical Dilemmas in Intercultural Business CommunicationSection 2 Major Ethical Issues in Intercultural Business Communication 1. Personal professional ethics2. Labor-management Relations and Employment3. The Issue of Bribery and Corruption4. Corporate Social Responsibility此节融入课程思政相关内容:充分树立和展示我国企业员工优秀的商业道德价值观,包括:敬业爱岗、诚信守法、术业专攻且内外兼修的个人职业素养,弘扬

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