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1、PEP英语四年级上册Unit1Myclassroom全英带教学设计教学提纲PEP四年级上册Unit 1 A Lets learn lets doTeaching content:PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 1 A. Lets learn, lets do and lets sing。本课是四年级上册第一单元第一课时,本单元起着承上启下的作用,承三年级上册第一单元学习用品,启四五年级My classroom和 My schoolday。利用学过的学习用品导入本课,把原先学过的句型再次呈现给学生,(Whats in the bag?)让学生在听、对话的基础上加深视觉印象。Teaching a

2、ims and demands:a. Learn to say new words : classroom ,picture, board ,door,window,floor, light.b. Learn to say the new sentence: Whats in the classroom? A board, two lights, a picture, c. Learn to sing a new song.The important and difficult points:a. New words:classroom ,picture, board ,door.,windo

3、w, floor.,light.b. Sentences:Whats in the classroom? A board, two lights, a picture, Teaching aids: A-tape recorder ,CAI.Teaching steps:Step 1.Warm up.Good afternoon, boys and girls. we have two groups, one is boy group, another is girl group. If you answer my question best,I will give you a small f

4、oot.【设计意图】:采用竞争式,使学生主动快速地进入情景教学活动中。T: Listen to me carefully, I say one , you stand up. I say two, you sit down. Ok?T: Are you ready? Class begins My name is Cui Jianmei, whats your name? How old are you? Where are you from? S:【设计意图】:通过一个小游戏和自由对话,提前让学生进入英语课堂,为下面的学习做准备。Step 2.PresentationT: This less

5、on we will learn “lets learn lets do and lets sing ”. Ok? Listen to me carefully . Whats this(some pictures of pen, pencil)? Whats in the bag? S:T: Ok , watch TV .(Show the picture of classroom.)Whats this? Write : classroom.【设计意图】:在真实的情景中进行新单词的教学,让学生有身临其境的感觉。把原先学过的句型“Whats in the bag?”和学习用品在老师设计的情境

6、中自由对话,既紧扣主题又对本课的重点句型做了突破,下面的学习就迎刃而解了。a. Students read after the teacher.b. Read one by one.c. Spell this word.d. Make a sentence with this word.e. Then teach other words with the same method: ,picture, board ,door.,window,floor, Light.f. Teach the new sentences and act: Sweep the floor, Put up the p

7、ictureT: OK, look at me. Read together .【设计意图】:把单词与句型结合起来,让学生在运用中掌握单词Step 3. Practicea. T: Lets have a game. Ok? Look, can you say this word? (Show the first letter of the word. Let students say it.)Look at me carefully .One, two, three, (Count the cards and hide a card.) Whats missing? (Then let st

8、udent act this game.)【设计意图】:任务型设计,老师可打乱顺序说,学生做,也可学生说说做做,进行比赛,在游戏中巩固了新词,又激发了学生学英语的兴趣,一举两得。b. OK. Listen to me carefully .I say the words, you point it to, ok?(Then lets student act this game.)c. Look at the classroom, whats in the classroom? S: 【设计意图】:在这个活动中,老师是参与者,学生是活动的主体,培养学生的合作精神,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。Step

9、 4.Presentation1.Turn to page 4, read after me and act. Then, act after the music.【设计意图】:这个活动充分激发了学生的求知欲,调动学生的积极性,既玩了游戏又学到了新知识,寓教于乐。2.Ok, Im tired. Lets listen to a song. Ok?(listen and sing )【设计意图】:这是一首选学的歌曲,让学生在平常听听,有助于听力能力的提高,并在轻松的氛围中结束课堂。)Step 5. HomeworkAfter class , sing to your parents.BLACKB

10、OARD DESIGNUnit1 A. Lets learn, lets do and lets sing.classroom board picture window door light-Whats in the classroom?-A board, two lights教学反思:针对小学生年龄特点和心理特点,结合具体的教学内容、本课的教学设计突出以下几个特点:1、关注学生的情感态度保持积极的学习态度是英语学习成功的关键。本课依据学生低龄特点和好动、好奇的心理特征,设计多样的学习方法:如唱一唱、做一做、找一找等教学活动,避免枯燥、机械的操练,不断激发学生的学习兴趣,并引导他们逐渐将兴趣转


12、单词,但在听做和读写方面仍不到位,如根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物,能看图识字,能在指认物体的前提下认读所学的词语,只有通过听、说、读、写这四个方面的技能训练,才能形成综合语言运用能力,为真实语言交际,打基础。English Teaching Plans of Book 3课题: Unit1 My classroom节次Lesson 1课型New lesson课程标准:能在图片、图像、手势的帮助下,听懂本课所列单词及简单的话语或录音材料,能够在教师帮助下正确规范读出所学单词,并能认读所学单词,同时能在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达标。教学目标:1. Ss can listen, rea

13、d and say the words: classroom, blackboard, light, picture, door, window.2. Ss can listen, read and say the sentences: We have a new classroom. Where is it? Its near the window.3. Ss can use the base sentences to talk freely.教学重点:1. Ss can use the sentences: Whats in the classroom? .Where is it? . t

14、o talk freely.2. Ss can listen, read and say the words: classroom, blackboard, light, picture, door, window.教学难点:1. Ss can recognize and recite the words. 2. Ss can make a new dialog with your classmate.评价设计:1. Listen and say 检测目标一的达成。2. Act out the dialogue检测目标二的达成。3. Lets play 检测目标三的达成。教学准备:Tape r

15、ecorder, word cards主备人:协备人:教学过程:Step1:Warm-upGreet students with: Hello. My names Miss Wang. Whats your name? Have Ss ask each other.设计意图:通过互相介绍便于学生相互了解,同时有利于创造愉悦的课堂气氛。Step2:Presentation1T: Hey,boys and girls. This term we have a new school and we have a new classroom. T teaches the word classroom.S

16、1:Really? Whats in the classroom?T: Lets go and see.2. T: Look at the screen. Whats this?window T teaches the word window.Follow me please: Close the window.Use the same way to teach the words: blackboard, light, picture, door.3.T: Look at the classroom. Whats in the classroom?Ss answer. T: Oh,yes.

17、We can say: One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs.设计意图:将单词融合在对话中进行教学,同时将Lets do 渗透在其中,做到词不离句的目的。4. T: Zhang and Sarah have a new classroom too.Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see.Ss answer.T: Look at the picture. This is Sarahs picture. Where is it?Is it on the desk? Is it under the chai

18、r?Ss:No. T: Its near the window. T teaches near.设计意图:通过提问,旨在激发学生思考与参与,在此过程中容易引起学生的注意。Step3: Practice1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Practise in pairs .3. Act out the dialogue.4. Listen and number.5. Listen and say.6. Lets lay.设计意图:通过以上练习及活动,目的是将 课本知识与学生的生活实际结合起来,帮助学生巩固所学词汇和句型。Step4: Summary What

19、 have we learned today?Step5: Homework:Listen to the tape of 4 to 5 pages and repeat 3times.Blackboard design:Unit 1 My classroomWe have a new classroom.Whats in the classroom?window blackboardWhere is it?light picture doorIts near the window.English Teaching Plans of Book 3课题: Unit1 My classroom节次L

20、esson 2课型New lesson课程标准:能正确读出26个英文字母,了解简单的拼读规律,能认读所学单词,根据拼读规律读出简单的单词。教学目标:1. Ss can listen, read the words: cake, face, name and make. Ss should know the letters a makes/ei/ in the words.2. Ss can write the words correctly in the four line and three cells.3. Train their consciousness of removing the

21、 sound and spelling.教学重点:1. Ss can listen, read the words: cake, face, name and make. Ss should know the letters a makes /ei/ in the words.2. Ss can write the words correctly in the four line and three cells.教学难点:Train their consciousness of removing the sound and spelling.评价设计:1. Read, listen and t

22、ick. 检测目标一的达成。2. Listen and write, read and write检测目标二的达成。3. Try to read.检测目标三的达成。教学准备:Tape recorder, word cards主备人:协备人:教学过程:Step1:Warm-up1.Enjoy a song. Let Ss enjoy a song about“letter sounds”. Recall the knowledge of the letters and sounds.2. Goal-setting.In this class, we will have a match. If y

23、ou do well, you can get apples for your group.设计意图:通过字母音标歌,帮助学生回顾三年级上册所学的字母及其发音,为本节课教授字母A的发音做好知识上的准备。目标的设定,激发孩子们的竞争意识和学习的积极性。Step2:PresentationRead, listen and chant.T shows the pictures.A. T: Try to read out these words. Can you find the same things?B. Listen and follow the tape, please.C. T: Look

24、and think: Which letter is the same? Letter“a and e”. What is the a sound? /ei/ What is the e sound? 不发音。DListen to the tape and repeat.E. Lets chant.设计意图:通过图片引出例词,展示例词后让学生朗读并观察四个例词,归纳它们的共同点,并发现发音规律,以培养学生的思维能力。Step3: Practice1. Try to read.2. Read, listen and tick. A. Read the words. B. Listen and t

25、ick.3. Listen, circle and write. A. Listen and circle. B. Listen and write.Ss watch the screen carefully. Learn to write. T ask 2 Ss come to the front. Trace the words on the board. The other Ss trace the words on their books. C. Lets check.T: Are they right? Whose writing is better?4. Read and writ

26、e.设计意图:通过多种方式有规律的练习,巩固所学单词和发音,符合学生们的认知规律。Step4: Summary1. How many apples have you got? Can you read?2. Can you tell me what we have learned today?Step 5: Homework Listen and repeat the words for 5 times.Blackboard design:Unit 1 My classroom cake face name makeEnglish Teaching Plans of Book 3课题: Uni

27、t1 My classroom节次Lesson 3课型New lesson课程标准:能在图片、图像、手势的帮助下,听懂本课所列单词并能够在教师帮助下正确规范读出所学单词,并能认读所学单词,同时了解简单的拼读规律,根据拼读规律读出并记住简单的单词。教学目标:1. Ss are able to listen, read and say the words: computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor2. Ss are able to describe their classroom. eg:This is my new classroom. The door

28、 is orange.3. Ss are able to listen, say, read and write the words: window, desk, chair, floor, wall, door.教学重点:1.Listen, read and say the words and sentences:computer, teachers desk, fan, wall, floor, This is my new classroom. The door is orange.2. Listen, say, read and write the words: window, des

29、k, chair, floor, wall, door.教学难点:1. Describe the classroom.2. Remember the words: chair, window.评价设计:1. 通过Colour and say:检测目标一、二的达成。2. 通过Do the exercises in Exercise Book. P6 V P8 IV检测目标三的达成教学准备:tape , tape-recorder , wall chart主备人:协备人:教学过程:Step one: Warm up:Lets do.T: Boys and girls, please open yo

30、ur books and turn to P5, lets listen to the tape, say and do the actions.【设计意图】:通过TPR活动激发学生学习兴趣,复习巩固A部分黑体单词。Step two: Presentation1. T:Look!This is our classroom. Whats in the classroom? S1: .教师指着讲台桌T:Whats this? Help the Ss answer: This is a teachers desk. Write the sentence on the Bb and teach to

31、read.2. T指计算机: Whats this? Help the Ss answer: This is a computer. Write “computer”on the Bb and teach to read.3. Teach the words “ computer, wall, fan” in the same way.【设计意图】:通过对话自然引出新授单词,通过看食物,学习新单词,把抽象的单词变为具体的形象,让学生更好的掌握新知识。4. T:Please look at the wall chart. This is the new classroom. Look! What colour

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