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1、鲁教版学年九年级上学期英语教学质量检测一D卷鲁教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语教学质量检测(一)D卷一、 听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)What is Jacks mother doing? A . Having dinningB . Cleanin the living roomC . Making soup2. (2分)What does Bob have to do now? A . Clean the room.B . Watch TV.C . Do his homework.3. (2分)Sams is swe

2、eping the floor. A . sisterB . mumC . aunt4. (2分)Where is David waiting? A . At a bus station.B . In a bookstore.C . At a supermarket.5. (2分)What time did Selina get to the classroom? A . At 9:10B . At 9;20。C . At 9:30二、 听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。 (共2题;共16分)6. (6分)听一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 (1)When does Jac

3、k get up in the morning? A . At 6 oclock.B . At 7 oclock.C . At 8 oclock.(2)What does he have for breakfast? A . He has two apples.B . He has bread.C . He has two eggs and milk.(3)Who does he go to school with? A . His sister.B . His father.C . His mother.7. (10分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)When does the boy l

4、ive in school? (on weekdays/at weekends/every day) (2)How long does the boy usually go for a walk after lunch? (fifty minutesfifteen minutesfive minutes) 三、 听下面一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问 (共1题;共12分)8. (12分)Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false. (1)Most fam

5、ilies have even two or more cars in the United States. (2)In the U. S. , cars are mainly used for pleasure. (3)Only children who live more than a mile from the school can take a school bus in some cities. (4)A car pool means several car owners take turns driving their cars to the place where they al

6、l want to go. (5)Men dont like to form car pools in the U. S. (6)Car pools can reduce(减少)the number of cars on the road, save gasoline(汽油)and parking space. 四、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)9. (10分)I have 1 uncle.He likes sports very 2 .He 3 soccer ball ,basketball,volleyball,baseball and more.He plays baseball an

7、d basketball very 4 .He likes to 5 the sports games6 TV.He plays sports 7.He often says(经常说):“Lets 8”He 9 two clubs:basketball club and baseball club.He 10 a small sports collection.He has 12 tennis rackets,10 baseballs,3 volleyballs and one soccer ball.(1)A . a B . an C . the D . is (2)A . well B .

8、 fun C . late D . much (3)A . loves B . lets C . joins D . play (4)A . much B . more C . well D . good (5)A . play B . look C . watch D . like (6)A . in B . on C . to D . behind (7)A . everyday B . days C . every day D . morning (8)A . plays B . play C . playing D . to play (9)A . joins B . plays C

9、. asks D . takes (10)A . have B . has C . doesnt have D . is 五、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)10. (10分) In the past month,weve been holding our breath for news about a Boeing 777 plane,MH 370It took off from Kuala Lumpur(吉隆坡),MalaysiaOn March 8It was heading to BeijingBut about two hours into the flight, the plane

10、 went missingThere were 239 people on the flight,including 154 Chinese A total of 12 countries including China and the US have joined the search for the planeDid it crash? We know that the weather was clear that dayThe pilots didnt make any distress calls(求救信号)And as of March l3,experts have not fou

11、nd any broken parts of the plane。Was it hijacked(劫机)? Two Iranians(伊朗人)used stolen passports to get into the flightBut now they do not appear to be linked to any possible hijacking of the plane,international police agency Interpol(国际刑警组织)official said on March 11The search is still going onIt could

12、take months or even years to find out what happenedto the flight(1)When did MH370 go missing?A . March8B . March9C . March llD . April 8(2)How many Chinese are there on the flight?A . 239B . 1 54C . 1 45D . 85(3)What was the weather like that day?A . cloudyB . rainyC . fineD . windy(4)Did the pilots

13、 make any distress calls before the plane went missing?A . Yes,they didB . No,they didntC . We dont knowD . Maybe(5)How long could it take to find out what happened to the flight?A . several monthsB . several yearsC . months or yearsD . 3 months11. (8分)阅读理解If you want to study abroad, have you thoug

14、ht about where to live? Ive been living and studying in Canada for about nine months. As Im still too young to rent an apartment by myself. I live with a homestay family and I feel like Im part of it.The first time I had a homestay was in 2013. During that time, I stayed in Ajax, a town in Canada, f

15、or a week and lived with a homestay family. Carlton lives with his nephew and his niece-in-law. Carlton drove me to an international school to learn about Canadian culture every morning, and he picked me up in the afternoons. Our leisure time was in the evening. The meals he made for me were delicio

16、us and we usually watched a movie after dinner. All experiences left an unforgettable impression on me, even if I didnt live there for a long time.Im now living with a Hungarian(匈牙利) family with another Chinese boy. There are two family members- Mrs Perger and her son, Robert. Ive already lived here

17、 for nine months and I have been deeply moved by many things theyve done. Once, my roommate went running and didnt come back for quite a long time. Mrs Perger called him, but he didnt answer the phone. She began to worry about him, and was even about to cry.However, living with a homestay family als

18、o has its disadvantages, especially when living with a foreign family. The biggest challenge for me has been the totally different lifestyle, which took me a long time to get used to.Living with a homestay family has given me a lot of new experiences. It has taught me how to communicate with differe

19、nt people. Moreover, when different lifestyles and cultures meet together, I have seen that the spark(火花) they make are spectacular(壮观的).(1)How many people are there at Carltons before the writer lives with them? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(2)What can we learn from the article? A . The writ

20、er hasnt got used to the different lifestyle yet.B . The writer has been deeply moved by what the Pergers have done.C . The writer has been living with a Canadian family for nine months.D . The writer chose a homestay family for he couldnt afford the apartment rent.(3)Which of the following shows th

21、e character of Mrs Perger properly? A . Careful and caring.B . Outgoing and brave.C . Strict and challenging.D . Outgoing and humorous.(4)Whats the best title of this passage? A . Life about the Canadian homestay familiesB . Disadvantages of living with a homestay familyC . Experiences of living wit

22、h foreign homestay familiesD . Suggestions for those who want to live with homestay families12. (10分)根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。At midnight (半夜) Mr. King coughed again. He got up and took some medicine. Before he lay down again, he smoked. And he couldnt go to sleep any longer. He found the medicine book and

23、began to read it. He was afraid he had lung cancer(肺癌). He seemed to see death was waiting for him. Tears (眼泪)ran down his face. He didnt see his wife was standing by him.“Whats wrong with you, dear?”asked the woman.“Nothing,” the old man answered and covered his face with his hands. The old woman o

24、pened the book and understood at once. She said, “You must stop smoking right now. ”“I began to smoke when I was nine, you know. How can I do that?”“But I think health is more important. ”Mr. King coughed again and his wife said, “Go to see a doctor tomorrow. He will be able to help you, I think. ”T

25、he doctor told Mr. King to have an X-ray examination(X光检查)of his lungs(肺). And then he looked at the X-ray carefully for a long time.“Tell me the truth, doctor. ” said Mr. King, “Do you see any shadows (阴影) in my lungs?”“No, I dont see anything. ”“Yes?” the old man said happily. “Really?”“Yes. Your

26、lungs are turning black. How can I see any shadows?” (1)Mr. King got up to cough because he smoked too much.(2)Mr. King wasnt afraid of death.(3)The doctor told Mr. King to have an X-ray examination because he wanted to look more carefully at Mr. King s lungs.(4)The doctor found some shadows in Mr.

27、Kings lungs.(5)There was nothing serious with Mr. King.13. (12分)Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)Research suggests that at least 64% of people now spend up to four hours daily of spare time in front of a screen. Just as TV watching has been linked to higher chances of being fat and getting di

28、seases, this extra sedentary time is bad news for our health.Choose outdoor activities over technologyWhen youre at home, make it a rule that you cant be online if the sun is shining. Instead, you have to go for a walk, ride a bike, swim or get some other kind of healthy, physical activity for at le

29、ast an hour before you can pull out your phone or tablet, or take a seat at the computer. This rule should be fit for everyone in your family.Limit social media useSocial networks have changed computer and mobile use for people of all ages. Whether its Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat. Limit

30、 the amount of time you spend on social media. Avoid aimless browsing(浏览) and give your time online a purpose research holidays or catch up on the news of the day. Then log off.Save time for readingChallenge yourself to read at least 30 pages of a great book before you check your computer or mobile phone. Pick the right reading material and youll soon find youve discovered an enjoyable pastime.Create projects for yourselfIts amazing how much you can achieve when youre not glued to (长时间盯着) a screen. Do a list of one-hour evening projects. Some suggesti

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