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Unit 2.docx

1、Unit 2Unit 2The First Teaching PlanTeaching aims:Basic aims: 1. Using Wh- question to find out about object.e. g. Which aeroplane do you like? 2. Using the simple present tense to express interests, feelings and opinions. e.g. I like all the dolls.3. Learn the new word: dinosaurDeveloping aims: 1. U

2、sing modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers or other learners.2. Develop written texts by putting words in a logical order to make meaningful phrases and sentences.Educational aims: 1. Teach students express personal preferences correctly. 2. Tell students dont play toys all day

3、.Key point: 1. Asking about and expressing a preference.2.Using both and all Difficulty: Distinguish between the use of both and all.Teaching aids: cassette, player, photocopiable P29, a selection of small toys(some dinosaurs , bears)Teaching procedure:Teaching contents & Teaching MethodsPurposePre-

4、task preparation 1. Review the names of toys. Teacher displays the toys. Invite different students to say which toy they like. T: Which toy do you like? S: I like the car/doll, etc.2.Introduce: dinosaur T(show a toy dinosaur): I like this toy. Its a dinosaur. (point to the others) They are dinosaurs

5、. 板书:dinosaur 恐龙 (teach )While-task procedure1.Introduce: all the T: (take a bear) This bear is brown. T:(take two bears) Both bears are brown T:(take three bears) All the bears are brown. T:( take a dinosaur) I like this dinosaur. T:(take two dinosaurs) I like both dinosaurs. T:(take three dinosaur

6、s) I like all the dinosaurs. 板书:all (the) 全部,都 (teach)2.Make some sentences like thise. g. I like thisI like both I like all the3.Play the cassette : Look and say. The students listen and follow.4.Play the cassette again. The students listen and repeat.5.Divide the class into pairs of the same sex.

7、The boys take turns to role-play the dialogues in 1 and 3, and the girls take turns to role-play the dialogues in 2 and 4.6.Invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogues in front of the class.Post-task activities1.Read the model dialogue in Ask and answer. Working in pairs, the students talk about t

8、he pictures at the bottom of page 28, following the model dialogue. S1: Which bicycle do you like ? S2: I like bicycles.2.Invite a few pairs to talk about the pictures in front of the class.3.Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 29 to each students. Explain the task. The students look at the pict

9、ures that Alice has circled in the survey form, and they complete the sentences at the bottom of the task.Summary: T: Toys are our good friends. But dont play all day.Homework:1. Read: Look and say on page 282. Grammar Practice Book 5B pages 25and 26让学生说出自己喜欢的玩具名称,既复习旧单词同时也能鼓励学生开拓思维、积极创新,介绍一些没学过的新单词

10、。用实物引出新授直观易懂,又能吸引学生的注意力。教师利用直观演示及略为夸张的动作来教学all,并在教学时紧紧结合both使教师不必多说语法,学生自然而然地就能理解、接受,并正确运用。教学难点不攻自破。通过口头、笔头两种形式巩固both all的用法。及时对学生进行思想教育。附板书: -Which dinosaur do you like? -I like this dinosaur. both dinosaurs. all the dinosaurs.教后随笔:The Second Teaching PlanTeaching aimsBasic aims: !. Using the simpl

11、e present tense to express simple truths e.g. Grandma Wang lives in Pudong. 2. Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking. e.g. Kitty and Alice are visiting her. 3. Learn the word : keyDeveloping aims: 1. Procedure simple phrases and sentences 2. Lo

12、cate specific information in a short text in response to questions.Educational aims: Using formulaic expressions to express apologies. e.g. Thank you very much.Key point: 1. Comprehending a simple text 2. Read a narrative about toys.Difficulty: Comprehending the text then answer simple Comprehension

13、 questions.Teaching aids: player, cassette, Word and Picture Card: key A large old key, two dolls and two puppetsTeaching procedure:Teaching contents & Teaching MethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Review : dolls and puppetsShow dolls and puppets to studentsT: Look, I have dolls . I have puppets, to

14、o. Which ones do you like? S: I like puppets / dolls.2. Review : both, all theShow some pictures for students. Asking students using Wh- question to ask and answer.e.g. S1: Which do you like?S2: I like both / all the While-task procedure1. Introduce: keyShow a large old keyT: Look, children. This is

15、 a key. Can you say something about this key? 板书: key 钥匙T: Give the key to meT: whats the meaning for Give the key to Me?Make some phrases, using Giveto2. Show the pictures about the text. Play the cassette.Ask the students to listen and look at the Pictures.Invite more able students try to comprehe

16、nding the text.,3. Show some questions on the board (P27)Play the cassette again.Ask the students to listen, then answer thequestions.4. Play the cassette third.Students listen and repeat.Post-task activities1. Read the text together.2. Read: Answer the questions at the bottom of the story.Then ask

17、students to working in pairs.Invite a few pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.3. The students quietly read the story again, and try to relate it to the pictures.4. Working in groups of three, the students role-play the story. Invite a few groups to act out the dialogue.Summary: T: Children

18、, do you like presents? When you receive the presents, what will you say? S: Thank you.Homework:1. Read and relate the story.2. Exercise: Answer the questions.通过回答问题复习旧句型和单词,为理解课文扫除障碍。旧实物引入教学,直观形象,易于为学生接受。通过对关键问题的回答,起到帮助学生理解课文的作用。通过不同层次的练习,最终达到交际的目的。 备注: 建议先教P28再教P27The Third Teaching PlanTeaching a

19、ims:Basic aims: !. Asking Wh- questions to find out a persons identitye. g. Who has a bicycle?2. Asking How” questions to find out quantity,e. g. How many girls have a ball?3. Using the simple present tense to express simple truths. e.g. Six girls have a bicycle.Developing aims: 1. Using modelled ph

20、rases and sentences to communicate with teachers and other learners.2. Learners conduct a class survey and tabulate the results.3. Learners write a simple report.4. Learners analyze their survey finding.Educational aims: To play the healthful, useful games.Key point and difficulty:1. Using moddelled

21、 questions and answers to complete the survey.2. Writing a simple report.Teaching aids: Photocopiable page 30 and 31 Word and Picture Card: computer A selection of small toysTeaching procedure:Teaching contents & Teaching MethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Distribute the small toys among students

22、in the class . T: Who has a doll? S: Ive got 板书:Who has? Ive got Invite some students to ask the questions , the others answer.2. Introduce : computer T( show a picture of a computer) : Who has a computer? S: Ive got a computer. 板书:computer 计算机 T: Can you play the computer? What can we do by compute

23、r? When do you play the computer?3. T: Miss Fang wants to know what is the favourite toy in their class. So she is doing a survey. Lets listen , how does she say?4. Play the cassette twice. First , students listen and follow in their books Second, students listen and report.While-task procedure:Do a

24、 survey in the class.1. Distribute a copy of photocopiable P30 to each student and draw the same survey form on the board.2. Show the students how to start filling in the survey form. Ask: Who has a bicycle? The students who own a bicycle put up their hands. Invite a student to count the number in t

25、he relevant column in the table on the board. Then invite another student to count the number of girls with their hands up. Write the number in the relevant column in the table on the board. Do the to find out the number of students in the class who own a skateboard.3. Divide the students into group

26、s of eight. The groups nominate a group leader. Then the students take turns to ask the questions: Who has a ? The group leader counts the number of boys and the number of girls who have put up their hands, and the students write the number in the relevant column in the survey form.4. When the group

27、s have filled in their survey forms, invite each group to tell you their findings . T: How many girls have a ball? S: (number)girls have a ball. 5. Working in pairs, the students take turns to ask and answer questions about their survey forms. S1: How many have? S2: have6. Read: Write a report7. The

28、 groups of students to write reports about their surveys, following the guidelines on page 29 of the Students Book.8. Invite different groups to tell the favourite toy in their group. T: Which is the favourite toy in your group? S: is the favourite toy in my group. 板书:favourite 最喜爱的Post-task activit

29、ies1. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 31 to each student. Explain the task. The students look at the survey at the top of the task and complete the report below.2. Ask individual student: T: What is your favourite toy? S: My favourite toy is a Summary: To play the healthful, useful games.Hom

30、ework: Do a survey: What is the favourite game in your class?在新授时,教师也可适当输入一定量的词汇,扩展学生的词汇量。通过三个问题的回答,及时了解学生对计算机的看法,帮助学生树立正确的观念。教师通过二个层次的安排进行Do a survey 这个活动。先由教师演示,再分组进行,确保每个学生都参与活动,都能最大限度的运用所学的内容进行交际活动。附 板书Do a survey-Who has a computer? -I have a toyboysgirlstoyboysgirlsa bicyclea cara skateboardan

31、 aeroplanea balla Gameboya dolla computerWhich is the favourite toy in your class?s the favourite toy in my class.The Fourth Teaching PlanTeaching aimsBasic aims: 1. Asking Wh- questions to find act specific information about an about. e.g. What colour is the small dinosaur? 2.Using adjectives to des

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