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1、九年级英语学业水平模拟试题2聊城市附答案含听力2017九年级英语学业水平模拟试题2(聊城市附答案含听力) 东省聊城市2017届九年级英语学业水平模拟考试试题二第一部分 听力(2分) 听下面个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出作为恰当反应的选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个句子后,你都有10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个句子仅读一遍。1 A It is ine B It is sunn It is sall2 A B bus B Sure hats up?3 A It is Lils B It is n the flr Its fur l4 A The

2、re are five B This is brther It is red A It desnt atter B Thats all right Than u 听下面个小对话。每个对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每个对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个对话仅读一遍。6 hats a ding n? A He is athing TV B He is plaing ftball He is reading a b7 H uh des the T-shirt st? A It is 13 uan B It is 3

3、0 uan It is 33 uan8 hat is ies favurite subet? A hinese B Histr Siene9 hen is the best tie t visit Ne England? A Its in Septeber B Its in tber Its in spring10 an Bb se here? A es, he an B N, he ant e dnt n听下面三段对话。每段对话后各有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听对话前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。每段

4、对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第11-13小题。现在,你有1秒钟的时间阅读这3个小题。11 hen is ates birthda? A This afternn B This evening Trr evening12 hat did ie bu fr ate? A A nie ath B A ne at Se beautiful ards13 H ill the get t ates huse? A B bus B B suba B ar听下面一段对话,回答第14-16小题。现在,你有1秒钟的时间阅读这3个小题。14 Des Bill al t shl ever da?A es, he

5、 des B N, he desnt Hardl ever1here des Bill have breafast? A At shl B At he n the a16 H lng des Bill read English ever rning? A Fr frt inutes B Fr half an hur Fr tent inutes听下面一段对话,回答第17-20小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这4个小题。17 hen did Lil e t Beiing? A ne ear ag B T ears ag Three ears ag18 h did Lil e here? A B

6、eause her father fund a b here B Beause her ther fund a b here Beause she fund a b here19 hat des Lils father d? A He is a dtr B He is a pliean He is a teaher20 here is Lils father n? A He is at he B He is in hspital He is at the ffie听下面一段独白。独白后有个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听独白前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每

7、小题秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。该段独白读两遍。现在,你有2秒钟的时间阅读21-2题。21 Lu Xun is ne f the greatest riters f _ A dern hina B anient hina nteprar hina22 He as brn in Shaxing, Zheiang Prvine, _ A in 1818 B in 1881 in 191823 At first Lu Xun anted t be a _ A riter B dtr sldier24 ne f his st faus stries is _ A The True Str

8、 f Ah Q B Teahuse Red Srghu2 hen did peple begin t translate his rs int English? A In the 1820s B In the 1920s In the 1930s第二部分 笔试(9分)完形填空(10分)hitne didnt have an friends She as sh and 1 She never anted t be ppular, but she did ant t have sene t share 2 and laugh ithThen it as tie fr her t g t llege

9、 in anther tn And she had t 3 ith sene she didnt n She had n idea hether she uld ae friends in that ne envirnentBut sething happened during the first lass And it 4 hitnes life The teaher ased everne t a little abut theselves hitne tld everne here she ae fr and se siple infratin The last 6 fr eah stu

10、dent as “hat is ur gal fr this ter?” 7 f the students said it as t get gd grades, pass the tests r sething siilar But hitne said sething 8 She said that her gal as t ae ust ne gd friendhen st f the students sat quietl, ne student ae t hitne She reahed ut her hand and intrdued herself She ased 9 she

11、uld be hitnes friend hitne as surprised and happ She 10 and reahed her hand ut, tTheir friendship lasted all thrugh the llege1 A areless B quiet nis D ea2 A ars B friends tests D serets3 A quarrel B debate live D disuss4 A hanged B ntrlled destred D bled A reeber B share reite D rite6 A require B de

12、isin petitin D questin7 A st B Fe All D Nne8 A interesting B different siilar D strange9 A h B h hether D here10 A siled B athed rushed D turned阅读理解(30分)An ednesda, ten-ear-ld Flrida girl ale Szara as plaing aters at a asnville beah, hen she felt a sharp pain in her right leg Thining a rab (螃蟹) as h

13、lding n t her, the ung girl led dn But she nl fund several laeratins (裂口) n bth sides f her leg Sn after, ale ntied the fin (鳍) f a three-ft-lng shar It as siing aaAt that tie, her six-ear-ld friend as als in the ater Shuting a qui arning t her, ale aled ut t get help fr her parents The ere sitting

14、further up n the beah But hen she turned arund, she realized that the girl didnt hear her S ale aled ba in and pulled her ung budd t safet, befre seeing (寻求) help fr her undsale as iediatel rushed t lfsn hildrens Hspital In the hspital she underent an hur-lng surger (手术) t repair the uts fr the shar

15、s bite ale ill get ell in abut a nth A shar an sell a sall aunt (量) f things in the ater Fr exaple, the bld f anials That helps the find their fd st shars bite peple b istae The thin a persn is a large sea anial hen the sun ges dn r es up, shars are ling fr fd S at these ties peple shuldnt g siing i

16、n the ean 1 hen ale felt a pain in her leg, hat happened? A A rab held n t her leg B A three-ft-lng shar bit her in her leg She ut her leg n a piee f bren glass D She ut herself ith a sall nife2 hen ale shuted t her friend, here ere her parents? A n the far B At he At the asnville beah D In the ater

17、3 The underlined rd “budd” in Paragraph 2 prbabl eans _ A friend B parent aunt D usin4 hih is the right rder? a ale aled ba int the ater t save her friend b ale tld her friend t be areful ith a shar ale as rushed t the hspital at ne d ales friend as still plaing in the ater A a-d-b B d-a-b- -b-d-a D

18、 b-d-a- A shar lves t l fr fd _ A in the afternn r at night B hen there are n siers in the sea n sunn das in suer D in the evening r in the rningBar ServiesBring ur ar int ar Servies tda!e ill lean ur ar and repair ur engine at ver reasnable pries Drive ur ar int ur rshp lated at Xinhua Rad, r ae an

19、 appintentTel:719&sh;638ar ashing: &en;10Engine Repairing: nl &en;180Tre (轮胎) Serviing: &en;1 fr eahThe building hih saves peple fr bad eatherThis building near the sea in Ne rleans ls lie sething fr a sifi fil (科幻电影) It is ver 360 eters high, and is designed t huse up 40,000 peple, naed the Nah Thi

20、s building is strng enugh t avid the daages f bad eatherBeah lean&sh;up Dae need vlunteers t lean the beah!Sunda, ul 20eet at 8:30 a at ast SquareStart at 9:00 a and end at nnBring bags and glvesFr re infratin, all Zhang Lin at 64-067Apartent t Rent (出租)A ne apartent t be rented in the it entre ne b

21、edr and ne ithen Near the bus statin, at N 22 hangiang Rad Buses pass the frnt gateIf u are interested, please have a l at the apartent r u an all rs u at 274&sh;71306 r ang needs t pa _ fr his ar ashing and engine repairingA &en;2 B &en;190 &en;19 D &en;207 The Nah is built fr _A aing sifi fils B h

22、lding a nert ding exerises D saving peple fr bad eather8 Vlunteers are suppsed t bring _ n beah lean-up da A bags and glves B bs siing suits D vilins9 The ne apartent t be rented is _A n Xinhua Rad B near the plie statin at ast Square D at N 22 hangiang Rad10 hih f the flling is NT RIGHT arding t th

23、e infratin abve? A The vlunteers start leaning up the beah at 9:00 a B The Nah is designed t huse up 40,000 peple Its nt nvenient t tae a bus near the apartent D If u ant t repair ur ar, u an all 719&sh;638In ur dail lives, ehat (微信) is reall ht n an peple express theselves, exhange ideas and delive

24、r infratin b ehatThere are a nuber f reasns fr ehat t be ppular T begin ith, ehat is a heap a f uniatin, hih uts dn a great deal f the st ade b phne alls Next, ehat is t the taste f the st f peple Its attrative and lts f funtins(功能) are lved idel hats re, nveniene als leads t its ppularit It is avai

25、lable n atter here e areHever, it has prbles, t First f all, ur IDs ight be revealed (泄露) hen e use ehat and e uld be in danger Sendl, e a spend re tie n ehat instead f ith ur fail As a result, relatinship(关系) uld brea dn The last prble is that ur attentin ight be dran t uh and seties e a find it di

26、ffiult t fus n studThere is n dubt that ehat ill iprve as tie ges b S lets l frard t the better ehat and have re fun ith it11 hat ant e d b ehat ?A Express urselves B Exhange ideas ae phne alls D Deliver infratin12 The underlined rd “available” in Paragraph 2 prbabl eans “_” in hineseA 舒适的 B 可用的 好玩的

27、 D便宜的13 Using ehat uld be dangerus beause _A relatinship uld brea dnB IDs ight be revealed its diffiult t fus n studD spending t uh tie n ehat14 H an prbles u a have b using ehat arding t this passage?A 1 B 2 3 D 41 hat d u thin is the best title fr this passage?A ehat has prblesB h is ehat ht ? eha

28、t ill get better in the futureD ehat in ur dail lives补全对话(分)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的句子,使对话通顺、合理。A: 1 _?B: I reading a bA: 2 _?B: Its abut a great plaer Her nae is Deng apingA: Is she ur her?B: 3 _ I adire her ver uhA: 4 _?B: Shes n an rld petitins, inluding fur gld edals in the lpiA: hat did she d after that?

29、B: She began t stud at Tsinghua Universit in Beiing and then attended universit abrad hatever she des, she never gives up!A: _语法填空(10分)阅读下面短,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空一词。ess reall felt ver happ hen he 1_ (arrive) at his seat in the lassr that rning, he fund an 2_ (invite) n his des It as fr severa

30、l f his lassates asing hi t in 3_ (the) n a aping trip Nbd seeed t lie hi beause he had put n a lt f eight after he drned his feeling ith fd ind ent ut 4_ (qui) t tell the thers that the tri(恶作剧)had red Everne _ (be) pleased that ess thught that as true 6_ (连词) there as n aping trip The hle thing as

31、 ade up7_ (介词) first, ind thught it as fun But later, hen ess tld her that he as ging t bu a sleeping bag ith his savings, ind had 8_ (冠词) unhapp feeling She ne that 9_ (ess) fail had little ne He uld never use the sleeping bag ind als hated t tell ess the truth Her lse friends uld be 10_ (angr) ith her th

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