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1、江苏省扬州市邗江区学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试题七年级英语期中试卷 (本试卷满分140分 考试时间 110分钟) 2019.4一、 听力测试 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)第一部分:听对话回答问题(每小题 1 分,计 10 分)本部分共有 10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后你还有 5 秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。01. What are the two speakers talking about?A. B. C.02. Whats in the sky?A.

2、B. C. 03. Which animal are the two speakers talking about?A. B. C. 04. What are the two speakers talking about?A. B. C.05. How often does Bus No.6 come?A. Every four minutes. B. Every seven minutes. C. Every three minutes.06. How far is the bus stop?A. Its about thirty minutes walk. B. Its about twe

3、nty minutes ride. C. Its about twenty minutes walk.07. Where are the two speakers talking?A. In the library. B. In a bank. C. In a factory.08. What time will the two speakers start for the park?A. At 7:00. B. At 7:40. C. At 7:20.09. What are the two speakers talking about?A. Plans. B. Sports. C. Hob

4、bies.10. Where does this dialogue happen?A. On a farm. B. In a restaurant. C. In a shop.第二部分:听对话和短文回答问题(每小题 1 分,计 10 分)你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,每小题仍有 5 秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。听第一段对话,回答第 11-12 小题。11. What is Simon looking for on the Internet?A. Some interesting books.B. Somet

5、hing interesting about the moon.C. Some funny things in the world.12. Is the dead Sea a sea?A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. We dont know.听第一篇短文,回答第 13-15 小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Bens plan for the National holidayMonday morningplay basketballTuesdaypractise 13 English and watch a filmWednesday&Th

6、ursdaygo on a 14 to Mountain TaiFridaydo his homeworkSaturday afternoonhelp his mother with the 15 The last daygo to see his grandmother13. A. writingB. readingC. speaking14. A. tripB. picnicC. walk15. A. houseworkB. cleaningC. shopping听第二篇短文,回答第 16-20 小题。16. What did the young man want to do?A. He

7、wanted to learn to draw.B. He wanted to buy an egg.C. He wanted to learn to draw an egg.17. What did the old man ask the young man to do?A. To draw a man. B. To draw a woman. C. To draw an egg.18. How did the young man draw?A. He drew it very quickly. B. He drew it very well. C. He drew it very happ

8、ily.19. Why was the young man not happy?A. Because the old man was impatient.B. Because the old man didnt know how to teach.C. Because the old man told him to draw an egg again and again.20. What did the old man mean?A. He had no time to teach the young man.B. It wasnt easy to draw an egg well.C. He

9、 was too old to teach the young man.二、单项选择:(共15小题;每小题分,满分15分)21. Do you know _ girl over there? Yes. She is _ exchange student from America. A. the, a B. a, the C. the, an D. an, the22. Is there going to _ a football match tomorrow afternoon? No, but we are going to _ a class meeting. A. be, be B. h

10、ave, have C. be, have D. have, be23. The question is so easy. Maybe it is easy for most of us. But I dont think_ can answer it.A. someone B. anyone C. everyone one24. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office? Go _the street and turn left. Walk _ the museum, and youll see it. A. along; to B.

11、across; past C. past; to D. cross; past25. I live on the highest floor. Which floor do you live on? I live two floors yours. A. below B. above C. over D. under 26. Anna, were reading for hours in the room. Lets _the green trees. All right.A. look out of B. look out at C. look out from D. look out to

12、27. Are these _postcards? No. They are not . They are _. A. their; theirs;ours B. them; theirs; ours C. their; theirs; we D. them; their; us28. Kitty , Im not feeling _. Can you help me_ the books to Mr Wangs office? No problem ,Daniel. Will you go to see the doctor? A. well; bring B. well; take C.

13、good; bring D. good; take29. We have to learn _ words this term.A. twenty-three thousand and eight hundred and thirteen. B. two three thousand eight hundred and thirteenC. twenty-three thousand and eight hundred thirteen D. twenty-three thousand eight hundred and thirteen30. There is _with my bicycl

14、e. I will ask my uncle _it this afternoon.A .wrong something; to fix B. something wrong; fixingC. something wrong; to fix D. wrong something; fixing31. _ does it take you to the bookshop? About 40 minutes on foot.A. How often B. How far C. How soon D. How long 32. Why not _ an English Club to practi

15、ce _? A. to join; speaking B. join; speaking C. join; to speak D. to join; to speak33. Read the sentence: Daniel sometimes watches TV on Sunday morning. If I am talking about Sunday morning, not another morning, which should I stress(重读)?ADaniel Bwatches TV Csometimes DSunday morning34. He has _ boo

16、ks and he reads _. A. lots of , a lot B. a lot, a lot of C. lots of, a lot of D.a lot, a lot35. Excuse me. Is the library open all day? . Only from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. A. Yes, of course B. Thats right C. Sorry, Im not sure D. Sorry, Im afraid not三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最

17、佳答案。Each of us makes mistakes from time to time. In fact, we can learn a 36 from our mistakes.Donnie is a quiet student and 37 answers questions in class. He is 38 to make mistakes. He never finishes his homework 39 he doesnt want to make any mistakes. But something changes after Marry Anne, a 40 ,

18、comes to our 41 . One morning, Marry Anne asks Donnie to 42 some questions. After a while, Donnie is crying because he makes a mistake. 43 Marry Anne gets a box full of erasers from the desk.“Look, Donnie,” she says standing 44 him. “I have something to show you.” She takes out the erasers, one at a

19、 time, and put 45 on the desk.“See these erasers, Donnie?” she continues. “Do you know why the erasers become 46 ? Thats because we make mistakes. But we erase (擦掉) the mistakes and try again . Thats 47 you must learn.” “Here,” she says, “Ill 48 one eraser to you, so you will remember that 49 may ma

20、ke mistakes.” Donnie looks at Marry Anne and smiles.Donnie changes a lot from then on. He knows that everyone may make mistakes as long as (只要) you learn them and 50 again.36.A.sign B.message C. lesson D. notice37.A. often B. never C. usually D. always38.A. glad B. excited C. surprised D. afraid39A.

21、 because B. so C. if D. but40.A. student B. friend C. worker D. teacher41.A. row B. class C. team D. club42.A. answer B. ask C. give D. have43.A. Suddenly B. Sadly C. Luckily D. Happily44.A. on B. with C. beside D. to45.A. him B. it C. her D.them46.A. cleaner B. smaller C. bigger D. nicer47.A. why B

22、. what C. when D. where48.A. forget B. carry C. leave D. give49.A. nobody B. somebody C. no one D. everybody50.A. remember B. try C. learn D. think四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AThis Sunday morning, 28th April 2019, we will hold a “Helping hands” carnival(嘉年华)at Gongdao

23、Community Center. We need some volunteers. All the work is free. Come and join us !You are wanted(招聘)VolunteerNumberWorking timeRequirements (要求)Family cook2Every Sunday 10:00-11:00healthy and under 65 years oldcan cook home-made dishes wellBaby-sitter3Weekends 7:00-9:00patient and friendly ,aged fr

24、om13 to 70look after children wellHost/hostess(主持)2Weekends19:00-21:00good at standard(标准)Putonghuagood-looking and smartFamily doctor2every Sunday 8:00-11:00should get a doctors license(执照)friendly and kind , over 20 engineer3Weekdays 18:00-19:00do well in checking computers and mobile phonesready

25、to help people with all kinds of problems51. How many volunteers does this carnival need according to this table?A. 5 B. 12 C. 28 D. 6552. If you are 14 years old, and you are Friendly and kind , you are free on Sunday morning, you can become a volunteer as a/an .A. baby-sitter B. host/hostess C. fa

26、mily doctor D.engineer53.Which of the following is Right according to the passage?A. Family doctors should be friendly and kind, they should cook well. B. If you join the carnival, you can get some money for your work.C. Family cooks should be under 65 years old and good at cooking. D. if you are a

27、host or hostess, you should do your work in the morning.BDo you know Earth Day? When is it ? How do you celebrate it?Every year on April 22, People all over the world celebrate Earth Day. It is a time to work to keep our earth clean. People plan projects to clean up the land, air and water.U.S. Sena

28、tor(参议院) Gaylord Nelson first thought of the idea for Earth Day on April 22 ,1962 when he saw dirty rivers and cities with smoke(烟). He needed to get support from Americans to clean up the earth. Finally, on April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans helped celebrate the first Earth Day! The next year ,ma

29、ny more cities joined it.Now many countries around the world celebrate it, and you can, too.How can you celebrate Earth Day? Here are a few ideas:1.Join a clean-up project-Clean up your street or a favorite beach.2.Save energy-Turn off the lights when you leave a room, and use public transportation.

30、3.Use less water.4.Reduce(减少)/ Reuse/ Recycle - Practice the three Rs:First, reduce how much you use. Then reuse or recycle what you can.You can make a difference on Earth Day and every day!54. When was the first Earth Day?A. On April 22, 1970. B. On April 22, 1962.C. On April 22, 1971. D. On April 22 every year.55. People celebrate World Earth Day every year to .A. have great fun B. keep our earth cleanC. get to know each other D. make more friends56. What does the underlined word probably mean in paragraph 3? A.资金 B. 领导 C. 努力 D.支持

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