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沪教版六年级英语下册Unit 9 Reusing things 教学设计.docx

1、沪教版六年级英语下册Unit 9 Reusing things 教学设计单元整体分析本模块的主题是Things we do, 分为三个单元分别是Helping others, Reading signs及Reusing things。在授课中应注意三个单元的知识连贯性,如在unit7中,我们了解运用询问他人遇到什么麻烦,需要怎样的帮助,并综合使用不同时态描述一件事情;而在unit8中我们学到的是识别公共场所标识并描述其含义,并通过标识来判断哪些事情是可以做的,哪些事情是不可以做的,从而更好的复习五年级下册教材中should/shouldnt这样的含有情态动词的句子,同时了解其相同意义的祈使句。

2、同时在认识标记过程中,能用恰当的句子来问路,指路;在unit9的教学中,我们应该整合利用前两个单元已经学习的时态及重点话题句型,将重点语言点融入到本单元话题中,另外,在六年级上册教材Module4 The natural world中,我们在unit 11 Trees 中,我们已经提到了recycle一词,因此,本单元应该整合所学知识,进行单元整体分析。各学习项目分析Look and learn: 核心学习板块,主要进行词汇的学习,重点是单词 can, envelope , pen holder, vase等。Listen and say: 核心学习板块,主要呈现了Mrs Wang与Alice

3、讨论旧物再利用的话题,重点是We can reuse _.We can put _ in _.Look and read: 这是两大核心板块的巩固和提升。叙述了一只塑料瓶的旅程,最终被回收再利用的过程。Listen and enjoy:是一首关于用旧纸杯、废纸制作玩具的儿歌。 Think and write:本栏目需要在学生学习核心句型并能在口头上熟练运用后,再进一步发展到写作,借助书面加以强化。Learn the sounds: 呈现了句子重读。单元目标通过本单元的学习,了解不同的旧物通过重复利用可以成为新的且十分有用的东西的事实,在学习中,复习祈使句Dont./No .要求认读复习已知单词

4、:reuse, can, rubber, vase, pen holder, envelope, plastic,rubbish bin, truck, piece, cloth, throw away。能运用can, must, should/shouldnt 句型,表达个人的意愿。并通过itll be 将来时态句型了解旧物在重新利用后的状态。学情分析1. 因为孩子们在六年级上册教材Module4 The natural world Unit 11Trees中,已经提及了recycle, 因此,在授课中以情境导入, 谈话导入,以类比的方法,reuse。2. 结合牛津英语五年级下册,复习已有知

5、识情态动词can, should, must, 了解我们在生活中应该做的。3. 句子的重读现象,说起来容易,做起来难,孩子们就是知道了,想灵活运用在日常阅读中也不容易,因此,老师应在日常教学中多说,给孩子们多练的机会,孩子们也同时需要回家继续练习,只有这样,才会达到长期的效果。4. 儿歌朗读相信作为六年级的孩子来说,已经不是什么难点了,但根据已知儿歌,创新自编,就不容易了,孩子们既要考虑节奏,又要考虑内容,是一个新的挑战。5. 给图片,话题,说说仿写,已经六年级学生的难点了,但作为这种熟悉题型而言,孩子们应该从视野的拓展,语言的丰富入手,只有这样才能事半功倍。教学方法与手段听读法,问答法1.在

6、阅读短文时通过整体呈现故事的方式,使学生在完整的语境中接触、体验、理解真实有意义的语言;2.提出问题,有计划、有层次地引导学生理解文本,进行小组交流活动,使学生在自主参与学习的过程中学习知识,发展技能,逐步实现提高学生实际运用语言的能力。3.学生自主搜集资料,拓展知识,提高学习兴趣。课时划分与分课时目标主题板块教学目标第一课时Reuse thingsListen and sayLook and learn能认读掌握运用词汇can, envelope, pen holder, vase能够运用句型Do not throw away bottles or cans. We can reuse th

7、em in many ways. We can put _ in _. Itll be 从而更好的阐述旧物的再利用。利用情境复习导入,阐述本单元和本模块的关系,引出新授单词reuse,利用类比的方法,对比学习,利用情境教学法学习本课listen and say部分,学习过程中利用全身反应法和任务型教学法讲授新授单词。最后拓展到生活中的方方面面。培养孩子们环保意识,重复利用旧物。第二课时The journey of a plastic bottleLook and readstory1.能认读掌握运用单词:plastic bottle, truck, machine,cloth2.了解动词过去式

8、特殊变型 buy-bought drink-drank take-took throw-threw make-made3. 复习there be 句型在过去式中的运用,了解其意义。4. 了解be full of词组的含义。5. 在情境中了解a plastic bottle的旅游过程,以及不同阶段的变化。复习there be 句型导入,complete the journey of the plastic bottle on page 57. 利用任务型教学法,利用what, who ,when where, how 为线索,完成课程的新授,新授过程中复习本课重点单词。培养孩子们环保意识,重复利

9、用旧物。第三课时How can we reuse these things?Think and writeListen and enjoyLearn the sounds1.了解句子中的重读现象,让学生知道句子中单词读音有轻有重,了解重读的一般规律。介绍句子重读时,还应该提醒学生,重读同一个句子中不同的单词时,句子要表达的意思也不同,以更好地掌握语音语调。2.听读儿歌,让学生跟录音有节奏地大声朗读儿歌,孩子们模仿自编儿歌,然后和同学们分享。3.根据图片和文字提示说说重新利用这些物品的方法;学生独立完成写作练习,并展示介绍自己的写作内容;培养孩子的环保意识,重复利用旧物。Unit 9 Reusi

10、ng things教学设计课题Unit 9 Reusing things课型New课时1授课时间年 月 日项目内容教学重难点教学重点:能认读掌握运用词汇can, envelope, pen holder, vase1.reuse-rewrite-redo-retell-redraw re+v. again.2.1)复习已知句型should/shouldnt2)能够运用句型Do not throw away bottles or cans.We can reuse them in many ways.We can put _ in _.We can put _ in _.We can put _

11、 in _.从而更好的阐述旧物的再利用。3. Itll be 教学难点:1.能够运用句型Do not throw away bottles or cans.We can reuse them in many ways.We can put _ in _.We can put _ in _.We can put _ in _.Itll be从而更好的阐述旧物的再利用。2.培养孩子们的环保意识,重复利用旧物。板书设计 Module 3 Things we doUnit 9 Reusing thingsDo not throw away bottles or cans. envelope pen h

12、older vase We can put _ in _. Itll be reuse-rewrite-redo-retell-redraw re+v. again.教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控. Pre-task1.warm up (greeting)2.lead inT: last term, we have learnt the natural world, do you still remember them? What are they?S: they are the air, trees and the earth. T: and we know , we can recycle

13、 the things. Do you know what things can they recycle/ reuse?(write down reuse ). While-task1. reuse-rewrite-redo-retell-redraw re+v. again(Write down it on the blackboard)2. T: In our daily life, there are many things, we reuse them, what are they?S:They are paper, trees, can, plastic,envelope(lear

14、n the new word: can, plastic, envelope, vase)3.look at the pictures, there are many things, they can reuse. We dont throw them away. Eg. paper, dont throw away the paper, we can write on both sides. Can, dont throw away the can, we reuse them in many ways. We can put some flowers in the can.Do not t

15、hrow away bottles or cans.We can reuse them in many ways.We can put _ in _.We can put _ in _.We can put _ in _.4.T: please look at the screen, there are many things, can I throw away these things?S: No, you cant. T: what should we do?S: You should keep them? Keep T: Why? S: Because we can reuse them

16、 the test again , then answer my question :how can we reuse the things?Bottles or cansDo not throw away bottles or cans.We can reuse them in many ways.We can put _ in _. Itll be a _.We can put _ in _. Itll be a _.We can put _ in _ Itll be a the text by actors and by group.2.

17、act the dialogue 3.finish the exercise.homework当堂达标设计课堂练习Do not throw away bottles or cans.We can reuse them in many ways.We can put _ in _. Itll be a _.作业设计预习性作业Preview Students Book page 56-57练习性作业1. Listen to and read Students Book pages 54and 55.2. Copy the words one line (p55). 教学反思现象与归因分析改进措施U

18、nit 9 Reusing things教学设计课题Unit 9 Reusing things课型New 课时2授课时间年 月 日项目内容教学重难点教学重点:1.能认读掌握运用单词:plastic bottle, truck, machine,cloth2.了解动词过去式特殊变型 buy-bought drink-drank take-took throw-threw make-made3. 在情境中了解a plastic bottle的旅游过程,以及不同阶段的变化。教学难点:1. 了解a plastic bottle的旅游过程,以及不同阶段的变化。2. 过去式在文章中的运用,尤其是动词特殊变

19、型,需重复记忆,方可灵活运用,掌握娴熟。板书设计We should stop throwing rubbish into rivers.教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控.pre-task1.Revision2.Read ,choose and fill in the blanks.3.Can we recycle these things? So we should have waste sorting.II. While-task1.Today we will read a story about a plastic bottle “The journey of a plastic bottl

20、e”Look, which one is a plastic bottle? What happened to the plastic bottle?2.Now listen and number3.Look !This is rubbish bin.It also called garbage bin or trash bin.4.Now read the story and fill in the blanks.5.Read and match.6. show a truck/piece/pieces/cloth/a piece of cloth Read these words.7.Re

21、ad the whole story, then complete the journey of the plastic bottle.III. Post-taskRetell the story.1.There is much waste pollution in our life.2.How to protect the environment? Reusing things./ Reduce / Recycle3.Homework 当堂达标设计 作业设计预习性作业Preview Students Book page 58-59.练习性作业1.Listen to and read Stud

22、ents Book page 56.2.Write down the journey of the plastic bottle.教学反思现象与归因分析改进措施Unit9 Reusing things教学设计课题Unit 9 Using things课型New 课时3授课时间年 月 日项目内容教学重难点教学重点:1.了解句子中的重读 2.听读儿歌,让学生跟录音有节奏地大声朗读儿歌,让孩子们模仿自编儿歌,然后和同学们分享。3.根据图片和文字提示说说重新利用这些物品的方法;学生独立完成写作练习,并展示介绍自己的写作内容。 教学难点:1 句子的重读 2. 创新自编儿歌板书设计Dont just us

23、e one side of the paper. = No just using one side of paper. Dont + v.(原形) No + n. 教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pre-task preparation1. Revision1:rubbish , bin , truck ,piece ,cloth2. Practice: Fill in the blanks.3. Write and say: Complete the journey of the plastic bottle.While-task procedure We can reuse p

24、lastic bottles.We also can reuse other things. We can reuse paper. How can you reuse paper?1.Think and write2.Lets enjoy. Look at these words rhyme and read.3.When you find, dont throw it away.Use it to make4.Think and say Can you make new rhymes?5.Learn the sounds.Post-task activities Homework当堂达标设计Think and writeThink and say作业设计预习性作业Preview Unit10练习性作业Review Unit 9.Review the sounds.教学反思现象与归因分析改进措施

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