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1、六年级unit教案英语小学教育教育专区(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)徐州龙文教育个性化辅导教案教师学生年级 小六授课时间授课课题6AUnit3授课类型练习课教学目标1.四会掌握单词 was , a moment ago.2.能听懂,会说,会读单词a camera, a CD Walkman, a roll of film, glasses, a mobile phone, a video recorder3能听懂、会说、会说和会写句型Wheres your ? Its next toin front ofoninbetween the It isnt there now.

2、It was there a moment ago. Where are you your ? Theyre next toin front ofoninbetween the They arent there now. They were there a moment ago.教学重点与难点能基本了解一般过去时的构成及用法。参考资料小学教材全解,教材完全解读,课时作业本教学过程复习巩固新课导入Warm up:The teacher speaks the words in Chinese ,the student must speak the English mean of them in t

3、hree seconds.授课内容分析、推导(突出教学内容要点,采用的教学方法等,要求简明扼要,若有与教材中相同的文字、表格、例题等不要在教案上照抄,可注明教材页码。)Step1: Everyday English:How are you?Pass the ball to Give the pen to Wheres Whats the score?What date is it today?Step2:Presentation and practise:1. T: Today Su Hai and Su Yangs cousin, Gao Yun is visiting them.Lets

4、: a ,a roll of film, a pair glasses, a mobile phone, a video recorder, earphones, a diary2.T: Guess and say巩固这些词组。示图片反面让学生猜图上的单词。3T: Wheres my book?S: Its on the desk.T: (把书拿走) It isnt there now.T: It was there a moment ago.示:It was there a moment ago.Learn: was a moment agowas为is的过去式用于过去时态的句子中。当句子表

5、示的事情是发生在过去,该句就应用一般过去时。a moment ago 意思为刚刚,指过去,所以应用一般过去时,动词用过去式。4. 与学生问答。T: Wheres your rubber?S: Its in my pencil box.T:(拿走) It isnt there now.S: (提示学生回答) It was there a moment ago.与学生反复操练几遍。Step3: Look and answer.1) 让学生同桌操练 P33 上的六幅图,然后两两问答,检查学生的掌握情况。2) 先师生问答操练复数句型,然后让学生同桌操练 P34 上的六幅图,并两两问答,检查学生的掌握情

6、况。Step4:Homework1. 能识别所学词组,并能流利朗读。2. 用书面形式完成C 部分的12幅图。3. 抄写四会单词。4. 预习A部分的对话. 小结作业思考题课后反思(体会、得失分析、改进)学生对于本次课的评价: 特别满意 满意 一般 差 学生签字:教师评定:1、 学生上次作业评价: 好 较好 一般 差2、 学生本次上课情况评价: 好 较好 一般 差 教师签字:主任签字: 日期 徐州龙文教育重难点一、 四会单词was(am,is的过去式)excited激动的,兴奋的 moment片刻,瞬间 ago以前 were(are的过去式) glasses 眼镜 camera照相机 film胶卷

7、 ground地面 remember记住 earphones 耳机 roll卷;卷状物;diary(diaries)日记;日记簿 exciting令人激动的,令人兴奋的wasnt=was not(am not,isnt的过去式) werent=were not (arent的过去式)二、短语1. Sports Day运动日 2. all the students所有的学生 3. be excited 激动 4. very exciting非常令人兴奋 5. look for寻找 6. a running race一场赛跑 7. let me see让我看看 8. a moment ago ju

8、st now刚才 9. on the ground在地上 10. in my pocket 在我的口袋里11. in front of 在前面 12. next to 紧靠旁边, 邻近13. a pair of glasses一副眼镜(单) 14. a roll of film一卷胶卷(单) 15. three diaries三本日记 16. a pair of earphones一副耳机(单)17. listen to music 听音乐 18. yesterday evening 昨天晚上 19. under the table在桌子下面 20. try to remember试图记住 2

9、1. in the red box在红色盒子里 22. close your eyes 闭上你的眼睛 23. play a game 玩游戏 24. on the white box 在白色盒子上25. over there 在那边 26. in my school bag 在我的书包里27. take photos 拍照 28. with your classmates和你的同学们29pick them up for me 帮我把它们捡起来30under the apple tree over there 在那边的苹果树下三、知识点(一).句型:1所有的学生都非常兴奋激动。 All the

10、students are very excited.2她正在寻找她的照相机。 She is looking for your bag.6它刚才在那里;它们刚才在这儿 It was there a moment ago. They were you pick them up for me please?(二)一般过去时:简单地说是表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。一般来说,句子中just now, a moment ago, last就要用一般过去时。 Be动词的一般过去时 (一)陈述句: 1I was a teacher two years ago.两年前我是一个老师。 2He was a do

11、ctor last year.去年他是一个医生。 3We were in the computer room just now.刚才我们在电脑房。 4They were in the table tennis room just now.刚才他们在乒乓球室。 (二)否定句:(在waswere后加not即可) 1I wasnt a teacher two years ago.两年前我不是一个老师。 2He wasnt a doctor last year.去年他不是一个医生。 3We werent in the computer room just now.刚才我们不在电脑房。 (三)一般疑问句

12、及回答:(将was, were提前即可,也就是WasWere+ ) 1Was t.去年他是一个医生吗?是的,他是。不,他不是。 2Was she a driver three years ago? Yes, she was. No, she wasnt.三年前她是一个司机吗?是的,她是。不,她不是。 wasnt.昨晚你在家吗?是的,我在。不,我不在。 3Were you at t.昨晚你们在家吗?是的,我们在。不,我们不在。 (四)特殊疑问句及回答:(特殊疑问词+waswere+) 1Where was the toilet.片刻之前他在哪?他在厕所。 2Where was the dog j

13、ust now? It was in the garden.刚才这只狗在哪?它在花园。 3Where were they last night? They were at school.昨晚他们在哪?他们在学校。第三单元练习笔试部分(70分)一、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。(5分)( ) 1. bear pear ( )2. there they ( ) 6. mobile pocket( ) 7. ground cousin ( ) 8. ball roll ( ) 9. shoot look( ) 10. video diary 二、英汉互译。(10分)1.

14、Sports Day_ 2. 赛跑_3. a moment ago_ 4. 寻找_5. on the ground_ 6. 在口袋里_7. a roll of film_ 8. 捡起_9. a mobile phone_ 10. 拍照片_三、选词填空。(分)am, is, are, was, were1._ you a student? No, I _ not.2._ the teachers office a moment ago.5. Where _ the bookcase yesterday morning.四、用所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)1. Let _ see. (I)2.

15、Jim is watching TV, and _ ( the desk.4. Would you like a _ (glass) of milk?5. All the books _ (be) not t there now. 五、选择填空。(10分)( ) 1. The boys and girls are _ the running race in the playground.A. looking B. watching C. seeing( ) 2. We are watching _ football match.A. an excited B. an exciting C. a

16、n excite( ) 3. There are _ on the ground.A. two rolls of film B. two rolls of films C. two roll of films( ) 4. I the classroom a moment ago.A. am B. were C. was( ) 6. Where are my _? They _ on the bookcase yesterday morning.A. CDs; are B. CDs; were C. CD; were( ) 7. Can you pick _ the walkman _ me?A

17、. up; to B. for; from C. up; for( ) 8. Wheres _ mobile phone?A. a B. an C. the( ) 9. Its time _ watch the football match.A. to B. for C. in( ) 10. Where is the vase? Its _ the map.A. in front of B. in the front of C. in front六、按要求完成句子。(10分)1.are, very, all, excited, students, the (连词成句)_ the student

18、s are _ _.2.The films were in the pocket. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the films?3.It was Sports Day at school. (改成否定句)It _ Sports Day at school.4.Liu Tao usually watches TV on Saturday? (改成一般疑问句)_ Liu Tao usually_ TV on Saturday?5.The bee was there a moment ago.(改成同义句)The bee _ there _ now. 七、看图填空(10分) 1. A: Where

19、s the _? 2. A: _ are the _? B: Its _ the desk in _ _ B: Theyre _ the bag.the computer A: Theyre not there now.A: It isnt there now. B: They _ there just now.B: It _ there a moment _. 八、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F). (10%)Who put ink(墨水) on my chair?Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near foo

20、t and comes back time. But today the teachers office.” “Why did you go to the teachers office?”“Because my teacher asks us a question in class, and nobody could answer it, but I can .” “Its good to answer the questions.” “but the questions wasWho put ink on my chair?”( )1. Tom lives near the teacher

21、s chair.( )5. The boy is very naughty(调皮). 单元测试B卷笔试部分(70分)一、选出适当的字母或字母组合,使单词完整。(5分)( )1. yest day A. or B. er C. ir( )2. mob A. ill B. ile C. iel( )3. rec_ der A. or B. oe C. oo( )4. v_s_t A. i,e B. e,e C. i,i( )5. _phone A. ear B. ere C. are二、选出下列单词中划线部分发音与其他三个不同的一项。(5分)( ) 1.A. B. ground C. brown

22、D. yellow( ) 5.A. pocket B. those C. mango D. photo 三、英汉互译(10分)1. try to_ 2. 月日_3. next to_ 4. 听音乐_5. in my pocket_ 6. 找手帕 _7. in my study_ 8. 在前面_9. the name of the things _ 10. 一副眼镜_四、按要求写词语(10分)1.strawberry(复数)_ 2. a moment ago(同义)复数) _ 4.are(过去式) _5.knife(复数) _ 6.exciting(原形) _7. sheep(

23、复数) _ 8. teach(名词)复数) _ 10. beautiful(副词) _ 五、判断下列句子是否正确,用对 “”或 “”表示。(5分)( )1. I were ten years old last year. ( )2. There were some water in the bottle.( )3. My my pocket this morning, but I cant find it now.( )4. Were you at school yesterday?( )5. There is a pair of glasses on the desk.

24、六、选择填空(10分)( ) 1. Your watch was there _.A. now B. just now C. a moment( ) 2. My key is on the floor. Can you _ for me?A. pick it up B. pick up it C. lift it up( ) 3. My diary is _ yours.A. in the front of B. next to C. next( ) 4. The photos arent there_, but they were there _.A. a moment ago, now B

25、. just now, a moment ago C. now, a moment( ) 5. There _ a pair of glasses under the newspaper a moment ago.A. is B. were C. was( ) 6. Try _ where the things areA. remember B. remembering C. to remember( ) 7. Can you teach _ English?A. I B. me C. my( ) 8. All the people are very _ now.A. excite B. ex

26、citing C. excited( ) 9. She is_ a _ race in the playground.A. watching, run B. looking, running C. watching, running( ) 10. _ your sister at the twenty-forth of April. _ A B C D( )2.Su Hai wants take some photos. _ A B C D( )3.I like to play with the yo-yo very much. _ A B C D ( )4.Ben knows a lot o

27、f about public signs _ A B C D( )5.What does the signs mean _ A B C D 八、所给单词的首字母子填空,使上下文通顺(10分)Ben is m_ friend. He is f_ America. We are in the s_ school. Now t f_ the desk j_ now. But it is not t_ now. Oh, it is u_ the books. 九、读短文,选择填空. (分)Mum: Hurry up, Jim! Youll be late for school.Jim: I cant

28、find my white T-shirt, Mum. It was on my bed just now.Mum: Its next to the computerJim: Thanks! Oh, no! where are my brown trousers?Mum: Theyre on the sofa.Jim: Now where are my socks? They were on the chair a moment ago.Mum: Theyre under your bed, Jim. Can you see them?Jim: Yes. Oh, no!Mum: Whats the matter?Jim:

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