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1、浙江自考英国文学选读试题及答案解析浙江省 2018年 1月自学考试英国文学选读试题课程代码: 10054Part I . Biank-filling:Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or phrase according tothetextbook. (10 points in all, 1 point for each)1.Shakespeare s plays have been traditionally divided into three categories:histories, andtra

2、gedies.2.William Caxton was the first person who introduced into England.3.Wyatt, in the Renaissance period, introduced the Petrarchan intoEngland, while Surreybrought in blank verse.4.The Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the oldclassical works inthe field of literature.

3、 This tendency is known as .5.The three unities refer to those of time, place and .6.RegardedasThomasGray sbestandmostrepresentativework,ElegyWritteninaCo untryChurchyardis more or less connected with the melancholy event of the death of7.In 1704 Jonathan Swift published two powerful satires on corr

4、uption inreligion and learning, ATale of a Tub andThe Battle of the Books, which established his name as a .8.InLady Chatterley s Lover, Lawrence not only condemns the civilized world ofmechanism fordistorting human relationships, but also advocates a return to .9.ThesocialDarwinism,underthecoverof

5、“ survivalofthefittest ” ,vehementedcolonialism and .10.Dublinersis the first important work of Joyce s lifelong preoccupatio life.Partn . Multiple-choice questions:Select from the four choices A, B, C, D of each item the one that best answers the question orcompletes the statement. (30 points in al

6、l, 1 point for each)11.Marlowe gave new vigor to the blank verse with his “ _1A. lyrical linesC. mighty linesB. soft linesD. religious lines12.Francis Bacon is not only the first important essayist but also the founder of modern inEngland.A. poetryC. proseB. novelD. science13.Spenser s masterpiece i

7、s , which is a great poemof the age.A.The Shepheardes CalenderC.The Rape of LucreceB.The Faierie QueeneCC j_ justiD.The Canterbury Tales14.John Milton wrote to expose the way of Satan and toways of God to men ” .A.Paradise LostC.LycidasB.Paradise RegainedD.Samson Agonistes15.According to the neoclas

8、sicists, all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classicalworks of the ancient Greek and writers.A. ItalianC. GermanB. BritishD. Roman16.The romantic poets of the peasant poet, Robert Burns and WilliamBlake also joinedlamenting lyrics, paving the way for the flourish of Romanticism earl

9、y the next century.A. BritishC. ScottishB. IrishD. Wales17.The Pilgrim s Progressis the most successful religious in the Englishlanguage.A. allegoryC. fairy taleB. fableD. essay18. once defined a good style as “ proper words in proper placesA. John DonneC. Daniel DefoeB. Jonathan SwiftD. John Bunyan

10、19.Gray s “ Elegy written in a Country Churchyard ” once and for all eshis fame as theleader of the poetry of the day.A. romanticB. historical2C. lyricalD. sentimental20.Marx once extolled as “ an instinctive defender of the masses of thepeople against theencroachmentof the bourgeoisie ”.A. William

11、GodwinC. William CobbetB. William BurkeD. William Fox21.,definedbyColeridge,isthevitalfacultythatcreatesnewwholesoutofdisparateelements.A. RationC. AlliterationB. ReasonD. Imagination22.According to the subjects, Wordsworth s short poems can be classifiedtwo groups: poemsabout nature and poems about

12、 .A. human lifeC. social activitiesB. urban lifeD. inner life of an individual23.Coleridge s actual achievement as poet can be divided into two remarkably diverse groups: the and the conversational.A. naturalC. spiritualB. religiousD. demonic24.Shelley s greatest achievement is his poetic drama,Prom

13、etheusUnbound(1820).A. one-actC. two-actB. three-actD. four-act25.Endymion, published in 1818, was a poem based on the myth ofEndymion and themoon goddess.A. GreekC. ItalianB. RomanD. British26.JaneAusten sNorthangerAbbeysatirizesthosepopular romancesofthelate18thcentury.A. sentimentalC. GothicB. ly

14、ricalD. rational27.Chronologically the Victorian period roughly conincides with the reign of Queen who3ruled over England from 1836 to 1901.A. ElizabethC. MaryB. VictoriaD. Anne28.The aestheticists Oscar Wilde and Walter Pater are two notorious advocators of the theory of .A. art for life s sakeC. a

15、rt for art s sakeB. art for smaokneey sD. art for reader s sake29.Brought up with strict orthodoxy, Charlotte would usually stick to the code.A. ChristianC. PuritanicalB. IslamicD. Cavalier30.As far as Emily Bronte s literary creation is concerned, she is, first of all, a .A. novelistC. poetB. drama

16、tistD. essayist31.Tennyson s most ambitious work which took him over 30 years to complete is .A.In MemoriamC.Poems by Two BrothersB.Idylls of the KingD.Poems, Chiefly Lyrical32.ThePublicationof finallyestablishedBrowning spositionasoneofthestEnglish poets.A.The Ring and the BookC.Men and WomenB.The

17、Book and the RingD.Dramatic Lyrics33.Hardy s best -loccoalolred works are very known as “ novels of character and . ” A. personalityC. domestic lifeB. natureD. environment34.The French , appearing in the late 19th century, heraldedmodernism.A. symbolismC. naturismB. futurismD. surrealism35.Inhisnove

18、lofsocialsatire,H.G.Wellsmaderealisticstudiesoftheaspirationsandfru strations of the .A.Little ManB.Big Man4 C.Social ManD.Jungle Man36.Modernist novels came to a decline in the , though Joyce and Woolfcontinued theirexperiments.A. 1920sC. 1940sB. 1930sD. 1950s37.The most original playwright of the

19、is Samuel Beckett, who wroteabout human beingsliving a meaningless life in an alien, decaying world.A.Theater of TraditionC.Theater of AngryB.Theater of ReasonD.Theater of Absurd38.Structurally and thematically, Shaw followed the great tradition of .A. romanticismC. symbolismB. realismD. humanism39.

20、 is the first novel of the Forsyte trilogies written by John Galsworthyin 1920.A.The Man of PropertyC.To LetB.In ChanceryD.A Modern Comedy40.Ulysses ends with the famous monologue by , who is musing in a halfawake state overthe past experience.A. Leopold BloomC. MollyPart皿.Definition:Define the lite

21、rary terms listed below. (20 points in all, 5 points for each)41.Humanism42.Gothic novel43.The red thirties44.SymbolismPart IV. Reading Comprehension:ReadthequotedpartscarefullyandanswerthequestionsinEnglish.(20pointsinall,5p oints for each)45.“Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow st;5B. Stephen

22、 DedalusD. FinnegansNor shall death bragthou wander st in his shade,So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long live this, and this gives life to thee ”.Questions:A.Identify the poem and the poet.B.Briefly interpret this part.46.“ Behold her, single in the field,You solitary Highland lass!Rea

23、ping and singing by herself;Stop here, or gently pass!Alone she cuts and binds the grain,And sings a melancholy strain;O listen! for the Vale profoundIs overflowing with the sound. ”Questions:A. Identify the poem and the poet.B. Comment the rime scheme.47.“ Do I dareDisturb the universe?In a minute

24、there is timeFor decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.Questions:A. Which essay is this passage taken from? Who is the author?B. Briefly interpret this passage.48.“ Ilingeredbeforeherstall,thoughIknewmystaywasuselesstomakemyinterestinh erwares seem the more real. Then I turned away slo

25、wly and walked down the middle of the bazaar. Iallowed the two pennies to fall against the sixpence in my pocket. I heard a voice call from oneend of the gallery that the light was out.Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my6eyes burned with anguis

26、h and anger ”.Questions:A. Which essay is this passage taken from? Who is the author?B. Why the hero saw himself “ as a creature driven and derided by vanityPartV . Topic Discussion:Give brief answers to the following questions.(20 points in all, 10 points for each)49.Tennysonisagenuineartist.Heisquiteknownforhisartisticfeatures.Discussthem ajorartistic features of his poetry.50.What is the theme of G. B. Shaw s play Mrs.Warren s Profession?7

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