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1、新目标英语Goforit七年级上全册教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)新目标英语(Go for it)七年级上全册教案Unit 1-6Unit 1 My names GinaPeriod One课前准备教师:准备游戏时所用的图片(食物、蔬菜、动物)。学生:准备表演时所需道具(服装、假发)。教学设计Step One :Present the sentence patterns.1. Play a game “How many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调动学生的积极性,同时通过对冠军的介绍引出本课。)Teacher: After the study o

2、f the first three starters, I think most of the students must a lot of words. How many words do you know? Lets play a game to see who know? Lets play a game to see who knows the most.(Divide all the students into several groups and show a picture(图片略) to them with the computer. Every group can choos

3、e two students to join. They are asked to come to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.)(Group 2 is the champion group. They can write 11 words.)2. Introduce the champion group to the class.(引课方式贴近生活,学生易于接受)Teacher: Congratulations, now Group 2 is the champion. But I dont know your

4、names. Would you like to introduce yourselves to us?S1& S2:Yes.S1:Hello.My name is Li Lei. Nice to meet you.Ss: Hello, Li Lei. Nice to meet you ,too.Ss: Hello! Whats your name?S2:Im Sun Ping. How do you do?Ss: How do you do ?Step Two: Drills.1. Make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学的句式。)Teacher: The

5、 new term begins. Everyone will meet many new classmates. Do you want to make friends with them? If your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group.Example:Sa: Hello! Im Li Lei. Whats your name?Sb: My names Zhang Feng. Nice to meet you.Sa: Nice to meet you, too. And whats your name, pl

6、ease?Sc: Lin Li. How do you do?Sa:How do you do?2. Listen and number the conversations.Teacher: Today I to the recording of 1b in Section A.(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)Step Three: Make friends.1. Make new friends.(用谈话的方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更容易向学生进行美德教育。)Teacher: Now everyone Nan

7、.Sb: Hello, Sun Nan. Nice to meet you.Sc: Nice to meet you, too. Look! This is my new friend. Her name is He Lu.Ss: How do you do?Sd: How do you do?(Students can stand up and introduce their friends to others freely. They can greet each other warmly. Everyone in the class can also know something els

8、e about them.)2. The New comers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到高潮。)Teacher: Just now I said three new students from other countries would come to our class. Now, look! They are ” students come in and all the students clap warmly.)Teacher: Its their first time to come to China. Would you like to listen to their in

9、troductions?Ss: Yes.(Three students can make introductions and act out the dialogue vividly.)Step Three: Sum up.Some students are asked to sum up this lesson. It is the daily life.Homework1. “How do you meet new visitors at English song.(用唱歌的方式既带动了气氛,又复习了所学内容。)Teacher: Yesterday weve known each othe

10、r already. Do you remember your new friends names? If you do, lets sing the song “Whats your name?”.Hello! Hello! Whats your name? My names Gina.2. Hello! Hello! Whats to the conversations and finish the exercises.Teacher: Yesterday I made a new friend. Her name is Jenny. She is very lovely. She int

11、roduces many friends of to the tape and find out some useful information.(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)3. Act out the dialogues.(在特定的情景下表演对话更符合实际,更贴近生活。)Teacher: Now youve known something about introductions and greetings. But if you are in other places, such a situation,

12、choose any picture they like and act out the dialogues.)Example:(At a party)Sa: Hello! Im Lucy Green. Whats your name?Sb: My name is Kate Brown, Jims classmate. Nice to meet you.Sa: Nice to meet you, too. Im Jims sister. Welcome to Jims birthday party. Make yourself at English name? If you do, lets

13、play a name game. The winners of the game will get English names.Rules: Every student should introduce you classify them according to the demands?Jenny Gina Alan Mary Jim Tony Tom Bob Mike Green Miller Jack Smith Brown Linda Nick Kim Hand Period Three课前准备教师:准备所需的歌曲磁带、名片样本及各项表格。学生:制作名片所需的纸张、画笔等。教学设计S

14、tep One: Present the English numbers.1. Sing the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”.(歌曲欢快有趣,比起单纯教授单词更为有效。)Teacher: During the first two classes, weve known something about new friends names. But if we want to contact them. What shall we do?S1: A telephone call.T: But you dont English. Lets learn to sing

15、“Ten Little Indian Boys”.WordsOne little, two little, three little Indisns,Four little, five little, six little Indians,Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,Ten little Indian boys.(After singing the song, tell the students not to forget “zero”.)T: Count the number together from zero to ni

16、ne.S2: Zero2. Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.(通过听力复习单词。)Teacher: This is my friends telephone number. But I cant ?(Students listen to the recording of 1b in Section B and give the answer.)Step Two: Drills.1. Make a survey about your partners telephone numbers.(调查组内成员的电话号码,

17、重点练习所学句式。)Teacher: Thank you for your the chart.NameTelephone numbersLi LeiLiu YuLin FangYin KailinS1: Hello, Liu Yu. Whats your telephone number?S2: My telephone number is S1: Oh, thank you. What about yours, Lin Fang?S3: ItsS1: And may I know your phone number, Yin Kailin?S4: S1: Thank you very mu

18、ch. Oh, I nearly forgot. My telephone number is2. Report it to the class.(After the survey, every group can choose a student to report the survey result to the class.)Example: My telephone number is Liu Yus phone number is Lin Fangs telephone number is Yin Kailin s phone number is3. Listen and match

19、 the names and telephone numbers.(制作电话号码簿这一任务能够大面积调动学生装的参与意识。)Teacher: I will play the recording twice. The first time just listen. The second time, write the letter of the persons telephone number in the space after that persons name. (Students listen to the tape .)T: Next, Ill play the recording a

20、gain. This time, fill in the missing numbers.(Students listen to the tape again .)T: Can you find out whose telephone numbers they are ?S:4. Make an address book.Teacher: The new term begins. Our class needs an address book to contact each other. Now we can put all the information together and then

21、we can address book. Pay attention to the address book groups of six and ask your group members “Whats ID card.1. Show some different ID cards to the class and try to enjoy them.(向学生展示不同种类的名片,一方面开阔学生眼界,一方面便于学生找出名片所含内容。)(引导学生有效搜集名片上的信息,提高学生的阅读能力。)Teacher: Now our class use it to talk with others on t

22、he phone. But for most adults, ID cards are more important because they are easy to take along. Whats more, they are very enjoyable. Sometimes they can show the owners special personalities. Look at the ID cards below and try to enjoy them.Teacher: From the cards above, what can you find out ?S1: It

23、 must s nameS2: Sometimes it s name, postcode, telephone number, ID card, you must think about all the above. But before you make your card, first lets learn from the card. Its very important.2. Read the ID card and answer the questions.(提供参考信息,但允许学生创新。)Teacher: Look! Heres an ID card of my friends.

24、 Please look at it and find out some useful information about .S1:Whats your telephone number?S2:Its.S1:Are you.?S2:Yes, I am.S1:Heres your ID card.S2:Thank you. (Teacher asks more students to find the owners of ID cards).Step Two: “Face to Face”.1. Play a guessing game.Teacher: ID cards are useful.

25、 But some personsnames are known to all the people.They are very famous. Now look at the pictures and guess their names. (The teacher shows some famous persons pictures and students guess their names and give their answers.)2. Collect useful information.Teacher: These persons are very famous. But it

26、s better for us to know something else about them. Before class youve been asked to collect some information. Now lets exchange it together.3. Report it to class.Each group can choose a student to give a report about their favourite person. The other students can ask class.Example:S1:This is Michael

27、 Jordan. Hes years old. Hes. He speaks.His birth place is . He is a famous .player. Hes a member of six Chicago Bulls championship teams. People like to call ”.S2:Do you like Michael Jordan? Why or Why not?S1:Yes, I like to show yourself. Now you your poster you should try to introduce yourself. (St

28、udents can write a passage about themselves. They can give some personal information. They can alse design the poster as well as they can.)HomeworkStudents are asked to sun up this unit, especially about ? P-E-N.2)能力目标:A.能辨认物品的所有者;B.根据不同场景,能用英语对物品的所属进行提问和回答;C.能识别不同句式的语调(陈述句,疑问句);D.培养学生听、说、读、写的能力及创新思

29、维能力.3)情感目标:A.通过寻找主人的游戏和失物招领等活动,培养学生拾金不昧的良好的品德及健康向上的人格; B.通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与他人合作,相互学习、相互帮助,共同完成学习任务.教学重点、难点重点:A.掌握批示代词this、 that用法; B.掌握特殊疑问句和YesNo问句及其简单回答.难点:学会写寻物启事和失物招领.课时安排第一课时 Section A 1a-1c第二课时 Section A 2a-4b第三课时 Section B 1a-2c第四课时 Section B 3a-4 Self-check 1-3 Period One课前准备教师:录音机,图片,物品实物.学生:

30、实物(学习用品).教学设计Step One: Warming up.(通过复习形容词性物主代词,把学生引入学习英语的情境中。)Learn the chant.T:Lets sing the chant 是我的,your是你的,男他的是his,女她的是her; 名词前面常站岗,限定所属有功劳.Step Two: New words.(利用实物教学,使得教学过程自然、形象。)1. Present the new words.T: Boys and girls, look at this please. Whats this in English?(Teacher in th

31、e English.)S1:A pen.(Ss may say it in English.)T: Yeah. Its a pen. And whats this?(The teacher eraser in the eraser.(Teach the other words such as “pencil, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, and dictionary” in the same way.)2. Practice the new words.T: Now, please look at the pictures in your books. Can you put the words with the objects in the right pictures? Write the letters next to the words, please.(Give Ss about two minutes to finish 1a.)T: OK,lets check the answers. Who

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