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1、雅思作文观点和例文#165:改变食品质量和品种的科技It is known to all that the technological and scientific advances have made greater changes to the range and quality of our food. Some people regard it as an improvement while others believe that the change is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.开头段替换词tech

2、nological and scientific advances: the technological development/ scientific progress/ improvements in food technology.made greater changes to: made a huge difference toe range and quality of our food: increase food varieties, increase diversity of food, preserve food, increase shelf life.regard it

3、as an improvement: a positive development/trendharmful: detrimental, adverse impact开头段范例Technological change in agriculture and food production has changed the range and quality of food that people eat. Some people think it may benefit the whole society, while I think it may also cause some problems

4、.(6.5)Food varieties have increased as a result of technological progress, and the quality of food has also been improved significantly thanks to scientific discoveries. I would argue that this development can cause some problems, although it can increase food production. (7)结尾段范例论述类题目可以不写独立的结尾段点击开始

5、作答观点主体段三(其他观点)A range and quality of our food B 种类更多 C 可以解决很多其他问题解释(B-C):合成食品可以解决我们对某些食品的依赖,减少农业和畜牧业对环境的伤害解释(B-C):也可以让我们品尝食品之余,不至于伤害动物拓展思路:范文:学生的范文学生的范文1(7+)The variety and quality of food have been changed significantly by new technology and scientific discoveries. I agree that it is a positive dev

6、elopment although it may have its negative effect.A B 更多选择 C 生活质量提高解释(A-B):基因科技可以让某些食品保存更久,运输到不同的地方解释(A-B):基因科技可以增加一些食品的营养,某些食品具备一些新的功能解释(B-C):饮食更加均衡,摄取的营养会更多Preserve, last longer, extend shelf lifeIncrease nutritional value, add nutrientsA balanced diet, a nutritionally balanced diet, increase nutr

7、ition intakeSome people have a positive attitude towards the technological progress in food production since consumers have more choices in their diets and enjoy an improvement in the standard of living. Technology changes the gene of some crops or vegetables to preserve these agricultural products

8、more easily so they can be transported to different places. Engineers can also increase the nutrients of some foods by introducing new genes, or these foods can perform new functions, such as resistance to some allergies. People can have a more balanced diet and increase nutritional intake.A B 传统食品的

9、基因改变 C 人的健康长远来说有一些影响解释(背景):人类进化已经适应了传统的食品解释(B-C):导致我们不能够很好的吸收食品的营养解释(B-C):基因的改变可能会导致一些新的疾病产生Evolve,adapt to /adjust toAbsorb/intake nutrition, digest foodChanges in gene, modification of geneTechnological advances, new technology, technogical progress/ improvement/ developmentOn the other hand, oppo

10、nents argue that technological change can have a long-term impact on the health of eaters as the gene pool of food undergoes some remarkable changes. Humanity has evolved to consume a specific range of natural food, and this means that we may not be able to fully digest genetically-modified varietie

11、s. In addition, the changes in gene may cause some new diseases, and some people can feel sick or even die of eating unconventional foods.A B 提高产量C减少食品短缺解释(A-B):抗虫,抵抗自然灾害解释(A-B):食品基因改变,增加化学品,更久解释(拓展):减少营养不良的问题Resistance to pests, natural disasters , withstand natural disastersPest-resistant, drought

12、-resistantMalnutrition, malnourishmentIn my view, improvements in food technology can tackle the food shortage by increasing farm yields. Crops can be altered genetically to develop resistance to pests and natural disasters, thereby guaranteeing good harvests. Meanwhile, the genetic structure of mea

13、t and other food items is transformed to last longer, or some chemicals are added to maintain quality and avoid spoilage. As production increases and the waste of food is prevented, more communities can deal with food security problems and combat malnourishment and hunger.学生的范文2 (7+)The variety and

14、quality of food have been changed significantly as technology advances. I would perceive this as a positive development, although some people argue that it can have a negative effect.A 食品科技 B 增加产量 C 满足大家的需求解释(A-B): 基因科技可以使农作物抗旱、抗虫等解释(A-B):防腐剂让食品保存更久,不会变坏解释(C ): 生活更好Some people have a positive attitu

15、de towards technological progress in food production since it can improve food security and meet the growing demand for food. Some innovations have successfully increased farm yields: for example, genetic engineering has developed new crops resistant to droughts or pests, thereby preventing crop fai

16、lures caused by these problems. Meanwhile, the use of preservatives and the application of other advanced techniques can ensure food lasts longer and prevent decay. With a secure supply of food, people can enjoy an improvement in the standard of living.A 食品科技 B 改变了食品 C 影响健康解释(A-B):防腐剂是化学品,有毒素解释(A-B)

17、:基因食品可能会过敏Opponents argue that the changes in the range and quality of food can pose health risks. Preservatives and other food-preservation materials are chemicals, which contain toxins and endanger peoples health. Additionally, some new varieties of fruit, vegetables and crops use genes of other f

18、oods, which can cause allergies or other reactions on the part of consumers. People who are concerned about these problems hold the view that technology exposes them to more health problems.A 食品科技 B 增加了种类 C 确保营养解释(A-B):有些地方可以种植一些转基因的庄稼,增加食品的选择解释(A-B):保鲜技术比较好,运到不同的地方,储存更久,人们可以获得更多食物In my view, food-r

19、elated innovations allow us to have a varied diet and increase nutrition intake. Some new crops can be cultivated in some areas where some traditional food plants cannot grow easily due to harsh environmental conditions, and this means that local consumers have more choices and would not suffer maln

20、utrition. Thanks to technology in preventing spoilage of food, food can be delivered to different locations and people can have a nutritionally balanced diet with the access to more options in their diets.学生的观点点评学生的观点点评A 科技提高食物产量 B 减少饥荒 C 满足基本需求,可进一步提升精神需求不要随便写太空泛的东西。基本需求为什么就要提高精神需求,两者没有联系。A化肥滥用、密集型

21、农业 B 破环生态环境 C不利于可持续发展常识不够。化肥和抗生素的使用不是为了提高食品质量或者是range,两个例子都不适用于本题。科技进步,检测并打击不达标行为,保障食品质量。这个题目确定A,讨论食品科技增加种类和提升质量的好坏处,不是讨论科技怎么提高食品质量和增加种类。A 技术研究还不成熟 B人们享用的食品不健康 C影响人们的健康,特别是身体比较脆弱的小孩和老人不够具体。并没有解释为什么科技导致食品健康问题。只是一个草率的决定。A食物种类和质量的增加可以提高人们的生活质量B生活质量的提高会改善人们的心情C好的心情可以使人更高效的工作泛泛而谈,没有具体解释为什么可以提高人们生活质量。A发展农

22、业机械化 B 农民生产效率增加C解决food shortage跑题。农业机械化不能影响range和quality。主体段一A食物的种类改变、质量改进 B产量增加C更多人可以吃到食物,饥荒减少解释(A-B):基因科技产生一种新的品种,抗旱,抗虫解释(A-B):保鲜剂,保存食品解释(why C is a benefit):避免饥荒,避免营养不良拓展思路:词伙:范文:主体段二A食物的种类改变和食品质量提升B改变一些食品的构造,可能有毒性C对我们的身体可能会产生一定的伤害解释(A-B):传统的食品不再种植,这些食品的营养物质减少解释(A-B):化学物去保持质量,杀虫,化学残留物也会影响健康拓展思路:词

23、伙:范文:主体段三A食物的种类,提高质量的化学品增加,B改变了我们的食品系统C对生态系统可能有影响解释(A-B):基因食品影响某些动物的食物,影响生态系统解释(A-B):化学品会通过动物,鸟类和昆虫进入食物链拓展思路:词伙:范文:#151:历史和现代生活的联系Some people believe that studying the past can teach nothing about life today,others believe that history is a valuable source of information for life today. Discuss both

24、 views and your opinion开头段替换词Studying the past: studying history, learning about historical events, important events in historyTeach nothing about life: have no relevance to life,make little impact onA valuable source of information: provide insight into, a source of knowledgeLife today: modern life

25、开头段范例There are many people who consider it necessary to study history, which can give them deep insight into modern life. I agree with this view, although the knowledge of historical events may not be applicable in all situations. (7+)结尾段范例论述类题目不用写结尾段点击开始作答观点正确的观点1A学习历史B没有考虑到现在时代的变化C对理解现代生活没有帮助解释(A-

26、B):世界在科技上很多变化解释(B-C):科技带来的很多积极改变同时带来前所未有的挑战(老龄化、污染等)拓展思路:范文:正确的观点2A学习历史B找到世界的规律C预知现代生活很多事情如何发展解释(A-B):很多时候历史都是简单地重复解释(B-C):过去类似情况的解决方法和最终结果对于现在都有启发(经济危机、企业发展等)拓展思路:词伙:正确的观点3A学习历史B知道世界各国的发展和历史C理解现代社会文化的差异解释(B-C):历史事件影响了国家的历史进程,人们的生活方式解释(B-C):历史事件影响了人们的价值观和信仰拓展思路:范文:#133:国际合作保护环境还是有利于国际商务?Some people

27、think international cooperation has brought benefits to world environment protection, while some people think more benefits have been brought to international business. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.开头段替换词international cooperation=internationalpartnership, global alliances, economic t

28、ies, companies or countries form a partnership, work closely to coordinate effort to brought benefits= contribute to, benefit, beneficial to world environment protection= protectthe environment, preserve the environment, deal with environmental problems, address environmental issues, the preservatio

29、n of the environmentinternational business= global trade, the expansion of international businesses.开头段范例There are some people who support that environmental issues can be tackled by the partnerships formed by different countries around the world. I disagree with this view as I believe that internat

30、ional cooperation can increase the profit of many companies but damage the environment.(7)Companies and countries around the world have formed strong relationships, as the world is increasingly globalised. I agree that this would benefit the business world, although some people argue that it can als

31、o help tackle some environmental issues.(7)结尾段范例论述类题目不用写单独的结尾段点击开始作答观点学生的范文学生的范文1 (7+)A B 开展不同的项目和协调努力 C 解决环境问题解释(B-C):分享技术, 清洁能源解释(B-C):制定国际法,减排Work together, cooperation between countries, multinational corporations/enterprises/ organisations, collaborate with, form a partnership, forge strong rel

32、ationships . form allianceCoordinate effort,Clean energy, alternative energy sources, green/environmentally friendly energy sourcesReduce/cut emissions, fumesSome people argue that international partnerships can deal with environmental problems worldwide because countries can launch different projects and coo

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