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1、宁夏中卫第二中学届九年级二模考试英语试题无答案中卫二中2009-2010学年度英语二模试卷满分: 120分 审核人:陈亮 校对人:张浩选择题(共80分)一、听力(共25小题,计分25分,其中有5个小题为非选择题,计分5分,答题位置在第6页非选择题第五题听力题内)(一)、听对话选择正确的图画(每小题1分,共5分)(二)、听句子选择恰当的答语(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 6. A In a day .B .Once a week . C . For a month .( ) 7. A .Thats OK. B Thank you. C . Yes, I will. ( ) 8. A Sorry,

2、I wont . B .It dosent matter. C . Im sorry to hear that.( ) 9. A .Certainly.Ill be glad to B. Excuse me Im afraid not . C.Yes, please.( ) 10 . A No way. B.No, thanks . C. Sorry, but Im using it.(三)、听对话及对话后的问题,选择最佳答案(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 11. A .7:15 B. 7:30 C. 7:45( ) 12. A .Watching TV . B. Doing his homew

3、ork . . C. Turning on the TV.( ) 13 A .15 dollars . B. 20 dollars . C. 30 dollars.( ) 14 . A .A policeman B.A docotor C. A teacher.( )15.A .Her computer dosent work. B. Her computer was broken. C. She wants to learn to mend the computer .(四)听对话或独白然后根据所提问题选择正确答案(每小题1分共5分)第一节,听一段对话,然后回答1617小题( ) 16 .W

4、here are the two speakers? A In a hospital . B In a school. C . In a shop. ( ) 17 . Did the woman sleep well? A . Yes, she slept well B . No ,she could hardly sleep. C . No, she didnt want to sleep.第二节,听一段独白,然后回答1820小题( ) 18 .I n which country is Wang Lin on holiday now?A .England B . Australia C .

5、America ( ) 19 .Why didnt they do much for the first day?A .Because two of them didnt feel well . B. Because they were so tired. C .Because they didnt know where to go.( ) 20.Where did they go on Wednesday?A .They went to the beach . B .They went up to the mountains.C .They went to an old city.二、选择填

6、空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)( ) 21. The_ knowledge you learn, the _ youll get a good job . -Thats right. A. more; more easily B. most; the most easily C. more; easier D. most; easiest( ) 22. What their football team like ?-Oh , they were all very big and strong , but they were a weak team. A. does B. did C.

7、 was D. is( )23. Oh , I had a terrible toothache .-Youd better see a doctor and have your bad teeth _ out.A. to go; pulled B. go to ; pulling C. to go ; pulling D. go to; pulled ( ) 24-David has made great progress recently .- , and .A. So he has ; so you have B. So he has ; so have youC. So has he;

8、 so have you D. So has he; so you have( ) 25. Youve never seen dinosaur eggs, have you? . How I wish to visit the Dinosaur World!A. No, I havent B. Yes, I have C. Certainly, I have D. Of course( ) 26. -Whose book is that on the desk ?- Its not mine . Its .A. someone else B. someone elsesC. someone o

9、thers D. someones other( ) 27. The 30th Olympic Games in London in 2012.A . is held B .will hold. C. will hold D. will be held( ) 28. -We can use QQ to talk with others online.- Good ! Will you please show me it?A. what to use B. how to use C. when to use D. where to use( ) 29. Many teenagers enjoy

10、the book Harry Potter by J.K Rowling.A. written B. was written C wrote D. was written.( ) 30. The young man is carry that heavy bag .A. strong enough to B. enough strong toC. not strong enough D. strong enough .( )31. Ive just got a new digital camera. Really? Where did you buy ? I want to buy , too

11、.A. one, one B. it, it C. one, it D. it, one( )32. How long the film ? For just several minutes.A. did, begin B. has, begun C. has, been on D. was, on( )33. What about the shoes over there? Oh, they dont fit me. They are too big too small.A. neither nor B. either or C. both and D. not only but also(

12、 )34. Could you get me a piano, Mum? There enough space for one in our home. But well try.A. isnt B . is C. are D. arent( )35. Could you tell me ? In 1998.A. When was your school built B. When your school was builtC. When built your school D. Where your school was built( )36. Thanks our teacher, We

13、could finish it on time. Yes. We couldnt solve the problem her help.A. for, without B. for, with C. to, without D. to, with( )37. What bad weather, isnt it? Yes. The sports meeting has to be . A. put away B. put down C. put up D. put off( )38. I am not sure if Mrs Brown shopping tomorrow.If she shop

14、ping, please ask her to buy me some tea.A. will go, goes B. goes, will go C. will go, will go D. goes, goes( )39. I have good news to tell you! ShenZhou was sent up into space successfully. .A. Bad luck B. Dont worry C. Nothing serious D. Wonderful( )40. Susan, why are you still here? They are all r

15、eady to start.Im sorry, but I when to start.A. dont tell B. didnt tell C. wasnt told D. havent told三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)Greenlandisthelargestislandintheworld.Itisinthe41_ofEurope.NearGreenlandisanotherisland.Itissmall.Its42_isIceland.DoyouthinkthatGreenlandisgreenandwarm?DoyouthinkthatIcelandisw


17、reenland?No,itisnot.Icelandhasice,butnotsomuchice48_Greenland.Ithasalotofhotsprings(泉).Theygiveouthotwaterandsteam(水汽).The climate(气候)is not as 49_ as Greenland.And there are a lot 50_people who live in Iceland.( )41.A.eastB.westC.northD.south ( ) ( )43.A.wrongB.cleverC

18、.rightD.bright ( ) ( ) 45.A.yellowB.brownC.blueD.white ( ) 46.A.morehigherB.highC.highestD.higher ( ) 47.A.ofB.inC.aboutD.on ( ) 48.A.asB.likeC.thanD.then ( ) ( ) 50.A.manyB.muchC.moreD.most四:阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)AFilms in Feiyang Cinema this wee

19、kA WORLD WITHOUT TYHIEVES Chinese film (2004) Dircected (导演) by Feng Xiaogang Mainly acted by Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You, Li Bingbing From Monday to Wednesday, at 8 : 00 p. m. Ticket Price: RMB 35KUNGFUHUSTLE Chinese Hong Kong film (2004) Directed by Zhou Xingchi Mainly acted by Zhou Xingchi,Yua

20、n Hua, Liang Xiaolong From Wednesday to Friday, at 8 : 00 p. m. Ticket price: RMB 40Films In Feiyang Cinema This WeekHAPPY POTTER (III) American film (2004) Directed by Alfonso Cuaron Mainly acted by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. Emma Waston From Friday toSunday, at 7 : 30 p. m. Ticket Price: RMB

21、30 (Half on Sunday for children)TROY American film (2004) Directed by Wolfgang Peters-en Mainly acted byJulian Glover, Brian Cox, Nathan Jones, Adoni Maropis From Tuesday to Thursday, at 8 : 00 p. m. Ticket Price: RMB 4551.You can see_foreign films in Feiyang Cinema this week.A. one B. two C.three D

22、. four52.If you want to see the film which was directed by Feng Xiaogang, go to the cinema on_.A. Monday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Saturday53.Children can pay only _ when they want to see a film on Sunday. A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 2054.You can see the film_on Saturday.A. Troy B. Harry Potter C. A World Wi

23、thout Thieves D. Kungfu Hustle55.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Liu Dehua acted in the film Kungfu Hustle.B.The ticket price of the four films is the same.C.All the films start after 8 oclock in the evening.D.The four films were released (发行) in the same year.BHere are some tips on listening .We h

24、ope it can help you in one way or another.Relax yourself.Before you start to listen to something, you need to relax . Dont get nervous or excited . This will help you with your listening.Listen carefully to the first sentence.The first sentence tells a lot about the whole passage . For example, if a

25、t the very beginning, you hear Many shops in many parts of China have decided to take away all kinds of Japanese goods off their shelves but some people say its not a good idea. Our reporter says. . you know you will hear a piece of news, not a childrens story, or a science report.Think when youre l

26、istening .When youre listening , try to do some thinking . For example, you can think of the following questions: What happened? When, where and how ? What was the result and what does the speaker want to tell us ? This way, you may understand the passage better.Listen for important facts.Its import

27、ant for you to remember some important facts. For example, if the passage is a science report , you should try to remember its findings and how the scientists got their results.Dont think about one or two words for too long. You may hear some words that you dont know , but dont spend too much time o

28、n them. Very often, you11 find out what they mean later when you go on with the listening. But you can remember some words or sentences that you think are important, and you can use them when you re answering the questions.56. This whole passage is mainly about_.A. tips on thinking B. tips on findin

29、g the factsC. tips on listening D. tips on remembering words57. Its better for you to keep_ when you begin to have a listening exam.A. excited B. relaxed C. nervous D. worried58. The sentence Many shops in many parts of China have decided to take away all kinds of Japanese goods off their shelves. seems to be_.A. the first sentence of a piece of news B. a tip on readingC. the end of a piece of news D. a tip on speaking 59. When youre

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