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届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 PoemsArt导学案 新人教版选修6.docx

1、届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 PoemsArt导学案 新人教版选修6Unit 2Poems写得准用得活积得多1.convey vt. 传达;运送2.concrete adj. 具体的3.scholarship n. 奖学金;学问;学术成就4.tease vi.& vt. 取笑;招惹;戏弄5.branch n. 枝条;支流;部门6.eventually adv. 最后;终于7.appropriate adj. 适当的;正当的 n. 交换;交流;互换vt.& vi. 调换;交换9.sponsor n. 赞助人;主办者;倡议者 vt. 发起;举办;倡议10.load n. 负

2、担;负荷物(尤指沉重的)11.flexible adj.灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的flexibly adv.灵活地;易曲地;柔软地12.transform vi.& vt.转化;转换;改造;变换transformation n转化;转换;变换13.sorrow n悲伤;悲痛;懊悔sorrowful adj.悲伤的;悲痛的14.translation n翻译;译文translate v翻译translator n译员;翻译家15.darkness n黑暗;漆黑dark adj.黑暗的16.endless adj.无穷的;无止境的end n& v终止;结束ending n结尾;结局用所给词的适当形式

3、填空1.As a matter of fact, employees expect to work flexibly (flexible) in the workplace.2.Any behaviour that is repeated enough times will eventually (eventual) become a habit and happen automatically.3.The whole country mourned the death in Tianjin Explosion in great sorrow.It was unbearable to see

4、the sorrowful eyes of the mourning people.(sorrow)4.In order to bring advanced theories from foreign countries, he decided to be a translator and has translated hundreds of books from English into Chinese so far. His translation of some great works is popular among teachers.(translate)5.It was dark

5、in the room and we couldnt see much at first, but after a few minutes our eyes got used to the darkness.(dark)6.How did the story end?Just like most romantic stories, it had a happy ending.The prince killed the monster and saved the princess in the end and they lived happily ever after.(end)1.以ship为

6、后缀的高频名词一览scholarship奖学金friendship 友谊leadership 领导地位relationship 关系hardship 苦难membership 成员资格championship 冠军头衔2.“嘲笑与愚弄”面面观tease取笑;戏弄laugh at 嘲笑make fun of 取笑make a fool of 愚弄play a trick on 捉弄3.“load”家族load 负担;负荷物overload 超载download 下载upload 上传workload 工作量4.后缀ness高频名词荟萃darkness黑暗sickness 疾病loneliness

7、 孤独happiness 快乐sadness 悲伤kindness 善良写得准用得活积得多1.take_it_easy轻松;不紧张;从容2.run_out_of 用完;用光3.be_made_up_of 由构成4.in_particular 尤其;特别5.try_out 测试;试验6.let_out 发出;放走;泄露7.be_popular_with 受到欢迎8.stay_up 熬夜9.hold_on 坚持;忍受10.make_sense 有意义;讲得通选用左栏短语填空1.Having run_out_of all the money, he had to ask his father for

8、 some more.2.In less than three minutes after the bombing, a medical team made_up_of an expert and three nurses arrived on the scene in time.3.I would rather you hadnt let_out the secret. You see, I am in great trouble now.4.The whole meal was good and the wine in_particular was excellent.5.They fel

9、t sleepy during work because they stayed_up watching the World Cup.1.“用完”短语多棱镜run out of用完(及物)run out 用完(不及物)use up 用完(及物)give out 用完;筋疲力竭(不及物)2.“v.out”搭配的短语集锦let out 发出;放走;泄露leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑bring out 阐明;使显示;出版make out 理解;辨认出pick out 挑出;辨认出figure out 想出;理解背原句记句式会仿用1.There are various reasons why

10、people write poetry. 人们写诗有各种各样的原因。why引导定语从句修饰先行词reasons。那就是他昨天没有参加我的生日聚会的原因。That_is_the_reason_why he didnt come to my birthday party yesterday.2.Should the traveller return, this stone would utter speech.行人归来石应语。虚拟语气中省略if的倒装句式。要是目前的失业情况继续下去,社会会面临更加麻烦的局面。Should_the_present_unemployment_continue,_the

11、 society would face a more troublesome situation.3.With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型,学生们最终也许想自己写诗歌了。“With .to choose from”属于“with宾语宾补”结构。有一个重要的会议要参加,我不能在家照顾生病的母亲。With an important meeting to_attend,_I cant t

12、ake care of my sick mother at home.1convey vt.传达;表达;运送;传导;传播高考佳句The message conveyed here is clear: “Actions speak louder than words.”(2013江苏高考书面表达)这里传达的信息很清楚,就是“事实胜于雄辩”。convey sb. 向某人表达/传递某物convey sb./sth.from A to B 把某人或某物从A地运送到B地convey ones feelings/meaning/view/appreciation 表达某人的感情/意思/观点/

13、感激They took a more reasonable approach, conveying (convey) to their children how success at school could improve their lives.(2015陕西高考)他们采用一个更合情合理的方法,给孩子们传达在学校里的成功是如何提高他们的生活质量的。His determined look conveyed his meaning that all the injured should be_conveyed (convey) from the spot to the hospital at

14、once.他坚定的表情表达了他的想法:所有的伤员应该立即从现场转移到医院。In this letter, I would like to convey_my_sincere_appreciation_to you for your assistance/help.(山东高考写作)对于您的帮助,我想在这封信中表达对您衷心的感谢。2transform vi.& vt.转化;转换;改造;变换经典例句It was an event that would transform my life.(牛津P2148)那是能够改变我一生的一件事。(1)transform .into .使变成transform i

15、nto 转化成;改造为be transformed from . into . 由变成;由迁到(2)transformation n. (外观或性质的)改变、变革Your generous help and tender care transformed my first American trip into an unforgettable memory.你的无私帮助和细心关怀把我的第一次美国之旅转化成了一个难以忘怀的记忆。Every moment of every day, energy is_being_transformed (transform) from one form into

16、 another.每时每刻,能量都在由一种形式转换成另一种形式。3exchange n交换;交流;互换vt.& vi.调换;交换教材原句If there had not been an exchange programme, he would not have found a sponsor to help him study abroad.如果以前没有交换学生的项目,他不会找到资助人赞助他出国。(1)make an exchange 交换in exchange (for .) 作为交换()(2)exchange sth.for sth. 用交换exchange sth.with sb. 与某

17、人交换某物(3)exchange student 两国交换的留学生cultural exchange 文化交流In addition, I have volunteered to help two exchange_students with their Mandarin learning during the past two years.(2015四川高考满分作文)此外,在过去两年我自愿帮助两名交流生学习普通话。Ive offered to paint the kitchen in_exchange_for a weeks accommodation.我愿意粉刷厨房,条件是让我免费住宿一周

18、。Meanwhile, they exchange ideas and feelings with each other, through which they probably acquire more knowledge.(2015重庆高考写作)与此同时,他们彼此交流思想和情感,通过这他们有可能获得更多的知识。4load n负担;负荷物(尤指沉重的) vt.& vi.装载;加重;把弹药装入(枪炮)教材原句Slowly the old man carries his load.慢慢地老人负重前行。(1)take a load off ones mind打消某人的顾虑loads of 很多的(

19、2)load sth./sb.with sth.用装载;使负担load sth.into/onto . 把装入(到);使负担It takes a load off my mind to leave the child in your charge.把孩子托付给你我就放心了。The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the_load_of_parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.(2011江苏高考书面表达)近年来学

20、生的负担是一个热门话题,但父母的负担,尤其是来自子女的负担,却没有多少人重视。To get rid of garbage problems, the city will load_huge_spaceship_with waste materials.为了摆脱垃圾问题的困扰,该城市将会用巨型宇宙飞船装载废弃材料。.基础点全练1单句语法填空(2011浙江高考书面表达)It is not appropriate that a student (should)_litter (litter) and scribble about.Standing on the bank, the children

21、watched the ship loaded with all kinds of goods.As a teacher rich in experience, he knows how to convey his ideas to the students.The two young people eventually (eventual) got married after having been friends for several years.In only 20 years the country has been transformed into an advanced indu

22、strial power.Knowing that they had arrived safely took a load off my mind.2高考小作文当这种情况发生时,我常常在适当的时间用适当的方法表达观点说服他们。(2015浙江高考书面表达)When this happens, I usually express my opinion at_an_appropriate_time_in_appropriate_ways_to_persuade_them.重难点多练exchange多棱镜(1)介词填空(湖北高考多选)It is illegal for a public officia

23、l to ask people for gifts or money in exchange for favors to them.I am going to travel abroad, so I go to exchange some RMB for dollars in the bank.I will take full advantage of the chance to exchange views with them.(2)高考小作文我们学生应该经常和父母交换意见,他们经验丰富,而且最重要的是,在这个世界上他们是最爱我们的人。(2013重庆高考写作)We students shou

24、ld_often_exchange_ideas_with_our_parents,_who are rich in experience, and above all, love us most in the world.阅读词汇专练1根据语境选出sponsor的词性和词义(A)n.担保人;保证人(B)vt.赞助(活动、节目等)(C)vt.资助(某人的培训或教育) (D)n.赞助者(2012湖北高考多选)Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to sponsor our schools campaign “Help the Needy”, which was sta

25、rted by our former headmaster three years ago._B_She found a company to sponsor her through college._C_The race organizers are trying to attract sponsors._D_If Im going to live in the US, I must get an American sponsor._A_2根据语境选出blank的词性和词义(A)n.空白;遗忘(B)adj.不理解的;没表情的(C)adj.空白的 (D)vt.毫不理睬(某人)If your m

26、ind goes blank, try not to panic._C_She stared at me with a blank expression on her face._B_My mind was a blank and I couldnt remember her name._A_I saw her on the bus this morning, but she totally blanked me._D_1take it easy (take things easy)轻松;不紧张;从容高考佳句I feel so nervous about the National Englis

27、h Speech Competition tomorrow.Take it easy.(2013四川高考单选)我对明天的全国英语演讲比赛感觉很紧张。放松些。take ones time别着急;慢慢来take sth. seriously 重视某事;对某事严肃对待take . for granted 认为理所当然take . as . 把当作Its nice to sit down and take_it_easy after a hard days work.劳累了一天之后,能坐下来轻松一下,该多么愉快呀。Believe it or not, I always take_your_sugges

28、tions_seriously.信不信由你,我总是认真对待你的建议。Some of us always take_it_for_granted that our parents or grandparents should take care of us.我们中的有些人理所当然地认为父母或者祖父母应该照顾我们。2run out of用完;用尽高考佳句So many places of interest does Beijing offer that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.(上海高考单选)北京有如此多的

29、名胜以至于大部分游客用完了时间还没参观完。We felt exhausted, but we had to find a pool before we ran_out_of the water in the bottle.我们感到筋疲力尽,但我们必须在瓶子中的水用完之前找到一个水池。辨析比较run out of, run out, give out, use up试一试选用上述短语完成下列语段Worse luck! First, food and drinking water had been used_up before we reached the destination. Then, m

30、y husband was speeding up the car when it suddenly broke down. It turned out that the gas had run_out/given_out. So we had to walk ahead along the road until my strength gave_out. We finally made our way to a small hotel but to our despair, we found we had run_out_of/used_up our money.辨一辨run out of是及物动词短语,通常以人作主语,相当于use up,表示“用完;用尽”run out是不及物动词短语,通常以物作主语,相当于give outgive out可表示物“用完”或人“筋疲力尽”;还表示“发出;分发;宣布”等use up是及物动词短语,表示“用完;用尽”,相当于run out of3let out释放;放走;发出(叫喊声等);泄露(消息、秘密等)教材原句S

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