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1、英语卷届四川省成都市高三摸底测试零诊英语卷届四川省成都市高三摸底测试零诊 07 四川省成都市 2014 届高三上学期摸底测试 英 语 试 题 全卷分第(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。考试时间120 分钟,满分 150 分。注意事项:l答第卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考籍号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。2每小题选出答案后,用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。3答非选择题时,必须使用 05毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。4考试结束时,监考人只将答题卡收回。第卷(选择题,共 90 分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节

2、,满分 40 分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1Jane,Ive finally passed my driving test !Lets have a party to celebrate it AForget it BCongratulations CNo problem DIts all right 2Chengdu is blessed with warm climate,which makes it suitable place to live in Aa;

3、/B/;the Ca;a Dthe;the 3You remind him to keep things neat and tidy,because he is well organized.Acant Bneednt Cmustnt Dshant 4The information that will become your ability once you use it Aabsorbs Bis absorbing Cis absorbed Dhad been absorbed 5A fire broke out in a nightclub last week,2,500 worth of

4、 damage Acausing Bcaused Cto cause Dhaving caused 6The wisdom comes with age makes a big difference to leadership.Awhere Bwhen Cwhat Dthat 7 we completely differ from each other in character,we are still great friends.AEven though BIn case CShortly after DLong before 8一 I bought this coat at taobaoc

5、om It looks beautifulAs I am busy,can you buy for me?Athis Bthat Csuch Done 9Youd better fatty food if you want to stay slim Akeep off Bsend off Ctake off Dpay off 10Dont worry!There is still a great chance we can make up for the lost time.Awhich Bthat Cwhere Dwhen 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 30 分)

6、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I sat next to my close friend,Tina,in my history classOur teacher,Miss Turner announced a new 11 We were to create a 12 about culturesAs required,we wrote the names of two friends we wanted in our groupMiss Turner informed us that she would

7、13 our choices and let us know the resultI had no 14 that I would work with Tina because I knew we had chosen each other The next day,I waited anxiously when Miss Turner started to call out 1 5When she reached group three,Tina was called 16,my name was not included“There must have been some 17!I tho

8、ught to myself Than I heard 18.The last group with Mauro and Karina!How 19!How could I face being in that groupthe boy who hardly spoke English and the girl who wore 20 clothes a11 the time?I went to Miss Turner to 21 I should be in a“good”groupShe gently placed a hand on my shoulder“I know what you

9、 want,Rachael,”she said,but your group 22 you moreOnly you can help them get an ideal 23 Will you help them?I 24 walked to where the others in my group sat.Halfway through the week,I 25 myself enjoying working with my partnersThere was no need to 26 I grew sincerely interested in learning something

10、about then.Mauro,I found out,was 27 with English after he came to this country.Karina wanted to be a fashion designer and she had a lot of 28 ideasThey were the ones no one cared enough about to try to understandexcept Miss Turner Miss Turner gave us an A on that newspaper.But I think she is the one

11、 who truly 29 it.I really 30 that Miss Turner gave me a chance to see other people in a new light.11 Aplan Bsubject Cproject Dlesson 12Astory Bgroup Ctest Dnewspaper 13Amake use of Bpay attention to Cput into practice Dtake into consideration 14Aidea Bdoubt Cintention Dpromise 15Anames Bnumbers Cstu

12、dents Dtopics 16ABesides BHowever CThus DFinally 17Amistake Bcoincidence Cproblem Dreason 18Aher Bit Cthem Dhim 19Ainteresting Bamusing Cannoying Ddisappointing 20A dirty Bplain Cstrange Dformal 21Awarn Bremind Crequest Dinform 22Aneeds Brefuses Cmisses Dignores 23Adesign Bjob Cchance Dgrade 24A slo

13、wly Bswiftly Csuddenly Dbravely 25Afound Bkept Chad Dset 26Aspeak Bpretend Crefuse Dpanic 27A dealing Bhelping Cbeginning Dstruggling 28Afunny Bgeneral Cbright Dnew 29Aoffered Bdeserved Cneglected Dproved 30A believed Bappreciated Cadmitted Dagreed 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节 阅读短文 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、

14、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共 20小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)A Beautiful cars surrounded by even more beautiful modelsits no secret why the 2012 Beijing Auto Show was popular The exhibition was held between April 23 and May 2Although renowned companies showed off their top models,it wasnt just their expensiv

15、e sports cars that grabbed peoples attention Concept cars are a way for designers to test out their ideas on the public with complete freedomThey can try out cars with special features that could not be massively(批量)produced easily Designers dont have to follow industry rules;they dont even need to

16、worry about whether their cars would be fllowed on the roads At the Beijing Auto Show,theAnt by Chery was one concept car to draw a lot of attentionChina Daily called itthe very definition of a concept car”The vehicle is powered by electricity and is capable of driving itselfBut the magic doesnt end

17、 there TheAnt was inspired by actual antsAccording to Car News China,with the help of automated telemetric systems,Ants are able to“see”otherAnts and compare destination information.If two are heading the same way for a while,the vehicles connect,with one cars rear(后面的)wheels matching up with the fr

18、ont wheels of another carUp to 10Ants can be put together and will automatically connect to form a“trainThis will help save energy while traveling,as well reducing traffic jams.The car sounds like a great ideaFurther research will be needed to turn this concept car into something for the market,but

19、concepts like Cherys show how carmakers are working for cleaner and greener vehiclesIts like what theAnt motto says,“Exploring future human beingslifestyles”31The concept car is getting popular because.Ait looks like an ant Bit is beautifully designed Cit is exhibited as a top model Dit conveys a ne

20、w idea for the future 32How can theAnts help save energy while travelling according to the passage?ABy connecting each other and running together BBy driving themselves without mans control CBy comparing their destination information DBy reducing traffic jams on the roads 33What the designers of the

21、 concept car need to do at the Auto Show is.Ato test the safety of the concept car Bto follow the rules in the car industry Cto show their unique idea of complete freedom Dto see if concept cars can be massively produced 34The best title of the passage is.AConcept Cars Are Driving to the Future BThe

22、Ant Draws a Lot of Attention CTheAnt Is a Top Model of Concept Cars DConcept Cars Are Cleaner and Greener B As a leading safari(狩猎游)company in Kenya,Game-watchers has been recognized s the Tour Operator of 20 11 Kenya Travel Awards,and rewarded with some other international tour prizes in recent yea

23、rs Safari tours go to some of the best wildlife national parks and game parks in Africa,even the Masai Mara in KenyaWe are ready to offer a more personalized service,including staying in smaller safari eco-camps and providing high quality professional safari guides,plus 4x4 safari vehicles for game

24、drivesWe can also offer you the choice to fly straight into the wildlife areas,using light airplane,to avoid lengthy road journeys Here is a typical Tour Plan of Game-watchers(2 nights3 days)If you have any further questions,please contact us at www.G or call us at 0944-598-580.35According to the pa

25、ssage,Game-watchers is Aa travel plan in Kenyas best national parks BKenyas largest and best safari company C Kenyas online travel company of game drives Da winner of many travel awards home and abroad 36Which of the following is offered as an alternative means oftransportation if you cant wait to g

26、et into the wildlife areas?A4 4 safari vehicle BPlane CWalk DBus 37How many meals are offered in a typical Tour Plan of 2 nights3days?ANine BEight CSeven DSix.38The authors purpose of writing the passage is Ato introduce the beautiful scenery of Kenya Bto make an advertisement for a tour company Cto

27、 inform tourists of the detailed tour information Dto make people curious about the wild life in Kenya C As most university students are packing their bags,boarding trains or flying home for the Spring Festival,some will stay behind to spend the holiday on campus Zhou Yunyun,22,a senior finance majo

28、r at Jilin University,has decided that instead of traveling to Hainan province,he will kill the time by playing computer games with his online friends“Im used to chatting and playing with them every dayIts just fun to make friends this way,”he said“When I returned home in past years,my relatives alw

29、ays asked me a lot of questions about my plans after graduationThey had high expectations of me,which made me feel stressed,”said Zhou The campus,usually lively,will probably turn into a death town,with most restaurants,shops and student centers closed during the breakBut there are also a few advant

30、ages,according to Jia Debao,2 1,a junior majoring in administration at China Agricultural University“I might feel a bit lonely,but at least I can stay away from my parents complaining and enjoy the peaceful and quiet stay,”he said“More importantly,I can enj oy the high speed of the Internet,I can al

31、ways find empty seats in classrooms,and I dont have to wait to use the bathroorm”But education experts recommend students who stay on campus to come up with more interactive plansThats because communication on the Internet cant replace real life interpersonal relationships Society has promoted a kin

32、d of“couch potato or close-in culture among some young people,according to Shi Tongyu,a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.He warned that this kind of lifestryl can damage students mental and physical development.“When you constantly stare at a computer screen and type on your keyb

33、oard,you gradually lose the ability to socialize and survive normally,said Shi“A humans most important task is to survive,which cannot be completed by staying at home all the time Instead,it must be achieved through real life experience and communication”39What can we learn about Zhou Yunyun?AHe feels very lonely on campus BHe will promote close-in culture CHe will spend the Spring Festival with r

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