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成人高考 Model Test.docx

1、成人高考 Model Test成人高考 Model Test 1一语音知识( )1. A. till B. wide C. polite D. decide( )2. A. revolution B. question C. mention D. position( )3. A. world B. worth C. worse D. worn( )4. A. uncle B. umbrella C. custom D. university( )5. A. relative B. delay C. connect D. chest 二词汇与语法知识( )6. Her father(父亲) _

2、_ ill(生病的 ) yesterday(昨天 ) and is now( 现在) in hospital(住院 ). A. took(take拿走;带走 ) B. set(set 设置) C. caught(caugh 抓住) D. fell(fall 掉落;摔倒;处于某种状态)Stay in the hospital呆在医院Stay in hospital住院Fall ill 得病;生病Go to school 去上学Go to the school 到学校去( )7. He talk-ed( 讲话) at the top of his voice( 以最大的声音讲话 ), _ he d

3、rew(draw绘画;吸引 的过去式) nobodys attention. A. instead(代替) B. so( 因此) C. yet ( 还;仍旧) D. though( =although虽然。但是。)1. He stays at home( 呆在家里) instead of( 而不是;代替) going shopping(购物 ).=He doesnt go shopping. Instead he stays at home.2. She was late( 迟到的). So she said sorry to(道歉 ) the people here.3. They have

4、 not finished(完成) their work yet. ( 仍旧;还;用于否定、疑问句)They are still( 仍旧;还;用于肯定句) working now.4. Though( =Although) it is cold outside( 外面), Tom is working in the field(田地;田野).(draw ones attention引起注意;吸引。的注意力)某人someone/some body; 某些东西 something;某个地方some where 不定代词 no one/nobody; nothing;nowhereUnless =

5、if. Not 如果.不;除非I will not come to your party if Mary does not come.=Unless Mary comes,I will not come to your party. So that. (表示目的 )He works in the summer holiday( 暑假) so that( 这样。;表示目的 ) he can collect(=save存 ) enough( 足够的) money( 钱) as( 作为) the tuition( 学费)So that。(如此。以至于。)(表示因果关系)He works so har

6、d( 努力地) that he gets the high(高的 ) score( 得分) in the test( 测试).To do sth. 跟短语In order to do sth.跟短语So as to do sth. 跟短语In order that.跟句子So that.跟句子He works in the summer holiday( 暑假) so that( 这样。;表示目的 ) he can collect(=save存 ) enough money as the tuition( 学费).=He works in the summer holiday( 暑假) so

7、as to collect(=save存 ) enough money as the tuition( 学费).As as 两者同级比较He is as tall as me.Not soasHe is not so tall as me.=He is shorter than me.You can go to Shanghai if you like.You can go where you like.虚拟语气He knows everything.他什么都懂。(客观事实)It seems that he knew everything.(虚拟;假设)If I were you, I wou

8、ld not do this stupid thing.如果你昨天早点来的话,你就见到王菲了。If you -had come -(come) here earlier yesterday, you would have seen-(see) Wang fei already.代词:代替前文提到过的人或者物。I meet( 遇到) my friends( 朋友) Tom and Mary. They look( 看上去) very healthy( 健康的).Someone somebody ( 某人 ) 不定代词None nobodySome one 指代事物 someone 指代人Catc

9、h ones attention=draw ones attention. (引起某人的注意力 ) pay attention to sb. ( 注意。 )at the top of( 在。顶端;最高点) voice( 讲话的嗓音) sound( 声音 )noise( 噪音) But.=though(虽然。但是)Instead of( 而不是;代替 )He stays at home instead of going out shopping on the street.=He doesnt go out shopping on the street. He stays at home ins

10、tead. The bus is coming. Look!Look at the coming bus!Listen to the radio.Here is the radio. Listen!Both he and I are students.He as well as I is a student.Either he or I go to the meeting.Together with, along with, as well as 后面所跟词语不影响句子的单复数!Still(仍旧;/肯定句) yet(仍旧/否定句或者疑问句)主语;He is a good person( 人).

11、谓语;He is a good person. They work hard.宾语 Jane always helps me a lot.定语 It is a tall building.状语 Tom usually goes to the company at 9 oclock every day.(修饰整个句子;时间状语)Jack comes here to argue with the friends. ( 目的状语)Mary feels sad because she failed her test. ( 原因状语)表语被动表达方式: be动词(am,is,are)+动词的过去分词(动

12、词+ed格式)主动-He opens the door.被动-The door is opened by him.( )8. When and where to build(建造) the new factory(工厂)_ yet(仍旧;还).A. is not decided(decide决定) B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided( ) 9. There was(有;存在) an _look(外貌;表情) on her face(脸) when(当。的时候) the actor(演员) appeared(出现).

13、A. excited(形容词:) B. excite(动词:激动;兴奋) C. exciting(形容词:) D. excitedly(副词:激动地)This is a good(形容词:修饰名词) book(图书).She works slowly(缓慢地) (副词:修饰动词).It is very good. (副词:修饰形容词)He comes(来) (动词:做句子中的谓语) here late.成对的形容词Interested(-ed结尾的形容词:表示人的感觉)He is interested in (对。感兴趣)Chinese.Interesting (-ing结尾的形容词:表示事物

14、或人的本质特征)This cartoon film is really interesting(有趣的/令人有趣的).BoredThey(他们) are bored at the meeting(会议).BoringThe meeting is boring.( ) 10. I _ playing(打) tennis(网球) with John(约翰) when Bob arrived(到达;到来).A. had finished B. has finished C. finish(完成。) D. finished Finish doing sth. 做完某事 ( )11. _! Theres

15、 a train coming.A. Look out(当心) B. Look around(环顾) C. Look forward to(期待;盼望) D. Look on(继续看)( )12. _late(晚的;迟到的) in the morning, Bob turned off(关闭) the alarm(闹钟).A. To sleep (计划;目的) B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having slept( ) 13. The city(城市) has _ population(人口) of two_.A. amillions B. a millionC. / mi

16、llion D. / millionsX Hundred hundreds of.X Thousand thousands ofX Million millions of.X billion billions of( ) 14. _country(国家) in the world(世界) should(应当) do her best to(尽力做。) keep(保持) the world peace(和平).A. Each(每个;但:强调 个体) B. All(所有) C. Every(每个;但:强调 整体) D. Everyone(每个人) E Eevery one(每个)Every day

17、(状语;副词;修饰整个句子) everyday(形容词;只能修饰名词)定语I study English every day.He has the habit(习惯) of reading(阅读) everday(每天的) newspapers.( ) 15. It was said that(据说。) the new car_to the institute(学院;研究机构) as(作为) a gift(礼物) by a businessman(商人).A. had given B. would give C. had been given D. has been given( ) 16.

18、I hope(希望) that John will not play football(踢足球 ) tomorrow.Yes, I_.A. hope it too B. hope too C. hope that too D. hope so tooI think so.I suppose so.I hope so.( ) 17. It _ better than it_ .A. is tastedis looked B. tasteslooksC. tastesis looked D. is tastedlooks I open the door. -The door is opened b

19、y me.(被动语态 Be + 动词+ed)例如:He has a lot of work to do/to be done.例如:It tastes very good. 主动结构 但是表达的是:被动的含义 ( ) 18. The fact(事实;实际) that all the stars(星星) are moving around(围绕。旋转;移动 ) the sun( 太阳) was first put forward( 提出) around( =about大约) 500 hundred( 百) years( 年) ago( 之前), _?A. did they B. didnt th

20、ey C. arent it D. wasnt it反义疑问句(反问句)It(天气) is going to rain, isnt _ it_?Yes, it is(going to rain). No, it isnt(going to rain).It is not going to rain, is it?No,it is not (going to rain).Yes,it is (going to rain).句子:主语+谓语(+宾语)主语;He is a good person( 人).谓语;He is a good person. They work hard.宾语 Jane a

21、lways helps me a lot.定语 It is a tall building.状语 Tom usually goes to the company at 9 oclock every day.(修饰整个句子;时间状语)Jack comes here to argue with the friends. ( 目的状语)Mary feels sad because she failed her test. ( 原因状语)表语(补语)He likes the cartoon film a lot.She is young.从句 : 连接词+完整的句子(主语+谓语)He knows(知道

22、) that Tom is a popular(受欢迎的;流行的) boy in his school.宾语从句:从句充当句子第三位宾语.They didnt tell me whether(是否) they would come.主语从句:从句充当句子的第一位主语。That he hasnt yet come here is not clear.定语从句:(定语:修饰名词的结构This is a nice man.)This is a nice man whom I meet often.这个就是我经常见到的善良的男士那是JANE最喜欢的书。That is the book which/th

23、at Jane likes most.同位语:对等的两个事物或者人。She has two children( 孩子 ), a boy and a girl.Jack is my father, a school teacher.同位语从句:对等的两个事物中,一个为单词,另外一个用从句表达对等关系。The common sense(常识) that Yangtze River is the longest river in China is clear to everyone.( ) 19. She _the piano since she was a child.A. played B. h

24、as played C. have played D. had playedFor +(一段)时间 : 为期。Since+时间(点) :自从。起都用于完成时态They have been in Shanghai for 3 years.They have been in Shanghai since 2007.( )20. In need of( 需要 ) money, Bob had to( 不得不 ) take_ job( 做。某项工作) that/which was offered(=give-n) to him.A. whatever(定语) B. no matter what(连词

25、) C. whichever D. no matter whichLack of( 缺乏)。In short of(缺乏 )。No matter what happens=Whatever happens, he will come over to help me.What who when where how+-ever表示强调Whatever whoever wheneverYou can come here whenever you like.They want to do whatever they like.三 完形填充:The show business attracts(吸引)

26、many young people. 21_, only very few(很少;几乎没有) can hope(希望) to become(成为;变得) 22_ . Talent (才能;天赋) is not 23_. Without(没有) a good manager(经理人;经纪人), a performer(=actor演员) can never hope to succeed(成功). Fashion (时尚) is also(还;也) important(重要的) in this business. The best tailor(裁缝) in the world will nev

27、er be successful(成功的) if he makes old-fashioned(过时的) clothes(衣服). Few(可数) little(不可数):否定句A few/a little: 肯定句( )21 A. Unfortunately(不幸的是) B. Therefore (=so因此)C. Naturally(自然地)D. Luckily(幸运的是)( )22. A. active(积极的;活泼的) B. excellent(优秀的)C. famous(著名的)D. attractive(有吸引力的)( )23. A. important(重要的)B. enough

28、 (足够的)C. necessary(必须的) D. encouraged(受到鼓励的) In exactly the same way(同样), a performer must(必须) 24_ his act(表演) in order to(为了) 25_ the taste(口味) of the moment(当时). This is true for actors(演员) and dancers(舞蹈演员), but perhaps most of all(大多数) for 26_. ( )24.A. keep(保持) B. make(制作、制造)C. remain(保持)D). ch

29、ange(改变)( )25 A. follow(跟随) B. get (得到) C. change (改变)D. agree(同意) Meet the need/demand(满足需求) Satisfy the need(满足需求) Meet the standard(达到标准)( )26. A. artists(艺术家) B. tailors(裁缝) C. women (妇女)D. singers(歌手)Pop stands for(代表) popular, and a pop singer(流行歌手) has to(必须) 27_ hard to become popular(流行的;受欢

30、迎的). He(=One) must either(要么;或者) give the public(公众) what they want, or (要么;或者) he must find(找到) a new way(方式;方法) of singing(唱歌) that will attract(吸引) their attention(注意力). Even when he has succeeded, and his records(唱片) are sold(sell的被动语态) everywhere, he cannot 28_. He must work harder(更努力) than(比) ever(曾经;过去) to 29_ popular, 30_ there are always younger(更年轻的) singers trying to(尝试) become famous(出名的). ( )27. A. act(行动;表演) B. work(工作) C. travel(旅行) D. sing(唱歌)( )28. A. give up(放弃) B.become

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