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1、江西新建二中上学期高三月考试英语新建二中20092010学年度上学期12月月考试卷科目:高三英语 命题人:程宗义 2009.12.19考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分 一、听力(每小题1.5分,满分30分)1. What do we know about the restaurant?A. Its now the mans favorite one. B. Its now the womans favorite one.C. Its food is not as good as before2. Where are the womans keys?A. In the pocket of h

2、er coat. B. In the mans room C. In her handbag.3. What is the total cost of the tickets?A. 1,200 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 1,800 yuan4. What does the woman want?A. A book about geography. B. A book about traveling. C. A book with the white cover.5. What does the woman most probably do?A. A clerk. B. A wai

3、tress. C. A salesgirl.6. What is the womans problem?A. She is hurt during the X-ray examination. B. There is something wrong with her lungs.C. She catches a cold and coughs heavily.7. When will the woman get the results?A. Two hours later. B. Three hours later. C. Before she leaves the hospital.8. H

4、ow long havent the speakers seen each other?A. About forty years. B. About fourteen years. C. About four years.9. How did the woman find the man?A. The mans brother told her. B. Her brother told her. C. The man wrote a letter to tell her.10. Why does the woman visit the man?A. She wants to send a le

5、tter to the man. B. She intends to stay at the mans home.C. She wants the man to know she is in town.11. Why does the woman have to put off the meeting?A. She couldnt get in touch with her cousin. B. She has to attend an important party.C. Her plane has been delayed because of the fog.12. What does

6、the woman ask the man to do?A. To find her cousins address. B. To send her cousin a message. C. To attend her cousins party.13. What are they going to do on Thursday?A. Visit the womans cousin. B. Attend John Browns party. C. Have a conference.14. What are the two speakers talking about?A. The weeke

7、nd plan. B. The travel schedule. C. Their hobbies.15. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Father and daughter. B. Friends. C. Husband and wife.16. What does the woman like best? A. Playing football. B. Climbing mountains. C. Singing songs.17. What do they decide to do in th

8、e end?A. Have a get-together. B. Climbing mountains. C. have a picnic.18. Why is an earthworm(蚯蚓) useful?A. It is a very hard-working animal. B. It digs tunnels. C. It makes the soil rich.19. What will happen to the plant material dragged underground by earthworms?A. Remaining fresh. B. Becoming dry

9、. C. Becoming rotten.20. How much soil can 50,000 earthworms carry to the surface of an acre of land in a year?A.8 tons B. 18 tons C. 80 tons二、单项填空(每小题1分,满分15分)21. He seems to be lost in thought. Why? Because the film _his memories of his childhood.A. calls up B. picks up C. brings up D. takes up22.

10、 Im terribly sorry to have put you through so much trouble. _. I know you didnt mean to.A. Forget about it B. No trouble C. All right D. Youre welcome23. Can I smoke in this hall? No, you cant. If you _, please go to the smoking room.A. should B. might C. can D. must24. While many believe Benjamin F

11、ranklin to have discovered electricity, recent findings seem to show _.A. anyway B. otherwise C. somehow D. so25. The company gave away 300 dictionaries to the students at the beginning of the term, and _500 the next term.A. more B. another C. other D. further26. Life is like time. Once _, it never

12、returns. A. to lose B. loving C. lost D. being lost27. Exploring _space is exciting, yet dangerous. There is _need for both robots and humans for space exploration. A. the; a B. a; a C. /; a D. /; the28. _that the girl with an incurable disease would die soon, the boy decided to help her make her la

13、st days beautiful and meaningful. A. Being found out B. Found out C. To find out D. Having found out29. My hometown, _I spent my happy childhood, has changed a lot. A. when B. where C. which D. since30. The roommates have lived for three years and not once _with each other. A. they had quarreled B.

14、they have quarreled C. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled 31. The lake is calm and clear, and one of the things that _in the water is the famous tower. A. reflects B. reflect C. is reflected D. are reflected32. Dont forget where the emergency exits are _an emergency. A. in place of B. in favo

15、r of C. in case of D. in charge of 33. The nutrients in _falls into the ocean quickly become available to other living creatures. A. whatever B. whichever C. that D. wherever34. Where is my English book? I brought it to you _you were in hospital yesterday afternoon. A. since B. if C. once D. while35

16、. If we keep wasting so much energy, _are that our oil wells will dry up and the environment will be destroyed. A. problems B. difficulties C. questions D. chances三、完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)A wise man once said, “A man who makes no mistakes usually does not make anything.” It took me a long time to gather

17、 the 36 to admit that I had been making mistakes since my earliest days. 37 , many of the things that I had learned were 38 .As a child from a poor family, I learned that when you had money, you were 39 to spend it on whatever brought you happiness 40 . I didnt understand that even though putting mo

18、ney in the bank would not 41 me that quick joy, it could provide a sense of 42 I still had that money.One problem is that I never had an opportunity to 43 any money of my own until late in my teen years. All of my gift money 44 to my parents for “saving”, which actually 45 to be an emergency fund(风险

19、基金) for things such as food.On rare 46 , some relatives would give me some money, but they would 47 in my ear not to tell my mother and to spend it quickly on something fun. Their 48 was good they wanted to bring joy to the life of a “ 49 ”boy, but it didnt teach me any 50 skills. Soon I would go ba

20、ck to having no money.Another thing is that I believed that 51 help from others was bad. My parents were strict, and in many ways I 52 their philosophy (处事原则), but their personal beliefs prevented them from ever accepting any help. 53 we often had to live on a single part-time income, we never asked

21、 54 anything. In this way, I was led to believe that accepting a helping hand, even in 55 of great need, was a sign of weakness.36. A. time B. power C. courage D. chance37. A. Otherwise B. Also C. Instead D. However38. A. different B. common C. big D. wrong39. A. supposed B. determined C. ordered D.

22、 left40. A. naturally B. immediately C. probably D. eventually41. A. buy B. prove C. sell D. show42. A. direction B. guilty C. safety D. difference43. A. receive B. lend C. manage D. earn44. A. gave B. went C. borrowed D. left45. A. added up B. came up C. gave out D. turned out46. A. states B. occas

23、ions C. situations D. moments47. A. shout B. explain C. whisper D. insist48. A. plan B. information C. look D. intention49. A. naughty B. poor C. hopeless D. lovely50. A. financial B. imaginative C. popular D. formal51. A. offering B. accepting C. begging D. demanding52. A. disobeyed B. ignored C. r

24、espected D. agreed53. A. Even if B. Now that C. Unless D. Until54. A. about B. around C. against D. for55. A. groups B. terms C. ways D. times四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分40分)AWhen I was a stay-at-home mom, there were times I wished I could buy some beautiful flowers, but the money that they would cost was needed

25、 in the home. When I walked into town with the family, my youngest daughter, Lily, would always carry a flower stem(花梗). Thats how she got the nickname “Stick Girl”.One day when we passed the flower lady with Lily, the flower lady smiled at her and said, “Come here. I have something for you.” She ha

26、nded her a beautiful flower. Lily dropped the stem and held on to that flower until we came back home. We placed it in water and enjoyed the beauty of that flower along with the feelings of warmth and kindness from the flower lady.My neighbors would run to her to get a bouquet of flowers whenever th

27、ey wanted to, and I used to give directions(为人指路) using the flower lady. I would say, “Walk for three blocks. Youll see the flower lady. Turn right at that street.”My mom visits me each year. On her first summer visit this year, she looked at me and asked, “Wheres the flower lady?”I had no idea. The

28、 flower lady had been an icon(偶像) for me for 16 years, but now she wasnt there any more.I went on a search and soon found her in another spot, at the Harbor Loop. I was glad to see her and I had to tell her that she was missed!I have a garden which I admire very much now. Every time I see those brig

29、ht colors when I come home after a day of work, I remember the generosity of a dear old lady whom I only know as the flower lady.56. When the flower lady gave Lily a flower, Lily _.A. accepted it happilyB. paid for it and walked home quickly C. accepted it and forgot that other people were laughing

30、at her D. felt sorry for not being able to pay for it57. Why did the author give directions using the flower lady? A. Because the flower lady used to give her daughter many flowers. B. Because she felt grateful for the flower ladys generosity and warmth. C. Because her neighbors usually bought flowe

31、rs from the flower lady.D. Because the flower lady ran the flower shop with her and her mother.58. From the passage, we know that _.A. it was the flower lady who taught the author how to grow flowers B. the author didnt know the flower ladys address or name C. the flower lady used to sell flowers in one place all the ti

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