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1、版高考英语一轮复习UnitPeople课时作业北师大版必修精Unit 13 People 基础训练 .用适当的介词或副词填空1She devoted all her time and energy _ looking after the little child.2We delayed our departure _ account of the bad weather.3It was a bad year for films, _ terms of both quantity and quality.4The boss keeps finding fault _ my work; for s

2、ome reason hes been getting at me all day.5The teens accuse their parents _ misleading them.6Faced with the difficulty,Ive no idea how to deal _ it.7Whenever we go out to dinner,I always end _ paying the bill.8They persuaded me in to take shelter _ the rain.答案1.to2.on3.in4.with5.of6.with 7up8.from.完

3、成句子9The teacher desired that all the homework _ before school was over. 老师希望所有的作业应在放学前都交上。10How do you _ so many mistakes in your homework? 你如何解释作业中出了这么多错误?11_,he is safe now. 使我感到十分欣慰的是,他现已平安无事了。12We really _ she offered to help. 她来帮忙,我们真的十分感激。13Dont _ in the sun. 不要让那个男孩一直站在阳光下。答案9.(should) be han

4、ded in10.account for making11Much to my relief12.appreciated it when13.have the boy standing.课文浓缩语法填空 Most students do an IQ test early in their school career because they believe that it is IQ _14_ determines how well theyre going to do in life. _15_,new research into EQ suggests that success is no

5、t simply the result of a high IQ. Professor Salovey,who invented the term EQ,gives the following _16_ (describe): At work,it is IQ that gets you _17_ (hire) but it is EQ that gets you promoted. _18_ (support) by his academic research,Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someones future su

6、ccess,their character,as measured by EQ tests,might _19_ (actual) matter more than their IQ.The result of studies shows that EQ is _20_ important,if not more important than IQ. To get ahead in the world and lead _21_ happy successful life means getting on _22_ other people and _23_ able to understan

7、d and react to situations in the best way.答案14.that15.However16.description17.hired 18Supported19.actually20.as21.a22.with23.being .根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Ways Positive People Separate Themselves From Negative EnergyThey dont base their happiness on external stimulations(外部刺激)_24_

8、They realize once the stimulant is gone, their mood would be ruined.Instead, they look for internal sources of positive energy and practice mindfulness.They practice positive thinking._25_ So, if you think negatively, theres no bright future ahead of you.Positive people dont believe in the excuses t

9、heir minds come up with.Through positive affirmations and finding the good side of any problem, they make sure they are mentally set up for success._26_ Your surroundings have a great impact on yourself.If you spend time with positive people, you are more likely to be happy and content.On the other

10、hand, if you are too close to naysayers and complainers, you will have a hard time removing the negativity from your life._27_ Physical training is associated with releasing endorphins(内啡肽) which are responsible for “feeling good.” Treating your body the right way pays off and results in reduced str

11、ess and boosted happiness.On the other hand, if you ignore your bodys needs, it will let you experience the negative consequences soon enough.They spend time in the nature._28_ Positive people dedicate a part of their day to get outside and admire the beauty of our planet.Its a great way to load you

12、r batteries!AThey train regularly.BThey cut off negative people.CThoughts influence your actions.DThere are endless reasons to believe in yourself.EHappy people create happiness from within.FBeing in the nature clears your mind and relaxes your body.GThey invest in experiences to discover the world

13、and create some great memories.答案24E短文第一句说明“他们(快乐的人)不希望他们的幸福建立在外部刺激上。”接下来的一句应该说明他们如何创造幸福,选项E意为“他们从自身内部创造幸福。”与上面一句相衔接。故选E。25C本段的主题句They practice positive thinking.意为“他们正面思考”,选项C意为“思想影响行为”,与主题相符合。故选C。26B根据本段内容,特别是“如果你把时间花在和一个积极的人的交往上,你更有可能快乐和满足。”可知,本段主题应该是“他们不与消极的人交往”。故选B。27A根据空格后面的Physical training i

14、s.以及Treating your body the right way.可知,本段说明的是“快乐的人定期训练”。故选A。28F本段标题意为“他们花时间在自然中。”选项F的意思是“处于自然之中清理你的思想和放松你的身体。”与本段标题相符合。故选F。能力提升.完形填空体裁:记叙文话题:提供帮助词数:326时间:18Nineyearold Bethany Walker has a very special motto:“Youre never too little to make a difference.” Since last year, Bethany has been weaving br

15、acelets(手链) and _1_ them to raise money for Anne Marie Cox, who has a _2_ skin disease.By selling the bracelets on her Facebook page, the 9yearold has _3_ $47,000 for Anne Maries family to _4_ a therapeutic saltwater pool, one of the few therapies available.Bethanys mom Janet said that when her daug

16、hter came to her with the bracelet idea, she thought it was very _5_, but that she wouldnt be able to raise more than a few hundred dollars.“You _6_ tell your kid no, you cant do that when theres a _7_ they could succeed,” Janet said.“So after _8_ it with me and my husband, Bethany went with it.” It

17、 took Bethany only 19 weeks to raise the money by posting the _9_ on Facebook.When the _10_ of the pool finished last month, the Cox family hosted a swim party to _11_Kandi Cox, Anne Maries mom, said that aquatic therapy is one of the only physical therapies _12_ to the rare disease.She is especiall

18、y _13_ for the pool because it allowed her daughter to feel like a _14_ girl.“Now she can spend time with friends and _15_ in it,” Kandi said.“It is so much more than a swimming pool.It is _16_ lifechanging for this child and for our family.I have been _17_ with kind messages from people all over th

19、e world who have heard the girls story and been _18_ by it.” In pursuit of her goal to help those in need, Bethany is continuing to make bracelets _19_ Anne Maries pool has been completed.Her next _20_ is to provide financial aid to the family of a young boy named Riley, who has a cancer.“I want kid

20、s to know that they can make a difference too.” 1A.donating Bdecorating Cselling Ddelivering 答案C根据下面一句中的By selling the bracelets on her Facebook page,可知,Bethany Walker编织手链并在Facebook page上卖掉来为Anne Marie Cox筹钱。2A.rare Bcommon Cslight Dusual 答案A根据短文内容特别是下文的to the rare disease可知,Anne Marie Cox所得的是一种罕见的皮

21、肤病。故选A。3A.raised Bsaved Cbegged Dcheated 答案ABethany Walker在Facebook page上卖自己编织的手链为生病的Anne Marie Cox 已经筹集了$47,000。 Bafford Cdesign Ddevelop 答案BBethany Walker为Anne Marie Cox家筹钱的目的是为了让她的家能够买一个能够为Anne Marie Cox的皮肤病治疗的盐水水池。5A.funny Bstrange Cexpensive Dpracticable 答案DBethany Walker的妈妈Janet认为Bethany

22、 Walker在网上卖她编织的手链为Anne Marie Cox筹钱这个主意是可行的。6A.only Bnever Calso Dstill 答案B根据句意可知,作为父母绝不要告诉孩子“不,你不可以做那事”。其他选项不符合句意。7A.responsibility Bchallenge Cpossibility Drequest 答案C有成功的机会的时候,对孩子绝不要说“不,你不能做这事”。8A.discussing Barguing Cdebating Dsharing 答案ABethany Walker在和妈妈和爸爸讨论了她提出的主意以后,开始编织手链卖了。9A.bags Bcaps Cbr

23、acelets Dboxes 答案C文章第一段中的Since last year, Bethany has been weaving bracelets就提示了答案。 Bbusiness Cperformance Dpractice 答案ABethany Walker筹集了$47,000为Anne Marie Cox在家里建一个池塘,上个月施工完成。11A.reserve Bprotect Centertain Dcelebrate 答案D水池建造完工,Anne Marie Cox一家举办了一个晚会来庆祝。12A.inspiring Bavailable Cap

24、pointed Dvaluable 答案B这种水上疗法是针对这种罕见的疾病的唯一一种物理疗法。13A.annoyed Bworried Csatisfied Dthankful 答案DBethany Walker筹集了$47,000为Anne Marie Cox在家里建一个池塘为她治疗皮肤病,由此可知Anne Marie Cox的妈妈对Bethany Walker很感激。14A.sick Bnormal Cspecial Dspare 答案B在这个池塘里游泳能让Anne Marie Cox感觉到自己是个正常的孩子。15A.swimming Bsinging Cdancing Drunning

25、答案A建了池塘当然是要在里面游泳了。其他选项不符合句意。16A.briefly Bcompletely Creally Dsuccessfully 答案C对于Anne Marie Cox来说,这个池塘不只是一个游泳池,而是一个改变人生的东西。17A.overwhelmed Bdisappointed Cdepressed Dangry 答案A看到来自世界各地的人们对女儿的留言,Anne Marie Cox感到受宠若惊。18A.threatened Bfrightened Ctouched Dencouraged 答案C人们看到了Anne Marie Cox的故事并且被这个故事感动了。19A.a

26、s if Bas for Clong before Deven though 答案D根据句意可知,尽管Bethany Walker为Anne Marie Cox筹钱建造一个池塘的目标已经完成,Bethany Walker将继续编织手链。20A.experiment Bgoal Ctrade Dadventure 答案Bprovide financial aid to the family of a young boy named Riley是Bethany Walker的下一个目标。.阅读理解A体裁:记叙文话题:人物传记词数:250时间:6Johnny Cash was born in 193

27、2 in the southern state of Arkansas.His parents were poor cotton farmers.As a school boy, he began writing songs and he performed on radio programs.After high school, he joined the United States Air Force and served as a radio operator in Germany.He returned to the United States in 1954 and formed a

28、 band with two friends and performed at local events.They began recording for Sun Records in Memphis.One of the songs Cash wrote became the first country music hit record for the company.It was “Cry, Cry, Cry.”Johnny Cash performed all across the United States and Canada.By 1958, Johnny Cash was a s

29、uccessful recording artist, songwriter and singer.He was invited to perform at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee.Johnny Cash won many awards, including eleven Grammy Awards and the Kennedy Center Honors.He was elected to both the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

30、.He also received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.He died on September 12, 2003, in Nashville at the age of seventyone.Fans say that Johnny Cashs music was important because it told simple stories about life and death.They say he cared about social issues and continued to express support for those who are poor and without political power.One of the last songs he recorded was one made popular by the rock and roll group Nine Inch Nails.It is called “Hurt.”【语篇解读】本文介绍了美国著名艺术家、歌词作者、歌唱家Johnny Cash的生平和成就。21Johnny Cash re

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