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1、新职业英语第二版答案新职业英语第二版答案【篇一:新职业英语第一册课后练习答案】txtunit1 1. 这一切不是一朝一夕可以实现的。(achieve) all this can not be achieved overnight. 2. 下午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙。(tend to) the gym tends to get very busy at around 6 oclock in the afternoon. 3. 这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好。(stay away from) this area is not safe at the moment, so its better

2、 to stay away from it. 4. 就销售而言,他们是该地区五大超市之一。(in terms of) they are one of the top five supermarkets in the area in terms of sales. 5. 这间房既要作卧室又得作客厅。(serve as) this room has to serve as both bedroom and living room. 6. 生产部负责监督这个项目的进展。(monitor) the production department is responsible for monitoring

3、the progress of this project. 7. 上个月经理忙于一项对营销活动的研究工作。(be involved in) the manager was involved in a research on marketing activities last month. 8. 现在许多大公司都利用网站来推销他们的产品和服务。(promote) many big companies now use websites to promote their products and services. unit2 1. 在这所新医院上面已经花费了大笔资金。(a great deal o

4、f) a great deal of money has been spent on the new hospital. 2. 成功与否取决于你的努力和能力。(depend on) success depends on your efforts and ability. 3. 很难时刻掌握科技方面的新发展。(keep track of) it is difficult to keep track of the new developments in science and technology. 4. 所有投诉都将由经理来处理。(deal with) all complaints will b

5、e dealt with by the manager. 5. 不要试着自己去做,这需要专业知识。 (specialized) dont try doing it yourself; it requires specialized knowledge. 6. 他作为最佳运动员获得了一个金杯。(award) he was awarded a gold cup for being the best athlete. 7. 为什么不关掉电视去锻炼一下身体?(turn off) why not turn off tv and do some physical exercise? 8.一年一度的庆典将在

6、元旦后一周内举行。(annual) the annual celebration will be held within the week after the new years day. unit3 1. 在工作中谨慎小心会大有裨益。(pay) it pays a lot to be careful in work.2. 我的钱仅够在美国用一年。(see through) i have just enough money to see me through a year in the us. 3. 结果表明他从未在那个公司工作过。(turn out) it turned out that h

7、e had never worked in that company. 4. 瞪着眼睛看人是不礼貌的。(manners) its bad manners to stare at people. 5. 外面太吵,我没办法集中精神干活儿。(concentrate on) its too noisy outside for me to concentrate on my work. 6. 董事会选他为公司总经理。(select) the board of directors selected him to be the general manager of the company. 7. 烤鸡是这家

8、泰国餐厅里我最喜欢的菜。(favorite) roast chicken is my favorite dish in this thai restaurant. 8我们主菜后吃的甜点是冰淇淋。(course) we had ice cream for dessert after the main course. unit4 1. 我们一进大楼就找到了这个公司。(locate) we located the company as soon as we entered the building. 2. 这两家工厂都生产电脑配件。(manufacture) both factories manuf

9、acture computer parts.3. 我已经把报告的大部分写完了。(a chunk of) i have completed a chunk of my report. 4. 你可以用锤子把这块金属弄平。(flatten) you can use a hammer to flatten out this piece of metal. 5. 我们能否进一步增强营销方面的优势?(enhance) can we further enhance our marketing advantages? 6. 他的粗心导致了任务的失败。(result in) his carelessness r

10、esulted in the failure of the task. 7. 公司非常关心员工们的未来。(be concerned about) the company is very concerned about the future of the employees. 8.办公室窗帘的颜色必须与环境相配。(match) the color of the curtains in the office should match the environment. unit8 1. 我不能担保你得到一个满意的结果。(ensure) i cant ensure that you get a sat

11、isfactory result. 2. 目前对石油的需求很大。(demand) oil is in great demand these days. 3. 面对危险她表现得很勇敢。(in the face of) she behaved bravely in the face of danger. 4. 公司的业务范围正在迅速扩大。(expand)the scope of the companys business is rapidly expanding. 5. 我没意识到自己犯了错误。(conscious) i was not conscious of having made a mis

12、take. 6. 他们希望花费最少的时间和金钱来得到最佳的结果。(minimum) they want to spend a minimum of both time and money to get the best result. 7. 我那么做是出于职责,而不是别人要我做。(responsibility) i did it on my own responsibility, without being told. 8. 营销中团队协作比个人努力更加重要。(teamwork) in marketing teamwork is more important than individual e

13、ffort.【篇二:新职业英语 课后答案】 (fixed)morning (precisely) disappointing (execution)play(installed)approval (submitted )earthquakes (provision) boss(authorize) offices out (redundant) on investment (optimum)carbon (combined with) thurtsday (take place) traffic (detained) to leave (comply with) the society (as

14、 a whole)global (in nature) donors (performed) district (residential) down (primarily) appearance (unusual)materials (substantial) remarkable (workmanship)women (range) rights (function) telephone (in contact with) a picnic (clean up) perfect (in harmony) in scotland (in addition to) audience (makin

15、g use of) crime (account for)child was (up to) people (consist of) night (spectacular) personal (preference)scandal(permanently) were (exhausted) system (adapted) on food (proportion) problems (innumerable) interests (versatile) the fire(property)is (negligible) 1.wouldnt you like to submit your ten

16、der? 难道你们不想参与投标吗? 2.but first of all , we want to know what to know what we have to do before sending our tender .但是,首先。 3.we will finish the work as soon as possible. 我们会。 do you assess the volume of work on the project?你们如何。 5.the work volume is assessed on the basis of the acquired data .工程

17、量。 6.when will you arrange the registration formalities for our company?你什么时候。 7.we must bear in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting our life .我们必须。 do you rate our chances of success?你看我们中标。 9.i suppose you must have a greater probability of success in winning the tender.我认为你们。 10.good

18、 luck and success to you and your company .祝你及贵公司。 is good to have a chance to talk about this important topic 有机会讨论。 2.first i would like to make it clear that in principle the contract conditions are complied with the “fidic”document .首先,我想说明一下。 3.frankly speaking ,we do have some different o

19、pinions on the conditions if you dont mind 坦率的讲。 5.for such a tight construction program , we cannot allow any delay for commencement对工期如此 such a case we withdraw our opinion for this clause. 既然这样。 竞标成功success in bidding合同条件 contract dause(conditions) i refer to your advertisement on the intern

20、et for a contract specialist . as you will see from my resume i graduated from college in 2008 with a degree in civil engineering . as a student i worked for changfeng architecture inc .as an intern during the summer holidays and since graduating i have been working for hongda construction company d

21、ealing with contract related issues and preparing tender documents . i am keen to extend my experience and learn more about contract negotiation your company is highly regarded and i would be very grateful for the opportunity to work for you . i am honest hard working and keen to learn and can assur

22、e you of my very best efforts on behalf of your company . please find my resume attached i look forward to hearing from you 我指你的广告在互联网上合同专家。 正如您将看到的frem 2008年我大学毕业我的简历与土木工程学位。作为一名学生我在长丰架构公司。在暑假实习,毕业后,我已经工作了宏达建筑公司处理合同相关问题和准备招标文件。我想延长我的经验和学习更多关于合同谈判 你的公司是高度把和我将十分感激给我这个机会为你工作。我诚实勤奋,热衷于学习,我可以向你保证最好的努力代表

23、你的公司。 请查收我的简历 我期待着你 dear sir, (after my graduation from college this fall, i am desirous of securing a position that will offer me opportunity in the field of international trading.) knowing something of the scope and enter-prise of your huge department, i thought maybe you would keep me inmind for

24、a possible opening. i majored in import export trading. my english score were always on the top three of my class of sixty. i have learned to operate computer and i can type either in english or in chinese. (although i have had no business experience, i am willing to work hard and learn. should you

25、entertain my application favorably, i would spare to trouble acquit myself to your satisfaction.) yours (亲爱的先生,我从大学毕业后今年秋天,我渴望获得的一个位置,会给我机会领域的国际贸易。)知道的东西范围和enter-prise你的巨大的部门,我想也许你会让我inmind为可能开放。我主修进出口贸易。我的英语得分总是在前三名我的类的60。我已经学会操作电脑,我可以类型无论是英语或在中国。虽然我没有业务经验,我愿意努力工作和学习。你应该娱乐我的申请有利,我会备用麻烦无罪自己对您的满意。bui

26、lding projects【篇三:新职业英语课后答案】eur企业家 1. entertaining招待 给.娱乐 链接 联系 2. manner方式 习惯 规矩 2.acquired 获得 拥有3. implied意味着 暗指 3.tend to 倾向于 4. urgency紧迫 4.relevant (紧密)相关的5. intelligently聪颖的 机智的 5.stay away from 远离 6. formal 正式的 拘谨的 有条理的 6.excel突出 擅长 7. conduct表现 实施 7.popularity普及 大众化 声望 8. knowledgeabl

27、e知识渊博的 有见识的 8.features特色 特点 9. turned out增强 发展起来 9.fueled刺激 给.提供燃料10. representative代表 具有代表性的 1.individuals 个人 个体 2.schedule 时间表 计划表 3.reflects 反映 4.range范围 5.appropriate适合的 适当的 6.operate操作 运转 7.challenging挑战 with 处理 9.prospects前景 前途 期望 10.anticipate预计 期望 1.ran over 把.。飞快地读 (看 检查)一遍 2.outweig

28、hed超过 比.重 目标 对象 4.attempt尝试 努力 5.sketch草图 素描 6.remote远程的 遥控的 远的 7.enhance提高 提升 8.manufacture生产 9.flattened把.弄平 变平 10.located指出 确定.的位置 1.profit利润 2.participate参与 3.consumers消费者 法律的 合法的 5.additional 额外的 附加的 6.parties 一方 当事人 7.opportunity机会 8.specialized in 专门从事 专攻 9.exchange交换 10.expo

29、rt 出口 改写句子 task 4 1. the wheels appears to be going back when a car. 2. everyone appears to talking about google earth 3. no one appeared to have noticed 1. most people dont like thethat human might be cloned someday . 2. but you are trying to coverthe fact that we dont have enough money . 3. we hav

30、e to that the goods have been damaged 1.she was so weak that she had to go to see. 2.he was so surprised that he could3. it was so cold at night , thus i couldnt sleep. 1.the mother didnt leave the room until the child 2.i didnt know the truth until you . 3. we wont start the meeting until 1. he did

31、 not know where to 2. we have not decided whether to go there 3.i can tell you how to get to 1.where is the book which i bought 2.the teacher who teaches will come tomorrow. 3.the woman who is speaking at is our manager 3. if you have a difficult time, i 1.the most 2.the3.1mary studies hard, while h

32、er little brother tom plays e 2 the design of the product has been improved, while the quality is 3 the girl managed a sweet smile on her face, while she was bleeding took the manager a whole afternoon to explain the new took the government several weeks to calm down took jimmie a whole day to figure out the 1.the harder she works,

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