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1、公共英语二级真题及答案2013年9月公共英语二级真题及答案听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。听音频: 回答1-5题1、What do we know about the man?AHe gets up late every day BHe likes collecting clocksCHe has difficulty waking up2、 What does the man like about the restaurant?AIts

2、 food BIts service CIts environment3、How does the woman probably get to work?AOn foot BBy bus CBy bike4、What will the man probably do?AGo to a bar BStay indoors CSee a doctor5、When will the woman be able to use her car?ARight now BIn three hours CThe next day 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个

3、选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。6、What seems to be the mans problem?AKeeping his room clean every day BGetting along with his roommateCHaving trouble making friends7、 What does the woman suggest the man do?ATry to get more sleep BBuy some music CDs CTalk

4、 to Charlie8、 What do we know about Steve?AHeS seeing a doctor BHeS absent from work CHeS on a business trip9、 How does Steve feel now?AWeak BTired CBored.10、 What is Sue going to do next week?ATravel on business BSee her manager CVisit SteVe.11、 Whv does the man have the talk with the woman?ATo get

5、 into a sch001 BTo join a sports team. CTo get a job12、 What did the mall learn from playing on the football team?AHow to manage his time BHow to compete with othersCHow to ask for advice from teachers13、 What are the mans strengths?AFriendly and kindhearted BSupportive and ready to help.CHardworkin

6、g and eager to learn.14、 What are the two speakers talking about?ABuying holiday presents. BMaking a Christmas plan.CSharing opinions on friendship15、 What does the woman always give to her friends?AFruit BChocolate CCoffee.16、 What does the woman say about Mary?AShe prefers fruit to coffee BShe is

7、trying to lose weightCShe usually goes abroad during holidays.17、 How does the woman feel about TimS suggestion?ADoubtful BSurprised CSatisfied.18、 What does the Go Group do?AOffer support to businesses BPromote peace in the worldCDo research on education in the UK19、 What may the“Big Freezemean to

8、others?AA false smile BA quick smile CA broad smile20、 How can one make a good impression according to the research?ASmile widely BSmile naturally CSmile readily第一节 单项填空从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡l上将该项涂黑21、I have two tickets for the musical Cat tonightCan you come with me?oh,_!Im going to vis

9、it my uncle todayAhow wonderful Bwell done CthatS nothing Dwhat a shame22、 On weekend,the park is full of people_themselves in the sunshineAto enjoy Benjoying Cenjoy Denjoyed23、 The storm in_early summer caused_heavy damage to the crops ready to be harvestedAthe; Ban;the C;the Dan;a24、 _going to Fre

10、nch evening classes twice a week,Ann does Tai Chi on WednesdaysABecause of BExcept for CAgainst DBesides25、一Why are you SO busy these days?一We_treesWhy not join us?Ahave planted Bwill plant Care planting Dplanted26、 Admittedly,I could have tried_but I still dont think all this blame is fairAhard Bha

11、rder Chardest Dhardly27、 Please remain_until the airplane comes to a complete stopAseating Bseat Cseated Dto seat28、 The Pyramids of Egypt were built more than three thousand years a90,and no one knows_.Ahow Bwhen Cwhat Dwhere29、 _I like Carter personally,I dont think what heS doing is fightAIf BAs

12、CWhile DUnless30、 After the argument Colin ran away and_sinceAisnt heard of Bwasnt heard of Chasnt been heard of Dhadnt been heard of31、一Who can that be at the door at this hour?_my neighborHe often calls this lateAThis is BHeS CItS DThereS 32、 It was_lovely weather that the boys all went swimmin9As

13、uch Bthat Chow Dwhat 33、 The door is open but nobody is inSusan_have forgotten to lock the doorAshould Bmust Cwould Dcould34、一Would you mind helping me with my suitcase?_.AI hope SO BNot at all CThatS nothing DGo ahead35、 Dick only had some Coke at the party,because he always_asleep after drinking w

14、ineAfalls Bbecomes Cfeels Dlies第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。回答36-55题A thief dropped a winning lottery ticket(彩票)at the scene of his crime,but he has been givena lesson in36The man whom he robbed(抢劫)_37_the ticket and won the25,000 prize,but he managed to find the

15、 thief,and handed over the_38_The robbery happened when Professor Sabbatuccci was changing a tyre(轮胎)on a highwayAnother motorist,who stoppedt0_39_ ,stole a suitcase from his car and drove offThe pr0fessor found the_40_ticket and put it in his pocket before_41_ homeNext day,the professor saw the lot

16、tery_42_0n TV and realized it was a winnerHe_43_the25,000 prizeThen began a_44_with his conscience(良心)In the end,hedecided he could not keep the money_45_ he had been robbedHe then put a_46_in newspapers and made an announcement on the radi0,_47_:Im trying to find the man who robbed meI have25,000 f

17、or hima lottery_48_Please meet meThe professor received hundreds of_49_from people who were hoping t0_50_him into handing them the cashBut there was one voice he_51_and he arranged to meet the man in a parkThe robber gave back the_52_and burst into tearsHe could not_53_what was happeningWhy didnt yo

18、u_54_the money?he askedThe professor replied:I couldnt because itS not mineThen he walked off,turning down the thiefS_55_tO share the prize36、Afriendship Bhonesty Cbravery Dadventure37、Asent Btook out Cbought Dpicked up38、Acrime Bticket Ccash Devidence39、Arepair Brest Cwatch Dhelp40、Aleft Bdropped C

19、forgotten Ddamaged41、Arunning Bwalking Cdriving Driding42、Aresults Bstory Closs Dsales43、Apresented Btook Cdonated Dshared44、Abattle Bbusiness Clecture Dquarrel45、Asince Bwhile Ceven though Das if46、Areview Brequest Cshow Dnotice47、Ajoking Bsaying Cwondering Dreplying48、Anumber Bluck Cwin Dreceipt49

20、、Anotes Bemails Cletters Dcalls50、Atrick Bpersuade Clead Ddraw51、Arecognized Bremembered Crecorded Drecovered52、Acar Bsuitcase Cmoney Dcheck53、Aimagine Bblame Cbelieve Drealize54、Akeep Breturn Cgive Dearn55、Adeal Bpromise Cpayment Doffer第三部分阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出t最佳选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。Text 1Wh

21、at would you do if you were a fifth grader facing a huge homework load every night,and you found out that there was a machine that would do all the work for you?T hats the situation presented tO Sam,Kelsey,Judy and Brenton in Dan Gutmans entertaining new book for youngreaders,The Homework MachineThe

22、 four childrenall fifth graders in Miss Rasmussens class at Grand Canyon School,are asdifferent as any four 11 year-olds could be,but they have one thing in commonall are somewhat separated from their classmates。Sam is a newcomer and has had his share of school trouble before:Kelsey quietly carries

23、her pain at losing her father;Judys sense of justice(正义感)always annoys others;and Brentonwell,he is another story entirelyBrenton is easily the Smanest child in school, so smart mat even his parents and teachers have trouble keeping up with himWhen Bren ton and his three classmates are put into the

24、same study group by their teacher,me others discover that Brenton has made a time-saving gadget(装置)to do his homework for himWhile the boy genius(天才)is perfectly able to do the homework himself,Sam,Kelsey and Judy could use the helpHaving perfect grades is something new for these three,and as they m

25、eet every day to“ do homework”,they find that theyre learning a lotabout each otherSuch a good thing Cant last though,and when a secret man starts trying to get in touch with them,the children begin to get nervous. Soon theres an even more frightening problem-why cant the Homework Machine be turned

26、off?Told in different voices(as all the children make statements to the Grand Canyon Police),the story develops in an interesting fashionGutman is a gifted writer who has written dozens of childrens books,each with a funny and impressing tale that should be equally liked by boys and girls56、What typ

27、e of text is it?AA book review BA school reportCA science story DA student,s diary57、 What is one common thing that all four children have to deal wim at school?AGetting along with classmates BOvercoming sad feelingsCFollowing school rules DKeeping good grades58、What can we learn about Brenton?AHe i

28、s careless BHe is cleverCHe is brave DHe is quiet59、Why did the children get frightened?AThey had no idea how to stop the machineBThey lost the connection with each otherCThey were questioned by a strange man DThey were tracked down by the policeText 2While car sharing is a concept thats catching on

29、,oldfashioned carpooling where a group of people take turns driving each other to work has always faced a resistance(抗拒)In a study on traffic problems by ABC News,84of those who drive to work say that they still do it aloneMore than half of those lone riders insist that carpooling is just too inconvenient,and 18say they simply dont know anyone to share a ride withNow technology makes carpooling easier and more funNuRide,a company provided an on-line carpooling service last year,offers daily travelers in the Washington area not just

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