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1、最新欢乐美语文本全欢乐美语文本(全)欢乐美语Program 1 Happy Birthday 生日快乐 Program 2 A Great Idea 好主意 Program 3 Music Under the Stars 露天音乐会 Program 4 Two for the Road 结伴同行 Program 5 Driving Lessons 驾驶课 Program 6 Power of the Press 报纸显神通 Program 7 A Country Fair 集市探奇 Program 8 Write for the Job 求职信 Program 9 A Woolly Adven

2、ture 顾客至上 Program 10 The Heart of Country Music 乡村音乐胜地 Program 11 After-school Activities 课余活动 Program 13 Take Me Out to the Ball Game 棒赛记趣 Program 14 New Orleans: A Mix of Cultures 文化熔炉 Program 15 A House Call 出诊记 Program 16 Washington,D.C, the Nations Captial 首府之行 Program 17 A Picinc Indoors 室内野餐

3、Program 18 Go West, Young Man 西部览胜 Program 19 Just Like the Old Days 旧梦重温 Program 20 The Spirit of the West 西部风情 Program 21 A Computer Does the Job 电脑助诊 Program 22 The Ways of the Navojos 印第安民俗 Program 23 Music! Music! Music! 音乐启蒙 Program 24 A Newspaper Deadline 初试锋芒 Program 25 A Day on the Farm 农场一

4、日 Program 26 A Surprise Party 惊喜派对 Program 27 Moving In 近邻胜远亲 Program 28 Just the Two of us 你我度今宵 Program 29 I didnt Mean To 无心之失 Program 30 A Song From Long Ago 旧曲难忘 Program 31 Recycling 废品回收 Program 32 A Getaway Vacation 如愿以偿 Program 33 Its a Deal 一言为定 Program 34 The Great Northwest 西北奇观 Program 3

5、5 Ethnic Food 风味菜肴 Program 36 Riverdale Day 小镇公益日 Program 37 On the Nature Trail 走向大自然1 Happy Birthday生日快乐 INTRODUCTION TO ACT I Welcome to TUNING IN THE U.S.A. Today of the Stewart family. The Stewarts are having a birthday party for Richard, one of the three Stewart children. Today is Richards thi

6、rtieth birthday. RICHARDS MOTHER Ellen, his wife Marilyn, and his brother Robbie are all there. His grandfather is there, too. There is a cake. There is singing. And there are presents, including an unusual present from Richards grandfather. ACT I The family sings “ Happy Birthday” to Richard. Richa

7、rd: Thanks, everyday. Robbie: Hey, Im hungry, Richard, Lets cut the cake. Richard: Hold on a minute, Robbie. Maybe we should wait for Dad to get home. What do you think, Mom? Ellen: Oh, Richard. You know your father. He may stay late at the hospital. Richard: Ah, the life of a busy doctor. Robbie: G

8、o ahead. Cut the cake. Ellen: Sure, Richard. We can save a piece for Dad. Grandpa: So, Richard, how does it feel to be thirty years old? Some of us cant remember! Richard: Ill be honest, Grandpa. Being thirty feels the same as twenty-nine. He laughs. Well, maybe better! Grandpa: Listen to an old-tim

9、er. It gets better and better! Ellen: Your grandfather is right. It does get better. Look, you have an exciting photography project ahead. Richard: And I have Marilyn, my beautiful wife. Marilyn: Ah-ha-ha! Phillip: He enters. Hello. Im home. All: Hi, Dad. Philip: Am I in time? Richard: Yes. Ellen: J

10、ust in time. Philip: Hi, Ellen. They kiss. Ellen: Perfect timing, Philip. Were cutting this beautiful chocolate cake. Philip: Sorry Im late, Richard. There was a lot to do at the hospital. Richard: Oh, come on, Dad, Were just glad you made it. Philip: Of course I made it. A son only turns thirty yea

11、rs old once. Hey! That is a beautiful cake. Richard: Here you go, Dad. A big piece. Philip: Mmm. He laughs. This tastes great. Wow! Who made this? Richard: The wife of the birthday boy. Philip: Mmmm. Marilyn. Marilyn: Thanks you, Philip. Grandpa: I think its time to give Richard his birthday present

12、s. May I begin? Ellen: Of course. Philip: Sure. Grandpa: Richard, soon you will be traveling around America. Youll have lots of time alone. And I think you will love this. He gives Richard a birthday present. Richard: A harmonica? Thanks, Grandpa. But I dont really know how to play the harmonica. Gr

13、andpa: No? Well, let me show you. INTRODUCTION TO ACT II This time on TUNING IN THE U.S.A., we join the Stewart family again at Richards thirtieth birthday party. In our last story, Grandpa Stewart gave Richard the gift of a harmonica. And as this story begins, Grandpa is teaching Richard to play it

14、. During the party, another member of the family calls from Chicago. And after the phone call, Richards wife Marilyn gives him another special present. ACT II Grandpa plays “ Happy Birthday” on the harmonica. Richard: That sounds great, Grandpa. May I try? Grandpa: Of course you can try it, Richard.

15、 Its your harmonica. Marilyn: Go ahead, honey. Give it a try. Grandpa: Yes. Ellen: Go on. Richard: He clears his throat. Here it goes. He tries to play” Happy Birthday” on the harmonica Ellen joins in on the piano. They laugh. Thanks for the help on the piano, Mon! I need time to practice. Robbie: Lots of time, Id say. Ellen: All right, Robbie. Hell soon learn to play well. We S

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