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1、八年级上册Module9Population教案2019年秋季课程外研版初二英语八年级上册 Module 9Population一、课程介绍知识点1. 重点词汇用法:billion prepareincrease 的用法2. 重点词组用法:too much prepare for的用法3. 重点语法:冠词重点语法:数字教学重点1. 各重点词汇及短语用法2. 冠词和数字用法教学难点1. 不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词的使用方法2. 数词的使用方法、要点回顾I .词汇短语1. v.出现2. n.拐角3. n.冰箱4. vt.躲藏5. n.疼痛6. adj.苍白的7. n.药8. adj.高兴的9. ad

2、j.更糟的10. v.扔11. v.咬12. pay time14.side by side15.fall off16.pick on【答案】1.appear 2.corner 3.fridge4.hide5.pai n6.pale 7.medici ne8.glad9. worse10. throw11.bite 12.注意13.及时14.肩并肩15.从跌落据 17.降落于16.n.活用句型翻译下列句子i我正在等待过马路。2当灯变红色的时候,一辆汽车突然出现在拐角处。3. 司机正在打手机。4. 当你骑自行车的时候,考虑一下事故的风险吧!【答案

3、】1.1 am wait ing to cross the road.2. When the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.3. The driver was talking on his mobile phone.4. When you are on a bike, think about the risk of an accident!三、知识精要1 )词汇noisen.噪声fifthnum.第五preparev.准备flatn.公寓n otesn.笔记rubbishn.垃圾rep

4、ortn.报告quietadj.寂静的growv.增长localadj.当地的hugeadj.巨大的pupiln.小学生causev.造成polluti onn.污染problemn.问题publicadj.公共的increasev.增长n.增大servicen.服务birthn.出生solvev.解决问题billionnum.十亿2)词组hang on稍等close to接近 close down关闭move to搬到talk about讨论live in住在too much太多的as a result结果write down写卜all over the world全世界in the fut

5、ure在将来not any more再也不疋 3)语法【语法点一】 billion、thousand、hundred 的用法billion、thousand、hundred若前无具体数字时,后接 of,应用复数形式。若前有具体的数字,则用单数形式。【语法点二】冠词用法定冠词1. 指前文提到过的人或物,表特指2. 指谈话双方都知道的人或者物3. 用于序数词或者最高级前4. 指世上独一无二的事5. 在江河、海洋、山脉等地理名词前及由普通名词构成的专有名词之前6. 用于表示方位的名词之前7. 用在表示乐器的名称之前8. 用在某些形容词前,表示一类人9. 用于姓氏复数之前,表示一豕人10. 用于某些固

6、疋短语之中: in the morning、the day after tomorrow、listen tothe radio、at the moment、go to the beach、by the way不定冠词1. 首次提到的人或者物2. 表示“每一”的概念3. 某些固定短语中: have a good time、in a hurry、have a break a lot of、havea look、with a smile*注意:a用于辅音音素开头的单词前, an用于兀音音素开头的单词前零冠词1. 在球类活动、学科前不用冠词2. 在月份、星期前不用冠词3. 如果名词前已有指示代词、 物

7、主代词、不定代词或数词等作定语, 前不用冠词4. 在某些固定短语中不用冠词: by+交通工具、at night、in trouble等注意:在某些词组中,名词前用冠词和不用冠词的意义有所不同:in class (在课堂上)in hospital (生病住院)at table (在吃饭)in the class (在班里)in the hospital (在医院里)at the table (在桌子旁)【语法点三】数词1. 基数词:one, two, three 等表示数量2. 序数词:first, seco nd, third 等表示顺序,序数词前一般要加 the3. 数词的位置很重要,尤其要

8、注意的是位于 an other, all之后,位于such, more之前女口: Can you have another two cakes?I can finish readi ng two such books in two days.4. 注意事项:(1) 十位数之间通常用连字符 “-”,一百以上的数词通常在百位与十位或者个位之间加 and,例如 231 是 two hundred and thirty-one(2) 英语中没有万、十万、千万、亿这样的单位数词, 英语中习惯从个位往前将三位数划为一组,因此是 hun dred. thousa nd, millio n, billio n

9、5. 非整数的表达:(1) 分数的分子一基数词表示, 分母以序数词表示,当分子大于1时,序数词要用复数。其写法和读法如下:1/2 a/one half1/3 a/one third1/4 a/one fourth/quarter2/5 two fifths(2) 小数是以基数词加小数点表示, 小数点前按基数词的规则读, 小数点后面的数按个位基数词依次读出:0.006 zero point zero zero six0.257 zero point two five seve n148.06 one hun dred and forty-eight point zero six(3) 百分数是由

10、基数词加百分号组成,百分号读作 percent0.6% zero point six perce nt5%five percent四、要点讲练【要点 1】prepare 的用法1. vt. 准备如: He is preparing his speech for the meeting tomorrow.2. 词组搭配: prepare sth for sb如: My mother is preparing lunch for us.3. vi 为做准备.:prepare for sth/sb如: I was preparing for bed when I heard a knock at t

11、he door.4. prepared adj.准备好的 v.准备(prepare的过去分词)be prepared for 为 做准备be prepared to do sth 准备去做5. preparation n. 准备make/in preparations for 为 做准备make preparations against 为对付 做准备【例题 】1. (2019 天津河西区期末考试 )Tony is some notes for a report.【解析】考查 prepare 的意思。根据意思 tony 正在为报告准备一些笔记可知时态为正在进行, 因此应 该选择 prepare

12、 的现在进行时态。【答案】 preparing【例题 】2. Your mother prepared delicious food us. Please say thanks to her.A. for B. to C. in D. of【解析】考查prepare的用法。为某人准备了某物,应用固定搭配: prepare sth for sb,故选A【答案】 A【即学即用】1. 用 prepare 的正确形式及搭配填空1 Are you to take industrial action?2 I am well take the job.【答案】 prepared prepared to【要点

13、 2】billion 的用法1. num.十亿如: He claimed to have seen billions of butterflies.2. 用在数字及 several、 a few 等之后,其复数形式为 billion.3. 联系:million (百万)、thousand (千八 hundred (百)以上这些词如若前面有具体的数字时, 后面不加s。若无具体的数字时,应加 s表示“成千上万”、“成百上千的“等。如: Billions of stars twinkled in the sky.The population of China is about 1.37 billio

14、n.【例题 】(2019 天津中考 )Basketball is so exciting that people play it for fun.A. million B. two millions C. million of D. millions of【解析】 考查数词的用法。篮球是如此的令人兴奋,以至于数以万计的人乐于玩他。 Million不单独使用,而与具体数连用时要用单数,因此排除 A 和 B 选项。当 million 表示约数时, 应该用复数形式,故选 D。【答案】 D【即学即用】用 billion 的正确形式完成句子1 . 1. Exports in June rose 1.5%

15、 to a record $30.91 .2 . There are one people in that country【答案】 billion billion【链接中考】(2019 四川成都) Some scientists think that it will take of years to make robots domost work for humans.A hundreds B hundred C thousand【答案】A 考查数词的用法。固定短语 hundreds of “成百上千”;如果前面没有具体的数字,常用复 数加 of 结构表示不确切的数字。【要点3】too muc

16、h和too many的区别1. too much+不可数名词,表示太多的 ”如: We have too much work to do.2. too ma ny+复数名词,表示太多的 ”如: There are too many students in our class.3. much too 修饰形容词或者副词,表示“太”如: The box is much too heavy, so I can t carry it.【例题】(2019. 天津和平区期末考试 )Don t spend time watching TV. There are things to do.A. too muc

17、h : too much B. too many: too much C. too much: too many D. too many: too much【解析】 考查 too much 和 too many 的区别。 Time 作“时间”讲是不可数名词,因此第 一空应用 too much 修饰。而 things 是可数名词复数形式,用 too many 修饰。故选 C。【答案】 C【即学即用】You can see snow everywhere. It s cold.A. too many: many too B. too much: too many C. too much: much

18、 too D. much too: too much【答案】 C【要点4】increase的用法1. n.增大,增长如: There was a steady increase in population.2. v.增大,增长Wide reading will increase your vocabulary3. in crease by+具体数量,表示增加 ”in crease in,表示在某方面增加in crease to,表示增加到 ”in crease with,表示随着 增加”如: This numeral means a onefold increase in production

19、.4. in creased和in creasi ng都是in crease的分词形式,可用作形容词作定语。【例题】The population of this town has 5 percent.A. increased by B. increased in C. increased with D. increase to【解析】本题考察的是in crease的词组。根据题干的意思,这个小镇的人口已经增长了百 分之五或者增长到百分之五, increased by 符合题干意思。而 D 选项时态不符。故选 A 。【答案】 A【即学即用】1. 翻译句子1) 我们国家的人口已增长到了 13亿。2

20、) 它的价格增长了 30%。【答案】1) The populati on of our country has in creased to 1.3 billi on.2) It has in crease 30 perce nt in price.五、双基达标1词汇练习报告 污染 解决问题 寂静的 【答案】 report pollution solve quiet2. 翻译句子1 他们正在讨论如何和污染做抗争。2 我家附近的那家超市前几周倒闭了。【答案】 They are talk ing about how to fight aga inst the polluti on. .The sup

21、ermarketn ear my home closed dow n a few weeks ago.3. 完型填空Betty: What are you doing?Tony: I m some notes for a report 2 “ Our growing population ”.Lingling: Well, we re in the right place to talk that! Beijing is a huge city with a bigpopulati on. That 4 a lot of problems, such as 5 traffic and no i

22、se.Betty: It s not only Beijing. Population6 is a big problem in many countries. Do you know how many babies are _7 every minute in the world?To ny: No. Can you tell me?Betty: 8 250! That makes over 131.4 million births a year.Lingling: I can ,9t it!Betty: The population of China is about 1.37 billi

23、on. That Dalmosbfctteworld s population, that is , about 7 billion.Tony: 11_ on a minute! I ll write thalt2 too!Betty: But in the 13_ , China population won grow so fast, because families are_14_.Lin gli ng: How do you know all this?Betty: I wrote my 15_ yesterday!Tony: Great, tha nks! Now I can wri

24、te my report!1. A . suggesting B . preparing C. connecting D. playing2. A. calledB .stoppedC .followedD .in terviewed3. A . downB .arou ndC .upD .about4. A. causesB .disappo in tedC .worryD .troubled5. A . too manyB .too machC .much tooD .many too6. A . in creaseB .causeC .decreaseD .low7. A. bearB

25、.bornC .studiedD .served& A. LessB .MoreC .MuchD .Over9. A. setB .thi nkC .believeD .take10. A. fiveB .fifthsC .fifthD .more11. A . WaitB .HungC .HangD .Move12 . A . aboutB .outC .dow nD .in13 . A . lastB .endC .pastD .future14 . A . lessB .muchC .smallD .smaller15 . A . letterB .reportC .emailD .pa

26、per4. 答案:1-5 BADAB6-10 ABDCC 11- 15 CCDDB短文还原What do most people do in their free time? People in Beiji ng watch TV every day. Thereare all kinds of programmes. Many people watch the seven O lock CCTV news. 1_ .There is a lot of importa nt n ews in it. They can lear n many thin gs. At the sametime t

27、hey can know the world well. Many people, old and young, men and women, likewatching sports”. 2_ .They can always turn on the TV and find the sports”programmes. When there is an importa nt match, some people like to get together to watch it. 3 Cartoons are very interesting. Sometimes parents join in

28、 their children to watchthem. TV programmes are good. 4_ , it bad for our eyes. TV is beco ming the mostimporta nt things in our life.A. There are a lot of excit ing games in it.B. People like talki ng about their favorite programmes.C. It lasts thirty minu tes.D. But childre n should not watch too

29、much TVE. Childre n like carto ons.答案:1-4 CAED5. 习文练笔题目要求中国的污染已经非常严重,污染的形式多种多样,比如空气污染、水污染等。请你开动 脑经想想有什么办法能比较好的减少污染,并写一篇短文来呼吁大家能够一起来保护环境。注意:词数60词左右。思路点拨本文可分为三个部分来写:1. 把污染的情况写明2. 提出有哪些有针对性的降低污染的方法3. 最后呼吁大家来保护环境词汇热身1 关闭 2 稍等 3 太多的 【答案】 close dow n hang on too much句式温习1 我正在为一篇报告准备一些笔记。I am some no tes for a report.2. 中国的人口将近 13.7亿The of China is about 1.37 .【答案】 1.prepari ng 2. populati on; billi on

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