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1、小学三年级下册英语暑假作业三篇小学三年级下册英语暑假作业三篇 【导语】暑假作业是我们温故而知新的好方式,下面是WTT小编整理的小学三年级下册英语暑假作业三篇,欢迎借鉴! 相关推荐: 2017三年级英语暑假作业答案 三年级数学暑假作业答案(完整版) 2017三年级数学暑假作业答案 三年级下册语文暑假作业答案完整版 2017小学三年级语文暑假作业试题答案 小学生三年级数学暑假作业答案参考 三年级英语暑假作业及答案 听力部分一、听一听,选一选。根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的图片。答案请填在括号内。共十小题,每小题读两遍。1. Hi, Amy. Lets fly the kite.2. This is

2、 a woman.3. Look, this is my brother.4. Show me ABC.5. Spell the word name, N A M E, name.二、根据录音内容,判断下面的图片是否与录音内容相符,符的在图片下面的括号里打 “”,不符的打“”。1. Look, this is my grandpa.2. Hi, Mr. Wang! Hi!3. CDE, draw a tree.4. ABC, look and see.5. Hi, Im Mike, Im from Canada.6. AAA, say OK.7. DDD, drink some tea.8.

3、Chen Jie, Lets watch TV.9. How many crayons do you have, John?I have 17.10. How many kites can you see?I can see 10.三、根据录音内容,用阿拉伯数字在图片下面的括号里,写出其数量。1. How many jeeps can you see?I can see 12.2. How many elephants can you see?I can see 13.3. I can see 15 ants on the desk.4. How many hamburgers do you

4、have? 5.5. How many kangaroos can you see?I can see 20.四、听一听,排一排。根据你所听到的内容,给下面的图片排序。序号写在图片下面的括号里。1. Hi, Im Bai Ling. Im from China.2. ABC, look and see.3. Hi, Im Mickey. Im from America.4. This is the teacher, and this is the student.5. Whos that woman? Shes my mother.6. EFG, have a seat.7. EFGHI, s

5、ay “goodbye”.8. Go to school.9. Show me ten.10. ABCDE, read after me.五、听一听,写一写。根据你所听到的单词,从字母表里选择合适的字母补充下面单词所缺的字母。小学三年级英语暑假作业及答案:mouse key jump hamburger antgoose Coke ice duck father六、听音,把录音内容提到的事物涂色。1. Colour the kite yellow.2. Colour the ruler pink.3. Colour the fish blue.4. Colour the bag red.5.

6、Colour the book purple.听力部分答案:一、A B A B A二、XXX XXX三、12 13 15 5 20四、10 2 6 9 3 1 7 8 5 4 小学三年级下册英语暑假作业 一、听数字组、字母组或单词三次,选出你所听到的内容,在相应的括号内填写其大写字母编号。(共10题,每题1分,满分10分) ( )1. A. AM B. HM C. HN ( )2. A. GIE B. CIF C. OLE ( )3. A. QWOR B. OWQR C.QMOR ( )4. A. 94 B. 64 C. 34 ( )5. A. 29468 B. 29486 C. 29684

7、( )6. A. XS-674 B. AS-476 C. XC-647 ( )7. A. cat B. hat C. that ( )8. A. bus B. ball C. baby ( )9. A. blue B. red C. purple ( )10. A. little B. want C. fruit 二、听单词,根据听到的顺序,把其数字编号写在括号内。(共10题,每题1分,满分10分) 三、听句子三次,判读所读内容是否与图意相符,如相符,请在括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。(共10题,每题1分,满分10分) 四、听句子三次,选出句子所缺的单词,把其大写字母编号写在题前的括号内。(共

8、10题,每题1分,满分10分) ( )1. There is a woman. A.thin B. tall ( )2.I like brown . A. dog B. monkey ( )3. Do you have a ? A. car B. pet ( )4.The dog has a tail. A. short B. small ( )5. There are balls. A. seven B. six ( )6. My has a cute hat. A. grandpa B. grandma ( )7. Whats your number? A. car B. room ( )

9、8. are good for us. A. Oranges B. Apples ( )9.Can I have some ? A. pears B. books ( )10.How many are there? A. crayons B. pencils 五、听句子三次,选出相应大答语,并把其大写字母编号写在括号里。(共五题,每题1分,满分5分) ( )1. A. I want ten apples. B. Im ten. ( )2. A. No, I like purple. B. Yes, I like bed. ( )3. A. She is my mother. B. He is

10、my father. ( )4. A. Its on the table. B. Its a table. ( )5. A. Yes. Here you are. B. Yes. Here your are. 六、听句子三次,根据所听句子的意思选择中文意思,并把其字母编号写在前面 面的括号里。(共五题,每题2分,满分10分) ( ) 1. A. 让我们成为好朋友吧。 ( ) 2. B. 我可以吃一些水果吗? ( ) 3. C. 你有一架蓝色的飞机吗? ( ) 4. D. 你的书包是什么颜色? ( ) 5. E. 我的爸爸又高有重。 七、听句子三次,根据所听句子的意思,用线把下列图连接起来。(共

11、五题,每题1分,满分5分) 笔试部分(40分) 八、给下列单词分类,并把其字母编号写在横线上。(共16个,每个0.5分,满分8分) A. purple B. five C. behind D. pear E. beside F. grape G. yellow H. nine I. near J. brown K. seven L. banana M. apple N. in front of P.ten 1. Colour(颜色): 2. Numbers(数字): 3. Position(位置): 4. Fruits(水果): 九、看图,根据所给的首字母,补充下列单词。(每个

12、1分,共8分,写对8个得满分) 十、选择适当的单词把句子补充完整,并把其大写字母编号写在题前的括号里。(共8题,每题1分,满分8分) ( ) 1. -Hi, Mike. Do you like grey? -No, I dont. - Oh! - I like white. I have two white mice. A. How are you? B. What pet do you like? C. What colour do you like? ( ) 2. -Rose, where is my kite? - - No, it isnt. Oh, its in the box. A

13、. Is it in the box? B. Is it on the bed? C. Its in the box. ( ) 3. -Lets go to shop. I want some fruits. - - I like apples and oranges. A. What fruits do you want? B. What fruits do you like? C. What fruit do you like? ( ) 4. -Whats in your schoolbag? -Open it and see. -Wow! A. There are two pens an

14、d three books. B. There are two birds and three horses. C. There are two men and three children. ( ) 5. -Do you have a phone? - A. Yes. I have a phone. B. No. I dont have a phone. C. Yes. I have a phone book. 小学三年级英语暑假作业 一、 写出下列字母的大写或小写 scdeoytnx khgjipvwq 二、写出下列单词的中文或英文。 1. 晴朗的_ _ 2. 下雨的 _ 3.刮风的 _

15、_ 4. 多云的_ _ 5. 下雪的_ 6. 温暖的_ _ 7. 炎热的_ _ 8. 凉爽的_ _ 9. 寒冷的_ 10. 医生 11.教师 12.护士 13.司机 14.邮递员 15. 农民 16. a singer 17. a dancer 三、单选题 ( )1. whatthe weather ? ita sunnday. im hot. a. like b. ic. you like ( )2. ita day. i dont like thiweather. ittoo cold. a. sunnb. hot c. snow. ( )3. ihe a farmer? a. yes,

16、she is. b. no, he isnt. c. yes, i a ( )4. i am a teacher. you a doctor. a. are b. ic. am ( )5. ? i like a windday. itvercool. a.iit a cloudda? b. whatthe weather like? c. what weather do you like?. ( )6. are you a postman? . im a teacher. . a. yes, i a b. no, im not. c. no, you arent. ( )7. . ? i am

17、 eighteen. a. how old are you b. how are you c. what iyour name ( )8. ithat woman a singer ? . a. yes, he is. b. no, she isnt. c. yes, it is. ( )9. i thiweather. i like sunndays. a. dont like b. isnt like c. likes ( )10. tigerare there? there are twenttigers. a. what b. how manc. what time 四、在右栏中找出左

18、栏中每个句子的答语,把编号写在左边的括号中。 ( ) 1. what weather do you like?. a. im verwell. ( ) 2. whatthe weather like? b. no, she isnt. she ia doctor. ( ) 3. ishe a nurse? c. i like a snowday. ( ) 4. are you a postman? d . yes, i a ( ) 5. how are you? e. itwindy. im cool. 五、情景反应。 ( )1、 想问天气如何,可以这样问: a. what weather d

19、o you like? b. whathe weather like? ( )2、想问你喜欢什么天气,应该说: a. what weather do you like? b. whatthe weather like today? ( )3、想问那个男的是农民吗。 应该说: a.ihe a driver? b. ishe a farmer? c. ihe a farmer? ( )4、tom想问你是个邮递员吗,可以这样说: a. are you a postman? b. are you a doctor? c. ishe a postman? ( )5、你想告诉别人你是一个教师。 应该说:

20、a. you are a teacher. b. she ia teacher. c. i am a teacher. 六、连词成句。 1. weather do like you what? 2. like the whatweather ? 3. he a driver i? 4. are a you doctor . 5. dont a like dai rainy. 七、排顺序组成对话。 ( ) oh, ita cold day. ( ) i like sunndays. ( ) itwindy, too. ( ) whatthe weather like? ( ) itrainy.

21、( ) i dont like thiweather. 八、翻译下列句子。 1.what ithe weather like? itsnowy. im cold. 2. what weather do you like? i like a sunnday. i can play. 3. i dont like a cloudday. 4. are you a doctor? no, im not. i am a teacher. 5. ihe a driver? ye, he i. 九、阅读理解, 根据课文回答问题。 (一) look at the photo(照片) of lucyfamil

22、y. the girl ilucy. she ia beautiful girl. she ia pupil. she likeeating ice cream and bread(面包). the woman next to(在旁边) her iher(她的) mother. her mother ia singer. she can sing verwell. the man next to her iher father. her father ia driver. he drivethe taxi around the city(绕着城市). he ia good driver. th

23、e old man ilucygrandpa. her grandpa i78 yearold. the old woman ilucygrandma. her grandma i74 yearold. and do you see the little boy? that boilucylittle brother. he ionl3 yearold. he ivernaughty(调皮) and funny(搞笑). thiia happfamily. ( ) 1. whatthis? a. a picture of school b. a picture of lucyfamily. (

24、 ) 2. what doeluclike? a. she likeice crea b. she likecakes. ( ) 3. whather mother ? a. a singer b. a driver ( ) 4. where(哪里) ilucyfather? a. behind lucy. b. next to lucy. ( ) 5. how old ilucygrandma? a. she i78. b. she i74. 6. ilucybrother funny? a. no, he isnt . b. yes, he is. ( ) 7. whather fathe

25、r ? a. he ia driver b. he ia postman. ( ) 8. how manpeople are there in lucyfamily? a. five b. six ( 二 ) cctv : today(今天) ia good day. ita sunnday. itwar you can see the white cloudin the blue sky. but tomorrow(明天) ian interesting(有趣的) day. because(因为) it will snow. it will be a snowday. itvercold.

26、you and your familcan plawith snow. you can plasnowball(雪球) and you can make a snowman with your family. ( ) 1. whatthe weather like today? a. a sunndab. a snowday ( ) 2. what can you see in the sky? a. blue bird b. white clouds ( ) 3. whatthe weather like tomorrow? a. a sunndab. a snowday ( ) 4. what can you platomorrow? a. plasnowball and make a snowman b. have ice cream and plagames ( ) 5. how do you get the news(消息) ? a. mteacher b. on cctv 十、读英文画图 1. whatthe weather like? 2. he ia farmer. ita sunnday. im hot. she ia doctor.

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