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1、大英3课后答案Unit 1Part one preparati on1.1) Gentle 2 ) Dedicated 3 ) Considerate 4 ) Adventurous 5 ) Calm 6 ) Aggressive7) Critical 8 ) Energetic 9 ) Selfish 10 ) Ambition 11 ) Self-confident 12 )Easygo ing13 ) Truthful 14 ) Outgoing 15 ) Frank 16 ) Sensitive 17 ) Bossy 18 ) Patient19 ) Talkative 20 ) Pe

2、rsuasive 21 ) Sympathetic 22 ) Emotional2.JobsPers on alitysalespers onundependable、shrewd、tricky 、boastfulteacherknowledge、talkative 、patient 、energetic 、unselfish 、tolerantdoctorcalm、 skillful 、 sympathetic 、 careful 、 unselfishpolice officebrave、calm、alert、carefulaccountcautious、careful 、efficien

3、t 、truthfullawyerknowledge、 persuasive 、 talkative 、expressive 、 intelligenttourist guideenergetic 、 good-tempered 、 talkativehost or hostess of ashowquick-minded 、humorous、knowledge、expressive 、emotionalreporteradventurous、brave、curious、efficientsecretarycon siderate 、careful 、efficie nt 、easygo in

4、gspokespers ondiplomatic 、 intelligent 、 eloquentPart twopost-readi ngRead ing Comprehe nsion1.1 ) much un happ in ess2) a profound effectusually act with con fide neeare likely to be passive and easily in flue need by others3) i ) Recognize your personal strengths and weaknessesii) Set reas on able

5、 goalsiv) Dont be afraid to speak up and give your point of viewv) Do not make n egative comme nts about yourselfvi) Accept criticism thoughtfullyviii) Do not associate with people who make you feel in adequateix) Set aside time to relax , enjoy hobbies , and reevaluate your goal regularx) Practice

6、being in social situati on2.1 ) FTTTF 6 ) TFFTVocabulary1.1 ) self-c on scious 2 ) self-c on fide nee 3 ) self-esteem 4 ) self-destructive 5 )self-worth6) self-c on cept 7 ) self-aware ness 8 ) self-assura nce/self-c on fide nee2.1 ) B 2 ) I 3 ) L 4 ) A 5 ) H 6 ) D 7 ) E 8 ) N 9 ) J 10 ) M11) C 12 )

7、 F 13 ) G 14 ) K3.1 ) profound 2 ) jealousy 3 ) numerous 4 ) overweight 5 ) overcome 6 ) eventually7) slim 8 ) compliments 9 ) diminish 10 ) reassuranee 11 ) detrimental 12 )isolated13 ) self-esteem 14 ) aeeented4.1 ) reflected 2 ) concern ed/worried 3 ) profo und effeet/i nflue nee 4 )viewed/regard

8、ed5) sensitive 6 ) respond/react 7 ) eliminated 8 ) overcome my fear 9 )concen trate on10 ) made no commentTran slatio n1)You should set aside a reas on able amount of time to rest and exercise.2) In general , children are mush healthier and better educated than ever before.3) He can grasp the cha n

9、ces that come along.4) Each day , he sets aside time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I still remembered those dark streets and the see ne I walked hand in hand with my father.6) He even tually did nt live up to his pare nts expectatio ns.7) In con trast , our use of oil has eno rmously in cr

10、eased.8) Through efforts , he man aged to overcome his fatal weak ness.Part ThreeFURTHER Developme nt1.1 ) BBABC 6 ) CBCAA 11 ) CBUnit 2Part onepreparati on4.match ing pictures1) Aphrodite 2 ) Ares 3 ) Hephaestus 4 ) Artemis 5 ) Demeter 6 ) Dionysus 7 )Poseido n8) Athena 9 ) Apollo 10 ) Hermes 11 )

11、Hera 12 ) ZeusPart twopost-readi ngRead ing Comprehe nsion1.1) Because they were in vited to a feast in the sky.2) He saw the birds were busy preparing.3) He planned to go to the feast/sky with the birds.4) They dont agree because Tortoise was mischievous and ungrateful.5) With a sweet tongue, he co

12、nvinced the birds that he was a change man.6) He made two wings with all the feathers he got from each bird.7) All of you.8) Nuts, meat and fish soup, pounded yam soup, palm wine, etc.9) For whom have you prepared this feast?10) Because he knew the answer would be For all of you, which was his new n

13、ame. So he could enjoy all the food.11) They were very angry.12) They took back the feathers they had lent him.13) He asked them to take a message to his wife.14) Parrot , because he wan ted to take adva ntage of the cha nge to get reven ge.15) He asked Parrot to tell his wife to bring out all the s

14、oft things in his house and cover the gro und with them so that he would be able to land safety. But Parrottold his wife to bring out all the hard and sharp things in stead.16) His shell was broken into hundreds of pieces.Vocabulary1.1 ) A.i nvitati on B.i nvited C.i nvit ing 2 ) A.prepare B.prepare

15、dC.preparati onD.preparatory/preparati on 3 ) A.discoveries B.discoverers C.discovered4) A.approval B.approve C.approved D.approving E.disapprove 5 ) A.eloquentB.eloque nee C.eloque ntly 6 ) A.faithful B.u nfaithful/faithless C.faithD.faithfully7) B.deliveri ng)A.assura nee) A.occasi onal B.occasi on ally C.occasi on 8C.delivered9) A.troublesome B.troubled C.troubled D.troubling 10 B.assuredC.assure2.)have.trouble)took the trouble1) got/ran into trouble 2 ) no trouble 3 ) asking for trouble 45) trouble with6) in serious/deep/b

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