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1、天津市宝坻区四校联考学年高一英语试题word版含答案宝坻区四校联考 高一英语试卷第一部分:听力(共15题,第一节每小题1分,第二节每小题1.5分,满分20分)第一节 听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项,每段对话仅读一遍。1. How does the woman feel now?A. Excited B. Worried C. Moved2. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a restaurant. B. In a bookshop. C. In a classroom.3. What will the woman p

2、robably do next? A. Pick up her aunt. B. Buy a cup of coffee. C. Take out the coffee beans (咖啡豆).4. What does the woman think the man should do? A. Work less. B. See a doctor. C. Run every morning.5. Who has the cookies? A. The mans mom. B. The mans dad. C. Jim.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项,每短对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材

3、料,回答第6、7、8题。6. What does the mans elder brother do? A. A policeman. B. A car repairman. C. A taxi driver.7. When did the story take place? A. Around 9 pm. B. Around 10 pm. C. Around 11 pm.8. Why did the mans elder brother hit the thiefs car?A. To wake up other people. B. To leave a mark (痕迹) on the

4、thiefs car. C. To prevent an accident.听第7段材料, 回答第9至12题。9. Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Father and daughter B. Husband and wife C. Mother and son10.What will the huge tent (帐篷) be used for? A. A magic show. B. An evening show. C. A snake show. 11. Whats the time n

5、ow? A. 5:30. B.6:30. C. 7:30.12. What does the woman want to have? A. A hamburger and an ice-cream B. A hot dog and a cup of coffee. C. A hot dog and a cup of tea.听第8段材料,回答第13至15题。13. How many groups were the students divided into? A. 11 groups. B. 24 groups. C. 30 groups.14. Who had the most proble

6、ms during the competition? A. Fire makers. B. Dishwashers. C. Cooks.15. Which of the following was highly praised? A. Fried tofu. B. Sweet and sour cabbage. C. Tomato soup(汤).第二部分:英语知识运用第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)16.-Do you know that Carlos has been made head of the sales department? - Yes. His ho

7、nesty and hard-work _the boss very much. A. impressed B. disappointed C. noticed D. shook17. Her poetry is always easy and _. A. frequent B. accessible C. partial D. manual18. Only after he was taken to the teachers office did he admit _ the window. A. break B. breaking C. broken D. to break19. The

8、family finally climbed to the top of the Mount Tai, _. A. exhausting B. amusing C. exhausted D. fascinating20. Some plants are so difficult to grow that they can only _ in a perfectly clean environment. A. communicate B. exchange C. survive D. afford 21. John began to study French last Sunday. _. A.

9、 His brother did so. B. So did his brother. C. So his brother did. D. His brother so did.22.- May I open the window? Its too hot. - _. A. Its your turn. B. You have got it. C. Go ahead. D. Hold on.23. We had a long way to go, and the snowstorm _ our difficulties. A. referred to B. added to C. belong

10、ed to D. turned to24. Paper produced every year is _the worlds production of vehicles. A. the three weight of B. three times as heavier as C. three times the weight of D. as three times as heavy as25. The Golden Gate Bridge, _ several hundred years ago, is worldwide famous. A. which is built B. buil

11、t C. having built D. which built26. Its the third time _ arrived late this month. A. that you B. when you C. that youve D. when youve27. Its known to us all that the deeper you dive, _ you can breathe. A. the difficult B. more difficult C. most difficult D. the more difficult28. _ fast did John run

12、_ I could hardly catch him. A. So; / B. Such; that C. As; as D. So; that29. Look! Here come the dark clouds. It_ rain . A. will B. would C. is going to D. was going to30. At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics. A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways第二节 完形填空(共2

13、0小题,每小题1分,满分20分) My most memorable experience was when my father and I got lost in a forest. We were camping in Sequoia National Park for a long weekend. As_31_ as we got there, my family and I _32_ our tents and by then it was starting to get _33_. My dad started up a small fire and _34_ that there

14、 would not be enough woodfor the _35_, so he decided to go for some firewood. I wouldnt let my fathergo off_36_ his own, so I followed in his direction. I _37_up with him and we wentoff into the forest _38_ for some firewood. Soon we got off track and realized we got _39_. With nothing but a flashli

15、ght(手电筒), we started _40_ back. We felt like foreigners, not familiar at all with the _41_ . My dad stopped to figure out (琢磨) what _42_ we could do, _43_ I just sat down on a fallen tree. After a couple of minutes of rest, I thought it would be OK to_44_. All of a _45_ I felt my dads arm _46_ me up

16、 and he placed my head on his _47_. I felt as safe as a bear, protective over its child. My dad walked and walked _48_ he found a trail(小路), and one way or another he found our campsite. My mother was very _49_, almost crying about where we were. _50_ , I think that it was a good thing to be lost fo

17、r a little while because I got to spend good quality time with my dad. 31. A. long B. soon C. far D. well32. A. put up B. picked up C. took up D. gave up33. A. black B. clean C. clear D. dark34. A. realized B. promised C. recognized D. admitted35. A. day B. afternoon C. night D. morning36. A. on B.

18、with C. by D. at37. A. came B. caught C. put D. got38. A. asking B. calling C. looking D. sending39. A. paid B. lost C. dressed D. changed40. A. returning B. looking C. walking D. arriving41. A. environment B. language C. difference D. expression42. A. exactly B. frequently C. entirely D. gradually4

19、3. A. but B. yet C. so D. because44. A. play B. walk C. sleep D. seat45. A. moment B. minute C. flash D. sudden46. A. throw B. set C. draw D. pick47. A. head B. leg C. shoulder D. arm48. A. unless B. until C. while D. since49. A. worried B. excited C. calm D. eager50. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Be

20、sides D. However第三部分: 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)AWhen I was about 12, I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings(缺点). Week by week her list grew: I was very thin, I wasnt a good student, I talked too much, I was too proud, and so on. I tried to hear all this as long as I could. At la

21、st, I became very angry. I ran to my father with tears in my eyes. He listened to me quietly, then he asked, “Are the things she says true or not? Janet, didnt you ever wonder what youre really like? Well, you now have that girls opinion. Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points

22、 that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said.”I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I discovered that about half the things were true. Some of them I couldnt change (like being very thin), but a good number I couldand suddenly I wanted to change. For the first time I go to fair

23、ly clear picture of myself.I brought the list back to Daddy. He refused to take it. “Thats just for you,” he said. “You know better than anyone else the truth about yourself. But you have to learn to listen, not just close your ears in anger and feeling hurt. When something said about you is true, y

24、oull find it will be of help to you. Our world is full of people who think they know your duty. Dont shut your ears. Listen to them all, but hear the truth and do what you know is the right thing to do.” Daddys advice has returned to me at many important moments. In my life, Ive never had a better p

25、iece of advice.51. What did the father do after he had heard his daughters complaint(抱怨)?A. He told her not to pay any attention to what her “enemy” had said.B. He criticized (批评) her and told her to overcome her shortcomings.C. He told her to write down all that her “enemy” had said about her and p

26、ay attention only tothe things that were true.D. He refused to take the list and have a look at it.52. What does “Week by week her list grew” mean?A. Week by week she discovered more shortcomings of mine and pointed them out to me.B. She had made a list of my shortcomings and she kept on adding new

27、ones to it so that it was growing longer and longer.C. I was having more and more shortcomings as time went on.D. Week by week, my shortcomings grew more serious.53. Why did her father listen to her quietly?A. Because he believed that what her daughters “enemy ”said was mostly true.B. Because he had

28、 been so angry with his daughters shortcomings that he wanted to show this by keeping silent for a while.C. Because he knew that his daughter would not listen to him at that moment.D. Because he wasnt quite sure which girl was telling the truth.54.How did the author feel after she did as her father told her?A. Angry. B.Disappointed. C. Bored. D. Thankful.55. Which do you think would be the best title for this passage?A. Not an Enemy, but the Best FriendB. The Best Advice Ive Ever HadC. My FatherD. My ChildhoodBThe English language is the result of the invasion(入侵) of

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