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1、学年度上学期20022003学年度上学期高中学生学科素质训练 高三英语测试题(5)Units1922Senior 第卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the woman think of Professor Dongs teaching? AShe thinks his talks are wonderful BShe thinks his tests are too difficult. CShe dont like his choice of test ques

2、tions.2Who spoke to Bob? AHis teacher. BHis mother. CHis boss.3What are they talking about? AThey are talking about science. BThey are talking about their school. CThey are talking about the polluted air in the room.4Where are they going to eat lunch? AThey will eat lunch in a restaurant. BThey will

3、 eat lunch in the park. CThey will eat lunch at home.5What does the man mean? AThere are some pictures on the top of the TV set. BThere was a TV in the spaceship. CHe has seen spaceships only on TV.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面五段对话或独白,每段对话或独白读两遍。6What picture is the woman showing the man? AA pictur

4、e of the Great Wall BA picture of Beijing Zoo. CA picture of the History Museum.7How many places did the woman visit? AThree BTwo CFour8What does the man say at the end of the dialogue? AHe wants to visit Beijing the next year. BHe visited Beijing the year before. CHe will visit Beijing this year.听第

5、7段材料,回答911题。9What does the man want? AA red T-shirt BA small size T-shirt. CA large size-shirt.10What color T-shirt does the man like? AThe yellow one BThe green one CA red one11Why did the man decided to buy the green T-shirt? ABecause its just his size. BBecause its a bit cheaper. CBecause its bet

6、ter.听第8段材料,回答1214题。12What does Mr. Price want to borrow? AA long-legged chair. BA picture. CA picture brush.13What is Mr. Robinson painting? AA picture. BThe long-legged. CThe sitting-room.14What do you suppose Mr. Price and Mrs. Robinson are? AThey are brother and sister. BThey are neighbors. CThey

7、 are teacher and student.听第9段材料,回答1517题。15Who is going to New York at the weekend? AKate. BJacks brother. CKate and Jacks brother.16How is the woman going there? ABy car. BBy train. CBy bus.17What is the woman going to do in New York? ATo visit her sister. BTo visit a teacher. CTo visit a friend.听第1

8、0段材料,回答1820题。18Who was in the police car? ATwo policemen. BTwo young men. CA boy and a girl.19Why were they surprised? ABecause the old man was all right. BBecause they were unhurt. CBecause the old man was right.20How old was the man? AOver 80 years old. BOver 50 years old. COver 70 years old.第二部分:

9、英语知识运用。(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21The policeman said that a driver is a to the public. Acareless; dangerous Bcareless; danger Ccareful; danger Dcarelessful; dangerous man22I think girls are better at English than boys. . AThats not fair BI dont agree CIm sorry to hear that DIm not sure2

10、3Please write the letters ink not a pencil. Ain; with Bin; in Cwith; in Dwith; with24I, my husband and son, Beijing. Awith; have gone to Bbut; have gone to Ctogether with; have been to Dwith; are going to25The foreigners found they had returned where they had . Acome Barrived Cgone Dbeen26How are yo

11、u these days? I a bad cold for three days. Ahave caught Bwas caught Ccaught Dhave had27Which do you find ,listening, speaking, reading or writing? Athe easiest Bthe easier Ceasy Dthe most easy28We all made him of our class. Amonitor Ba monitor Cthe monitors Dto be monitor29The murder was brought in,

12、 with his hands behind his back. Abeing tied Bhaving tied Cto be tied Dtied30I didnt go to the cinema last night, because I had seen the film . Abefore long Blong before Cago Dlong after31The man, with son I worked, looked down upon women. Awhich Bwhom Cwhose Dwho32Ill leaving for Hangzhou to spend

13、my holidays. , and write to me. AHave a good time BGood-bye CIt will be nice of you DThats great33I felt no longer tired because she gave me interesting story to read. Amost Bmuch most Ca most Dthe more34His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazines he . Ahad long been expected Bhad

14、 long expected Chas long expeceted Dwas long expected35Mum, I think Im to get back to school. Not really, my dear. Youd better stay at home for . Aso well; one and two days Bso good; a day or two Cwell enough; another day or two Dgood enough; other two days第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每题1.5分,满分30分) In some countr

15、ies in which there is very little rain at any time, the farmers have to irrigate their fields. Irrigation is easy enough if there is a great river near the 36 , and if there is plenty of water in it. Canals carry the river water to the fields when 37 . In some seasons there may be 38 water in the ri

16、ver and the water may flood all the land near it. At other times the river water 39 be enough for all the farmers and then it will be 40 to irrigate the fields. To prevent these difficulties, a dam may be built 41 the river. This will store water for dry 42 and in wet seasons it will prevent the flo

17、oding of the land. A great 43 will, no doubt, be formed behind the dam, and this may 44 that houses and fields will be covered with water. Most people will 45 that and will be ready to 46 to other places, then the country can have the right amount of water at all times, 47 crops will be grown. There

18、 will be more food for everyone, and there will be 48 floods. Dams have been built for 49 in different parts of the world. Modern 50 are usually built of concerete 51 earth dams were used in India about 2,500 years 52 . There was 53 across the River Tigris very long ago, and large 54 of irrigation c

19、anals were made in Iraq to irrigate the land. The Romans were great dam-builders and there was 55 a famous dam at Ma rib in Arabia.36Acrops Bfarmers Ccountries Dvillages37Apossible Beasy Cnecessary Dimportant38Atoo many Bmany to Cmuch too Dtoo much39Acan not Bmay not Cmust not Dneednt40Adifficult Be

20、asy Cnecessary Dright41Athrough Babove Con Dover42Aseasons Byears Cplants Dcrops43Ariver Blake Cbridge Dswimming-pool44Ashow Btell Csay Dmean45Aaccept Bagree Creceive Dpromise46Aleave Bmove Ccome Dstart47Amuch Bmany Cmore Dmost48Ano longer Bnot any Cnot Dnot many49Acenturies Bdays Cweeks Dmonths50Ar

21、ivers Bbridges Clakes Ddams51Aand Bbut Chowever Dso52Aago Bbefore Cbefore long Dlong before53Aother Banother Cothers Dother one54Anumber Bmany Cnumbers Dlots55Anone Beither Cneither Dalso第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)A People used to say,“The hand that rocks the cradle(摇篮)rules the world.”and“Behind e

22、very successful man there is a woman.” Both these sayings mean the same thing. Men rule the world, but their mothers and wives rule them. Some women still like making their husbands and sons successful. But some women want more for themselves. They want good jobs. When they work they want good pay.

23、They want to be as successful as men. Today the best jobs are still given to men. Even when women do the same work, they are often paid less than men. Women want things changed. The womens liberation movement was started by women who didnt want to stand behind successful men. They wanted to stand be

24、side men, with the same chances for success. The movement is quite new, and many women do not agree with its aims. But it has already made several changes in womens lives and in mens lives,too.56Women are now treated . Aequally with men in some fields. Bfairly Cunfairly Dlike slaves57Women just want

25、 . Agood jobs Bequal pay for equal work Cto be as successful as men Dto be given a chance for success58The womans liberation movement was started by . Awoman who wanted to control men Bwoman who didnt want to stand behind ordinary men Cwoman who wanted to be more successful than men Dwoman who wante

26、d to be as successful as men59The most suitable title of this article may be . AWomens Liberation In The USA BWomens Liberation In China CWomens Liberation In The World DWomen Fight Against MenB I said no goodbye to Europe when the great ship put off from Lisbon. I was on my way home after serving m

27、ore than a year in a prison. Somewhere in the U.S.a cell(牢房)door had swung open for a German prisoner, for whom I had been exchanged. At Lisbon I was told that the exchanged prisoner was Hoffmann who was a member of a dangerous German spy ring operating in the U.S.Was my release really worth such a

28、price? An offical of America answered that for me.“My dear Mrs Shiber,”he said,“the State Department knows very well what you did in Paris. Suppose the British in the last war had had a chance to exchange Edith Cavell. You, after all, are the Edith Cavell of this war.”60The writer said no goodbye to

29、 Europe because . Ashe was eager to come again. Bshe spent terrible time in prison Cit wasnt necessary to do so Da spy like her wouldnt say to61Mrs. Shiber was . Aan American Ba German Can Englishwoman Da Frenchwoman62The underlined word“exchange”means . Aset somebody free Bto take control of by for

30、ce Cgive each other something in return for something else. Dtake somebody away in order to demand money for his safe return.63Which of the following is true? AHoffmann was serving in a prison in Lisbon. BThe American government didnt agree to release the German spy. CAmerica knew nothing about Mrs. Shiber. DMrs. Shiber was most probably arrested(逮捕)in France.C The Channel Islands are a group of British-owned islands lying in the English Channel, 10 to 30 miles off the French coast, and 70 to 90 miles from the English coast. There are ten islands with a total land area

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