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1、阅读Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Passage 1 On a practical level, teachers need a wide variety of skills and abilities. They have to be ready to spend many hours at home planning their lessons and preparing home

2、work. They have to be well organized in class, patient with students, able to appear bright and interested even if they are in fact tired or unhappy, and lively enough to control a group of young people for almost 200 days a year. Outside the classroom, they may have to prepare teaching materials, t

3、o choose books to use as texts, to help organize the work of other teachers, or to organize spare time activities for students.If you think that you have all the necessary qualities, you may feel that you would like to be a teacher. One way to decide, if you live in the United States, is by joining

4、a club for future teachers, such as Student Action for Education. Clubs like this give advice about your field, and also allow you to watch teachers at work, attend meetings, and experiment with teaching methods and equipment. You could also talk with the job advisor at your school or university. Fi

5、nally, you could try teaching a younger student or becoming an advisor at a summer camp for children. Any activity in which you are dealing with children will help you decide whether you have a calling for teaching. 1. The first paragraph is mainly about _. A. how to plan lessons and prepare homewor

6、k B. how to help organize the work of other teachers C. how to prepare teaching materials D. various skills and abilities teachers need Correct answer: D 2. According to the author, a teacher should show a firm mind _. A. that is active and always asking questions B. that knows no fear, even when a

7、person is faced with many students C. that can help other teachers as well as students D. that is able to deal with tiredness and unhappiness Correct answer: D 3. The second paragraph is mainly concerned with _. A. the ways of deciding ones future employment B. the ways to decide whether teaching sh

8、ould be ones future employment C. joining a club for future teachers D. talking to an advisor when choosing future employment Correct answer: B 4. Student Action for Education is _. A. a summer camp for children B. an activity at a summer camp C. a club for future teachers D. a club for job advisors

9、 Correct answer: C 5. Which of the following does the author suggest to a person who wants to be a teacher? A. Watching teachers at work and organizing students spare time activities. B. Joining a future teachers club, talking with job advisors, and working with children. C. Preparing lessons, corre

10、cting homework, and experimenting with teaching methods and equipment. D. Planning lessons and attending teachers meetings. Correct answer: B Passage 2 In the United States, a university professor is given a few months of freedom from his duties about every seventh year for travel or advanced study.

11、 This period of freedom from teaching is called a study or research leave. Its purpose is to give the professor experiences that will make him a wiser person and a better teacher when he returns to his university.Few study leaves are interesting enough to be described in national newspapers and maga

12、zines. Recently, however, there was an exception. The public learned how Dr. John R. Coleman, president of Haverford College, had spent his study leave.At the age of 51, Dr. Coleman was determined to escape from university life for a few months and to get a variety of experiences in the world of wor

13、k. He especially wanted to learn about people. People who do hard physical labor were especially interesting to him.I wanted to get away from the world of words and political matters and parties-the things a president does, Dr. Coleman later explained to news writers. As a college president you begi

14、n to take yourself very seriously and to think you have power you dont. You forget things about people. I wanted to relearn things Id forgotten.Telling no one of his plans, Dr. Coleman started his study leave on a farm in Canada, hundreds of miles from his college. Getting up at 4:30 each morning, w

15、orking thirteen hours a day in fields, he prepared himself physically for his next job, digging ditches in Atlanta, Georgia. After that, the college president washed dishes in a Boston restaurant. During the last ten days of his leave, he worked as a garbage collector. 1. The first paragraph is main

16、ly about _. A. why a professor should be free from his duties every seventh year B. how professors spend their study leave C. what a study leave is and its purpose D. how a study leave makes a professor a wiser person and a better teacher Correct answer: C 2. A study leave is a period of freedom fro

17、m duties allowed to a university teacher who has taught _. A. for six years since his last leave B. for seven years since his last leave C. for a term since his last leave D. for a university year since his last leave Correct answer: B 3. People learned about Dr. Colemans unusual experiences from _.

18、 A. the people he works with B. the boss of a Boston restaurant C. the Canadian newspapers and magazines D. the U.S. newspapers and magazines Correct answer: D 4. Dr. Coleman carried out his study leave in an unusual way because he _. A. hated his university life, especially his job as a president B

19、. wanted to learn about people, especially people who do hard physical labor C. wanted to make himself known to the public D. wanted to write articles about people and have them printed in newspapers and magazines Correct answer: B 5. What did Dr. Coleman do during his study leave? A. He worked on a

20、 farm, dug ditches, went to parties, and collected garbage. B. He worked on a farm, talked to news writers, washed dishes, and collected garbage C. He worked on a farm, washed dishes, talked to news writers, and wrote articles for newspapers and magazines D. He worked on a farm, dug ditches, washed

21、dishes, and collected garbage. Correct answer: D Passage 3 Danny hung his Boston University diploma below his cab license. After 17 years of education in the finest schools in America, he couldnt do very simple repairs or even locate the carburetor (化油器) in his car.Danny is an educated man. He is a

22、master of writing papers, taking tests, talking, and filling out forms. He can analyze Freud from a Marxian viewpoint and he can analyze Marx from a Freudian viewpoint.In short, Danny is an unskilled worker, and he has a sociology degree to prove it. He is of very little use to American industry.Thi

23、s is nothing new. Colleges have been turning out unskilled workers for decades. Until five years ago, most of these unskilled workers took their degrees in sociology, philosophy, political science, or history and marched right into the American middle class. Some found work in business and governmen

24、t, but many, if not most, went into education, which is the only thing they knew anything about. Once there, they taught another generation the skills necessary to take tests and write papers.But the cycle broke down. Teachers are too common these days, college applications are down, plumbers are ma

25、king $12 an hour, and liberal-arts graduates are faced with a choice: a graduate school or the taxicab.Danny chose the taxicab because driving was about the only marketable skill he possessed. Danny refers to his job as Real World 101. He has been beaten and shot at. But he has also acquired some pr

26、actical skills: he can get his tickets fixed; he knows how to cheat the company out of a few extra dollars a week; and he found his carburetor and he can fix it. 1. What did Danny study at college? A. Politics. B. Psychology. C. Sociology. D. Philosophy. Correct answer: C 2. The reason why Danny cho

27、se to be a taxicab driver after he graduated from college is that _. A. he wanted to get more experience in society B. he didnt know how to repair a taxicab, so he wanted to learn the skill C. taxi drivers can earn more money than middle class workers D. he had no other skills but driving to support

28、 himself Correct answer: D 3. Which of the following statements is true? A. Most college graduates went on to graduate schools in the past. B. Skilled workers make more money than college graduates. C. Several years ago a college degree ensured a place in the American middle class. D. A college educ

29、ation is useless in America nowadays. Correct answer: C 4. What does the word ticket in the last paragraph mean? A. Label attached to something, giving details of its price, size, etc. B. A list of the candidates. C. Official notice of an offense against traffic regulations. D. A piece of paper that

30、 gives the holder a certain of right. Correct answer: C 5. What does the passage imply? A. College education is out of date nowadays in America. B. Its hard for new graduates from college who majored in arts to find a well-paid job in the U. S. A. C. The American education system isnt practical at a

31、ll. D. One learns more from society than from college education. Correct answer: B Passage 4 Sylvester and I are watching television advertisements because we need information for a class research project. We have to discuss what is true and what is not true in television advertising, and so we are looking for examples of untruthful television commercials. The question we are asking is, Is the commercial true to life, or does it offer an unreal picture of the product?Sylvester is keeping track of the falsehoods, and he already has quite a long list. He says that all housewives s

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