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1、VB习题Private Sub Option1_Click()Text1.BackColor = vbRedEnd SubPrivate Sub Option2_Click()Text1.BackColor = vbGreenEnd SubPrivate Sub Option3_Click()Text1.BackColor = vbYellowEnd Sub private sub command1_click()dim s as stringdim i,n as integers=n=len(text1.text)*found*请不要删除该行for i=2 to n step 2s=s&mi

2、d(text1.text,i,1)next i*found*请不要删除该行text2.text= S end subprivate sub form_click()dim a(9) as integer,x as integer,k as integer,i as integerrandomizedo while i 0.00001 Then s = s + m Else Exit Do i = i + 1 Loop *end* Print s=; Print Format(s, #.0000); DataWrite (s)End SubSub DataWrite(x As Double) O

3、pen App.Path & & progout.dat For Output As #1 Print #1, s=; Print #1, Format(x, #.0000) Close #1End SubPrivate Sub Check1_Click()Text1.FontBold = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Check2_Click()Text1.FontItalic = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Check3_Click()Text1.FontUnderline = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click()

4、 Dim n As Integer n = InputBox(请输入行数n) Cls Print 一共有; n; 行 *found* 请不要删除该行 Call Sub1(n)End SubSub Sub1(n As Integer) Dim i, j For i = 1 To n*found* 请不要删除该行 For j = 1 To i Print i; *; j; =; i * j, Next j Print Next i End SubPrivate Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If Chr(KeyAscii) = ( Then*fou

5、nd* 请不要删除该行,只在下一行中填空 Count1 = Count1 + 1 ElseIf Chr(KeyAscii) = ) Then Count1 = Count1 - 1 End If If KeyAscii = 13 Then If Count1 = 0 Then Print 左右括号配对*found* 请不要删除该行,只在下一行中填空 ElseIf Count1 0 Then Print 左括号多于右括号; Count1; 个 Else Print 右括号多于左括号; -Count1; 个 End If End IfEnd SubSub Fun(I As Integer, fla

6、g As Integer) flag = 0*begin* Dim s As Integer For j = 1 To Len(Str(I) m = Val(Mid(Str(I), j, 1) s = s + m 3 Next j If s = I Then flag = 1*end*End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim I As Integer, flag As Integer Open App.Path & & PROGOUT.DAT For Output As #1 Picture1.Print 水仙花数有: For I = 100 To 999

7、 Call Fun(I, flag) If flag = 1 Then Picture1.Print I If flag = 1 Then Print #1, I & 是水仙花数 Next I Close #1End SubPrivate Sub Form_Click()Text1.Font = 隶书End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As String Dim i, n As Integer s = n = Len(Text1.Text)*found* 请不要删除该行 For i = 1 To n Step 2 s = s & Mid(Text

8、1.Text, i, 1) Next i*found* 请不要删除该行 Text2.Text = sEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim i, n As Integer, s As String s = n = 0*found* 请不要删除该行,只在下一行中填空 If Option1.Value = True Then n = 1 s = Option1.Caption ElseIf Option2.Value = True Then n = 10 s = Option2.Caption ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then

9、 n = 15 s = Option3.Caption End If*found* 请不要删除该行,只在下一行中填空 Text1.Text = 乘 & s & 需要 & n & 小时End SubPrivate Sub C1_Click() Dim i, s As Double *begin* For i = 1 To 10 s = s + 1 / (i * i) Next i *end* Print s=; Print Format(s, #.0000); DataWrite (s)End SubSub DataWrite(x As Double) Open App.Path & & pro

10、gout.dat For Output As #1 Print #1, s=; Print #1, Format(x, #.0000) Close #1End SubOption Base 1Private Sub Form_Click() Const M = 5 Dim Mat(M, M) Dim Sum%, i%, j% For i = 1 To M For j = 1 To M Mat(i, j) = i * j Next j Next i Print Print 初始矩阵为: Print For i = 1 To M For j = 1 To M*found* 请不要删除该行 Prin

11、t Tab(5 * j); Mat(i, j); Next j Print Next i Sum = 0 For j = 1 To M*found* 请不要删除该行 Sum = Sum + Mat(3, j) Next j Print Print 第三行各元素的和为:; Print SumEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Click() Dim a(9) As Integer, x As Integer, k As Integer, I As Integer RandomizeDo While I = 9 x = Int(Rnd * 900 + 100) *found* 请不要删

12、除该行,只在下一行中填空 k = x Mod 10 If a(k) = 0 Then a(k) = x *found* 请不要删除该行,只在下一行中填空 I = I + 1 End IfLoopFor Each y In a Print yNextEnd SubSub SaveData() Dim m As Integer, n As Integer Open App.Path & progin.dat For Input As #1 Open App.Path & progout.dat For Output As #2 For i = 1 To 5 Input #1, m, n Print

13、 #2, s=; Fun(m, n) Next i Close #1 Close #2End SubFunction Fun(m As Integer, n As Integer)*begin*If m Mod 2 0 Then m = m + 1For i = m To n Step 2Fun = Fun + i * iNext i*end*End FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click() d = Fun(Val(Text1.Text), Val(Text2.Text) Text3.Text = d If d Empty Then SaveDataEnd Su

14、bPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim S As Double Dim Sum As Double Dim I As Integer, J As Integer Sum = 0 For I = 1 To 20*found* 请不要删除该行 S = 1*found* 请不要删除该行 For J = 1 To I S = S * J Next J Sum = Sum + S Next I Text1.Text = Str(Sum)End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() EndEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() T

15、ext1.Text = End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Text = 我的爱好是: If Check1.Value = 1 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Check1.Caption & , End If If Check2.Value = 1 Then*found* 请不要删除该行,只在下一行中填空 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Check1.Caption & , End If If Check3.Value = 1 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Che

16、ck3.Caption & , End If If Check4.Value = 1 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & Check4.Caption*found* 请不要删除该行,只在下一行中填空 End IfEnd SubDim A(10) As IntegerSub SaveData() Dim A(10) As Integer, n As Integer Open App.Path & & PROGIN.DAT For Input As #1 Open App.Path & & PROGOUT.DAT For Output As #2 For I = 1 To

17、 2 For j = 1 To 10 Input #1, A(j) Next j Input #1, n Print #2, n & 的位置为: & Fun(A, n) Next I Close #1 Close #2End SubFunction Fun (A() As Integer, n As Integer) Fun = 0*begin* For I = 1 To 10 If A (I) = n Then Fun = I Exit For End If Next IPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As String Dim i, n As Inte

18、ger*found* 请不要删除该行 s = Text1.Text n = Len(s) For i = 1 To n*found* 请不要删除该行 s = s & Mid(s, n - i + 1, 1) Next iText2.Text = sEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() HScroll1.Width = Picture1.ScaleWidth HScroll1.Min = 0 HScroll1.Max = HScroll1.Width / 25End SubPrivate Sub HScroll1_Change() Static a As Integer

19、If a HScroll1.Value Then 单击了向左滚动箭头 *found* 请不要删除该行 Shape1.Left = Shape1.Left - 20 ElseIf a HScroll1.Value Then 单击了向右滚动箭头 *found* 请不要删除该行 Shape1.Left = Shape1.Left + 20 End If a = HScroll1.Value 记下当前滚动条位置End SubOption Base 1Dim X() As Integer, N As IntegerSub SaveData() Dim a(20, 20) As Integer, s As

20、 Integer Open App.Path & & PROGIN.DAT For Input As #1 Open App.Path & & PROGOUT.DAT For Output As #2 For j = 1 To 4 For k = 1 To 4 Input #1, a(j, k) Next k Next j Call Fun(a, 4, s) Print #2, The Result is: & s Close #1 Close #2End SubSub Fun(X() As Integer, N As Integer, s As Integer)*begin* For i =

21、 1 To N For j = 1 To N If i + j = N + 1 Then s = s + X(i, j) Next j Next i*end*End SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() N = Val(InputBox(请输入矩阵的行数N, 数据输入, 5) ReDim X(N, N) Form1.Cls Randomize For i = 1 To N For j = 1 To N X(i, j) = Int(Rnd * 91) + 10 Print X(i, j); Next j Print Next iEnd SubPrivate Sub Co

22、mmand2_Click() Dim s As Integer Call Fun(X, N, s) Print 副对角线元素之和为: & s SaveDataEnd Sub*end*End FunctionPrivate Sub Command1_Click() Dim I As Integer, location As Integer Text1.Text = For I = 1 To 10 A(I) = Int(Rnd * 31) + 20 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & A(I) & Next IEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click() location = Fun(A, Val(Text2.Text) If location = 0 Then Text3.Text = 找不到 & Text2.Text Else Text3.Text = Text2.Text & 是数组中的第 & location & 个元素 End If SaveDataEnd Sub

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