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1、中考英语口语考试复习题回答问题中考英语口语考试复习题回答问题英语口语考试复习题回答问题1What do you think is the most helpful invention? The computer / car / plane / light bulb.2. What are cars used for? They are used for traveling.3. How do you study for a test? By reading the textbook.4. What is your favorite way to learn more English? To r

2、ead original novels / talk with foreigners.5. What kind of volunteer work do you think to do? I want to cheer sick children up.6. What job will you have in 15 years? I think I will have a job as a doctor / a teacher.7. What will happen if you often help other students? We will feel really happy and

3、we will become good friends.8. What kind of music do you like? I like music that is quiet and gentle.9. Which is your favorite music band? China Philharmonic Orchestra is my favorite band.10. Did you use to eat gum all the time? No, I didnt. / Yes, I did.11. What rules do you have at home? I cant wa

4、tch TV before I finish homework. I should go to bed before 10:30 pm.12. Would you like to go somewhere educational on vacation? Yes, Id love to.13. Where would you like to visit? Id like to visit Hong Kong / somewhere warm.14. What are the bikes used for? They are used for traveling / exercising.15.

5、 What will you do if you dont have any homework to do? I will play tennis with my friends.16What is the best present you have ever received for your birthday? A bike / What will you do if you have a lot of money? Ill give some to charities to help homeless children.47. What is TV us

6、ed for? It is used for entertainment or knowing more about the world.48. Where would you like to visit? Why? Id like to visit Hong Kong because I like to go somewhere warm.49. Where would you like to go on summer holidays? Id like to go to Canada.50. Would you like to go somewhere educational on vac

7、ation? Yes, Id love to.51. What CD did you listen to recently? I listened to Yu . Quans CDs.52. What did you use to be afraid of? I used to be afraid of snakes.53. What are you going to do this winter vacation? Im going to travel in the south of China.54. What did you use to be like? I used to be qu

8、iet / shy / outgoing / wild / really mad.55. What are you doing for your next vacation? Im taking dancing lessons / traveling abroad.56. What kind of writers do you like? I like writes who write funny / interesting stories.话题作文任选下面两题中的一题,作口头作文。1.根据表格,谈谈Carmen和Xu Fei对音乐的爱好。musiciansmusicCarmenplay di

9、fferent kinds of musicreally loud and energeticXu Feiwrite their own songsquiet and gentle2. How often do you speak English? Do you often read English books? Tell us somethingabout your English study. Are you a good English student?3. 李蕾一家寒假要出去旅游,假如你是某旅行社的工作人员,请你根据他们提出的条件,给他们提供一至二个旅游地点.WhereWeatherA

10、ctivityPlaceforeign citywarmswiminteresting4. How often do you exercise? How do you keep healthy? Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Tell us something about your daily life.5. 对以下旅游地点任选两个进行评论,并说出你决定去哪里及给出理由。1). Hong Kong / very crowed / great entertainment2). New York / wonderful galleries3). Singapor

11、e / beautiful views / lots of museums / good place for shopping6. Are you more outgoing than before when you became a middle school student from a little child? Do you study harder? Tell your changes after you became a middle school student.7. 用适当的语言表达自己选择音乐和择友的三个重要标准。8. What were you doing at this

12、time yesterday?The timetable of Jim (April 3rd)7:00-7:30morning exercises9:00-11:00English class12:00-1:00in McDonald2:30-3:30football9. 请描述下列所提示的内容,适当使用短语by the time.Last Sunday .go shopping, forget to bring the shopping listgo back home, go to the shop with the shopping list, forget moneygo back h

13、ome, take the money to the shop, pay for the thingsgo back home, realize, forget the things at the shop10. 说说周六周日你都做了什么,并说出你做事情的感受。可参照所给的词和短语,也可以自己适当添加。注意使用过去时态。hang out with my friends, sleep late,watch TV, help mom and dad,take an English class, go camping, go to the moviesExample: I had a good ti

14、me last weekend. On Saturday morning, I went fishing with my parents. It was very relaxing. On 11. 周末,我校的志愿者俱乐部要组织志愿者到敬老院和幼儿园去服务,请根据自己特点,谈谈你能做些什么?12. 请描述某一天早晨,你去上学,由于起床晚了,没有时间吃早饭、没赶上公共汽车、忘记带作业等一系列非常狼狈的场面。13. 读下面名人档案,说一说他的生活经历。Jackie ChanWhenWhat1954was born in Hong Kongbefore 7 years oldlived in Aus

15、traliaat the age of 7went back to Hong Kongwhen he was 7became a student at a strict schoolin 1995became a Hollywood Movie Star14. 介绍Mary在学习英语的过程中,常用的学习方法及存在的困难,请你针对Mary的问题给出合理的建议并说明原因。Notes on MaryLearnt by: reading English aloud/ making conversation with friendsFound difficult: pronunciation/ gram

16、marLikes: watching English movies/ listening to pop songsSuggestions & reasons: 请根据Mary的爱好并结合Mary的问题提出建议。15. 寒假,你要去澳大利亚度假一个月,但是家里的小猫没有人照顾。现在你要拜托老师帮你的忙照顾小猫咪。You may begin like this: Im going to Australia in the winter vacation. 16你上周末做了哪些家务?你喜欢做吗?平时你喜欢做那些家务?不喜欢做哪些家务?请说出你的喜好并说明原因。17谈一谈你和你两个好朋友的梦想。要有目标

17、和措施。You may begin like this: I am goingto be a I am going to My good friend is He/She is going to 18阅读下列表格,以“我变了”为题目,总结自己与过去相比成熟的地方,完成口头作文。used tonowhaveless homeworktoo much homeworkbe afraid ofspeaking in front of a large groupbe not shyspend time playing games with friendsa lot of timeless time19

18、阅读下列表格中学校或班级的规章制度,表明你自己的观点(如是否该穿校服等)并说明理由。以下规章制度是否需要修改,请阐述你的观点及理由。should (not) be allowed to doreasonschoose popular clothesyoung people should look smartchoose favorite subjectinterestingget part-time jobcan get good experienceget ears piercedshow personalities20读下面名人档案,说一说他的生活经历。Michael JordanWhen

19、What1963was born in New York1982became a student of his university1985became a NBA player1996became a member of “NBAs 50 greatest players”21假想你和你的同伴有一笔意外的收入,请利用下列图表的信息,说说你和他将如何使用这笔钱。would doyouyour partnerwouldbuy some snakesbuy a new housewouldput it in the bankput it in a small boxwouldgive it to

20、charitiesgive it to parents22. Talk about one of your family members or good friends. Do you often do the samethings? Is he/she like you? Tell the same things you share and tell the differences.23. 根据提示语,用适当的语言阐述A学生存在的问题和所担心的问题,并根据所给的语言材料,提出合理的建议。Student A is going to an old friends party but she do

21、esnt know if she would buy a present and what to wear.Problems:I dont know if I would buy a present.I dont know what to wear.I dont know how to start a conversation with strangers.Suggestions:could buy a small present and put it in the pocket, if others give presents, you can take it out. If not, ke

22、ep it in the pocket.Can wear favorite clothesCan talk about the weather24. 设想在同学们上体育课的时候,班上的一名同学拾到一个钱包,请你根据所提供的材料,进行推测分析,看钱包有可能是谁的。所提供的线索:There is only 5 yuan in the purse.There is a photo of Jay (Who is a famous singer, his Chinese name is Jay (周杰伦) in the purse.There is a hair band in the purse.Ma

23、ry Marialikes Cheng Long very much likes Jay very muchhas short hair has long hairhas a credit card has little money25. 手机、电视机、电脑、汽车等都是近代的发明,请你选其中一项发明,谈谈它给人们生活带来的利与弊。26. 到2008年你就成年了,你就可以成为奥运会的志愿者了。请你根据自己的特长和特点,谈谈你能为奥运会做点什么?27根据你的成绩单,谈谈老师对你的评价。Report CardChinese teacher: can do betterMath teacher: ha

24、rd workingEnglish teacher: good at listeningP.E. teacher: lazy studentMusic teacher: should do better28. 请根据表格简单介绍下列物品发明的时间、国家和用途。 3bicycle1880sEnglandTravelingumbrella4,000 years agoChinaKeeping away from raining29. 设想你在寒假要和家人外出旅游,请介绍你要去的地方的相关情况及你要准备带的物品。(提示:地点、气候、交通等等)星沙英语 30. 请阅读下列表格,根据表格内容,对你自己或

25、Tom的学习方法进行评价。 3Ways of learning Englishsuccessful way/reasonsOK/reasonsunsuccessful way/reasonsyourself请根据你自己的实际情况回答问题请根据你自己的实际情况回答问题请根据你自己的实际情况回答问题Tomjoining an English clubusefulwatching English moviespeople speak too fasttaking notesdifficult31. “老师应是什么样的?”请表达你自己对此的看法。32. 读下面名人档案,说一说她的生活经历。Helen

26、Keller (海伦凯勒):WhenWhat6 monthscan say a few words2 years oldbe badly ill, cannot see, hear or talk6 years oldhave a teacher, learn to read through her handsgrow upbecome a famous writer, first book “The Story of My Life”33. You are going to have a party this weekend. Invite your friends to come and

27、tell themyour plan for it.34. 张平的书包在上学的路上丢失了,当她寻找很久没有找到之后,回到学校发现自己的书包被放在书桌上,不知是谁做的好事,请你根据所提供的线索,帮助张平推断一下是谁做了好事不留名。Tom: John:lives next to Zhang Ping lives far away from Zhang Pinggets to school later than Zhang Ping gets to school earlier than Zhang Pingalways do good deeds got to school late that d

28、ay35. 到2008年你就成年了,你就可以成为奥运会的志愿者了。请你根据自己的特长和特点,谈谈你能为奥运会做点什么?36. You are going to have a party this weekend. Invite your friends to come and tell them星沙英语 your plan for it.37. 读下面名人档案,说一说她的生活经历。Deng YapingWhenWhatFeb. 6th, 1973was born1978started to play table tennis1983joined the Henan table tennis t

29、eam1988joined the national table tennis team1997went to Tsinghua University1993-1998number 1 womens singles player in the ITTF38. 你打算请一些朋友来你们家做客。要制作一份食品或者饮料。请根据需要选择下面所给的一些原料,说出你的制作过程。Ingredients: a cup of milk, a cup of sugar, a teaspoon of yogurt, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a few tomatoes, 2 onions, 3 apples, 2 bananas, some slices of chicken, some pieces of bread, 2 teaspoons of mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon of honey, some lettuce, some eggs, a bottle of tomato sauce, some pepperoni

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