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1、作文复习作文复习 作文复习 写作方法: Unit1 写人作文没有具体要求,文句通顺即可。 Unit2 范文 1 假如你是美国女孩 Tina,你和朋友去伦敦旅游,玩得很开心,和他们一起分享你的快乐旅途。 范文 2 Nancy 来自澳大利亚,她是一个中国迷。 父母为了满足她的愿望,在假期里带她到北京旅游。请根据下面的图片及文字提示,帮她给好朋友 Susan 写一张 70 词左右的明信片。 1.吃了北京烤鸭和糖葫芦 2.游览了长城和鸟巢 3.明天去给你和 Jim 买礼物。 提示词: October 10 Dear Susan, Im on holiday in China. Its a great

2、country. Here in Beijing, we have eaten the famous Beijing roast duck and delicious Tang Hulu. My parents and I went to the Great Wall and the Birds Nest last week. Tomorrow I will go to buy some gifts for you and Jim. I will buy a kite for you and a cloth tiger for Jim. I think youll love them. See

3、 you soon! Yours, Nancy 范文 3 假设你是刘薇,是西安某中学的一名初一学生。暑假即将来临,你的英国笔友 Jack 写信告诉你他打算下个月来西安观光游览,希望你能给他简单介绍一下西安。 提示: 西安位于中国的西北部。 2历史悠久,有很多风景名胜,如兵马俑(Terra-cotta Warriors)、钟楼(Bell Tower)、大雁塔(Big Wild Goose Pagoda)等。 3有各种各样美味的食物。 4气候温暖。 5每年成千上万的人前来游览。 Dear Jack, Xian is the capital of Shaanxi Province. It is in

4、 the north-west of China. It has a very long history and there are many places of interest in Xian, such as Terra-cotta Warriors, Bell Tower and Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Xian is famous for all kinds of delicious food. The weather in Xian is warm. Every year, hundreds and thousands of visitors from all

5、 over the world come to visit Xian. I hope one day we can visit it together! Yours, Liu Wei 范文 4 假如你是 Linda,你来自美国,现在在上海做交换生。你在美国的朋友 Mike 对上海很好奇,来信请你介绍一下上海。请你给他回一封信,提示: 1上海位于中国东部; 2上海是一个现代化大都市,也是一个国际化的城市(international) 3上海市民很友好; 4上海有很多风景名胜,例如:外滩,东方电视塔(the Oriental Pearl Tower) ,金茂大厦,豫园等。 Dear Mike, S

6、hanghai is in the east of China. It is not only a modern city but also a big international city. Many people from all over the world come to visit it every year. People in Shanghai are nice and friendly. There are many places of interest in Shanghai, such as the Bund, the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jinma

7、o Building and Yu Garden. If you come to Shanghai, I am sure you will have a good time. Yours, Linda 范文 5 请你根据下面的内容提示,以“Places to visit in Shenzhen”为题,写一篇关于深圳介绍的文章。60 词左右,可以适当发挥。 提示: 1. 深圳在中国的南方。与广州有两个小时的车程。 2一年四季不太冷也不太热。 3 深圳有很多出名景点,如:世界之窗,欢乐谷和大梅沙等。 4深圳有很多美食,尤其是海鲜。 5深圳人非常有礼貌,乐于助人 6. 每年有上百万来自世界各地的游客

8、来深圳。 Shenzhen is in the south of China. It takes you two hours to go to Shenzhen from Guangzhou by train. It is neither too cold nor too hot all year round. In Shenzhen, there are many places of interest, such as the Window of the World, Happy Valley and Dameisha. Shenzhen is famous for all kinds of

9、 delicious food, especially the seafood. People in Shenzhen are very polite and friendly. Every year millions of people from all over the world come to visit Shenzhen. Unit3 写作本篇作文可参考下列词汇、短语和句型 词汇与短语: a lot of ; guide dogs ; the blind ; soldiers ; hens ; providewith ; get on well with ; for example

10、; pet ; interesting ; in danger ; be dead ; save 句式: It is important to ;why 引导的原因状语从句 ;giveto Animals, our friends! It is important to get on well with animals. Why? Because some animals can give us a lot of help. For example, guide dogs are the eyes of the blind. Horses are the soldiers legs. And

11、cows give a lot of milk to us every day. The hens provide us with eggs every day. Animals are our friends. But some animals are in great danger. So we should do something to save them. Unit4 范文 1 以 Tree Planting Day 为题写一篇小短文。昨天是三月十二日植树节,我们去了山上。在那里我们不仅学会了怎样植树,还懂得了很多关于植物的知识。 短语:plant trees; for exampl

12、es; at the same time Tree Planting Day It was March 12 - Tree Planting Day yesterday. We went to the hill to plant trees with our teacher. There we learned how to plant trees. We also learned a lot about plants. For example, trees can help clean the air. They are fighters against pollution. They pro

13、vide us with fruit, wood and so on. They are home to animals and birds. We planted many trees yesterday. We were very tired, but we felt very happy. 那是三月十二日的植树节昨天。 我们到山上和我们老师种树。我们学会了如何种树。我们也学到了很多关于植物。例如,树木可以净化空气。他们是战士,防止污染。他们给我们提供木材和水果,等等。他们是家里的动物和鸟类。 昨天我们栽了许多树。我们很累,但我们感到很开心。 范文 2 以 Plant a Bean See

14、d 为题写一篇小作文。 提示: 1. 首先,你需要准备一粒种子(seed)和一个玻璃瓶(a glass jar)。 2. 在瓶子里洒入一些水, 然后把种子放进去。 3. 把瓶子放在有阳光的地方, 4. 并且每天浇一些水。 5.几天之后,种子会发芽。 6. 这时,你就可以把它拿出来种在有土壤(soil)的花盆(pot)里。一颗新的植物长成了 Plant a Bean Seed First, you need to prepare a bean seed and a glass jar. Put some water into your jar and then put the seed in.

15、Remember to put the jar beside the window so that it can get some sunlight. You need to water it every day. After a few days, the seed will start to grow roots. Then take it out of the jar carefully and plant it in another pot with soil. And the bean seed will keep growing. Now, you will have a new

16、bean plant. 范文 3 There were many trees on Earth in the past. They were home to many different kinds of birds. Many birds made houses in the tree. But now they are losing their home because people cut down the trees. Lisa thinks trees are important to people. So last Saturday, Lisa and her friends we

17、nt to the mountains and planted lots of trees there. 在过去的地球上有许多树木。里面有很多不同种类的鸟。许多鸟在树上造房子。但现在他们是因为人们砍伐树木失去他们的家。 丽莎认为树木是重要的。所以上周六,丽莎和她的朋友们去山区种植了很多树木。 Unit5 范文 1 How to save water Water is becoming less and less. The world is short of water. So ,we should protect water and try our best to save water in

18、our daily life. Lets start out small. In the house, Dont let water run while washing your face. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Take a shower instead of a bath. Because A shower uses less water than a bath.We can use the washing machine only when it is full. We can fix dripping taps to s

19、ave water.We can reuse the water after we finish washing. For example, use used water to water a plant or garden In a word,try to save water. Every person can make a difference. If we dont save water, the last drop of water on earth is our tear. 如何节约用水 水是越来越少了。世界是缺水的。所以,我们要保护水和尽力在我们的日常生活中节约用水。让我们从小事

20、做起。 在家里,不要让水洗脸的时候。关闭水龙头而刷牙。以淋浴代替盆浴。因为淋浴比盆浴用的水更少。我们可以使用洗衣机,只有当它是完整的。我们可以修理滴水的水龙头来节约用水。我们可以水我们洗完后,再用。例如,使用的水在一个字一个植物或花园,尽量节约用水。每个人都可以作出不同的。 如果我们不节约水,地球上的最后一滴水就是我们的眼泪。 范文 2 What can we do to keep water clean? Water is valuable. All living things cant live without water. However, water is becoming dirti

21、er and dirtier. Water pollution is becoming a big problem. What can we do to keep our water clean? Lets start out small. We mustnt throw rubbish on the ground. When you see rubbish on the ground, pick it up and throw it into the bin. Dont throw litter on nearby beaches. We must stop pouring waste wa

22、ter into the rivers and the sea. We must stop polluting water, or we will have no water to drink. 我们能做什么来保持水的干净吗? 水是宝贵的。所有的生物都离不开水。然而,水越来越脏。水污染已成为一个大问题。 我们能做什么来保持水的干净吗?让我们从小事做起。我们不应该把垃圾扔在地上。当你看到地上的垃圾,捡起来扔到垃圾箱。不要在附近的海滩乱扔垃圾。 我们必须停止将废水排入河流和海洋。我们必须停止污染水,否则我们将没有水喝。 Unit6 范文 1 俗话说得好,“国有国法,家有家规。”假设下面是你家的家规

23、,请你写一篇不少于 70 词的作文。介绍一下你的家规。 1.必须按时吃饭;晚上十点前睡觉; 2.不能吃任何种类的快餐; 3.每天早上与父母跑步至少 30 分钟 (雨天 除外); 4.只能周末玩 1 个小时电脑游戏; 5.帮着做家务; 6.打电话不能超过 5 分钟。 There are many family rules in my family. First, I must have dinner on time and have to go to bed before 10 oclock at night. Second, I mustnt eat any kinds of fast foo

24、d. Third, I must run for at least half an hour with my parents every morning unless it rains. Fourth, I can play computer games for an hour only on the weekend. Fifth, I should help do housework and make the bed by myself. And the last one, I cant talk on the phone for more than five minutes. 范文 2 请

25、你根据下面的提示写一篇作文介绍你的 学校的校规。 1. 按时到校,不能迟到早退; 2. 一定要穿校服; 3. 不能在教室里吃东西; 4. 不能在教室里或走道追打; 5. 上课认真听讲,独立完成作业,不能抄袭别人作业。 6. 按时交作业。 7. 不能将手机带到学校。 Here are the rules of my class. We must get to school on time. We mustnt be late for school. We must wear uniforms at school every day. We must eat in the canteen. We

26、mustnt eat in class. We mustnt run in the hallways. We mustnt fight with classmates at school. We must listen to the teachers carefully in class, and finish our homework by ourselves. We mustnt copy others homework. We must hand in our homework on time. We mustnt bring mobile phones to school. Unit7

27、 本课为诗文,并不常考,不做具体要求。 Unit8 范文 1 请你根据以下要点提示,写一篇文章介绍露西的爱好,80 词左右。 1露西的爱好是看电影。 2她每周到电影院去看一次电影。通常她会和父母一起去看电影,因为她认为这样会让她与父母有很多共同的话题。 3原因:电影里的情节总能让她思考,看电影能使她感到放松愉快。 4梦想:成为一位电影明星。 提示词:Have many topics in common Films can make her think Watching films can make her feel relaxed Lucys hobby is watching films.

28、She usually goes to see a film once a week with her parents, because she thinks that its a good chance to communicate with her parents. They can have many topics in common after watching films. She likes watching films so much because films can always make her think. Besides, she feels relaxed and c

29、omfortable when she watches films. Her dream is to be a film star. She will work hard to make her dream come true. 范文 2 请根据下列要点提示,写一篇文章介绍自己的爱好 弹钢琴。80 词左右。 1从五岁开始学习钢琴。现在每周上两次钢琴课; 2在空余时间经常听音乐。每天保证有半小时的练习时间; 3虽然练习钢琴会让我感觉累,但弹钢琴可以使自己感到放松,愉快; 4梦想:将来想成为一名钢琴家。 提示词:Take piano lessons twice a week Spend at le

30、ast Practising playing It is tiring to practise playing Playingcan make me feel relaxed and . Pianist My hobby is playing the piano.I started to learn to play the piano at the age of five. Now I have to take the piano lessons twice a week.I often listen to music in my free time. Besides,I spend at least half an hour practising playing the piano every day. It is very tiring to practise playing the piano, but playing the piano can make me relaxed and happy.My dream is to be an excellent pianist in the future. I will work hard to make my dream come true.

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